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Pure evil
(02-26-2021, 02:48 PM)jetpilot Wrote:
(02-26-2021, 02:18 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(02-26-2021, 01:58 PM)jetpilot Wrote:
(02-26-2021, 12:52 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(02-26-2021, 08:11 AM)jetpilot Wrote: Gibberish. and pro-choice means pro-abortion,
No, it doesn't.  That's what you want it to mean.  

Does pro-2nd Amendment mean pro-murder?  Absolutely not, but there may be a case where you must defend yourself. 

The same is true of abortion.
Really a terrible argument. 99+% of abortions are just to get rid of unwanted babies. The rest of your post is a really bad argument as well.
Maybe it is, but so is yours.  JP, it's a moot point.  Abortion isn't going anywhere. 

I wish it would--the most obvious reason it will end the termination of a pregnancy and the damage that is done physically and mentally to the mothers. Secondly, America will have to address the systematic issues in this nation.  

But I'm sick of terrible, one-trick pony, conservative politicians that sucker voters in through fake outrage. 

Just to reiterate, those politicians don't want it to go away.
1. You don't know.
2. It's not fake. You want it to be but it's not. Half of this country (the good half) wants an end to the slaughter of millions of helpless babies in the womb. I'm sorry you don't like it, but it's absolutely true. Your "fake outrage" is what is fake.
3. Just to reiterate, you don't know. You wait for your liberal TV to tell you what to believe.  There are a million other issues out there, We really, really want abortion to go away. But you are free to keep lying to yourself to make yourself feel better.

Exactly. And I've got 2 words for you. Relativity + equivocation.

Relativity -  There is no adequate defense for infanticide, and like it or not, Dems are the ones whose central political platform plank is unfettered abortion. No questions asked. AFTR, it was they who set up the shell company-esque Planned Parenthood organization. Girls in trouble/pregnant women, go to a 'clinic' where councilors give over the top encouragement or otherwise talk them into an abortion. Then they make the arrangements for same and give post abortive support. Almost all of these so-called 'women's health services' on the taxpayer dime, though there be will those who argue most comes from other sources. A stand I do not accept as viable. Further, the behind the veil taxpayer funding, wink-wink, of Planned Parenthood, is a reality with which all conservatives are very uncomfortable. And every true Christian is of strong and vocal opposition.

The murder of the innocents is not any sort of women's right to privacy. Saying Republicans are okay with abortion in no way justifies the practice. Nor can saying the whole political system is corrupt justify voting for the side of the system which is openly antagonistic to the sovereignty of God and His clear directives. The Lord does not lose count and He does not forget, and He does not miss a thing. It's all coming up at the judgment.

Equivocation -  Same old thing, "you guys do it too." Not true. For example. While the left were out crapping on everything they could not burn down, Republicans have sat on their hands from the days of Occupy Wall Street when all the violence started and carries on until this very day, along with conservatives, Tea Partiers, and Trump supporters. Not a peep out of the right until the largely embellished atrocities committed on Jan 6th all went down, did anybody on the right get rowdy. At that point all the assaulting Republicans and conservatives, and town burnings just went away. And I for one am totally unconvinced that the true ratio of leftists involved will ever be exposed to the light of day.

We had 10 years of the media making martyrs and heroes out of protesters who all told, destroyed and ruined to the tune of untold billions in loses. And incalculable losses in broken lives and the American society. Much of the aftermath still lay in state in fact. But since the wormhole of the Jan 6th riots instantly put the feet of the right on the same quicksand on which the left stand;  the press have gone Hollywood. Terrifying sleeper cells of the alt-right are supposedly awaiting a signal from the resurrected John Applewhite to go out marauding through the streets of America. Which is of course, profoundly ridiculous. The right are your family. Grandparents, parents, cousins, uncles and aunts.

Most Republicans do not support abortion though, the lack of fire in their bellies on the matter is directly correlative to their personal lack of faith. But unlike the left who just got through calling for observance of the law on here because of course, the issue was leftist. Republicans will continue to go along with it, blaming Democrats unless and until they can get a majority wave of support to undo the invasive tentacles the abortion kracken has in society, commerce and government. And I personally hate the situation.
(02-26-2021, 02:48 PM)jetpilot Wrote:
(02-26-2021, 02:18 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(02-26-2021, 01:58 PM)jetpilot Wrote:
(02-26-2021, 12:52 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(02-26-2021, 08:11 AM)jetpilot Wrote: Gibberish. and pro-choice means pro-abortion,
No, it doesn't.  That's what you want it to mean.  

Does pro-2nd Amendment mean pro-murder?  Absolutely not, but there may be a case where you must defend yourself. 

The same is true of abortion.
Really a terrible argument. 99+% of abortions are just to get rid of unwanted babies. The rest of your post is a really bad argument as well.
Maybe it is, but so is yours.  JP, it's a moot point.  Abortion isn't going anywhere. 

I wish it would--the most obvious reason it will end the termination of a pregnancy and the damage that is done physically and mentally to the mothers. Secondly, America will have to address the systematic issues in this nation.  

But I'm sick of terrible, one-trick pony, conservative politicians that sucker voters in through fake outrage. 

