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2 high school students charged with killing 3 horses in Pike County
no, no nowhere near perfect..however, I will say Ive never chased any living thing down with cars and shot them 50 times to laugh and watch them suffer. So, when your considering these pieces of ****, I guess I am pretty perfect.
BelfryJustice Wrote:I guess I forgot how many perfect people are in the world! I guess you have never done anything wrong? Unlike you I had access to the inmate records. I also had the same inmates since Augusta housed those inmates prior to the building of Red Onion.
and it wasnt that hard to get access to the records for the inmates at ROSP either.
There was time in this nation that those 2 would have been hanged without a trial.

The main story a couple of days ago on msnbc, cnn, fox, abc, cbs, nbc, was about a horse who was put down because it was suffering. And the Nation wept.

I can only say this, I hope that the system does right by them, and they learn from this mistake. I also hope that if the system fails, and the next time lets say they shoot something else, I hope who ever gets their palms greased loses a hand.

I love our nation but when it comes to our court system I often wonder why we really don't seem to have the victims rights where they should be.

Crulty to animals.
hunting out of season
destruction of property
criminal mischief

Yep I would say they made a bad decision
Doc I completely agree with you, however if anybody on this sight is aware, you are..of the fact that those days you are speaking about, the victims had rights. These days however, the criminals have more people on their side than the victims themselves. You can bet that 200 human rights organizations will packed one by one to save the life of somebody that slaughtered 20 innocent kids, when he's sentenced to death. However, NOBODY ever offers help or condolences to the victims. I know this scenario has nothing to do with kids shooting 7 horses, killing three and destroying property, but you are right, in the better days, these kids would be a memory. Too many bad people get too many breaks, due to too many rights. Rights they should have been stripped of after being found guilty.
Doc Holliday Wrote:There was time in this nation that those 2 would have been hanged without a trial.

The main story a couple of days ago on msnbc, cnn, fox, abc, cbs, nbc, was about a horse who was put down because it was suffering. And the Nation wept.

I can only say this, I hope that the system does right by them, and they learn from this mistake. I also hope that if the system fails, and the next time lets say they shoot something else, I hope who ever gets their palms greased loses a hand.

I love our nation but when it comes to our court system I often wonder why we really don't seem to have the victims rights where they should be.

Crulty to animals.
hunting out of season
destruction of property
criminal mischief

Yep I would say they made a bad decision
Doc Holliday Wrote:There was time in this nation that those 2 would have been hanged without a trial.

The main story a couple of days ago on msnbc, cnn, fox, abc, cbs, nbc, was about a horse who was put down because it was suffering. And the Nation wept.

I can only say this, I hope that the system does right by them, and they learn from this mistake. I also hope that if the system fails, and the next time lets say they shoot something else, I hope who ever gets their palms greased loses a hand.

I love our nation but when it comes to our court system I often wonder why we really don't seem to have the victims rights where they should be.

Crulty to animals.
hunting out of season
destruction of property
criminal mischief

Yep I would say they made a bad decision

I have to say that I totally agree with you that they need to be punished. What they did was a mistake and a crime or crimes I should say. The victim doesn’t play as big a role in the system and that is a flaw in the system. What I am trying to say is that there is a degree and level of the crime that must be considered in each case. That is a big part of the Criminal Justice System. I would in no way ever do some thing of this nature, because the love that I have always had for animals. I do believe that these two young men can pay for their actions and have a chance to become productive members of society. I am in no way saying that their actions should be over looked and go unpunished.

Cruelty to animals.
Hunting out of season
Destruction of property
Criminal mischief


Cruelty to a child (sexual or physical abuse)
Capital Murder, 1st, 2nd
Armed Robbery

There is no comparison of the two lists that should warrant the same punishment. Life in prison and the death penalty should be reserved for the most horrific crimes such as in the second list. Has anyone here ever swerved their vehicle to run down an opossum?
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i agree with you on the second part Belfry. IMO, and its a strong one, I think somebody should get the death penalty for cruelty to a child, rape, cold murder, and thats immediately after the sentencing, not 20 years after the fact..but to get a point across, make an example out of these kids, that way this wont continue. If 18 year old kids think that they can fire a hundred rounds into innocent living creatures and get a year out of it, I dont think that will send a strong enough message. Give them at least 20 years, although Id give them a year for each round that was fired into the horses.
BelfryJustice Wrote:I have to say that I totally agree with you that they need to be punished. What they did was a mistake and a crime or crimes I should say. The victim doesn’t play as big a role in the system and that is a flaw in the system. What I am trying to say is that there is a degree and level of the crime that must be considered in each case. That is a big part of the Criminal Justice System. I would in no way ever do some thing of this nature, because the love that I have always had for animals. I do believe that these two young men can pay for their actions and have a chance to become productive members of society. I am in no way says that their actions should be over looked and go unpunished.

