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When will Belfry schedule Louisville Trinity?
Will Belfry and Trinity ever set a home/away series? Be a good test for the Pirates.
I wouldn't mind seeing it...haha
With all do respect to Belry's great program, they are going to have to schedule and beat teams like ie. Bowling Green, Lafayette, Scott Co and so on for Trinity to even considered to placed them on their schedule. Trinity pretty much schedule their non district out of state opponents prior to district play.
Only team that can hang with Trinity is Bowling Green. Just ask St X.
Belfry is a great program no doubt but Trinity is a totally different animal and most years they are in a class of their own in Kentucky football. This is not to say that Belfry doesn't have good players but it is hard to compete with a team that consistently produces high level D1 athletes like Trinity does unless you are doing the same and Belfry simply doesn't have the same talent pool as they do.
Orange is right. A different world Belfry is good. But they wouldn't beat the good Highlands teams. Trinity and the good Highland teams scrimmaged. It wasn't even close. Trinity dominated
Pirates by 90
Maybe 90 yards
Belfry just stay in the class you are. It's safer And the fans will stay happy.
This is probably the only year that Belfry would keep trinity from putting a running clock on them. I disagree with the statement about highlands though, I think that most years Belfry and highlands would be a good game. I think Belfry wins 3-5 out of ten.
The fact that some of you are even entertaining this as a serious thread, started by someone who isn't a die hard Belfry fan on these forums, shows me that its still really easy to bait people on this forum into discussing anything as if it were serious.
The_Rock Wrote:Will Belfry and Trinity ever set a home/away series? Be a good test for the Pirates.

I'd like to watch it Smile
The_Rock Wrote:Will Belfry and Trinity ever set a home/away series? Be a good test for the Pirates.

Trinity>Knox Cath

And we know what happened there
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Trinity>Knox Cath

And we know what happened there

with 9 turnovers..what happened last year though:Thumbs:
Belfry has a good program but not ready for Trinity
You could combine a majority of mountain teams still would lose to Trinity by 14+. They're just better.
I would have liked to see Belfry vs. St X or Manual in recent years. Belfry vs. Bowling Green the past few years would have been fun although I anticipate Bowling Green would have been too stiff a test.

With that said, Male last year and Trinity this year is a different monster.
We should schedule the Browns instead. Not nearly as good as Trinity and we have a huge advantage up front.
Bowling Green spanked StX this year by 3 touchdowns.
I could think of several teams in Ky that could beat the Browns.
pjdoug Wrote:I'd like to watch it Smile

When did you become a fan of bloodbaths dougie?
Belfry0304 Wrote:We should schedule the Browns instead. Not nearly as good as Trinity and we have a huge advantage up front.

If the Browns moved to KY they would be 2A.
jetpilot Wrote:If the Browns moved to KY they would be 2A.

They would probably opt out of district play.
Belfry0304 Wrote:We should schedule the Browns instead. Not nearly as good as Trinity and we have a huge advantage up front.

And backfield, and secondary, and special teams, and coaching staff....and I'm a Browns fan. Even their new uniforms suck. Cincinnati and Denver now have to change their uniforms so no one will mistake them for the Browns.
jetpilot Wrote:And backfield, and secondary, and special teams, and coaching staff....and I'm a Browns fan. Even their new uniforms suck. Cincinnati and Denver now have to change their uniforms so no one will mistake them for the Browns.

I was really hoping to never ever agree with you on anything, but it looks like we have at least one thing in common. SMH.
hoghead Wrote:Belfry has a good program but not ready for Trinity

Who cares if you win or lose this game it only makes you better
jetpilot Wrote:And backfield, and secondary, and special teams, and coaching staff....and I'm a Browns fan. Even their new uniforms suck. Cincinnati and Denver now have to change their uniforms so no one will mistake them for the Browns.
I'd take Hue Jackson over pettine any day of the week
We can go back and forth all day long about the Trinity/Belfry game. But boys and girls, your crossing the line when you start talking smack about my Browns. Leave them out of this! Don't you think we're in enough misery already? Lol
if Belfry can get nation rank in the top 50, year in and year out. then maybe Trinity would might add Belfry to there schedule. until then don't think of Trinity to add them. Trinity want to win the nation title over the state title.
When is Trinity going to schedule IMG Academy?

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