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Will there be a 2020 football season?
My personal opinion is there will not be a season in 2020. Whether you believe in the testing numbers or not, those numbers seem to be dictating decision making and policy making by the "higher ups". We have been dealing with Rona for 4 and 1/2 months now, and the positive test results are spiking big time. I see no way the numbers will drop enough to get a season in. Even if the numbers do begin to drop in the next few weeks, I think once schools go back into session, the numbers will spike again, the schools will shut down, and any hopes of a 2020 Kentucky high school football season will be lost. I hope I'm wrong.
Everyone says “believe the science” well, science says if your 60 and younger you have almost no chance of dying and lost won’t even get sick. Science says that the death rate is bottoming out, even as cases have went way up. We need to isolate our most vulnerable, all while making sure they have their needs met. Wear masks to limit spread, but otherwise go on with normal life. I fear if we shut everything down long term, our kids and adults as well, are going to suffer more from being locked up than from this virus.
Well said Wolfeman.
The Courier-Journal is reporting that 6 of the 11 Jefferson County School Board Members have spoken out that they are going to vote on Tuesday to begin the school year using all-NTI based courses.

If the state largest school system votes to use all NTI based learning to start the school year.... you know other school systems will follow suit.

No in-person classes probably means no extra-circular activities.
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Westside Wrote:My personal opinion is there will not be a season in 2020. Whether you believe in the testing numbers or not, those numbers seem to be dictating decision making and policy making by the "higher ups". We have been dealing with Rona for 4 and 1/2 months now, and the positive test results are spiking big time. I see no way the numbers will drop enough to get a season in. Even if the numbers do begin to drop in the next few weeks, I think once schools go back into session, the numbers will spike again, the schools will shut down, and any hopes of a 2020 Kentucky high school football season will be lost. I hope I'm wrong.

I'm at the point now, we're I'm accepting the fact that there will be no Football, so I will not be in denial when it happens, probably selfish of me but I got to do what I got to do. Just think, everything that they are requiring to open the schools, you will break everyone of them at Football practice, let that sink in the truth hurts sometimes. Im in the process of trying to find a new hobby for the weekend for the fall. Until mindsets change about this virus there isn't going to be any high school football IMO. To clarify I believe in wearing mask and social distancing, I just think we are going to have to live with it and be smart. I would be soooo happy to be wrong.
You can’t really base the entire state on Jefferson Co. It’s Louisville which has had a large spike. So my question is if the rest of the state flattens the curve but Jefferson still is high rate of infected will we still play?
Virginia just announced that they have canceled the 2020 season.
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I fully believe we will play. I stay on top of this myself. I know what the news is saying. I hear the opinions on here and other places. There is absolutely no reason in my opinion to cancel a season. I live with a medical professional so I hear everything on that side as well. I believe it will be a complete different type of season based on what I’m hearing. A lot of misinformation out there from tons of people. I do believe we’re going to get through this and get through this together lol.
Bull got out! Wrote:I fully believe we will play. I stay on top of this myself. I know what the news is saying. I hear the opinions on here and other places. There is absolutely no reason in my opinion to cancel a season. I live with a medical professional so I hear everything on that side as well. I believe it will be a complete different type of season based on what I’m hearing. A lot of misinformation out there from tons of people. I do believe we’re going to get through this and get through this together lol.

Love that name Bull- Maybe you can give me some hope anything will help. ( I sound like one of those guys holding a sign up on the corner lol) How can you have those certain requirements for school to open but not enforce them in football practice? Would it be safe for the players to go back the school everyday and be around other students? I have no idea that's why I'm asking, you seem awful confident, I want to feel like you.
Pulp Fiction Wrote:Virginia just announced that they have canceled the 2020 season.

Virginia is hoping to have a season in the late winter, early spring 2021. Still think this is a viable option for KHSAA.
Just heard on the news they think they have a vaccine that has been tested on humans already and said it could be here by the fall and 2 billion doses produced by September. I just hope it’s true and really works. Maybe the break this year’s senior class needs. Loved to see football this fall and hope this works out so they can play.
Patriot1 Wrote:Just heard on the news they think they have a vaccine that has been tested on humans already and said it could be here by the fall and 2 billion doses produced by September. I just hope it’s true and really works. Maybe the break this year’s senior class needs. Loved to see football this fall and hope this works out so they can play.

Let’s hope Patriot!
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Brit Hume
Fmr. Obama education secretary Arne Duncan was asked repeatedly by Fox’s
to cite data in support of his warnings against opening schools. He cited nothing. There’s a reason for that. Nearly all the data point the other way.
Brit Hume
Deep in the story we find this paragraph: “Eu*ropean coun*tries that re*opened schools this spring largely avoided out*breaks, with no ma*jor flare ups af*ter stu*dents re*turned to class*rooms in 22 coun*tries.”
Patriot1 Wrote:Just heard on the news they think they have a vaccine that has been tested on humans already and said it could be here by the fall and 2 billion doses produced by September. I just hope it’s true and really works. Maybe the break this year’s senior class needs. Loved to see football this fall and hope this works out so they can play.

If I have to miss another season of football; I WILL be going through withdrawal!!

I don't know what vaccine you heard about, but Bill Gates sponsored one that was cleared for human testing back in April. That's unheard of, to bypass so many rules and regulations, but he got it done.

I WILL NOT be taking a vaccine that was produced on the fly and absolutely NO reliable information about what may/may not happen a year after you take it.