Cruelty to animals.
Hunting out of season
Destruction of property
Criminal mischief


Cruelty to a child (sexual or physical abuse)
Capital Murder, 1st, 2nd
Armed Robbery

There is no comparison of the two lists that should warrant the same punishment. Life in prison and the death penalty should be reserved for the most horrific crimes such as in the second list. Has anyone here ever swerved their vehicle to run down an opossum?
I agree that there is no comparison but is there could be a future connection.

I am also aware that threat assestment teams based in high and middle schools would look at such an act and require an immediate evaluation before allowing a student to return to school. Lack of empathy such as this is normally view as a warning sign for possible future problems.

I think there is a some evidence of a direct correlation between such acts leading to future violent acts torward humans.
Doc Holliday Wrote:I agree that there is no comparison but is there could be a future connection.

I am also aware that threat assestment teams based in high and middle schools would look at such an act and require an immediate evaluation before allowing a student to return to school. Lack of empathy such as this is normally view as a warning sign for possible future problems.

I think there is a some evidence of a direct correlation between such acts leading to future violent acts torward humans.

Once again you make a legitimate point. I do concur that there is a possible correlation with future problems if this action goes unaddressed. Many counselors and myself use to have a running joke at the prison that once you get caught fishing without a licenses LOOK OUT. Several inmates started their criminal history with the simple crime of fishing without licenses, but that isn’t always the true case. If a study was done I am sure that most people caught fishing without licenses don’t go on to become hardened criminals.
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Found a little data on the subject


"Russell Weston Jr., tortured and killed 12 cats, by burning, cutting their tails, paws, ears off, put toxic chemicals in their eyes, blinding them, forcing them to eat poison, hanging them from trees; the noose loose enough to create a slow and painful death, as the cat/kitten struggles to free itself as the noose gets tighter with each attempt. Later killed 2 officers at our Nation's Capitol."

"Jeffery Dahmer loved to dissect animals (he learned this in school). Later he dissected boys, and kept their body parts in the refrigerator. Murdered 17 men."

"On May 21, 1998 in Springfield, Oregon; 15-year-old Kip Kinkel set a live cat on fire and dragged the innocent creature through the main street of town. He walked into his high school cafeteria and opened fire on his classmates. Two classmates were killed and 22 others injured, four critically. Later that day, police found his parents shot to death in their home."

"Albert De Salvo, the "Boston Strangler," would place a dog and cat in a crate with a partition between them. After starving the animals for several days, he would remove the partition and watch them kill each other. He raped and killed 13 women by strangulation. He would often pose the bodies in a shocking manner after their murders."

"Richard Allen Davis set numerous cats on fire. He killed all of Polly Klaus' animals before abducting & murdering Polly Klaus, aged 12, from her bedroom."

"Eleven-year-old Andrew Golden, 13-year-old Mitchell Johnson, tortured and killed dogs. A friend of Golden stated that "he shoots dogs all the time with a .22." On March 24, 1998, in Jonesboro, Arkansas; Golden and Johnson shot and killed four students and one teacher during a fire drill at their school."

"Prior to commiting multiple murders, Luke Woodham, age 16, wrote in his personal journal that he and an accomplice beat, burned and tortured his dog, Sparkle, to death. Woodham said it was "true beauty." He poured liquid fuel down his dog's throat and set fire to her neck, both inside and outside. On 10/1/1977, Woodham stabbed his mother to death and then went to his high school where he shot and killed two classmates -- two girls aged 16 and 17, and injured seven others. In June 1998, Woodham was found guilty of three murders and seven counts of aggravated assault. He was sentenced to three life sentences and an additional 20 years for each assault."

"Theodore Robert Bundy was forced to witness animal cruelty by his grandfather. He later killed thirty-three women."

"Michael Cartier pulled numerous rabbit's legs out of their sockets when he was four years old and threw a kitten through a closed window. He went on to shoot Kristin Lardner three times in the head, killing her."

