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Cancel white people
Cancel their history
Cancel their heritage
Cancel their institutions
Cancel their statues
Cancel their religious freedoms
Cancel their gun rights
Cancel their freedom of speech
Cancel their opinions
Cancel their money

Wait, check that last one, we need them to be taxed to death and need them to continue to buy insanely overpriced college tuition, sports tickets, cable, movie tickets, concerts, and a zillion other things liberals have hijacked...

But cancel all the rest and tell them to shut up...
^^ Each of the categories on your list deserves a dedicated post, but take the cancel money item.

This idea of getting free money is a mutually exclusive myth. Money loses it's worth if one can get it for nothing.

According to history, men first began to barter things they had for other things or services, such as they were at the time. Then came along King Nebuchadnezzar as I have mentioned, and he instituted what I would call the world system. Organized medical care, education, law and law enforcement, governance, finance (and money), a professional military. And consequently the industrial complex/complexes which have followed down through the ages. But with the particular issue of law enforcement-- if and when we ever truly give up on law enforcement, we can certainly kiss any expectation of coming home at night to an un-violated or un-looted or otherwise un-upended house and family goodbye. "You take the cops out of some of these neighborhoods, and it would be like the wild, wild west."--- Charles Barkley

But what is money... really? The US went off the gold standard back in 1971 so what makes money have value? Money is an idea, the original idea of King Nebuchadnezzar. Men work, and through that work they gain abilities which makes themselves of value to their peers. And so with those abilities they are able to provide goods or services for which they get paid and thusly establish the financial foundation for their households. When you take away the above mentioned value, not only does one remove the secular basis of a sense of self worth, you remove the foundation on which the idea of money is based.

And we've been passing milestones on our way to total devaluation of our currency since we enacted the Great Society Initiative. We 'bought' for lack of a better way to describe it, the woes and slings of those who will not work. So what kind of people will not work? It's hard to say exactly, but I pass them on street corners every time I go out. I see people with signs, in some cases veterans of the US Military supposedly, who claim to choose to stand on a street corner rather than go to one of the many agencies who're open at least 5 days a week in every city. Agencies which stand at the ready to give these folks a roof over their head, clothing, phones, utilities, food, and medical care and you name it. Are we supposed to help people like this? Yes. But are these people victims of any particular disservice or lapse of kindness by their countrymen? Not in the least.

It's not for lack of education or anything else one could name to include the guarantees of equal opportunity under the provisions of the US Constitution. The Lord said "You will always have the poor." But this idea that the poor are made so by a society that passed them by is ludicrous. Looking for somebody else to blame for that which some folks are not willing to do is the misbegotten notion of the left. Well, one of them at least.

From 'Occupy Main Street,' to the establishment of sanctuary cites, to the seizure of public property to set up autonomous 'zones.' The things which give life meaning are under attack in this nation. And as we have recently seen, it only takes a few nights for legions of non-working looters (who BTW are orchestrated and directed by virtue of instructions they receive on their tax payer donated cell phones), to wipe out normalcy.

So again I would ask the broad audience intended question, how's that 'fundamental transformation' working for ya? And as a follow up, after such a brief 4 year respite are we really poised to vote in the madness again this fall?
Money loses it's worth if one can get it for nothing.

One of the most impactful statements I've ever read.
And I read A LOT!!!
jetpilot Wrote:Cancel their history
Cancel their heritage
Cancel their institutions
Cancel their statues
Cancel their religious freedoms
Cancel their gun rights
Cancel their freedom of speech
Cancel their opinions
Cancel their money

Wait, check that last one, we need them to be taxed to death and need them to continue to buy insanely overpriced college tuition, sports tickets, cable, movie tickets, concerts, and a zillion other things liberals have hijacked...

But cancel all the rest and tell them to shut up...


I'm just picking one topic out of this snowflake post.


Honestly, how torn up should we be that monuments honoring traitors to the United States of America are being torn down? (That's ignoring they fought for slavery and the bevy of other problems surrounding their existence)
Cardfan1 Wrote:Confusednicker:

I'm just picking one topic out of this snowflake post.


Honestly, how torn up should we be that monuments honoring traitors to the United States of America are being torn down? (That's ignoring they fought for slavery and the bevy of other problems surrounding their existence)
Tell me how Lincoln and Grant were traitors. Confederate soldiers were not traitors. The overwhelming majority of people fighting for the South were not slave owners and fought because their families and neighbors were under attack.