Just to reiterate, those politicians don't want it to go away.
1. You don't know.
2. It's not fake. You want it to be but it's not. Half of this country (the good half) wants an end to the slaughter of millions of helpless babies in the womb. I'm sorry you don't like it, but it's absolutely true. Your "fake outrage" is what is fake.
3. Just to reiterate, you don't know. You wait for your liberal TV to tell you what to believe.  There are a million other issues out there, We really, really want abortion to go away. But you are free to keep lying to yourself to make yourself feel better.
Kiss of Death.  Wrong Way Hooter and TRT agreed with you Big Grin

In those sweet, sweet conservative years of 2016 -2020,  what happened?  Abortion is the paramount issue to every single conservative why didn't it go away?  Come on, JP, tell me that.   Why?  4 years.   

Republican Frauds.  They are lying to you.  Telling you conservatives what you want to hear.  Getting you riled up, but none of it is real just like the Election Fraud.  

I said I have no problem with it going away.  (For the 80th time)
(02-26-2021, 04:09 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(02-26-2021, 02:48 PM)jetpilot Wrote:
(02-26-2021, 02:18 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(02-26-2021, 01:58 PM)jetpilot Wrote:
(02-26-2021, 12:52 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote: No, it doesn't.  That's what you want it to mean.  

Does pro-2nd Amendment mean pro-murder?  Absolutely not, but there may be a case where you must defend yourself. 

The same is true of abortion.
Really a terrible argument. 99+% of abortions are just to get rid of unwanted babies. The rest of your post is a really bad argument as well.
Maybe it is, but so is yours.  JP, it's a moot point.  Abortion isn't going anywhere. 

I wish it would--the most obvious reason it will end the termination of a pregnancy and the damage that is done physically and mentally to the mothers. Secondly, America will have to address the systematic issues in this nation.  

But I'm sick of terrible, one-trick pony, conservative politicians that sucker voters in through fake outrage. 

Just to reiterate, those politicians don't want it to go away.
1. You don't know.
2. It's not fake. You want it to be but it's not. Half of this country (the good half) wants an end to the slaughter of millions of helpless babies in the womb. I'm sorry you don't like it, but it's absolutely true. Your "fake outrage" is what is fake.
3. Just to reiterate, you don't know. You wait for your liberal TV to tell you what to believe.  There are a million other issues out there, We really, really want abortion to go away. But you are free to keep lying to yourself to make yourself feel better.
Kiss of Death.  Wrong Way Hooter and TRT agreed with you Big Grin

In those sweet, sweet conservative years of 2016 -2020,  what happened?  Abortion is the paramount issue to every single conservative why didn't it go away?  Come on, JP, tell me that.   Why?  4 years.   

Republican Frauds.  They are lying to you.  Telling you conservatives what you want to hear.  Getting you riled up, but none of it is real just like the Election Fraud.  

I said I have no problem with it going away.  (For the 80th time)

Great! Quit voting Democrat until the rabid of you are voted out of office. Only then will we see the courage of the Tulsi Gabbards become a re-emergent force in government. And we can end the slaughter. Frankly, the issue of slavery though shameful, pales in comparison.
(02-26-2021, 04:20 PM)TheRealThing Wrote:
(02-26-2021, 04:09 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(02-26-2021, 02:48 PM)jetpilot Wrote:
(02-26-2021, 02:18 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(02-26-2021, 01:58 PM)jetpilot Wrote: Really a terrible argument. 99+% of abortions are just to get rid of unwanted babies. The rest of your post is a really bad argument as well.
Maybe it is, but so is yours.  JP, it's a moot point.  Abortion isn't going anywhere. 

I wish it would--the most obvious reason it will end the termination of a pregnancy and the damage that is done physically and mentally to the mothers. Secondly, America will have to address the systematic issues in this nation.  

But I'm sick of terrible, one-trick pony, conservative politicians that sucker voters in through fake outrage. 

Just to reiterate, those politicians don't want it to go away.
1. You don't know.
2. It's not fake. You want it to be but it's not. Half of this country (the good half) wants an end to the slaughter of millions of helpless babies in the womb. I'm sorry you don't like it, but it's absolutely true. Your "fake outrage" is what is fake.
3. Just to reiterate, you don't know. You wait for your liberal TV to tell you what to believe.  There are a million other issues out there, We really, really want abortion to go away. But you are free to keep lying to yourself to make yourself feel better.
Kiss of Death.  Wrong Way Hooter and TRT agreed with you Big Grin

In those sweet, sweet conservative years of 2016 -2020,  what happened?  Abortion is the paramount issue to every single conservative why didn't it go away?  Come on, JP, tell me that.   Why?  4 years.   

Republican Frauds.  They are lying to you.  Telling you conservatives what you want to hear.  Getting you riled up, but none of it is real just like the Election Fraud.  

I said I have no problem with it going away.  (For the 80th time)

Great! Quit voting Democrat until the rabid of you are voted out of office. Only then will we see the courage of the Tulsi Gabbards become a re-emergent force in government. And we can end the slaughter. Frankly, the issue of slavery though shameful, pales in comparison.

But that isn’t the issue I vote on.  Why would I elect fake politicians who don’t even believe in their own wedge issue. Hell, half of them probably paid for their fair share of terminations.

Odds are pretty damn good party leader, Golden Calf DJT has.  

 I only know a few people who’ve had an abortion ( or paid for one ) and they sound like you guys do on the daily.
(02-26-2021, 04:09 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(02-26-2021, 02:48 PM)jetpilot Wrote:
(02-26-2021, 02:18 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(02-26-2021, 01:58 PM)jetpilot Wrote:
(02-26-2021, 12:52 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote: No, it doesn't.  That's what you want it to mean.  

