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The Case Against Hillary Clinton
Because I cannot find any reason to vote for either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton, I thought I would start a new thread detailing reasons not to vote for Hillary. For myself, I have spent so much time criticizing Clinton in the past for her long list of scandals such as FBI Filegate, Cattle Futuresgate, her role as head of the Bimbo Eruption Team, Who Hired Craig Livingstone-gate, etc., etc., etc., I am going to focus my own efforts on her more recent scandals, especially her (to be charitable) negligent use of an unsecure email server to send and receive classified information and the cover up that followed and continues.

First up is the unbelievable story that the State Department cannot find any of the emails of Brian Pagliano, the guy that set up Hillary's server, for the four year period that Clinton was the Secretary of State. IT people working for the federal government send and receive email messages - all of them do. I would not want to be Mr. Pagliano. He is about to receive many invitations that he would prefer to turn down. Instead, my guess is that if he has not already invoked his Fifth Amendment rights against self incrimination, he soon will do so.

Quote:Emails From Hillary Clinton’s IT Director at State Department Appear to Be Missing

The State Department said today it can’t find any of Bryan Pagliano’s emails from the time he served as Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s senior information technology staffer during her tenure there.

Pagliano would have been required to turn over any official communications from his work account before he left the government. State Department officials say he had an official email account, but that they can't find any of those records and continue to search for them.

“The Department has searched for Mr. Pagliano’s email pst file and has not located one that covers the time period of Secretary Clinton’s tenure,” State Department spokesman Elizabeth Trudeau said today, referencing a file format that holds email.

“To be clear, the Department does have records related to Mr. Pagliano and we are working with Congress and [Freedom of Information Act] requesters to provide relevant material. The Department has located a pst from Mr. Pagliano’s recent work at the Department as a contractor, but the files are from after Secretary Clinton left the Department," Trudeau added.
I'm also taking the Fifth amendment :popcorn: This is coal country Hillary you making it tough for me to eat out anymore. Confusederiously:
Hoot cant find anything bad to say about his preferred choice here on this thread Confusednicker:
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Hoot cant find anything bad to say about his preferred choice here on this thread Confusednicker:
I started the thread with a shot at Hillary, genius. I was taking shots at Bill and Hillary when you were a little boy. Unlike you, I have never supported pathological liars running for office.
Senator Jeff Sessions has said recently this year's election is a simple choice between Globalism or Nationalism.

John Bolton said on Lou Dobbs only this evening that it is 'inconceivable' in his mind, that any conservative would even consider helping Hillary gain the White House either by voting for her or withholding their vote to go 3rd party or not vote at all.

Hillary Clinton according to Bolton, buys into the idea that John Kerry first put out in 2004, when he suggested there should be a world test to determine if our foreign policy directives are in line with the wishes of the various leaders of foreign nations. And Barack Obama has suggested that we will bow to foreign control through the dictates of the TPP as soon as it is signed into law. Kerry openly admitted the administration's global aspirations when he spoke at a college commencement in telling the graduates of Northeastern University that the good old days were never really very good. And that they were getting ready to "graduate into a complex and borderless world."

Hillary would see to it these initiatives hit overdrive under her administration. As well as a mind numbing increase of infanticide, untold millions more illegal immigrants that we all will be forced to pay for, and enhanced gay rights. I agree with John Bolton, helping Hillary Clinton regain the White House is inconceivable. And what was at one time invincible American sovereignty, would disappear from daily life, living on only in the minds of those who once basked in true freedom and enjoyed the blessings of a government of and by the people. I cannot help but wonder if American exceptionalism is dead. This election season will tell the tale.
If Trump wanted widespread conservative support, then he should have earned it. Trying to shame and bully principled conservatives into voting for a New York liberal is not going to work. Trump has praised the job that Hillary Clinton did as Secretary of State and had nothing but good to say about Bill Clinton's presidency until he decided to run as a Republican.

The choice in this election is Hillary, Hillary's friend and financial supporter, or none of the above. Nobody is entitled to my vote.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:If Trump wanted widespread conservative support, then he should have earned it. Trying to shame and bully principled conservatives into voting for a New York liberal is not going to work. Trump has praised the job that Hillary Clinton did as Secretary of State and had nothing but good to say about Bill Clinton's presidency until he decided to run as a Republican.

The choice in this election is Hillary, Hillary's friend and financial supporter, or none of the above. Nobody is entitled to my vote.

AKA...IM voting for Hillary. No reason to deny it. :Shaking:
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:AKA...IM voting for Hillary. No reason to deny it. :Shaking:
You already voted for Hillary once when you pulled the lever for Trump in the primary.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:You already voted for Hillary once when you pulled the lever for Trump in the primary.