These people who are making cowardly attacks on statues are no better than the Taliban and show the same historical illiteracy. Their real enemy is a dysfunctional public school system that has produced an unprecedented level of ignorance in this country. Diplomas for dullards.

Do you favor the destruction of Mount Rushmore? Do you support the cause of those who want to destroy statues of Jesus that in their opinion, make him look like a European white man?

Where do you think the line should be drawn against BLM violence?
Granny Bear Wrote:Money loses it's worth if one can get it for nothing.

One of the most impactful statements I've ever read.
And I read A LOT!!!

"What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value." ---Thomas Paine: The American Crisis
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Tell me how Lincoln and Grant were traitors. Confederate soldiers were not traitors. The overwhelming majority of people fighting for the South were not slave owners and fought because their families and neighbors were under attack.

These people who are making cowardly attacks on statues are no better than the Taliban and show the same historical illiteracy. Their real enemy is a dysfunctional public school system that has produced an unprecedented level of ignorance in this country. Diplomas for dullards.

Do you favor the destruction of Mount Rushmore? Do you support the cause of those who want to destroy statues of Jesus that in their opinion, make him look like a European white man?

Where do you think the line should be drawn against BLM violence?

Oh I guarantee ol Cardfan's true liberal horns will be out for the foreseeable future. All pretense of the milk of human kindness oozing from every pore and affability will take a recess. That is until 'the resistance' is put down.
Black men were afforded the right to vote years before women were; black or white.
That offends me.

I think I'll burn down TRT's house. THAT should help!!!
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Tell me how Lincoln and Grant were traitors. Confederate soldiers were not traitors. The overwhelming majority of people fighting for the South were not slave owners and fought because their families and neighbors were under attack.

These people who are making cowardly attacks on statues are no better than the Taliban and show the same historical illiteracy. Their real enemy is a dysfunctional public school system that has produced an unprecedented level of ignorance in this country. Diplomas for dullards.

Do you favor the destruction of Mount Rushmore? Do you support the cause of those who want to destroy statues of Jesus that in their opinion, make him look like a European white man?

Where do you think the line should be drawn against BLM violence?

Confederate soldiers were traitors to the United States of the America. They seceded from the Union and drew arms. You're delusional to even suggest they weren't.
Hell, you are implying these BLM protesters are traitors, and they are exercising a Constitutional right at worst a destruction of public property who knew outright war would is more acceptable!! :hilarious:

There are statues that have some from problems. One with Lincoln and a slave at his feet...needs to go. The one with Teddy Roosevelt on horse with a slave and a Native American where it appears he has dominion over those two...needs to go. Those statues do not represent the legacy of those men, but they do represent a racist undertone in this nation.

I'm glad you brought up the education system and the whitewashing of American history. We celebrate and/or ignore a lot of bad people in this nation. Judging by your opinions on here, I'm pretty certain you missed some important facts. Not your fault, we all did, but it is up to us to advance our knowledge instead of wallow in ignorance.

No, I don't favor the destruction of Mt. Rushmore although it has problems, and I could see why some Americans feel that way.

Anybody who tries to destroy a church's property is wrong. But you did provide a great example of the implicit racism in this country (the greatest man who ever lived couldn't be anything but a white man).
Granny Bear Wrote:Black men were afforded the right to vote years before women were; black or white.
That offends me.

I think I'll burn down TRT's house. THAT should help!!!

LOL, and that's the whole point. People know absolutely nada about the history of this world or our American Heritage. AFTR, America did not come into being, nor has she existed in any kind of vacuum since her inception. We resisted those things that we disagreed with, but only in the face of fierce opposition by those within our society who despised the idea of the American experiment. They thought it was heresy not to bow to a king, and insisted we should conform to the world order which at the time featured a line of royal monarchies. England, France, Spain, the Netherlands, all of Europe was ruled by Kings and the notion of a people ruling themselves was unacceptable to them.

In a twist of sick irony, it is largely today's completely ignorant university students who out of ignorance and indoctrination, are out committing anarchy. The educated among us have become the 'useful idiots' of our day. To wit, 500 buildings were burned in the Minneapolis/St Paul metro area alone. And their city leaders have voted to disband the police department. The short of it is this, only a precious few know their history. The rest, from the minorities up to and including sitting US Congressmen and women, operate largely in a literacy vacuum. Instead of espousing our noble heritage these folks instead, have adopted or have otherwise been co-opted into the liberal fold. Which of course is a return to very same philosophical aberration the founders sacrificed so much in order to lift the inhabitants of this blessed land out of.