Does pro-2nd Amendment mean pro-murder?  Absolutely not, but there may be a case where you must defend yourself. 

The same is true of abortion.
Really a terrible argument. 99+% of abortions are just to get rid of unwanted babies. The rest of your post is a really bad argument as well.
Maybe it is, but so is yours.  JP, it's a moot point.  Abortion isn't going anywhere. 

I wish it would--the most obvious reason it will end the termination of a pregnancy and the damage that is done physically and mentally to the mothers. Secondly, America will have to address the systematic issues in this nation.  

But I'm sick of terrible, one-trick pony, conservative politicians that sucker voters in through fake outrage. 

Just to reiterate, those politicians don't want it to go away.
1. You don't know.
2. It's not fake. You want it to be but it's not. Half of this country (the good half) wants an end to the slaughter of millions of helpless babies in the womb. I'm sorry you don't like it, but it's absolutely true. Your "fake outrage" is what is fake.
3. Just to reiterate, you don't know. You wait for your liberal TV to tell you what to believe.  There are a million other issues out there, We really, really want abortion to go away. But you are free to keep lying to yourself to make yourself feel better.
Kiss of Death.  Wrong Way Hooter and TRT agreed with you Big Grin

In those sweet, sweet conservative years of 2016 -2020,  what happened?  Abortion is the paramount issue to every single conservative why didn't it go away?  Come on, JP, tell me that.   Why?  4 years.   

Republican Frauds.  They are lying to you.  Telling you conservatives what you want to hear.  Getting you riled up, but none of it is real just like the Election Fraud.  

I said I have no problem with it going away.  (For the 80th time)
You have the poorest understanding of how the federal government works of any of the regular participants in this forum. Having control of Congress and the White House does not give a party the power to pass legislation to overturn a Supreme Court decision. If it did, then Democrats would have already outlawed firearms. That will not happen. They may enact unconstitutional laws to infringe upon the constitutional right to bear arms that will be struck down by the Supreme Court.

Your argument that abortion is still legal only because Republicans don't want to lose it as a wedge issue belongs in the Stupid Things that Democrats Say and Do thread.
88%  of Americans believe that abortion should be legal in at least SOME cases.   61% believe that it should be legal in ALL or MOST cases.  Only 12% believe that it should be illegal in ALL cases.

In addition ,   a significant percentage of the population agrees with Democrats' views on abortion more than they do Republicans' views(42% to 32%).  Even among this 42-32 divide, the support of Republicans' views is softer with only 21% of the 32% siding with Republicans saying they "strongly" agree with Republicans. On the other hand, 28% of the 42%  siding with Democrats say they "strongly" agree with Democrats.  24% didn't express agreement with either party.   Interestingly,   12%  of all Republicans agree with Democrats' views on abortion more than they do with those of their own party. 

The will is just not there among the American public to overturn Roe v. Wade .

*  All data above obtained from the The Pew Research Center poll ( 7/22 - 8/4  ,  2019)
(02-26-2021, 06:39 PM)Old School Hound Wrote: 88%  of Americans believe that abortion should be legal in at least SOME cases.   61% believe that it should be legal in ALL or MOST cases.  Only 12% believe that it should be illegal in ALL cases.

In addition ,   a significant percentage of the population agrees with Democrats' views on abortion more than they do Republicans' views(42% to 32%).  Even among this 42-32 divide, the support of Republicans' views is softer with only 21% of the 32% siding with Republicans saying they "strongly" agree with Republicans. On the other hand, 28% of the 42%  siding with Democrats say they "strongly" agree with Democrats.  24% didn't express agreement with either party.   Interestingly,   12%  of all Republicans agree with Democrats' views on abortion more than they do with those of their own party. 

The will is just not there among the American public to overturn Roe v. Wade .

*  All data above obtained from the The Pew Research Center poll ( 7/22 - 8/4  ,  2019)
Poll results can be manipulated through phrasing of the questions. There is no way that a majority of Americans support partial birth abortions if the procedure is explained to them. People will answer survey questions that they do not understand to avoid being seen as ignorant and millions of Americans are extremely ignorant on a wide variety of topics. Pew is known to have a liberal bias but survey results are often driven by the results that the customer wants to see. Most people will never take time to read the internal details of surveys, which are just as important as the language used to report the results.
(02-26-2021, 06:14 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(02-26-2021, 04:09 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(02-26-2021, 02:48 PM)jetpilot Wrote:
(02-26-2021, 02:18 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(02-26-2021, 01:58 PM)jetpilot Wrote: Really a terrible argument. 99+% of abortions are just to get rid of unwanted babies. The rest of your post is a really bad argument as well.
Maybe it is, but so is yours.  JP, it's a moot point.  Abortion isn't going anywhere. 

I wish it would--the most obvious reason it will end the termination of a pregnancy and the damage that is done physically and mentally to the mothers. Secondly, America will have to address the systematic issues in this nation.  

But I'm sick of terrible, one-trick pony, conservative politicians that sucker voters in through fake outrage. 