"Henry Lee Lucas killed numerous animals and had sex with their corpses. He killed his mother, common law wife and an unknown number of people."

"Edward Kemperer cut up two cats. He later killed his grandparents, his mother and seven other women."

"Richard Speck threw a bird into a ventilator fan. Killed eight women."

"Randy Roth taped a cat to a car's engine and used an industrial sander on a frog. Killed two of his wives and attempted to kill a third."

"David Richard Davis shot and killed two healthy ponies, threw a wine bottle at a pair of kittens and hunted with illegal methods. Murdered his wife, Shannon Mohr Davis, for insurance money."

"Peter Kurten, the Dusseldorf Monster, tortured dogs, and practiced bestiality while killing the animal. Murdered or attempted to murder over 50 men, women and children."

"Richard Trenton Chase, "The Vampire Killer of Sacremento," bit the heads off birds, drained animals for their blood, killed animals for their organs, and later killed six people in random attacks. One police officer who was at the scene of the first murder, confessed to having nightmares about the crime for months afterwards."

"The Kobe Killer, an as yet unnamed 15-year-old boy in Japan, beheaded a cat and strangled several pigeons. Decapitated 11-year-old Jun Hase, and battered to death a 10-year-old girl with a hammer, and assaulted three other children in separate attacks."

"Richard William Leonard's grandmother forced him to kill and multilate cats and kittens when he was a child. He later killed Stephen Dempsey with a bow and arrow. He also killed Ezzedine Bahmad by slashing his throat."

"Tom Dillion murdered people's pets. He shot and killed Jamie Paxton, aged 21; Claude Hawkins, aged 49; Donald Welling, aged 35; Kevin Loring, aged 30; and Gary Bradely, aged 44."

"At 9 years old, Eric Smith strangled a neighbor's cat. At 13 years old, he bludgeoned four-year-old Derrick Robie to death. Smith lured the little boy into the woods, choked him, sodomized him with a stick, then beat him to death with a rock."

"When Jack Bassenti's dog had puppies, he buried all but one of them alive. He later raped and murdered three women."

"David Berkowitz, "Son of Sam," poisoned his mother's parakeet out of jealousy. He later shot thirteen young men and women. Six people died and at least two suffered permanent disabilities."

"Arthur Shawcross repeatedly threw a kitten into a lake until the kitten drowned from exhaustion. Killed a young girl. Then, after serving 15-1/2 years in prison, he killed 11 more women."

"Michael Perry decapitated a neighbor's dog. He later killed his parents, his infant nephew and two neighbors."

"Jason Massey killed cats, dogs and cows. Killed his thirteen year old stepsister & a fourteen year old boy."

"Patrick Sherrill Stole neighborhood pets and encouraged his dog to attack them. Killed 14 people at his workplace."

"Keith Hunter Jesperson, "The Happy Face Killer," strangled a cat. He is known to have killed at least one woman."

"Joel Steinburg refused medical treatment for his adopted daughter Lisa's pet rabbit when it broke its leg. He later killed her; when she was found, Lisa had extensive bruises all over her body from repeated abuse."

For more information, visit First Strike: The Connection Between Animal Cruelty and Human Violence
^Wow. That is eye opening.
I second Doc. Torturing animals is in the triad of symptoms that outline the psychologist of what has made almost EVERY serial killer known to man.

And Tides, a year for every round doesn't sound like such a bad idea to me...