They know not what they do. But then when back at mid 20th Century America turned her back on God, we were doomed to this day of confusion as surely as we're sitting here talking about this. There is only one true way to wake up for the 'woke' crowd. And that is to bow before the living God. Anything short of that will see this great ship of state and her people, down history's drain.

This text follows the quote I put up above; on the value of a thing---

“Heaven knows how to put a proper price on its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated… lay your shoulders to the wheel…Let it be told to the future world, that in the depth of winter, when nothing but hope and virtue could survive, that the city and the country, alarmed at one common danger, came forth to meet and repel it.” ---Thomas Paine

Well, we didn't tell the "future world." In fact we went to sleep as the interlopers were invading our universities and stealing the hearts of our youth. Those youth who now do their destructive bidding. The Church failed, and our culture has failed. Everything has a price they say. This is the ultimate realization of the cost of our foolish proclamation of the Separation of Church and State. If the founders could have been surprised they'd be turning in their graves. But the warnings issued by Benjamin Franklin and others reveal that even as they set this land in motion, they feared this very outcome.
Cardfan1 Wrote:Confederate soldiers were traitors to the United States of the America. They seceded from the Union and drew arms. You're delusional to even suggest they weren't.
Hell, you are implying these BLM protesters are traitors, and they are exercising a Constitutional right at worst a destruction of public property who knew outright war would is more acceptable!! :hilarious:

There are statues that have some from problems. One with Lincoln and a slave at his feet...needs to go. The one with Teddy Roosevelt on horse with a slave and a Native American where it appears he has dominion over those two...needs to go. Those statues do not represent the legacy of those men, but they do represent a racist undertone in this nation.

I'm glad you brought up the education system and the whitewashing of American history. We celebrate and/or ignore a lot of bad people in this nation. Judging by your opinions on here, I'm pretty certain you missed some important facts. Not your fault, we all did, but it is up to us to advance our knowledge instead of wallow in ignorance.

No, I don't favor the destruction of Mt. Rushmore although it has problems, and I could see why some Americans feel that way.

Anybody who tries to destroy a church's property is wrong. But you did provide a great example of the implicit racism in this country (the greatest man who ever lived couldn't be anything but a white man).
When you start down the road of allowing roving mobs to begin destroying the history of a nation by toppling statues, things do not generally end well for any of the nation's citizens.

The southern states seceded from a country that they voluntarily joined. Nothing in the U.S. Constitution barred states from seceding, just as nothing compelled them to take up arms against the Soldiers from their own states. Civil wars are fought between citizens of the same nation, not between citizens and traitors. There are heroes and villains in every war and generally neither side has a monopoly on either.

I think that you have confused me with someone else. I have never called the rioters, looters, and arsonists who march with or in the vicinity of BLM traitors. They are nothing more than common thugs who have no respect for the law. They deserve jail time, but treason charges are not warranted.

Lincoln and the Republicans waged war against the southern states to preserve the union, not to end slavery. Lincoln was open to compromise on the issue of slavery until the southern states seceded. Few of the people who joined the Confederate Army when the Civil War broke out did so to save the institution of slavery because Lincoln had never stated that to be among his objectives until late 1863.

Try reading some history, before your comrades start burning down our libraries.
^I meant to say late 1862. The effective date of the Emancipation Proclamation was January 1, 1863.
Cardfan1 Wrote:Confederate soldiers were traitors to the United States of the America. They seceded from the Union and drew arms. You're delusional to even suggest they weren't.
Hell, you are implying these BLM protesters are traitors, and they are exercising a Constitutional right at worst a destruction of public property who knew outright war would is more acceptable!! :hilarious:

There are statues that have some from problems. One with Lincoln and a slave at his feet...needs to go. The one with Teddy Roosevelt on horse with a slave and a Native American where it appears he has dominion over those two...needs to go. Those statues do not represent the legacy of those men, but they do represent a racist undertone in this nation.
I'm glad you brought up the education system and the whitewashing of American history. We celebrate and/or ignore a lot of bad people in this nation. Judging by your opinions on here, I'm pretty certain you missed some important facts. Not your fault, we all did, but it is up to us to advance our knowledge instead of wallow in ignorance.[/SIZE]

No, I don't favor the destruction of Mt. Rushmore although it has problems, and I could see why some Americans feel that way.

