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The Case Against Joe Biden
Joe Biden supporters rally in Philadelphia to restock their COVID supplies and to ensure that Jews do not assemble in large numbers. This is what peaceful protests look like in 2020 in areas controlled by Democrats. 

And in my mind as horrifying a spectacle as all this rioting, assault, arson and looting has been, the mistake being made is in not recognizing how much farther it will go. To assume there is some measure of capitulation that the rest of society can or could render to these mobs which would satisfy their supposed unrest, and the failure to suppress the lawlessness under the auspices of the authorities, is a life changing threat for every American.

For example, what happens when funding runs out for the Democrat proposed reparations? More and more of the same. We are a nation of law or we are no nation at all. Much sooner than later the well WILL run dry.
If you have not voted yet and you have not watched this interview yet, then you owe it to yourself to do so now. Tony Bobulinski is a patriotic life-long Democrat and a Navy veteran who held a very high security clearance. He only came forward with evidence against the Bidens after Adam Schiff and other Democrats dismissed allegations against the Bidens as a Russian disinformation campaign. He demanded a public retraction, Schiff refused, and Bobulinski released his email messages, texts, and other documents showing Joe Biden's direct involvement in the family's influence peddling business.

Part 1

[Video: http://]
Part 2

[Video: http://]
I listened just now, there's some strong information but IMO it's not going to have a major impact on the election with it being so close to voting time and many people having already cast their ballots. If Biden does win it could haunt him while in office early on.

The riots going on in Philadelphia IMO will potentially have a greater impact on the election given they are in a key swing state.
(10-28-2020, 04:35 PM)WideRight05 Wrote: I listened just now, there's some strong information but IMO it's not going to have a major impact on the election with it being so close to voting time and many people having already cast their ballots. If Biden does win it could haunt him while in office early on.

The riots going on in Philadelphia IMO will potentially have a greater impact on the election given they are in a key swing state.
If we had a free and professional media, the Biden family corruption story would have a major impact on the election, even at this late date, IMO. Sadly, we now have a media where almost all of the major news outlets are actively working to get the Democrats' ticket elected. The evidence against the Biden is overwhelming and makes the evidence against every previous candidate who withdrew from presidential campaigns seem trivial in comparison.

If Biden wins the election, he will not serve as president for long and if necessary, he will resign because of health reasons and escape any real scrutiny. We now have a defacto state controlled media in this country and a Biden-Harris administration would complete the politicization of the DOJ, FBI, and State Department that began under Bill Clinton and continued under Obama. There will be no justice for the Biden family unless Trump wins the election.

I never expected to live to see a traitor have an opportunity to become president of this country. There are enough facts in the public domain to indict Joe Biden on bribery charges, at a minimum. There is also enough evidence against Hunter Biden to charge him with child pornography and other crimes involving minors.
I agree Hoot. It should be a story of national importance. Unfortunately mainstream sources will not even touch it. Even more alarming is how big tech keeps suppressing thought freedom with their constant removing and “fact-checking” of items they don’t agree with.

Should Biden win I anticipate charges will be brought pertaining to that situation but like you said, if he wins he probably won’t be in long and will turn it over to Harris. Which will be frightening with the likelihood that the democrats will retain the house and regain the senate.
I agree Hoot. It should be a story of national importance. Unfortunately mainstream sources will not even touch it. Even more alarming is how big tech keeps suppressing thought freedom with their constant removing and “fact-checking” of items they don’t agree with.

Should Biden win I anticipate charges will be brought pertaining to that situation but like you said, if he wins he probably won’t be in long and will turn it over to Harris. Which will be frightening with the likelihood that the democrats will retain the house and regain the senate.
Rudy Giuliani delivers his opinion of Joe Biden.

Not that the drivel mrtvtime offers is not a fair representation for what passes these days as logic on the part of the left. And not that he would therefore need any support from other liberals eager to mindlessly parrot DNC talking points. Still, his lone defense is understandable; the fact of the matter for Democrats is as follows even though I thought in tvtime's past, I read where he was saying he was  a Libertarian.

Dems have been involved in prosecuting an active resistance against our government, and therefore the people of the United States for the past 4 1/2 years. Lies, misrepresentations, false allegations assumptions and conclusions. Faked investigations, news stories and witch hunts.

Finally after the clown call that was supposed to pass as a US nomination process was mercifully over, they had to resuscitate themselves a candidate in the form of a party vanguard from 50 years past. And he has acted the part to perfection.