Just to reiterate, those politicians don't want it to go away.
1. You don't know.
2. It's not fake. You want it to be but it's not. Half of this country (the good half) wants an end to the slaughter of millions of helpless babies in the womb. I'm sorry you don't like it, but it's absolutely true. Your "fake outrage" is what is fake.
3. Just to reiterate, you don't know. You wait for your liberal TV to tell you what to believe.  There are a million other issues out there, We really, really want abortion to go away. But you are free to keep lying to yourself to make yourself feel better.
Kiss of Death.  Wrong Way Hooter and TRT agreed with you Big Grin

In those sweet, sweet conservative years of 2016 -2020,  what happened?  Abortion is the paramount issue to every single conservative why didn't it go away?  Come on, JP, tell me that.   Why?  4 years.   

Republican Frauds.  They are lying to you.  Telling you conservatives what you want to hear.  Getting you riled up, but none of it is real just like the Election Fraud.  

I said I have no problem with it going away.  (For the 80th time)
You have the poorest understanding of how the federal government works of any of the regular participants in this forum. Having control of Congress and the White House does not give a party the power to pass legislation to overturn a Supreme Court decision. If it did, then Democrats would have already outlawed firearms. That will not happen. They may enact unconstitutional laws to infringe upon the constitutional right to bear arms that will be struck down by the Supreme Court.

Your argument that abortion is still legal only because Republicans don't want to lose it as a wedge issue belongs in the Stupid Things that Democrats Say and Do thread.
How is it that I get more right than you do, Wrong Way Hooter? 

You’re calling me stupid which means you can’t explain why you side hasn’t repealed it.  

Big Grin

(02-26-2021, 08:32 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(02-26-2021, 06:14 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(02-26-2021, 04:09 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(02-26-2021, 02:48 PM)jetpilot Wrote:
(02-26-2021, 02:18 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote: Maybe it is, but so is yours.  JP, it's a moot point.  Abortion isn't going anywhere. 

I wish it would--the most obvious reason it will end the termination of a pregnancy and the damage that is done physically and mentally to the mothers. Secondly, America will have to address the systematic issues in this nation.  

But I'm sick of terrible, one-trick pony, conservative politicians that sucker voters in through fake outrage. 

Just to reiterate, those politicians don't want it to go away.
1. You don't know.
2. It's not fake. You want it to be but it's not. Half of this country (the good half) wants an end to the slaughter of millions of helpless babies in the womb. I'm sorry you don't like it, but it's absolutely true. Your "fake outrage" is what is fake.
3. Just to reiterate, you don't know. You wait for your liberal TV to tell you what to believe.  There are a million other issues out there, We really, really want abortion to go away. But you are free to keep lying to yourself to make yourself feel better.
Kiss of Death.  Wrong Way Hooter and TRT agreed with you Big Grin

In those sweet, sweet conservative years of 2016 -2020,  what happened?  Abortion is the paramount issue to every single conservative why didn't it go away?  Come on, JP, tell me that.   Why?  4 years.   

Republican Frauds.  They are lying to you.  Telling you conservatives what you want to hear.  Getting you riled up, but none of it is real just like the Election Fraud.  

I said I have no problem with it going away.  (For the 80th time)
You have the poorest understanding of how the federal government works of any of the regular participants in this forum. Having control of Congress and the White House does not give a party the power to pass legislation to overturn a Supreme Court decision. If it did, then Democrats would have already outlawed firearms. That will not happen. They may enact unconstitutional laws to infringe upon the constitutional right to bear arms that will be struck down by the Supreme Court.

Your argument that abortion is still legal only because Republicans don't want to lose it as a wedge issue belongs in the Stupid Things that Democrats Say and Do thread.
How is it that I get more right than you do, Wrong Way Hooter? 

You’re calling me stupid which means you can’t explain why you side hasn’t repealed it.  

Big Grin

The president and Congress can't repeal a Supreme Court decision, Comrade Cardfan. That is not the way that the government works in this country. Sesame Street used to teach some basics about our government. You might want to check it out.
(02-26-2021, 08:54 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(02-26-2021, 08:32 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(02-26-2021, 06:14 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(02-26-2021, 04:09 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(02-26-2021, 02:48 PM)jetpilot Wrote: 1. You don't know.
2. It's not fake. You want it to be but it's not. Half of this country (the good half) wants an end to the slaughter of millions of helpless babies in the womb. I'm sorry you don't like it, but it's absolutely true. Your "fake outrage" is what is fake.
3. Just to reiterate, you don't know. You wait for your liberal TV to tell you what to believe.  There are a million other issues out there, We really, really want abortion to go away. But you are free to keep lying to yourself to make yourself feel better.
Kiss of Death.  Wrong Way Hooter and TRT agreed with you Big Grin

In those sweet, sweet conservative years of 2016 -2020,  what happened?  Abortion is the paramount issue to every single conservative why didn't it go away?  Come on, JP, tell me that.   Why?  4 years.   

Republican Frauds.  They are lying to you.  Telling you conservatives what you want to hear.  Getting you riled up, but none of it is real just like the Election Fraud.  

I said I have no problem with it going away.  (For the 80th time)
You have the poorest understanding of how the federal government works of any of the regular participants in this forum. Having control of Congress and the White House does not give a party the power to pass legislation to overturn a Supreme Court decision. If it did, then Democrats would have already outlawed firearms. That will not happen. They may enact unconstitutional laws to infringe upon the constitutional right to bear arms that will be struck down by the Supreme Court.