Anybody who tries to destroy a church's property is wrong. But you did provide a great example of the implicit racism in this country (the greatest man who ever lived couldn't be anything but a white man).

Whew. So let me understand this. You're saying that it is up to us to advance our knowledge huh?

We did that with the historical statues those of this nation erected but that anarchists have now torn down, that and what remains at least, of the historical record that is as yet un-revised. Again, I'm talking about the actual historical record, not the revised one on which you guys like to hang your hat and treat as a living document, open to constant change like it was a Wikipedia page. You have an affinity for the laugh icon, as if you've always got the high ground. You just don't seem to be able to recognize when you contradict yourself, many times in the same paragraph but sometimes in the same sentence.

If you'd care to learn from history, England was the main progenitor of slavery on the planet in Colonial days, and a great many loyal Englishmen lived and worked and owned slaves in the New World. It was America led the way to world enlightenment as to the brutality and immorality of slavery. And we led in making things right. After the American Revolution MANY of those Englishmen stayed on in the United States with their highly prized slaves. While William Wilberforce led the fight in the English Parliament, Abraham Lincoln and other Republicans led the cause for the emancipation in America and paid a tremendous price for having done so. Nonetheless over time the immorality of race judging became commonly accepted and resulted in the American people rejecting the practice.

But your side has somehow successfully resuscitated the once rotting corpse of racism after it had been long dead; (and after Congressional Dems made a historical spectacle of themselves resisting the emancipation of the slaves in the first place). I believe there will be a high cost to pay for that as well.

History has been whitewashed by your ilk and frankly, at least I can say my major was history. You'll find it a hard chore to expect all that smoke your blowing would indoctrinate those of us who know better. Suffice it to say you are completely clueless to think the US Constitution had the first thing to do with the liberalism and social handouts you preach about on here. And now you want to wipe away any and all remaining evidence of the truth (it's so inconvenient to the liberal palate) so you can just make up stuff as you go from here on out. Shocker.
Cardfan1 Wrote:Confederate soldiers were traitors to the United States of the America. They seceded from the Union and drew arms. You're delusional to even suggest they weren't.
Hell, you are implying these BLM protesters are traitors, and they are exercising a Constitutional right at worst a destruction of public property who knew outright war would is more acceptable!! :hilarious:

There are statues that have some from problems. One with Lincoln and a slave at his feet...needs to go. The one with Teddy Roosevelt on horse with a slave and a Native American where it appears he has dominion over those two...needs to go. Those statues do not represent the legacy of those men, but they do represent a racist undertone in this nation.

I'm glad you brought up the education system and the whitewashing of American history. We celebrate and/or ignore a lot of bad people in this nation. Judging by your opinions on here, I'm pretty certain you missed some important facts. Not your fault, we all did, but it is up to us to advance our knowledge instead of wallow in ignorance.

No, I don't favor the destruction of Mt. Rushmore although it has problems, and I could see why some Americans feel that way.

Anybody who tries to destroy a church's property is wrong. But you did provide a great example of the implicit racism in this country (the greatest man who ever lived couldn't be anything but a white man).

I'm pretty sure than nobody on this board provided an example of Jesus being white.
His mother was Jewish and who knows God's race? I like to think he is either NO race or ALL races.
Granny Bear Wrote:I'm pretty sure than nobody on this board provided an example of Jesus being white.
His mother was Jewish and who knows God's race? I like to think he is either NO race or ALL races.

You are sooo right. And in the spirit of 'advancing knowledge' lol, to that end I would offer this--- As you say, racially, man was made in God's own image, one race. I believe when the Lord originally separated the 'one race' of people by confounding their language at the tower of Babel, that led to their taking on the physical characteristics we now associate with the racial groups. Asian, Hispanic, Arabic, Black, White, etc.. Those physical characteristics such as skin/hair color and eye color, happened as the result of being separated from the one race gene pool.

Isn't it interesting that while the left is intent on destroying the fabric of this land. Endlessly revising history and real-time events to suit their agenda driven manias, and spewing divisive and caustic racial rhetoric, and burning down towns, and destroying commerce and the lives of their decent law abiding neighbors; That it has been ONLY Donald J Trump who has consistently delivered the message that we Americans are one people. United in spirit and our own national heritage to form a more perfect union consisting of people who appreciate and respect each other as equals? Further, only a mental midget would deny the President's record of even handedness of governance across the board minority-wise, gender-wise and even gender-blender-wise. His only qualifier has been to limit his efforts to legal citizens of this land. And for that he has been mercilessly attacked by the globalist left.

