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HORROR! Photos Leaked of Joe Biden’s Migrant Children in Cages – Kids Stuffed into...
China Joe has provided incentives for illegal aliens to swamp our southern border and they have responded in droves. The result has been an influx of unaccompanied children and the need to separate children from criminal parents. The predictable result has been the larges flood of illegal immigrants in 20 years, which have overwhelmed this country's system of processing them. China Joe's response has been to impose a gag order on local Border Control agents. Nothing to see here, folks, move along.

Mission accomplished, Joe!

Where is the outrage from the left?

Quote:HORROR! Photos Leaked of Joe Biden’s Migrant Children in Cages – Kids Stuffed into Holding ‘Pods’ in Squalid Conditions

Photos were leaked today to Axios of children stuffed into crowded cages in squalid conditions at a US Customs and Border Protection overflow facility.

The photos were leaked showing hundreds of children huddling on the floor of eight ‘pods’ – each of which are supposed to hold 260 people. One pod reportedly had over 400 unaccompanied male minors crammed together, according to Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-TX), who provided the photos to Axios to raise awareness about the situation.

A reported 15,000 unaccompanied child migrants are in U.S. custody this weekend, including 5,000 being kept in overcrowded Border Patrol stations not meant for children.

Biden’s handlers have a gag order on border patrol agents from speaking to the press during this growing crisis.

More photos.




Catturd @Catturd

Why isn't AOC down at the border right now?

Does this mean she's just an opportunistic phony?

It certainly does.
One might be able to import his own demise by way of cage, or container, or even caravan. But even though the human agony shown in these photos may seem to be restricted to the border area, in no way can the agents of demise be contained by any of those means. Relocation notwithstanding, the agony and need seen in these photos is coming to a neighborhood near us all. And economists maintain there won't be enough money to just "give" these folks a new life. There will come a tipping point for the re-fi'd to the max taxpayer.

And ultimately for those immigrants of a sort, what happens when dreams of plenty die, and the reality of need turns to desperation? People will be forced to turn to less noble means than holding out their hats, I can assure. Far less than 1% of Americans live in so-called gated communities, in fact even most US Congressmen do not. And now; though I understand that everything is always and only all yellow-submarine in La-La Land, defunding police ahead of an impending and epic insurgency, might possibly have not been the smartest tack.
The best way to avoid packing children like sardines into chain linked pens is to control our borders and not provide any incentives to attract illegal aliens. China Joe and the liberals have intentionally created the deplorable conditions along our southern border. Their answer will be the same as it is to all of their manufactured crises. More money - and more spending will create more incentives for illegal aliens to answer Biden's call. It is a vicious cycle that victimizes children and benefits the drug cartels.
Has China Joe lifted the news embargo on this crisis that he created? When is the Resident or Vice Resident going to go tour the cages stuffed full of the children of illegal aliens?

Where is the outrage, all ye communists, socialists, liberals, and progressives (choose your preferred label)? Obama built the cages, Trump reduced the number of children who were detained, and Biden has opened the floodgates.
More of what the Biden administration is attempting to hide from decent Americans.

The border is open. The socialists of the Democrat Party are lying to us.

[Video: http://]
A group of Republican Senators visited the border recently to report on the deplorable conditions that the Biden administration has created because China Joe is blocking access to the news media and preventing them from doing their job.

As Ted Cruz said, the Trump, Obama, Bush, and Clinton administrations all allowed full media access to detention centers along the border. Only the Biden administration has banned the media from covering this tragic, avoidable situation along our southern border.

Notice that silence from the BGR socialists on this subject. Censorship is okay and packing children into cages like sardines is okay with them, as long as the socialists in the Democrat Party for whom they voted are the oppressors. Think about that.

[Video: ]
Senators Cruz and Lankford are prime examples of why I vote Republican. While the left are pointing fingers and saying "both sides do it," (and to a certain extent that is true) there are more Lankford's in the Republican Party who care about the nation and therefore the people. On the other hand, I would challenge anybody to name even one Democrat who would dare to go against Schumer or the mad hat-tress, Nancy Pelosi. The closest thing they have to a legislator who thinks for himself are Joe Manchin and Tulsi Gabbard.

I understand why the takers are all on board. And though I still say it takes willful ignorance on the part of baby boomers to continue voting left, I can sort of understand how reality has passed these old folks by. But I cannot for the life of me understand present day organized labor's bent for their own destruction.

AFTR, in the same way the Dems and the media are mischaracterizing the events at the border, are the mischaracterizations of the 1.9 T stimulus and the 3 T infrastructure spending bills. Of the stimulus, the amount that actually goes to COVID relief is basically equal to a rounding error. The rest goes to fund the liberal wish list. Same will be true with the infrastructure bill. Most will go to things like free community college and college debt forgiveness, or paid family leave. As Joe Concha pointed out, the last budget for the Obama administration was only 4 trillion and people were jumping up and down about that. These two spending bills alone (all discretionary spending) amount to 5 trillion on their own.