Your argument that abortion is still legal only because Republicans don't want to lose it as a wedge issue belongs in the Stupid Things that Democrats Say and Do thread.
How is it that I get more right than you do, Wrong Way Hooter? 

You’re calling me stupid which means you can’t explain why you side hasn’t repealed it.  

Big Grin

The president and Congress can't repeal a Supreme Court decision, Comrade Cardfan. That is not the way that the government works in this country. Sesame Street used to teach some basics about our government. You might want to check it out.

Zero challenges to SCOTUS. 

where were the loud mouthed congressmen?  Where were the pro life folks demanding the end of abortion? 

as always so weak from you, Wrong Way Hooter. 

your party bowed out because they are hypocrites.  You are if you still believe in them.
(02-26-2021, 09:02 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(02-26-2021, 08:54 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(02-26-2021, 08:32 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(02-26-2021, 06:14 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(02-26-2021, 04:09 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote: Kiss of Death.  Wrong Way Hooter and TRT agreed with you Big Grin

In those sweet, sweet conservative years of 2016 -2020,  what happened?  Abortion is the paramount issue to every single conservative why didn't it go away?  Come on, JP, tell me that.   Why?  4 years.   

Republican Frauds.  They are lying to you.  Telling you conservatives what you want to hear.  Getting you riled up, but none of it is real just like the Election Fraud.  

I said I have no problem with it going away.  (For the 80th time)
You have the poorest understanding of how the federal government works of any of the regular participants in this forum. Having control of Congress and the White House does not give a party the power to pass legislation to overturn a Supreme Court decision. If it did, then Democrats would have already outlawed firearms. That will not happen. They may enact unconstitutional laws to infringe upon the constitutional right to bear arms that will be struck down by the Supreme Court.

Your argument that abortion is still legal only because Republicans don't want to lose it as a wedge issue belongs in the Stupid Things that Democrats Say and Do thread.
How is it that I get more right than you do, Wrong Way Hooter? 

You’re calling me stupid which means you can’t explain why you side hasn’t repealed it.  

Big Grin

The president and Congress can't repeal a Supreme Court decision, Comrade Cardfan. That is not the way that the government works in this country. Sesame Street used to teach some basics about our government. You might want to check it out.

Zero challenges to SCOTUS. 

where were the loud mouthed congressmen?  Where were the pro life folks demanding the end of abortion? 

as always so weak from you, Wrong Way Hooter. 

your party bowed out because they are hypocrites.  You are if you still believe in them.
Liar. You say you are against abortion but you vote straight party for the candidates responsible for the slaughter of tens of millions of innocent, unborn babies. You sound very silly calling anybody else a hypocrite.
(02-26-2021, 09:51 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(02-26-2021, 09:02 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(02-26-2021, 08:54 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(02-26-2021, 08:32 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(02-26-2021, 06:14 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote: You have the poorest understanding of how the federal government works of any of the regular participants in this forum. Having control of Congress and the White House does not give a party the power to pass legislation to overturn a Supreme Court decision. If it did, then Democrats would have already outlawed firearms. That will not happen. They may enact unconstitutional laws to infringe upon the constitutional right to bear arms that will be struck down by the Supreme Court.

Your argument that abortion is still legal only because Republicans don't want to lose it as a wedge issue belongs in the Stupid Things that Democrats Say and Do thread.
How is it that I get more right than you do, Wrong Way Hooter? 

You’re calling me stupid which means you can’t explain why you side hasn’t repealed it.  

Big Grin

The president and Congress can't repeal a Supreme Court decision, Comrade Cardfan. That is not the way that the government works in this country. Sesame Street used to teach some basics about our government. You might want to check it out.

Zero challenges to SCOTUS. 

where were the loud mouthed congressmen?  Where were the pro life folks demanding the end of abortion? 

as always so weak from you, Wrong Way Hooter. 

your party bowed out because they are hypocrites.  You are if you still believe in them.
Liar. You say you are against abortion but you vote straight party for the candidates responsible for the slaughter of tens of millions of innocent, unborn babies. You sound very silly calling anybody else a hypocrite.

nah I said I don’t care.  you wusses vote for candidates who NEVER get anything done even when they own all the advantages.  

you sound stupid talking about it.

(02-26-2021, 09:51 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(02-26-2021, 09:02 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(02-26-2021, 08:54 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(02-26-2021, 08:32 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(02-26-2021, 06:14 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote: You have the poorest understanding of how the federal government works of any of the regular participants in this forum. Having control of Congress and the White House does not give a party the power to pass legislation to overturn a Supreme Court decision. If it did, then Democrats would have already outlawed firearms. That will not happen. They may enact unconstitutional laws to infringe upon the constitutional right to bear arms that will be struck down by the Supreme Court.

Your argument that abortion is still legal only because Republicans don't want to lose it as a wedge issue belongs in the Stupid Things that Democrats Say and Do thread.
How is it that I get more right than you do, Wrong Way Hooter? 

You’re calling me stupid which means you can’t explain why you side hasn’t repealed it.  

Big Grin

The president and Congress can't repeal a Supreme Court decision, Comrade Cardfan. That is not the way that the government works in this country. Sesame Street used to teach some basics about our government. You might want to check it out.