May God help us. It is my prayer that the majority of folks here in this nation will overcome the tsunami of lies being spread by the media and the political left about our country, and the people will rise up and re-elect President Trump.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:When you start down the road of allowing roving mobs to begin destroying the history of a nation by toppling statues, things do not generally end well for any of the nation's citizens.

The southern states seceded from a country that they voluntarily joined. Nothing in the U.S. Constitution barred states from seceding, just as nothing compelled them to take up arms against the Soldiers from their own states. Civil wars are fought between citizens of the same nation, not between citizens and traitors. There are heroes and villains in every war and generally neither side has a monopoly on either.

I think that you have confused me with someone else. I have never called the rioters, looters, and arsonists who march with or in the vicinity of BLM traitors. They are nothing more than common thugs who have no respect for the law. They deserve jail time, but treason charges are not warranted.

Lincoln and the Republicans waged war against the southern states to preserve the union, not to end slavery. Lincoln was open to compromise on the issue of slavery until the southern states seceded. Few of the people who joined the Confederate Army when the Civil War broke out did so to save the institution of slavery because Lincoln had never stated that to be among his objectives until late 1863.

Try reading some history, before your comrades start burning down our libraries.

It took a while for "roving mobs" to get motivated to act in these ways...over a century of displayed racism in some cases in what we call the land of the free.

Southern leaders seceded and waged war against the USA to preserve the institution of slavery. That is treason and makes the entire war about slavery. You may want to study your history. Just a tip... particularly review some of the Articles of Secession.

Winners have the monopolies. See any statues of King George around? Nope they pulled those down in 1776.
Cardfan1 Wrote:It took a while for "roving mobs" to get motivated to act in these ways...over a century of displayed racism in some cases in what we call the land of the free.

Southern leaders seceded and waged war against the USA to preserve the institution of slavery. That is treason and makes the entire war about slavery. You may want to study your history. Just a tip... particularly review some of the Articles of Secession.

Winners have the monopolies. See any statues of King George around? Nope they pulled those down in 1776.
Secession was not treason. If you disagree, then try putting together a list of all of those Confederate soldiers and elected officials who were tried and convicted of treason. I never said that slavery was not a factor in southern states decision to secede, but then you already know that, don't you? What I said was that most southerners did not own slaves and most Confederate soldiers did not join the fight to preserve the institution of slavery.

As for toppling statues, none of the thugs engaging in that modern day practice fought or won a war. Mobs have no inherent right to destroy or deface public property and you should be ashamed for defending their crimes.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Secession was not treason. If you disagree, then try putting together a list of all of those Confederate soldiers and elected officials who were tried and convicted of treason. I never said that slavery was not a factor in southern states decision to secede, but then you already know that, don't you? What I said was that most southerners did not own slaves and most Confederate soldiers did not join the fight to preserve the institution of slavery.

As for toppling statues, none of the thugs engaging in that modern day practice fought or won a war. Mobs have no inherent right to destroy or deface public property and you should be ashamed for defending their crimes.

How do you know that people who served our country didn’t participate in the destruction of racist traitors’ statues?

So colonists had no right to destroy those King George statues?

Northern citizens and politicians of the time saw it as treason. The traitors saw it as their right. They lost, so it was treason. It works like that.
If the South would have won, it would have been secession.

Corruption kept traitors’ heads out of the noose. You know that.

All this spinning and attempting to dilute the point...Do you really believe we should have monuments celebrating the Confederacy on public land? Seriously?
Cardfan1 Wrote:How do you know that people who served our country didn’t participate in the destruction of racist traitors’ statues?

So colonists had no right to destroy those King George statues?

Northern citizens and politicians of the time saw it as treason. The traitors saw it as their right. They lost, so it was treason. It works like that.
If the South would have won, it would have been secession.

Corruption kept traitors’ heads out of the noose. You know that.

All this spinning and attempting to dilute the point...Do you really believe we should have monuments celebrating the Confederacy on public land? Seriously?
Mobs have no rights to destroy or deface public property...period. Treason is a legal term and those who fought for the Confederacy did not commit treason. That is why the Confederate soldiers were not prosecuted and tried for treason.