Can't wait to see a certain members opinion on Doc's last post! I said it also in one of my earlier posts....If these boys can be so cruel and ruthless who is to say it will not be a human next! And you know who i will blame this on, OUR GOVERNMENT WHEN IT DOES BECAUSE CRAP LIKE THIS IS USUALLY THE OUTCOME! 2 idiots like this would never last in prison because they don't have there little weapons to hide behind! I say 25 years would be a fair punishment! And counselor??? That was all I needed to read!
great post, Doc...thats eye opening, and scary to say the least...and Id be willing to bet, that if they get slapped on the wrist (2 years or under in prison), you can add these two punks from Pike County to this list...and PB5, you are exactly right, these two would NEVER last in prison. Give them a couple of weeks, and they'd hang themselves...
Once again it is so easy to gaze at the most extreme cases and state that these two will be as bad as the others mentioned. If the appropriate treatment is made available these two may have a chance to be saved. I think we could also pull out the most horrific case of drinking and driving that have caused tremendous pain or death and still I bet there are a few on this site that do it every other weekend. Most of the cases that have been mentioned no interventions took placed prior to the behavior progressing without help to the level of insanity. I say that if you are without sin cast the first stone. I will never compare this crime with a crime that needs to be punished to the fullest extent of the law. One of the reasons that we are currently in Iraq is due to the barbaric court and punishment that was used in their society. The raping and murdering of a child is much more horrific than the killing of a horse. Some have even suggested they would resort to the same barbaric actions of these boys in their punishment. Two wrongs will never make a right. The fact that my profession has been attacked is as low as it comes. You apparently have very little knowledge about the need for this service in our society. Without counselor, psychologist, and psychiatrics this world would be a great deal worse than it currently is. I can tell you that many inmates that have been involved in crimes that would make this look like a cake wake are getting out everyday. Take away the treatment that they receive and then see what your community becomes.
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PLAYBOY5 Wrote:Can't wait to see a certain members opinion on Doc's last post! I said it also in one of my earlier posts....If these boys can be so cruel and ruthless who is to say it will not be a human next! And you know who i will blame this on, OUR GOVERNMENT WHEN IT DOES BECAUSE CRAP LIKE THIS IS USUALLY THE OUTCOME! 2 idiots like this would never last in prison because they don't have there little weapons to hide behind! I say 25 years would be a fair punishment! And counselor??? That was all I needed to read!

I guess the attack on my profession would be no different than me saying that if teachers would have done a better job with these two boys they would have never done this. Is that a fair statement? No!
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you are right as far as inmates getting out while performing crimes worse than this, however, I have seen countless times, those inmates return to prison a very short time later. Im not saying these two kids should be put to death. However they need to serve a MINIMUM of 20 or 30 years. I truly wish they could get a year for every shot they fired. And Belfry, you just want these guys in prison because these are the weakest and at the bottom of the prison food chain, lol..its ok to admit it..give them the guidance they need (let them be somebody's wife), and the rest will take care of itself.
BelfryJustice Wrote:Once again it is so easy to gaze at the most extreme cases and state that these two will be as bad as the others mentioned. If the appropriate treatment is made available these two may have a chance to be saved. I think we could also pull out the most horrific case of drinking and driving that have caused tremendous pain or death and still I bet there are a few on this site that do it every other weekend. Most of the cases that have been mentioned no interventions took placed prior to the behavior progressing without help to the level of insanity. I say that if you are without sin cast the first stone. I will never compare this crime with a crime that needs to be punished to the fullest extent of the law. One of the reasons that we are currently in Iraq is due to the barbaric court and punishment that was used in their society. The raping and murdering of a child is much more horrific than the killing of a horse. Some have even suggested they would resort to the same barbaric actions of these boys in their punishment. Two wrongs will never make a right. The fact that my profession has been attacked is as low as it comes. You apparently have very little knowledge about the need for this service in our society. Without counselor, psychologist, and psychiatrics this world would be a great deal worse than it currently is. I can tell you that many inmates that have been involved in crimes that would make this look like a cake wake are getting out everyday. Take away the treatment that they receive and then see what your community becomes.
[QUOTE=TidesHoss32]you are right as far as inmates getting out while performing crimes worse than this, however, I have seen countless times, those inmates return to prison a very short time later. Im not saying these two kids should be put to death. However they need to serve a MINIMUM of 20 or 30 years. I truly wish they could get a year for every shot they fired. And Belfry, you just want these guys in prison because these are the weakest and at the bottom of the prison food chain, lol..its ok to admit it..give them the guidance they need (let them be somebody's wife), and the rest will take care of itself.[/QUOTE

