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Donald Trump: Ultimate Huckster
"Hi, my name is Donald Trump. I am the greatest human being ever born. Even when I lie, my supporters think I'm just swell. I will throw anybody and everybody under the bus to make myself look good, to save my skin. And when I sacrifice my own, my supporters think I'm just swell. In fact, no matter what I do, even spooning with Vladimir Putin, that crafty ol' wonderful autocrat, my supporters think I'm just swell. I'm the Ultimate Huckster, and, look at me, look at me, I'm the President."
Hi, I'm a liberal and democrat. I hope America fails. I want all people who work to give half of what you make to those who can't or won't work.
I want all working families to pay for free healthcare, food stamps, housing and etc for illegals, and those who don't want to work.
I also want all Christians to be tolerant while atheists and other religions do what ever they want.
We also support murdering babies.
diceman Wrote:Hi, I'm a liberal and democrat. I hope America fails. I want all people who work to give half of what you make to those who can't or won't work.
I want all working families to pay for free healthcare, food stamps, housing and etc for illegals, and those who don't want to work.
I also want all Christians to be tolerant while atheists and other religions do what ever they want.
We also support murdering babies.

You failed.
Just a daily reminder that Trump is still potus and Islam is the problem and needs eradicated
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:"Hi, my name is Donald Trump. I am the greatest human being ever born. Even when I lie, my supporters think I'm just swell. I will throw anybody and everybody under the bus to make myself look good, to save my skin. And when I sacrifice my own, my supporters think I'm just swell. In fact, no matter what I do, even spooning with Vladimir Putin, that crafty ol' wonderful autocrat, my supporters think I'm just swell. I'm the Ultimate Huckster, and, look at me, look at me, I'm the President."

"Quoth the parrot," ^^
TheRealThing Wrote:"Quoth the parrot," ^^

TRT, legend in his own mind, self-anointed prophet of BGR:

"Quoth the raven, 'Nevermore.'"
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:TRT, legend in his own mind, self-anointed prophet of BGR:

"Quoth the raven, 'Nevermore.'"

Still better than the self-anointed "parrot."
TheRealThing Wrote:Still better than the self-anointed "parrot."

"Quoth the Raven, 'Nevermore.'"


• superfluous verbage passing as wisdom undisputed

• pretension of originality while soaked in Hannity garble
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:"Quoth the Raven, 'Nevermore.'"


• superfluous verbage passing as wisdom undisputed

• pretension of originality while soaked in Hannity garble

You can try to divert to Poe as many times as you like. Your statement was "quoth the parrot" and then you made your quote, which of course made you the parrot of mention.

On to your next grammatical short fall. The word is verbiage, not verbage, which of course is not even a word.

The only pretension regarding my writing style and the originality there to is in your continual knock off posts, which of course, are ever morphing to become as exact a copy of my own as you can possibly make them. A far cry short of the mark to be sure, but not for lack of awe or determination on your part.
Guess who's still potus
And guess what religion is still killing people
"Verbage" is a variant, Edna.

You truly are a legend in your own mind, and possibly a sanwich short of a picnic.

Your confusion about the persona and the "parrot who sat on the wall" is a curious piece of illiteracy. Don't you have some frayed book bindings to fret over? Or, are you penning an essay on how Prufrock and Eliot and persona are all the same?
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:"Verbage" is a variant, Edna.

You truly are a legend in your own mind, and possibly a sanwich short of a picnic.

Your confusion about the petsona and the "parrot who sat on the wall" is a curious piece of illiteracy. Don't you have some frayed book bindings to fret over?

You really believe if you say something that makes it true don't you? You're wrong. There is no variant for the word verbiage, and to slur the pronunciation to sound like 'verbage' would sound, is a mispronunciation of the word verbiage. But hey, who could tell a guy who lives out his entire life inside his own head anything, right?

You believe what ever you want, a third grader could nail you on this one,

The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Quoth the parrot: "Bob!! Put on your cap!"

and since you lack the good graces to admit when you're wrong, everybody else is laughing and embarrassed for you.
Trump has kept his word better tha any President that ian remember. He would be more effective if more congressional Republicans would oppose free trade, support a border adjustment tax, and quit paying attention to Paul Ryan and company.
TheRealThing Wrote:You really believe if you say something that makes it true don't you? You're wrong. There is no variant for the word verbiage, and to slur the pronunciation to sound like 'verbage' would sound, is a mispronunciation of the word verbiage. But hey, who could tell a guy who lives out his entire life inside his own head anything, right?