Get that last word:Clap:
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Hoot cant find anything bad to say about his preferred choice here on this thread Confusednicker:

RunItUpTheGut Wrote:AKA...IM voting for Hillary. No reason to deny it. :Shaking:

RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Get that last word:Clap:

In a thread asking on why people should not vote for Hillary Clinton. Here is what you have came up with so far. Got any reasons?
Motley Wrote:In a thread asking on why people should not vote for Hillary Clinton. Here is what you have came up with so far. Got any reasons?
You will not find depth in the shallow end of the pool.

I just finished one of my required annual refresher courses on security a few days ago, which included how to handle classified materials. Hillary Clinton's mishandling of classified information and her extensive denials that she did anything wrong is more than enough to disqualify her to be president and qualify her for small, secure living space free of charge for the rest of her life. Hillary's shady background should have disqualified her from ever holding a security clearance.
Motley Wrote:In a thread asking on why people should not vote for Hillary Clinton. Here is what you have came up with so far. Got any reasons?

Anyone who is anot admitted two time Obama voter is a mental midget of the highest regard.
It doesn't surprise me you and Hoot are so close. Best friends per se.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Anyone who is anot admitted two time Obama voter is a mental midget of the highest regard.
It doesn't surprise me you and Hoot are so close. Best friends per se.
I am not sure, but I am thinking that mental midgets are less qualified to identify other mental midgets than the rest of us are.

You are right about the intelligence of two time Obama voters (great guess), but I see you as somebody who would vote for Donald J. Trump in 2016 and cast your 2020 ballot for him on the same trip to the polls if early voting rules allowed it. :Cheerlead :Cheerlead :biglmao:
Just like with Barack Obama, Republicans will go on a witch hunt to eliminate Hillary Clinton from the election. It's not going to happen. She is going to be our next president.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Anyone who is anot admitted two time Obama voter is a mental midget of the highest regard.
It doesn't surprise me you and Hoot are so close. Best friends per se.

I have never voted for Obama fyi, but I'm still waiting for you to actually discuss something political instead of hurling 3rd grade insults and commentary into the mix.
Motley Wrote:I have never voted for Obama fyi, but I'm still waiting for you to actually discuss something political instead of hurling 3rd grade insults and commentary into the mix.


Better put the boots on.
And once again, nobody can find a bad thing to say around hillary. Confusednicker:
The Clintons are the puppets of George Soros. The Polish and Hungarian leaders are absolutely right about Bill Clinton needing a medical exam. Clinton often wears a facial expression now that reminds me of an elderly man who has wandered away from the nursing home and has forgotten the way back. He has shown flashes of lucidity in his speeches, but those flashes are going to get fewer and further between as time goes by. Bill Clinton is a liability to his wife's campaign.

BTW, Trump's past association with Soros also bothers me, but so far Soros has put most of his money on Hillary, while throwing some cash to Kasich as well. Advantage: Trump.

Quote:Europe’s Leaders Blast Bill Over Democracy Jibe: ‘The Mouth Belongs To Clinton, The Voice Belongs To Soros’

Top European leaders have blasted Bill and Hillary Clinton following a war of words about the commitment to democracy of both the Polish and Hungarian governments. One leading figure insisted Mr. Clinton “needs a medical test” following his remarks.
Bill Clinton upset NATO allies in a broadly unreported gaffe accusing Poland and Hungary of thinking “democracy is too much trouble” and wanting to have an “authoritarian dictatorship.” This is despite the fact that Poland recently held elections turfing out the establishment political parties in an election with a higher turnout than Mr. Clinton’s re-election in 1996.

Poland’s newly elected Prime Minister Beata Szydlo called Clinton’s words “unjustified and simply unfair”, adding: “With all due respect, and without using coarse words [Clinton] exaggerated and should apologize to us”.

Mr. Clinton’s remarks came during a Hillary for President campaign rally in New Jersey this week, where he claimed: “They want (Russian President Vladimir) Putin-like leadership. Just give me an authoritarian dictatorship and keep the foreigners out”.

“Sound familiar?” he asked, in a broadside against GOP presumptive nominee Donald Trump.

But in Mr. Clinton’s attempts to use foreign affairs against Mr. Trump, he angered one of NATO’s most important members: Poland, and one of the few countries holding back the tide of migration into Europe: Hungary.

“If someone says there is no democracy in Poland today, that means he should have a medical test,” blasted the head of Poland’s Law and Justice party Jaroslaw Kaczynski.

And his comments were echoed by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who used the incident to highlight the multi-million dollar connections between the Clintons and Hungarian left-wing billionaire George Soros.

Speaking to Hungarian radio on Friday, Mr. Orban blasted: “Hungarians and Polish people rightfully expect more respect from the actual and the former leaders of the United States. I like what the president of the Polish governing party said, although it is harsh, but his reference to the [Clinton’s] need for medical help made many Hungarian hearts beat [in agreement].”

