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Tom Brady
Just interested to hear everyone's thoughts on Brady's 4 game suspension. He still has an appeals process to go through and his suspension may well be lowered. Thoughts??
Reports out now that Brady and his lawyers have threatened to file a lawsuit against Goodell and the NFL...
There is a reason Goodell want step down. I hope Brady brakes it off in them.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Brady=Douche


Never been a Brady fan, never will.

I'm perfectly ok with his suspension.
Haters gonna hate.
Mr. Pike Central Wrote:This.

Never been a Brady fan, never will.

I'm perfectly ok with his suspension.

Guessing you've never heard the ole adage, " Win if you can, lose if you must, but ALWAYS cheat. " or " You ain't trying if you ain't cheatin " I'll take Super Bowl wins, with some controversy over rules, vs. walking the straight and narrow, and winning nothing, everyday of the week, and twice on Sunday's. Here's the perfect example Tom Brady= Super Bowl winner, vs. Andy Dalton, regular season phenom, and playoff game, " COMPLETE LOSER " I rest my case.
Tom Brady does no wrong.
Tom Brady should be paid double for those four games and play all he wants.
I think of Hillary Clinton when I think of the Patriots.

Murdering thugs and scandal after scandal.
^ Classic!

I don't like the Patriots, and I could care less about Tom Brady. But I care even less about this penalty. As more and more comes out, it's a fact that guys like their Balls a certain way. Brady likes his Balls soft and newer, technically young balls, he likes to be able to feel the texture and squeeze them a little. Aaron Rodgers is a Mans Man! He likes his balls HARD, the older and more scuffed up the skin of the balls, he better! He wants his balls to fill his hand, requiring him to squeeze them just a little harder. It's a fact that many QBs suck the balls, and others blow air into them. In most cases it is legal, but behind closed doors, many of these QBs would say what they are doing is illegal and morally wrong! As for me, I just glad I still have mine, but I have lost all control of the firmness!

Back to the penalty, a one game suspension is all this warrants! I seriously don't care about the rule and the rule needs to change. If the offense is the team using the ball, then they should be able to set the pressure to how the team likes them. Hell, this whole process of giving each team balls a week prior to the game is to allow that team to condition the ball the way they want them. So, let them condition them to the way they want them! The air pressure has nothing to do with the offense! I'm a Patriots hater, but honestly felt this penalty is over the top!
Here's my issue with the text message shenanigans...

If these other guys all turned in their phones and records - the investigators see all of the messages they sent to Brady and the messages Brady sent to them.

Are they going to magically see some messages that only show up on Brady's phone>
For president
I can't understand what the Owners see in Goodell everything he gets involved in turns into a Cluster$&@$
Other than Montana...and maybe postseason QB of all time.
The only evidence they have on him is he destroyed his Cell phone. What a joke.
Brady is one of the best competitors of our age.
insideinfo Wrote:The only evidence they have on him is he destroyed his Cell phone. What a joke.

And how do YOU know????? I sure hope you are not a latrine digger, truck driver or brain surgeon, because you would be wasted a career that should have been in the FBI as a FACT finder....
Whether he's a douche or not the guy flat out friggin' wins.

Fantastic looking wife as well...would like to see her eat a few cheesburgers! Confusednicker:

"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."

-Mahatma Gandhi
I'd pay money to watch her eat a popcicle
Tiger Roar Wrote:Guessing you've never heard the ole adage, " Win if you can, lose if you must, but ALWAYS cheat. " or " You ain't trying if you ain't cheatin " I'll take Super Bowl wins, with some controversy over rules, vs. walking the straight and narrow, and winning nothing, everyday of the week, and twice on Sunday's. Here's the perfect example Tom Brady= Super Bowl winner, vs. Andy Dalton, regular season phenom, and playoff game, " COMPLETE LOSER " I rest my case.

I don't know what shocks me more.

The fact that you actually think cheating to win games is okay or that you somehow get the notion I give a crap about the bungles and there ginger.
New England very well could be back in the Super Bowl this year. Tom Brady is the man!

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