I refused to comment on the last part of your statement based on the ignorance involved with it. I also disagree with one of your pervious statements. These guys would make it in prison and do everyday. I know that their life would be difficult. How many suicides did you hear about or witness during your 7 year career? Most of the time with good security staff the act of suicide doesn’t take place due to supervision.
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We focus so much time and effort on the cruelty of these two boys and fail to discuss the cruelty to animals that takes place daily in companies throughout this wonderful country. At least the deaths were faster than the months or years of torture that are in the videos below. Please don’t watch these if you are a weak person.
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Now here is my humble opinion of the situation. Who in their right mind could hurt something like this. Now I realize that this is not a horse but it is still a beautiful animal anyway. Why anyone in their right mind torture and kill any animal is beyond my comprehension.
I think someone is VERY OUTNUMBERED IN THIS Opinioniated thread. But I am sure the 2 boys will appreciate it!
Come on everyone. It is not about anyone being outnumbered. This is a opinion based website and we are all entitled to our own opinions. Whether we agree with them or not.
Well....that video with the cows is just sad.
Thank God we live in a country that allows for a wed site like this one. No this Country isn’t perfect, but it is a lot better than most. I think that we now understand that we can agree not to agree on this subject. I found the discussion to be of a professional nature for the most part. This is what BGR is all about. May God deal with these young men in a way that is fair and just for all that are involved.
Welcome to the best site in town! If you need anything, just let me know.
Agreed! Very interesting thread! I will say that!
I watched a couple of the videos and the one about PETA made me think of an article in the paper today. I can't find a link but it was about 2 PETA members charged with animal cruelty for euthanizing dogs and cats that were taken from a humane shelter.
the ignorance involved with my statement? Spoken like a true pacifist. Hell, why give them anything? I dont agree with anything you say. Number one, you are WRONG when you say they would make it in prison. Maybe your prison. There is NO WAY they would make it at Red Onion. I dealt with several suicides, and I would bet you a million bucks theyd hang themselves within three years at that place. I have dealt with punk kids just like this, that have committed crimes a hundred times worse than this, and they crack and end up under constant watch supervision. These kids are pathetic. Wanna talk about ignorance? Well, Mr. Tough Counselor, here's something for you to think about. While you see the inmates what? Twice a week, two or three a day? It doesnt matter how much "good staff supervision" you have, when your dealing with 88 segregation inmates, and you have four officers pulling showers, rec, feeding, etc, heres a news flash for you, if they want to hang themselves, they find a way to make the time. So dont get on here and act like you know what its like to be an officer. Ive seen a hundred counselors just like you, and your exactly like 99% of them. I can tell by reading your incredibly passive posts, that you "sympathze" with kids like these. Give them "guidance". Hell, I bet your willing to give them the "love" they need to "turn their lives around". So why even punish them? Im glad you arent dishing out the sentence. Would they even get anything? What would you do? Take away their Corvette and X-Box 360 for a day?
BelfryJustice Wrote:[QUOTE=TidesHoss32]you are right as far as inmates getting out while performing crimes worse than this, however, I have seen countless times, those inmates return to prison a very short time later. Im not saying these two kids should be put to death. However they need to serve a MINIMUM of 20 or 30 years. I truly wish they could get a year for every shot they fired. And Belfry, you just want these guys in prison because these are the weakest and at the bottom of the prison food chain, lol..its ok to admit it..give them the guidance they need (let them be somebody's wife), and the rest will take care of itself.[/QUOTE
I refused to comment on the last part of your statement based on the ignorance involved with it. I also disagree with one of your pervious statements. These guys would make it in prison and do everyday. I know that their life would be difficult. How many suicides did you hear about or witness during your 7 year career? Most of the time with good security staff the act of suicide doesn’t take place due to supervision.
Wow who could be so cruel that just sounds evil haven't they got any remorse or morals?
TidesHoss32 Wrote:the ignorance involved with my statement? Spoken like a true pacifist. Hell, why give them anything? I dont agree with anything you say. Number one, you are WRONG when you say they would make it in prison. Maybe your prison. There is NO WAY they would make it at Red Onion. I dealt with several suicides, and I would bet you a million bucks theyd hang themselves within three years at that place. I have dealt with punk kids just like this, that have committed crimes a hundred times worse than this, and they crack and end up under constant watch supervision. These kids are pathetic. Wanna talk about ignorance? Well, Mr. Tough Counselor, here's something for you to think about. While you see the inmates what? Twice a week, two or three a day? It doesnt matter how much "good staff supervision" you have, when your dealing with 88 segregation inmates, and you have four officers pulling showers, rec, feeding, etc, heres a news flash for you, if they want to hang themselves, they find a way to make the time. So dont get on here and act like you know what its like to be an officer. Ive seen a hundred counselors just like you, and your exactly like 99% of them. I can tell by reading your incredibly passive posts, that you "sympathze" with kids like these. Give them "guidance". Hell, I bet your willing to give them the "love" they need to "turn their lives around". So why even punish them? Im glad you arent dishing out the sentence. Would they even get anything? What would you do? Take away their Corvette and X-Box 360 for a day? [QUOTE=BelfryJustice]