He said, refusing to repeat Mr. Kaczynski’s words: “what is permissible for Jove is not permissible for an ox” – a literary reference implying Mr. Clinton believes he is a god, while the Hungarians are just cattle.

“[B]eyond the American campaign, the remarks made about Hungary and Poland… have a political dimension,” Mr. Orban said, accusing Mr. Clinton of repeating Soros-inspired campaign lines: “These are not accidental slips of the tongue. And [the number of] these slips or remarks have been multiplying since we are living in the era of the migrant crisis. And we all know that behind the leaders of the Democratic Party, we have to see George Soros.”
Hoot Gibson Wrote:The Clintons are the puppets of George Soros. The Polish and Hungarian leaders are absolutely right about Bill Clinton needing a medical exam. Clinton often wears a facial expression now that reminds me of an elderly man who has wandered away from the nursing home and has forgotten the way back. He has shown flashes of lucidity in his speeches, but those flashes are going to get fewer and further between as time goes by. Bill Clinton is a liability to his wife's campaign.

BTW, Trump's past association with Soros also bothers me, but so far Soros has put most of his money on Hillary, while throwing some cash to Kasich as well. Advantage: Trump.

The Clinton's may be getting a lot of funding, but Donald Trump was the one who claimed to be self-funding his campaign and then all of a sudden shifted to corporate funding for the general. Soros may be funding Hillary, but at least she hasn't lied to her supporters in such a manner to draw them in.
Sci-Fi Wrote:The Clinton's may be getting a lot of funding, but Donald Trump was the one who claimed to be self-funding his campaign and then all of a sudden shifted to corporate funding for the general. Soros may be funding Hillary, but at least she hasn't lied to her supporters in such a manner to draw them in.
You are right about Trump lying to his supporters about self funding his campaign, but Clinton has lied to her supporters every time that she has answered a question about her negligent mishandling of classified information. All that stands between Hillary Clinton and a prison cell is the most corrupt Department of Justice in history and a jury of her peers.
I know we was talking about the DNC and how it may be fun to watch. To make things more interesting Bernie says he would fire Wasserman Schultz and endorses her opponent as DNC chair. Keep throwing the fuel Bernie, things are gonna get hot Confusednicker: Philly will be rowdy that week.
Hillary Clinton said the following in 1998. Democrats cannot blame Hillary's age for the idiotic things that she says. She really is not a smart woman. She may be smart enough to win the election but she is not smart enough to be president. Neither are either of her remaining opponents.

RunItUpTheGut Wrote::hilarious:

Better put the boots on.


Me waiting on you to give a reason not to vote for Clinton.
^^This could be one.

Oh snap!! Could this be what propels Bern to the front of the Democratic nomination list? After all, it would be a little difficult to have the football chained to your wrist if you were in jail!



Wonder if Guciffer is related to "Bob" Lazar???
Motley Wrote:[Image:]

Me waiting on you to give a reason not to vote for Clinton.

Anybody on this forum could give you at least 10 reasons not to vote for Hillary Clinton. You already know a majority of the reasons im sure. No sense in me wasting my valuable time entertaining you.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Anybody on this forum could give you at least 10 reasons not to vote for Hillary Clinton. You already know a majority of the reasons im sure. No sense in me wasting my valuable time entertaining you.

Valuable time. :thatsfunn:biglmao:
Granny Bear Wrote:^^This could be one.

Oh snap!! Could this be what propels Bern to the front of the Democratic nomination list? After all, it would be a little difficult to have the football chained to your wrist if you were in jail!



Wonder if Guciffer is related to "Bob" Lazar???
As I understand the law, legally it does not matter whether Hillary's servers were actually compromised or not because no criminal intent is required to establish guilt. She proved gross negligence by giving the order to set up the server outside of a secure government network and allowing classified material to be moved from the government's SIPR network to a personal, nonsecure server.

I believe that Hillary is in a position where she has to build a solid lead over Trump quickly following the Democrats' convention, or she will be facing removal from the ticket. If the Democrats lose to Trump, they are not going to lose to somebody who will also need an Obama pardon to stay out of prison.

Trump should be hammering the crimes that Hillary committed and hammering the Obama administration for protecting its former employee for political gain. An incumbent president's approval rating has historically been a good predictor of his party's chances of maintaining control of the White House.

Going after Hillary for willfully violating federal policies regarding the management of classified information and attacking Obama for giving her special treatment is a two-fer. It is a change to link Hillary and Obama at the hip, and to send both of their approval ratings spiraling toward the drain.

All that being said, Guciffer's claim that he broke into Hillary's server will be very damaging to Hillary politically, whether it makes the government's case stronger or not and it should result in more public pressure on Obama to stop trying to save her political career.
Motley Wrote:Valuable time. :thatsfunn:biglmao:

Yes is money when you have a job and are not on Obamas gravy train.
That will be ending for you soon enough.

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