Zero challenges to SCOTUS. 

where were the loud mouthed congressmen?  Where were the pro life folks demanding the end of abortion? 

as always so weak from you, Wrong Way Hooter. 

your party bowed out because they are hypocrites.  You are if you still believe in them.
Liar. You say you are against abortion but you vote straight party for the candidates responsible for the slaughter of tens of millions of innocent, unborn babies. You sound very silly calling anybody else a hypocrite.

nah I said I don’t care.  you wusses vote for candidates who NEVER get anything done even when they own all the advantages.  

you sound stupid talking about it.
I just wish the "compassionate"   conservatives across the country who are so vociferous and passionate about abortion would carry that same zeal and passion into assuring that the little fetuses, particularly the black and brown ones,  grow up in a country that doesn't try to suppress their right to vote.  Many of those same little babies that they seem so concerned about prior to birth are the same little babies that they try everything in their power to keep from voting when they reach the age of 18. Again, I am no fan of abortion but would rather the mamas be able to make those decisions instead of Sam Alito or Donald Trump.
[-] The following 1 user Likes Old School Hound's post:
  • Cardfan1
(02-27-2021, 11:37 AM)Old School Hound Wrote: I just wish the "compassionate"   conservatives across the country who are so vociferous and passionate about abortion would carry that same zeal and passion into assuring that the little fetuses, particularly the black and brown ones,  grow up in a country that doesn't try to suppress their right to vote.  Many of those same little babies that they seem so concerned about prior to birth are the same little babies that they try everything in their power to keep from voting when they reach the age of 18. Again, I am no fan of abortion but would rather the mamas be able to make those decisions instead of Sam Alito or Donald Trump.
Nothing but liberal BS. Do liberals ever tire of repeating false Democrat Party talking points?
(02-27-2021, 11:58 AM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(02-27-2021, 11:37 AM)Old School Hound Wrote: I just wish the "compassionate"   conservatives across the country who are so vociferous and passionate about abortion would carry that same zeal and passion into assuring that the little fetuses, particularly the black and brown ones,  grow up in a country that doesn't try to suppress their right to vote.  Many of those same little babies that they seem so concerned about prior to birth are the same little babies that they try everything in their power to keep from voting when they reach the age of 18. Again, I am no fan of abortion but would rather the mamas be able to make those decisions instead of Sam Alito or Donald Trump.
Nothing but liberal BS. Do liberals ever tire of repeating false Democrat Party talking points?
voter suppression is real. 
election fraud is a fable.
If Democrats were not slaughtering unborn Black babies in this country at such a mercilessly high rate, maybe they would not need to import more Democrat voters through our southern border. 

Planned Parenthood was founded by racists who promoted white supremacy through birth control and abortion and the organization has been phenomenally successful in fulfilling its mission. Abortion in this country has resulted in genocide of American blacks on a scale of which the Nazis could not have imagined.

And I'll offer a current events parallel which although separate, bears directly on this very issue. The Biden administration has all but called for a massive resurgence of illegals across our southern border. Even to the point of returning deportees to extend to them what Dems call due process. Something of which only US citizens are entitled to according to the law and any faint glimmer of logic; but which was summarily denied to the last Republican President.

But under the very same shall we say, uninvited immigration policies over which Dems were supposedly about to line up on California cliffs and do their lemming run because of what they called the inhuman treatment shown illegals at the border by the Trump Administration, remember the pics of young people in the cages Obama built?  It's all good, and the process has been redefined as now being akin to sitting at your Mom's table to enjoy your favorite meal.  The immigrants are now the preferred ' invited ones' and now all of a sudden and just because the Dems are back in power, the whole process has been anointed as being supremely humanistic. I mean, to hear Biden talk about the revision one could almost hear the angels singing as he spoke. Please!

Hoot has Planned Parenthood just right. The whole spectrum of liberalism is a total sham of past present and future reality revision, which only the sublimely naive and the willfully ignorant could espouse. For the Dems, It's all a matter of packaging. Abortion is women's health, and wide open borders with detention centers dotted along the way, are now just the manifestation of Americans oozing with the milk of human kindness. What was monkey puke can with the help of the media, become the nectar of the gods.
(02-27-2021, 12:06 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(02-27-2021, 11:58 AM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(02-27-2021, 11:37 AM)Old School Hound Wrote: I just wish the "compassionate"   conservatives across the country who are so vociferous and passionate about abortion would carry that same zeal and passion into assuring that the little fetuses, particularly the black and brown ones,  grow up in a country that doesn't try to suppress their right to vote.  Many of those same little babies that they seem so concerned about prior to birth are the same little babies that they try everything in their power to keep from voting when they reach the age of 18. Again, I am no fan of abortion but would rather the mamas be able to make those decisions instead of Sam Alito or Donald Trump.
Nothing but liberal BS. Do liberals ever tire of repeating false Democrat Party talking points?
voter suppression is real. 
election fraud is a fable.
Black genocide is real and Democrats' advocacy of abortion sustains it. If you can't breathe, nothing else matters, and abortion victims are denied the human right of breathing.