We prefer the lie over the truth. For example, Governor Matt Bevin told the teacher's union the truth about the state of their pension fund; and the best answer our so-called intellectual elite could come up with was to mount a smear campaign against him. That truly is fuzzy math. In the same vein we see the people's preference demonstrated in the directly straight talking style of President Trump which again, the left could not handle. The best they could again come up with was a nuclear smear campaign.

No the people want and prefer the lie. To demonstrate the point we saw the Joe Biden press conference. Polished and civil pre-submitted questions got us polished and civil pre-rehearsed answers. The questions were nothing short of leading the witness in nature, meant of course to advance the liberal philosophy and rehabilitate the liberal's philosophical leader. And the answers were all a mixture of carefully scripted non sequitur promises to those who agree with Dems, and veiled threats against those who stand in their way. All very dignified and if you would ask, they would tell you we now have a 'real president' and Kentucky has a real governor.

The truth of course, is far removed from the soap opera form and fashion of all this so-called civility. Which was born supposedly out of the wrath of the people who went out en masse to peacefully protest the nation into trillions of dollars worth of chaos, assault and property damage, and a much more dear cost in cultural heritage.
Watch the Biden administration's attempt to prevent Ted Cruz from taking a video showing the deplorable conditions under which the children who were apprehended crossing our southern border are being held in cages in Donna, Texas.

As you watch this video and examine the photos and other videos posted in this thread, notice how crickets are making more noise than the BGR socialists who wasted no time attacking former President Trump for holding far, far fewer children in the cages built by the Obama/Biden administration. The Biden administration's censorship of this story and the media's widespread failure to object to being censored shows just how tightly the socialists' of the Democrat Party and the media's vision for this country are entangled.

[Video: ]
Remember when the cages along the southern border were used as temporary shelter for far fewer illegal immigrant children and the media and Resident Biden made it into a huge campaign issue? Where is the outrage now, Democrat socialists?

Quote:LICE OUTBREAK at Biden’s ‘Kids in Cages’ Camp Where 4,100 Children are Stuffed in Facility That Holds 250 Children

The Biden administration FINALLY let media into its biggest shelter for migrant kids. It is reportedly their model shelter – Where one in seven children has COVID and they’re bringing it into the United States.

But the media won’t report this.

4,100 children are rammed into tent-like structure that is at 1,700% capacity.

2,000 kids have who overstayed the 72-hour legal limit.

Oh, and there’s a lice outbreak!

Quote:The Daily Mail reported:

President Joe Biden’s administration has allowed journalists inside its main border detention facility for migrant children for the first time, after weeks of shutting the media out and releasing their own photos.

The tour on Tuesday revealed a severely overcrowded tent structure in Donna, Texas, where more than 4,000 migrants, including children and families, are crammed into pods.

The youngest are kept in a large play pen with mats on the floor for sleeping, because the facility is at 1,700% capacity and the dormitories are full.

Border guards say 14 per cent – roughly one in seven – of the migrant children have tested positive for COVID while photos also show detainees being treated for lice, amid fears of an outbreak.
We have a cyclical border crisis.

How the administration reacts is the key. Trump administration worked in cruelty.

Kindness and empathy is sometimes harder.

If we spent more time in the hemisphere rather than screwing around in the Middle East then this may not be an issue.
^^ You have a circlical logic.
(03-31-2021, 09:05 PM)Cardfan1 Wrote: We have a cyclical border crisis. 

How the administration reacts is the key.  Trump administration worked in cruelty.

Kindness and empathy is sometimes harder. 

If we spent more time in the hemisphere rather than screwing around in the Middle East then this may not be an issue.
The cycle is that Democrats work for open borders and Trump worked to close them. Trump allowed media access to the detention centers along the border and China Joe denied them access and imposed a gag order on Border Control officials.

As for "screwing around" in the Middle East, Trump worked to get the U.S. disengaged by helping negotiate trade and peace deals between Israel and its Arab neighbors. China Joe sent more troops to Syria and is playing footsies with Iranian terrorists again.

Anybody who tries to defend the Biden administration's actions on the southern border since Inauguration Day has no clue about kindness, empathy, or honesty.
I have come to the conclusion the only time a Republican cares about children is when they are in the womb
After that first breath of air they are on there own Just look at there policy's
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(04-01-2021, 11:31 AM)vector#1 Wrote: I have come to the conclusion the only time a Republican cares about children is when they are in the womb
After that first breath of air they are on there own  Just look at there policy's
Do all of the photos and videos in this thread tell you that China Joe or Kamala Harris care about children? Republicans have nothing to do with the deplorable way that these children are being treated. 

What do the refusals of either top two members of the Harris/Biden administration to visit the detention centers tell you about how much they care about these children?

You socialists cannot seem to post in any thread without bashing Trump or Republicans in general. You should be thanking Ted Cruz and the other 17 Republican senators that have shined a light on the cover up of the mistreatment of these children at the hands of China Joe Biden's administration.

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