The violent mobs who deface and destroy public property are criminals who should be arrested and tried for their crimes. Looters and arsonists should be shot in the act, IMO, but our current laws do not provide for such swift justice and I strongly believe that our government must rest on a foundation of duly enacted laws and not subject to the whims of mobs or anybody's opinions, including my own.
Cardfan1 Wrote:How do you know that people who served our country didn’t participate in the destruction of racist traitors’ statues?

So colonists had no right to destroy those King George statues?

Northern citizens and politicians of the time saw it as treason. The traitors saw it as their right. They lost, so it was treason. It works like that.
If the South would have won, it would have been secession.

Corruption kept traitors’ heads out of the noose. You know that.

All this spinning and attempting to dilute the point...Do you really believe we should have monuments celebrating the Confederacy on public land? Seriously?

^^ Same old dishonest tactic. Change, limit or otherwise alter the true scope of the topic in order to narrow the ground you are trying to defend. Much easier to appear the more knowledgeable or intellectual one that way.

The mobs are led in most cases by organizers who've been somewhat trained and nearly always given a list of objectives by their leftist string-pullers. One can wet a rag with kerosene but outside of a direct and intentional ignition source, spontaneous combustion is still very unlikely. The people would never have risen up on their own to perpetrate the trillions in destruction we've seen. Nor would they have destroyed the many lives that have been lost or ruined as the result of the madness. What has gone down has done so under the protective umbrella of Democrat oversight in cities of which the left knew were leftist strongholds, and in which they could get away with their crimes. IN ANY CASE, slavery has nearly nothing to do with it. This is the result of false indoctrination on many levels. The Dems and the media try to do it at the mass level. Profs and teachers try to do it at he educational levels. And you try to do it at the BGR level.

Nor is this about the Civil War, a time during which Democrats who, as a major plank of their political platform, were sworn to defend the practice of slavery. This went on up until the victors of the Civil War prevailed, led by Congressional Republicans, and a Republican President in the person of Abraham Lincoln, who just so happened to be the one who issued the Emancipation Proclamation. That was another time in history as Hoot suggests that there was a mountain of misinformation floating around, the result of which was a river of American blood. Black and white.

No, this is about the overthrow of the government of the United States of America and the thesis of which was prophesied by one George Orwell. "The past was erased, (revisionist history and the removal of statues) the erasure was forgotten, (as was the atrocities of the Obama era and the unpatriotic ridiculousness of the many so-called investigations of the past four years) the lie became the truth." And as the news cycle so graphically demonstrates, we are in in the throes of proving Orwell's thesis every single day here in the US.

Truly is hard to believe you're still on here shoveling.
i can't believe you think the republican party today is the same party of Lincoln
especially in the south

a little history leason
vector Wrote:i can't believe you think the republican party today is the same party of Lincoln
especially in the south

a little history leason

Mighty little.

No you're right. The Republican Party of today has changed. It's just that they're no where near condoning the anarchy for political gain that the Dems openly espouse. Nor would they outlaw our only real source of energy, which is or course the fossil fuels industrial complex-- America's only, and I mean only energy infrastructure is based solely on fossil fuels. As are the appliances in every home, hospital, educational building and every other major driver of this nation that one could mention. Not to mention the mainstay of the US military. Nor would they lead an in-country insurrection trying to disband our police forces. Nonetheless, I was there to watch the actions and listen to the comments made by LBJ. Please don't try and blow any smoke up me about him, I know better. But this idea that Dems defected to the Republican Party in the days of Lincoln is overwhelmingly untrue. Only a handful, (way less than 10) Democrats defected to the Republican Party.

You want a history lesson that isn't revisionist baloney? Here ya go.

Dinesh D' Souza ---

"The Democrats were also the party of slavery, and the slave-owning mentality continues to shape the policies of Democratic leaders today. The point isn’t that the Democrats invented slavery which is an ancient institution that far predates America. Rather, Democrats like Senator John C. Calhoun invented a new justification for slavery, slavery as a “positive good.” For the first time in history, Democrats insisted that slavery wasn’t just beneficial for masters; they said it was also good for the slaves.

Today progressive pundits attempt to conceal Democratic complicity in slavery by blaming slavery on the “South.” These people have spun a whole history that portrays the slavery battle as one between the anti-slavery North and the pro-slavery South. This of course benefits Democrats today, because today the Democratic Party’s main strength is in the north and the Republican Party’s main strength is in the South.