(02-27-2021, 12:54 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(02-27-2021, 12:06 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(02-27-2021, 11:58 AM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(02-27-2021, 11:37 AM)Old School Hound Wrote: I just wish the "compassionate"   conservatives across the country who are so vociferous and passionate about abortion would carry that same zeal and passion into assuring that the little fetuses, particularly the black and brown ones,  grow up in a country that doesn't try to suppress their right to vote.  Many of those same little babies that they seem so concerned about prior to birth are the same little babies that they try everything in their power to keep from voting when they reach the age of 18. Again, I am no fan of abortion but would rather the mamas be able to make those decisions instead of Sam Alito or Donald Trump.
Nothing but liberal BS. Do liberals ever tire of repeating false Democrat Party talking points?
voter suppression is real. 
election fraud is a fable.
Black genocide is real and Democrats' advocacy of abortion sustains it. If you can't breathe, nothing else matters, and abortion victims are denied the human right of breathing.


why do women of color choose to abort their children at those rates, Hooter?
(02-27-2021, 01:03 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(02-27-2021, 12:54 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(02-27-2021, 12:06 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(02-27-2021, 11:58 AM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(02-27-2021, 11:37 AM)Old School Hound Wrote: I just wish the "compassionate"   conservatives across the country who are so vociferous and passionate about abortion would carry that same zeal and passion into assuring that the little fetuses, particularly the black and brown ones,  grow up in a country that doesn't try to suppress their right to vote.  Many of those same little babies that they seem so concerned about prior to birth are the same little babies that they try everything in their power to keep from voting when they reach the age of 18. Again, I am no fan of abortion but would rather the mamas be able to make those decisions instead of Sam Alito or Donald Trump.
Nothing but liberal BS. Do liberals ever tire of repeating false Democrat Party talking points?
voter suppression is real. 
election fraud is a fable.
Black genocide is real and Democrats' advocacy of abortion sustains it. If you can't breathe, nothing else matters, and abortion victims are denied the human right of breathing.


why do women of color choose to abort their children at those rates, Hooter?
You tell me, Comrade vector, since it is you who support the practice of abortion with such enthusiasm.
More Dem pure evil:

Jenna Ellis

This is evil.
You libs should get a kick out of this:
(02-27-2021, 01:11 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(02-27-2021, 01:03 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(02-27-2021, 12:54 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(02-27-2021, 12:06 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(02-27-2021, 11:58 AM)Hoot Gibson Wrote: Nothing but liberal BS. Do liberals ever tire of repeating false Democrat Party talking points?
voter suppression is real. 
election fraud is a fable.
Black genocide is real and Democrats' advocacy of abortion sustains it. If you can't breathe, nothing else matters, and abortion victims are denied the human right of breathing.


why do women of color choose to abort their children at those rates, Hooter?
You tell me, Comrade vector, since it is you who support the practice of abortion with such enthusiasm.
Not Vector and haven’t said I support abortion. You are really confused.  I’ve just pointed out the GOP and all its politicians are frauds.

(02-27-2021, 03:13 PM)jetpilot Wrote: More Dem pure evil:

Jenna Ellis

This is evil.

that feels like a fake/misleading  meme.

considering the source it definitely is dishonest.
(02-27-2021, 04:35 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(02-27-2021, 01:11 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(02-27-2021, 01:03 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(02-27-2021, 12:54 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(02-27-2021, 12:06 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote: voter suppression is real. 
election fraud is a fable.
Black genocide is real and Democrats' advocacy of abortion sustains it. If you can't breathe, nothing else matters, and abortion victims are denied the human right of breathing.


why do women of color choose to abort their children at those rates, Hooter?
You tell me, Comrade vector, since it is you who support the practice of abortion with such enthusiasm.
Not Vector and haven’t said I support abortion. You are really confused.  I’ve just pointed out the GOP and all its politicians are frauds.

(02-27-2021, 03:13 PM)jetpilot Wrote: More Dem pure evil:

Jenna Ellis

This is evil.

that feels like a fake/misleading  meme.

considering the source it definitely is dishonest.
You have confirmed repeatedly that you support abortion. Nobody opposed to abortion would ever vote for China Joe. You can say that you don't support abortion, but you are lying if you do. Abortion is legal only because people support Democrats who are advocates for abortion. 
[-] The following 1 user Likes Hoot Gibson's post:
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I really don't think that anyone, regardless of where they are positioned on the abortion issue, should be considered evil. I have never met anyone who is either neutral or pro-woman's choice who I felt was anyone close to being evil. I am more on the side for choice for women and I know I am not evil. Sounds like  Cardsfan1 is pretty neutral on the issue and I know he is not evil. The only think even close to being evil is how some of the most extreme "pro-lifers" have intimidated and frightened young women and health professionals at clinics providing health services to women. Some have even resorted to bombing clinics and shooting doctors. That is pretty close to pure evil.  Again, according to Pew Research(and as Andy Griffith would say, they are a Gooooooood polling company), only about  1 in  8   Americans say  that abortion should be illegal in ALL cases.  7 out of  8 of us say there are at least some circumstances where an abortion should be a legal option for a mother.
(02-27-2021, 04:57 PM)Old School Hound Wrote: I really don't think that anyone, regardless of where they are positioned on the abortion issue, should be considered evil. I have never met anyone who is either neutral or pro-woman's choice who I felt was anyone close to being evil. I am more on the side for choice for women and I know I am not evil. Sounds like  Cardsfan1 is pretty neutral on the issue and I know he is not evil. The only think even close to being evil is how some of the most extreme "pro-lifers" have intimidated and frightened young women and health professionals at clinics providing health services to women. Some have even resorted to bombing clinics and shooting doctors. That is pretty close to pure evil.  Again, according to Pew Research(and as Andy Griffith would say, they are a Gooooooood polling company), only about  1 in  8   Americans say  that abortion should be illegal in ALL cases.  7 out of  8 of us say there are at least some circumstances where an abortion should be a legal option for a mother.
People for slaughter of babies in the womb are not evil, people against it are. You liberals can literally talk yourselves into anything your TV tells you to.
(02-27-2021, 04:35 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(02-27-2021, 01:11 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(02-27-2021, 01:03 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote:
(02-27-2021, 12:54 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(02-27-2021, 12:06 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote: voter suppression is real. 
election fraud is a fable.
Black genocide is real and Democrats' advocacy of abortion sustains it. If you can't breathe, nothing else matters, and abortion victims are denied the human right of breathing.