You believe what ever you want, a third grader could nail you on this one,

and since you lack the good graces to admit when you're wrong, everybody else is laughing and embarrassed for you.

You are wrong, friendo. Plain and simple. This isn't Scrabble. This is language as used. "Quoth the Raven: 'Nevermore.'"


• anything remotely approaching objectivity
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:You are wrong, friendo. Plain and simple. This isn't Scrabble. This is language as used. "Quoth the Raven: 'Nevermore.'"


• anything remotely approaching objectivity

Friendo, objectivity is the undiscovered country for you. Has it occurred to you that everybody knows you first said quoth the parrot, and now you're saying quoth the raven?

Verbage is not a word no matter how many times you try to deflect.
TheRealThing Wrote:Friendo, objectivity is the undiscovered country for you. Has it occurred to you that everybody knows you first said quoth the parrot, and now you're saying quoth the raven?

Verbage is not a word no matter how many times you try to deflect.

Persona does not equal author. Do you not get anything?

Check again, friendo. "Verbage" is slang, which is cool unless one is Edna Prude.

As to "everyone," all you "everyones" see what you look for.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Persona does not equal author. Do you not get anything?

Check again, friendo. "Verbage" is slang, which is cool unless one is Edna Prude.

As to "everyone," all you "everyones" see what you look for.

BS doesn't equal intelligence, I get that. Verbage is neither slang or a word. It is a common mistake made by people trying to use big words in order to sound smart. As in your misuse of the term indentured servitude for example, you like to throw a big word out there like it's supposed to impress people. But hey, the tactic looks like it's working for you to some degree, because Gitback has liked you over 200 times, although vector's support is rather unreliably spotty, and NEWMARK seems to have dropped off the planet. But Quoth on there parrot.
TheRealThing Wrote:BS doesn't equal intelligence, I get that. Verbage is neither slang or a word. It is a common mistake made by people trying to use big words in order to sound smart. As in your misuse of the term indentured servitude for example, you like to throw a big word out there like it's supposed to impress people. But hey, the tactic looks like it's working for you to some degree, because Gitback has liked you over 200 times, although vector's support is rather unreliably spotty, and NEWMARK seems to have dropped off the planet. But Quoth on there parrot.

Keep checking: you'll figure it out.

You are a hand counter.

Obviously, you struggle. I hate it for you.
The Urban Sombrero Wrote:Keep checking: you'll figure it out.

You are a hand counter.

Obviously, you struggle. I hate it for you.

Like I said, all the obvious stuff gets past you. I don't have a lot of sympathy right now for you, but anybody who thinks he has leave to reject the parts of God's Word with which he disagrees, will not fare well at the Judgment. I hate that for you.
TheRealThing Wrote:Like I said, all the obvious stuff gets past you. I don't have a lot of sympathy right now for you, but anybody who thinks he has leave to reject the parts of God's Word with which he disagrees, will not fare well at the Judgment. I hate that for you.

I realize your mind is too narrow for nuance. As for your prooftexting, your politics wag your faith. As for your Patti Partisan blindness regarding obstruction of justice and the coming revelations, well, good luck, friendo, good luck.
Patti Partisan? You seem to own the patent on that.

You and the rest of the desperate for "just anything" libs just cant grasp the fact that when one has the power to completely shut an investigation down if one so desired, obstruction, is not even applicable.

Comey was able to testify "only" because the president permitted it. He had full power to prohibit that as well. Sound like the president had something to hide?

Simple little facts that you are not able to fathom.
Bob Seger Wrote:Patti Partisan? You seem to own the patent on that.

You and the rest of the desperate for "just anything" libs just cant grasp the fact that when one has the power to completely shut an investigation down if one so desired, obstruction, is not even applicable.

Comey was able to testify "only" because the president permitted it. He had full power to prohibit that as well. Sound like the president had something to hide?

Simple little facts that you are not able to fathom.

I'll be the first to agree with you that Sombrero is no genius. But I have a somewhat different view of what appears on the outside to be stupidity. This 'circus' of innuendo and smoke being run by the left has somehow produced a way by which Dems think they can oust DJT, none of these bozos are really looking for the truth. That's why die hard supporters will accept any playground Pee Wee Herman stuff that gets put out there.

The American people elected DJT and the left immediately went to war with them to bring down him down. This then is a culture war in addition to an ideological/political war. That's why Somb-air-head says he's ready to accept the findings of the special counsel. See I think it was a terrible mistake for the administration to allow Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to appoint a special counsel. Only the mushrooms like Somb-air-head would actually believe the Trump campaign colluded with Russia, none of the Dems' movers and shakers do.