For your information I was also an officer. 1st I said 1 to 5 years I guess you need to read that again since you are saying I said give them nothing. Plus pay the owner and work for 2 years to care for the other horses. 2nd Several suicides in 7 years are not a very big number when you look at the fact that the prison you worked at should hold 1500 inmates. 3rd Augusta Correctional Center was the Red Onion of Virginia prior to the creation of Red Onion. Most inmates are punks and many will make it to the end of their sentence. No one said that prison was easy. That is the reason for it. I was required to see a caseload of 100-150 inmates and averaged 1100+ contacts a year with a total of 20+ minutes for each pass. I never one time sympathized with these two. They need to be held accountable for the actions that they committed. If they were there for capital murder then I would support the barbaric actions that you have called for. These two boys are very sick individuals and do need psychological assessment and treatment. I bet that they don’t get the sentence that you have been talking about, because it is reserved for the murderers and rapist. Last I think you just need to go back and read what I said since you missed so much. I do think that you have made a great decision to get out of corrections. You do appear to be someone that couldn’t do the job without being judgmental. The judging part is done by the court. The Correctional setting is for protecting the public and making change for when they reintegrate back into society. I do support the death penalty for the cases that warrant it.
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I thought that Mecklenburg, the Sussex I and II prisons and Keene Mtn were supposed to be the Red Onion prior to Red Onion opening. I got out of corrections because the job I left it for paid me three times the money, and anybody would trade those salaries, plus not having to worry about getting stabbed, feces or urine thrown on you any day of the week. I will give you the part where you said I was probably too judgmental. Anybody who hates rapists, child molesters, murderers, thieves and so on, usually are judgmental. No offense taken to that remark. I was, and I openly admit it. But, just about all officers at Red Onion were. Another thing, who in their right mind would let these two care for their horses??? I agree totally that they wont get the sentence that I would like for them to recieve, however, we can all dream. But, you are saying 1 to 5 years, and well Belfry, IMO, and its the right opinion, is too light. Also, on to the "good staff supervision" remark you said. You have the files handy I would imagine, and Ill give you something to think about. Red Onion is the most understaffed prison in the state, and thats why it is under constant scrutiny by the ACA (which is also a freakin joke)...and have been under investigation since 2004. So when you take in consideration that out of 1236 inmates that it holds, with no open beds, and we're at around 70% staffing, nobody can watch these dumbasses the way policy wants done...but thats for another thread.
B Justice, your job is a difficult one no doubt, with little compassion from the free society.

I actually no of one inmate who went to federal pen, he had quit school and eventually worked his way up to shift forman at a factory in Cleveland Ohio, But his salary didn't cover all his wants so he started selling and consuming things which would lead to him being sentenced to 3 terms of 9 years. His wife divorced him and Ohio had a law at that time which added 1 year to your sentence to allow a person to cool off, (havent quite ever understood the logic of that one). Anyway while as an inmate he began to take GED classes, passed the test and began to take college classes from the University of Indiana and Ohio State, received an Associates from both schools, then began to work on a business degree. When he finished he had a BA from Ohio state and then received his MBA from IU. He carried a 4.0 at both schools. A year later he was moved to a minimun security prison for 6 months then was released to a halfway house in Cleveland, there he worked as a bagboy at a small grocery store, for 6 months. Upon his parole he returned home to live with his mom and Dad. He began to work as a mech and driver for family friend who had a 18 wheeler. At nights he would work on a busness plan, he took his plan to a bank and applied for a loan and wrote a small business grant, both were approved and he started his own trucking company a year later, it started small, 3 trucks with runs from Cleveland to Buffalo 6 runs per day, before long he had 12 trucks and added dailey runs to Detroit, Milwaukee, Pittsburg, and Syracuse. In the 3rd year he now had a small fleet of trucks, he had his brother, and sister, and their families working for him, as well as many of his childhood friends and relatives.
He remarried and two years ago his wife gave birth to his second child, a month later he was found to have cancer. He fought hard, the community had a bike run to raise money for him, to help with the bills which were mounting up, he spent his last days home with his family on the street where he grew up. He passed away in Feb of last year, he was my cousin and I loved him like a brother, amd i will never forget the impact he made on me, as well as those who knew him.

He told me on several occasions that the best thing that ever happened to him was going to prison. He said it saved my life and made a man out of me.

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