Define irony-- That which no major power could have ever forcibly taken from the citizens of this land by force is on the ballot this Tuesday. Our personal freedom. And after the example of the founding fathers, along with the patriotism and heroism of our citizenry present and past which has characterized this nation since it's inception, we are poised it would seem, to lay it all down without a whimper in the act of voting Tuesday. Does America possess the will to continue on as a self governing people? We will see.
(10-31-2020, 10:10 AM)TheRealThing Wrote: Not that the drivel mrtvtime offers is not a fair representation for what passes these days as logic on the part of the left. And not that he would therefore need any support from other liberals eager to mindlessly parrot DNC talking points. Still, his lone defense is understandable;  the fact of the matter for Democrats is as follows even though I thought in tvtime's past, I read where he was saying he was  a Libertarian.

Dems have been involved in prosecuting an active resistance against our government, and therefore the people of the United States for the past 4 1/2 years. Lies, misrepresentations, false allegations assumptions and conclusions. Faked investigations, news stories and witch hunts.

Finally after the clown call that was supposed to pass as a US nomination process was mercifully over, they had to resuscitate themselves a candidate in the form of a party vanguard from 50 years past. And he has acted the part to perfection.

Define irony-- That which no major power could have ever forcibly taken from the citizens of this land by force is on the ballot this Tuesday. Our personal freedom. And after the example of the founding fathers, along with the patriotism and heroism of our citizenry present and past which has characterized this nation since it's inception, we are poised it would seem, to lay it all down without a whimper in the act of voting Tuesday. Does America possess the will to continue on as a self governing people? We will see.
The capital "L" Libertarian Party is full of liberal Democrats and liberal Republicans. tvtime/MrFundamental is no libertarian. No true libertarian would ever support the oppressive, big socialist, anti-capitalist Harris-Biden ticket.

I am feeling more confident that President Trump is headed for reelection every day. In a desperate attempt to reclaim a bit of its journalistic integrity, ABC News has belatedly decided to cover the biggest story of political corruption in the history of the United States of America. They have obviously decided that they can safely cover the story and not affect the results of the election.

If you rely on social media and/or the mainstream media, you need to understand that the news that you are receiving has been heavily censored. Twitter, Facebook, Google, and every major mainstream media outlet except for Fox News has been actively working to get Joe Biden elected.

Major media and tech companies working to get their favorite candidates elected is nothing new. Fox News, with the exception of a few token liberals, worked hard to get Trump elected in 2016 and I pointed out that fact repeatedly during the campaign. 

What has been different about this year's campaign is that Fox News has been much less biased in favor of Donald Trump, but all the other major players have engaged in widespread censorship in an effort to elect the worst major presidential candidate in the history of American politics, Joe Biden. What we now have in this country is a weird variation of state-controlled media. The Democrat Party has captured control of nearly all American news media outlets.

Quote:How tweet it is: Twitter backs down, unlocks Post’s account

Twitter backed down Friday in its battle with The Post and unlocked its main account after a two-week stalemate over the Hunter Biden exposé.

The move came after The Post refused Twitter’s demand that it delete six tweets that linked to stories that the company claimed — without any evidence — were based on hacked information.

The Post never budged, and kept the tweets on the account during the standoff — even as Twitter obscured them from view.

In a series of tweets, the social-media giant said it was revising its “Hacked Materials Policy” and “updating our practice of not retroactively overturning prior enforcement.”

“Our policies are living documents,” said one of the tweets from @TwitterSafety.

“We’re willing to update and adjust them when we encounter new scenarios or receive important feedback from the public.”

The Post immediately celebrated the victory with a tweet declaring “We’re baaaaaaack” and an image of the tabloid’s Saturday front page, with the headline “FREE BIRD!”

The message quickly went viral, racking up more than 17,000 retweets and close to 50,000 likes in about an hour.

Twitter arbitrarily cracked down on The Post and locked its account on Oct. 14.

The company claimed The Post violated a policy on sharing “hacked materials” by tweeting links to bombshell exclusives on Biden’s emails — without ever saying how it came to that conclusion and despite the fact that neither Hunter Biden or anyone else has claimed his emails were hacked.
The Big Guy's cut.

It would be interesting to know how many Biden family members were on the payroll. If only we had a free and professional news media in this country.

Joe Biden is now being investigated for the quid pro quid criminal exchange of a $1 billion loan guarantee for firing the Ukrainian prosecutor who was investigating Hunter Biden's employer, Burisma. I am sure that if he is elected, Biden will once again quash any criminal investigation using American taxpayer money. I am also sure that his bag man son, Hunter, will once again be racking up frequent flyer miles collecting loot for the Big Guy.

^I should have said quid pro quo in the post above - as in Quid Pro Quo Joe.

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