All we've heard out of Democrats are threats against DJT and all we've seen are acts of resistance. The calls for a special counsel by Chuck Schumer were almost immediately answered by the new Deputy AG, and so now Dems have the 'tool' in place they need if they have any hope to impeach. Getting the desired results for the Dems has been hard to accomplish, but you visit that task on only one guy, the same guy BTW that James Comey sent up a smoke signal to, and suddenly now that becomes much easier a task than convincing a nation full of voters. Thus the fight has been removed from the public and put into the hands of one man. Is he worthy, or is he another Deep Stater with an ax to grind and a superiority complex? This was never about Russia, this was about the left rejecting the victory scored by the right. A way, if you will to depose a guy they hate in the person of a duly elected President. The mistake mentioned above then, is in certain Administration heads thinking absolution is hadable in the Russia election meddling affair, when the real ploy has always been to get the proper apparatus in position to force the President out by any means possible.

That's why I keep saying, if Trump survives all this he will be unstoppable for the rest of his tenure, and the Dems will be sent packing again in November of 2018.
TheRealThing Wrote:I'll be the first to agree with you that Sombrero is no genius. But I have a somewhat different view of what appears on the outside to be stupidity. This 'circus' of innuendo and smoke being run by the left has somehow produced a way by which Dems think they can oust DJT, none of these bozos are really looking for the truth. That's why die hard supporters will accept any playground Pee Wee Herman stuff that gets put out there.

The American people elected DJT and the left immediately went to war with them to bring down him down. This then is a culture war in addition to an ideological/political war. That's why Somb-air-head says he's ready to accept the findings of the special counsel. See I think it was a terrible mistake for the administration to allow Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to appoint a special counsel. Only the mushrooms like Somb-air-head would actually believe the Trump campaign colluded with Russia, none of the Dems' movers and shakers do.

All we've heard out of Democrats are threats against DJT and all we've seen are acts of resistance. The calls for a special counsel by Chuck Schumer were almost immediately answered by the new Deputy AG, and so now Dems have the 'tool' in place they need if they have any hope to impeach. Getting the desired results for the Dems has been hard to accomplish, but you visit that task on only one guy, the same guy BTW that James Comey sent up a smoke signal to, and suddenly now that becomes much easier a task than convincing a nation full of voters. Thus the fight has been removed from the public and put into the hands of one man. Is he worthy, or is he another Deep Stater with an ax to grind and a superiority complex? This was never about Russia, this was about the left rejecting the victory scored by the right. A way, if you will to depose a guy they hate in the person of a duly elected President. The mistake mentioned above then, is in certain Administration heads thinking absolution is hadable in the Russia election meddling affair, when the real ploy has always been to get the proper apparatus in position to force the President out by any means possible.

That's why I keep saying, if Trump survives all this he will be unstoppable for the rest of his tenure, and the Dems will be sent packing again in November of 2018.

Just another bald faced lie from the serial liar.....James Comey repeated once again that Trump was never under investigation , yet "Lyin Leon" still wont accept that, so, he's not gonna accept the findings of the other either.

There are two things in this world that I absolutely detest.. That being a liar and a thief....Welcome to the world of Geraldo.
Bob Seger Wrote:Just another bald faced lie from the serial liar.....James Comey repeated once again that Trump was never under investigation , yet "Lyin Leon" still wont accept that, so, he's not gonna accept the findings of the other either.

There are two things in this world that I absolutely detest.. That being a liar and a thief....Welcome to the world of Geraldo.

I'm with ya. Just heard former FBI Assistant Director James Kallstrom on Varney speaking of James Comey. Kallstrom is a great man and a true American patriot, and I know he's retired. But if I was Trump I'd be begging Kallstrom to take over the FBI as Director, but I digress.

Kallstrom: "Comey should have stood up for the American people and resigned back when Lynch ordered him to call the Clinton investigation a 'matter.' Instead he obeyed, and from that day he danced with the devil and continued to dance until the music stopped just the other day when he made that press release. He clearly went way over the line, and broke with FBI protocol in a way, and to an extent I've never seen before. President Trump did not lie about the disarray and low morale within the FBI, and Comey disgraced himself by his actions."

In addition, it appears as if AG Sessions is finally getting his feet back under him and will now go before the full Senate Intelligence Committee rather that the Appropriations Committee to refute Comey's statements.

So, Comey is the liar. And though his lying eyes clearly belied the truth, good folks are always forced to wait until that truth has time to come out before they can show their outrage. I hope he has to have a truck load of barf bags to deal with all the queasiness he is about to experience.

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