why do women of color choose to abort their children at those rates, Hooter?
You tell me, Comrade vector, since it is you who support the practice of abortion with such enthusiasm.
Not Vector and haven’t said I support abortion. You are really confused.  I’ve just pointed out the GOP and all its politicians are frauds.

(02-27-2021, 03:13 PM)jetpilot Wrote: More Dem pure evil:

Jenna Ellis

This is evil.

that feels like a fake/misleading  meme.

considering the source it definitely is dishonest.
Your feelings on line 1, a lie on line 2. Another gem, nice comeback LOL.
(02-27-2021, 04:57 PM)Old School Hound Wrote: I really don't think that anyone, regardless of where they are positioned on the abortion issue, should be considered evil. I have never met anyone who is either neutral or pro-woman's choice who I felt was anyone close to being evil. I am more on the side for choice for women and I know I am not evil. Sounds like  Cardsfan1 is pretty neutral on the issue and I know he is not evil. The only think even close to being evil is how some of the most extreme "pro-lifers" have intimidated and frightened young women and health professionals at clinics providing health services to women. Some have even resorted to bombing clinics and shooting doctors. That is pretty close to pure evil.  Again, according to Pew Research(and as Andy Griffith would say, they are a Gooooooood polling company), only about  1 in  8   Americans say  that abortion should be illegal in ALL cases.  7 out of  8 of us say there are at least some circumstances where an abortion should be a legal option for a mother.
Voting for people who support a "woman's right" to partial abortion is evil. Period. If you ask people if they support abortion to save the life of the mother, then yes, most Americans agree that the mother should have that choice. That kind of question is the basis for your misleading statements that only 1 in 8 Americans oppose abortion in all circumstances. But extremely rare circumstances are not what Democrat politicians support. People forget that Barack Obama once argued for the right of a woman to allow a baby that survives an abortion attempt to be isolated and left to die. That is evil. Period.

Any Democrat who supports abortion with no regard for the life of the unborn baby is evil. "Women's health" does not include an abortion as a method of contraception, which is the basis of most abortions. The instances where an abortion is performed to save the the life of the mother are rare. 

Tens of millions of innocent babies have been killed through abortions and Black babies have been aborted at a much higher rate that White or Asian babies. That is genocide and Black Americans have Democrats to thank for making it possible in this country.
[-] The following 1 user Likes Hoot Gibson's post:
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(02-27-2021, 05:14 PM)Hoot Gibson Wrote:
(02-27-2021, 04:57 PM)Old School Hound Wrote: I really don't think that anyone, regardless of where they are positioned on the abortion issue, should be considered evil. I have never met anyone who is either neutral or pro-woman's choice who I felt was anyone close to being evil. I am more on the side for choice for women and I know I am not evil. Sounds like  Cardsfan1 is pretty neutral on the issue and I know he is not evil. The only think even close to being evil is how some of the most extreme "pro-lifers" have intimidated and frightened young women and health professionals at clinics providing health services to women. Some have even resorted to bombing clinics and shooting doctors. That is pretty close to pure evil.  Again, according to Pew Research(and as Andy Griffith would say, they are a Gooooooood polling company), only about  1 in  8   Americans say  that abortion should be illegal in ALL cases.  7 out of  8 of us say there are at least some circumstances where an abortion should be a legal option for a mother.
Voting for people who support a "woman's right" to partial abortion is evil. Period. If you ask people if they support abortion to save the life of the mother, then yes, most Americans agree that the mother should have that choice. That kind of question is the basis for your misleading statements that only 1 in 8 Americans oppose abortion in all circumstances. But extremely rare circumstances are not what Democrat politicians support. People forget that Barack Obama once argued for the right of a woman to allow a baby that survives an abortion attempt to be isolated and left to die. That is evil. Period.

Any Democrat who supports abortion with no regard for the life of the unborn baby is evil. "Women's health" does not include an abortion as a method of contraception, which is the basis of most abortions. The instances where an abortion is performed to save the the life of the mother are rare. 

Tens of millions of innocent babies have been killed through abortions and Black babies have been aborted at a much higher rate that White or Asian babies. That is genocide and Black Americans have Democrats to thank for making it possible in this country.
Every word is 100% true and they will dodge even addressing these facts.
^^ Of course. The idea for them is to keep coming back with something, even if it is idiotic or false or a dodge or unsupported or whatever. Then hit the laugh once or twice for arguments that don't mean all that much. But now if the issue is a liberal sacred cow, it's a full on course of Mother Jones complete with link; then they hit the laugh icon one of two dozen times, and possibly call you stupid.

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