But the slavery battle was not mainly a North-South issue. It was actually a battle between the pro-slavery Democrats and the anti-slavery Republicans."
you got to do better than this
isn't this guy a felon and didn't Donald pardon him?
and last are you and Robert tired of winning ?
i believe Lincoln and Johnson pardon all of them
my guess that my be why no one was charged for treason

vector Wrote:you got to do better than this
isn't this guy a felon and didn't Donald pardon him?
and last are you and Robert tired of winning ?

If I had any doubts about D' Souza I wouldn't have quoted him, he's an honorable man. An immigrant BTW whose rights and honor your side claims to defend and cryin Chuck gets all tore up about daily. That is unless they happen to be a conservative like D' Souza. In that case they get thrown in jail for a minor offense at which the DOJ routinely winks. Not in his case though, and why? Because he loves this country and as a student of history and a good judge of character, decided to tell the real truth about Democrats. A task he was willing to take on at great cost and personal sacrifice because nobody else at the time, had the chin or the character to do it.

He deserved the pardon he got after getting railroaded like he did. But if you'd care to check you'd see he served his sentence and was released way before DJT was duly elected by the people of the US. Facts, they're such inconvenient things for rabid libs and the tales they like to tell.

Unlike you, it cost D' Souza quite a lot to become a US citizen. And he has provided a service to this nation out of a desire to 'give back' something of his own for the gift of freedom he enjoys here. I would tell you that you should be more careful in picking out your targets to slander, but after all you are a liberal. For you guys it's open season on everybody every day.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Mobs have no rights to destroy or deface public property...period. Treason is a legal term and those who fought for the Confederacy did not commit treason. That is why the Confederate soldiers were not prosecuted and tried for treason.

The violent mobs who deface and destroy public property are criminals who should be arrested and tried for their crimes. Looters and arsonists should be shot in the act, IMO, but our current laws do not provide for such swift justice and I strongly believe that our government must rest on a foundation of duly enacted laws and not subject to the whims of mobs or anybody's opinions, including my own.

Are you kidding? Corruption kept people off the noose.

If you have ever called anyone a traitor or used treason in your vernacular you are hypocrite if you are giving a pass to the confederacy. Lame.

If it is a confederate statue I don’t give a crap what they do to it. I would like a discussion otherwise.

I asked...should confederate statues be standing ?
You cowardly skirted that question once.
Cardfan1 Wrote:Are you kidding? Corruption kept people off the noose.

If you have ever called anyone a traitor or used treason in your vernacular you are hypocrite if you are giving a pass to the confederacy. Lame.

If it is a confederate statue I don’t give a crap what they do to it. I would like a discussion otherwise.

I asked...should confederate statues be standing ?
You cowardly skirted that question once.
I have not skirted the question at all. Yes, the statues should remain standing unless they are taken down or moved in a lawful manner. The statues are much less important to me than the rule of law. What is cowardly is your refusal to condemn the thugs that deface and destroy property through criminal acts.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I have not skirted the question at all. Yes, the statues should remain standing unless they are taken down or moved in a lawful manner. The statues are much less important to me than the rule of law. What is cowardly is your refusal to condemn the thugs that deface and destroy property through criminal acts.

Jail time for Americans destroying monuments of men who led armies against the United States to protect the institution of slavery.... good Lord

Cardfan1 Wrote:Jail time for Americans destroying monuments of men who led armies against the United States to protect the institution of slavery.... good Lord


Yep, 10 years if I heard right.

"President Trump announced Friday that he signed an executive order to protect American monuments, memorials and statues and threatened those who try to pull them down with “long prison time.”

“I just had the privilege of signing a very strong Executive Order protecting American Monuments, Memorials, and Statues - and combatting recent Criminal Violence,” Trump tweeted. “Long prison terms for these lawless acts against our Great Country!”

The new order enforces laws prohibiting the desecration of public monuments, the vandalism of government property, and recent acts of violence, withholds federal support tied to public spaces from state and local governments that have failed to protect public monuments, and withdraws federal grants for jurisdictions and law enforcement agencies that fail to stop their desecration.

It also provides assistance for protecting the federal statues."
Cardfan1 Wrote:Jail time for Americans destroying monuments of men who led armies against the United States to protect the institution of slavery.... good Lord

Laws are just made to be broken by mobs of like minded cowards. I see. You're such a good little Marxist. Mommy must be proud of her little man.

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