So, you guys pass the hat and make up some bail money for me please. Smile
Granny Bear Wrote:If I have to miss another season of football; I WILL be going through withdrawal!!

I don't know what vaccine you heard about, but Bill Gates sponsored one that was cleared for human testing back in April. That's unheard of, to bypass so many rules and regulations, but he got it done.

I WILL NOT be taking a vaccine that was produced on the fly and absolutely NO reliable information about what may/may not happen a year after you take it.

So, you guys pass the hat and make up some bail money for me please. Smile

I'm with you.
On KSR, Governor believes that we can still have a football season! I am hopeful!
Update: Virginia just called off fall sports according to bluegrasspreps
mr.fundamental Wrote:Update: Virginia just called off fall sports according to bluegrasspreps


We too have a thread on this topic as well.
If you need any assistance or want to report a problem feel free to PM me and we will get it taken care of!  Thank you for choosing to be apart of the BGR community!
mr.fundamental Wrote:On KSR, Governor believes that we can still have a football season! I am hopeful!

If we wear MASK! If we want football shut this thing down now and start practice Aug. 3rd Athletes can be without their coach for 2 weeks. Lift on your own and run. We keep going right now and it will not work. 3 more teams shout down locally. We can’t social distance with 50 kids together and not wearing mask. I am all for playing safe. Working out is not mandatory anyway. The Governor gave himself an out , mask! He will come back and use this against the AG . So to me this isn’t the best sign.
TheColonel Wrote:If we wear MASK! If we want football shut this thing down now and start practice Aug. 3rd Athletes can be without their coach for 2 weeks. Lift on your own and run. We keep going right now and it will not work. 3 more teams shout down locally. We can’t social distance with 50 kids together and not wearing mask. I am all for playing safe. Working out is not mandatory anyway. The Governor gave himself an out , mask! He will come back and use this against the AG . So to me this isn’t the best sign.

Yes this!!! Shut down until Aug. 3rd, then see were we are at. The kids and the coaches are just going through the motions right now anyway, can't be much fun for either, I no Coaches I talk to hate it. If somehow, someway they can start Aug 3rd, the first game still can't be played until September, kids will have plenty of time to get in shape.
TheColonel Wrote:If we wear MASK! If we want football shut this thing down now and start practice Aug. 3rd Athletes can be without their coach for 2 weeks. Lift on your own and run. We keep going right now and it will not work. 3 more teams shout down locally. We can’t social distance with 50 kids together and not wearing mask. I am all for playing safe. Working out is not mandatory anyway. The Governor gave himself an out , mask! He will come back and use this against the AG . So to me this isn’t the best sign.

Absolutely, we can not give them a reason to not start Aug. 3rd. Continue and they will have one. Shut it down and Aug3 let’s do this thing. Best advice of the thread!
I agree if we want to play, shut it down starting Monday. Aug3 get it started. Everyday brings another team that has had to. Of course unless your a team in our county. They have cases and press on. This attitude is Maybe why we are a hot spot in KY. We want to play and if this continues,!we will not. KHSAA shut it down for two weeks!!!!!!!!
I have felt all along there would be football this fall. I'm now changing my mind. Not because I want to.

Let's face it: Until a vaccine is available, the virus isn't going away, no matter our efforts. Until then, it will be a constant topic, with "what if" speculations which may or may not be valid. I can't imagine School systems/states taking the chance of getting sued/bullied by organizations or lawyers with either actual or anticipated damages.

I think this goes up thru any non-professional sports. I want football as much as anyone. But it may be a case of high school kids splitting their time up (as much as they can) with all sports going on in the spring semester. But I just don't see fall sports happening.
Awesome sights today in this beautiful weather, kids practicing football in multiple counties, I was on the road all over Ky, drove by one school and the soccer team was outside stretching, another place and kids playing baseball, nothing but what they should be doing. Can’t wait. Football will happen just a few more weeks to wait. All I can tell you is get ready for some Football!!!
I stopped reading after until a vaccine. Vaccine hasn't rid the world of the flu. Way too many people are brainwashed by their tv and social media.
Bull got out! Wrote:Awesome sights today in this beautiful weather, kids practicing football in multiple counties, I was on the road all over Ky, drove by one school and the soccer team was outside stretching, another place and kids playing baseball, nothing but what they should be doing. Can’t wait. Football will happen just a few more weeks to wait. All I can tell you is get ready for some Football!!!

Pikeville has probably more sports fields per capita than anywhere. On this perfect summer day I saw tons of people of all ages walking, jogging, playing tennis and soccer and baseball and softball all over town. And even an exercise class with many dozens of people taking place on the college field.
I took my boy to a college camp in Louisville the other day as well. It was packed out. Of course the camp was under the guidelines and they wouldn’t let parents attend, we had to drop them off and wait but we all could see the field from the parking lot, I saw license plates from Indiana and all over Ky, I was happy to see everyone chomping at the bits to getting on the field and doing there thing. It won’t be long as it has been. It was feeling like football.
plantmanky Wrote:Many reports are saying that this virus will be worse in the fall, if that is the case we may start the season, but it probably wont finish.

Other reports are talking about possible vaccines....
jetpilot Wrote:I stopped reading after until a vaccine. Vaccine hasn't rid the world of the flu. Way too many people are brainwashed by their tv and social media.

My exact thoughts.
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