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Whipping a Child!
Arbys Man Wrote:Of course whipping your child will make you feel bad. Some Parents would rather not feel bad for whipping there child and let them grow up getting away with everything and getting what they want. Thats just going to hurt them later through life.
Arby,s man you are 100% right my friend!!
Love is the most important component of raising a child. I also feel as if you must discipline your child in an appropriate manner with the appropriate level of punishment for the action of the child. I see so many that like to spank for everything. Time outs and other forms of punishment can be used effectively and should be used with a combination of methods. One method is never always the right way. There is a time for every spanking, but it doesn’t mean that a spanking is the only option every time!

Welcome to the best site in town! If you need anything, just let me know.
BelfryJustice Wrote:Love is the most important component of raising a child. I also feel as if you must discipline your child in an appropriate manner with the appropriate level of punishment for the action of the child. I see so many that like to spank for everything. Time outs and other forms of punishment can be used effectively and should be used with a combination of methods. One method is never always the right way. There is a time for every spanking, but it doesn’t mean that a spanking is the only option every time!

Good post and very true.Whipping for everything is way off base too.If you love your child, it will come to a point where you will whip that child.
Dad used to tell me before a spankin that this will hurt me more than you and I remember thinking yea sure,,,but now having my own its the gospel!!!
Old school Dawg Wrote:Dad used to tell me before a spankin that this will hurt me more than you and I remember thinking yea sure,,,but now having my own its the gospel!!!
Well as of right now it still hurt me more than him lol Smile
My Father was a plain man, and told you how it was.
If was spanked at school, I got the switch when I came home.

My Dad, had very simple rules with very simple punishments, he got to the point. If an adult told on me I was guilty, he never ever said "My boy wouldn't do that," He simply said It wont happen again, and It didn't. He let me know the rules and he let me know the reaction that would follow if I broke them.

If he were here today I would tell him how much I loved him and how much I respected him for molding me into who I am today.
Sounds like our dads were the same.My dad was murdered at the age of 52 after a union meeting in Lima Ohio.I miss him more than words can describe.
Old school Dawg Wrote:Sounds like our dads were the same.My dad was murdered at the age of 52 after a union meeting in Lima Ohio.I miss him more than words can describe.
My Dad rarely whipped me, but when he did!!!!!! Talk about some hurt!!! He never once told me it would hurt him more than me......he knew that would be a lie!
I remember when I was 16 and told him he needed to shut his mouth....mistake #1, he gave me a little smirk, and asked if I thought I was "Man" enough to make such a statement....answer, yes....huge mistake #2!!! I didn't even see the punch coming!!! Never really felt it though, just woke up about 10 minutes later! Although we had disagreements after I was grown...he never had to do anything but tell or ask me but once!
He was shot down in the line of duty when I was 28 years old. I miss him dearly and he will be gone 15 years this Sunday.
Guru I dont know what was worse the phone call about Dad or walking into that funeral home.I think about it too much and it happened in 88.I was 28 too.
Old school Dawg Wrote:Guru I dont know what was worse the phone call about Dad or walking into that funeral home.I think about it too much and it happened in 88.I was 28 too.
I was going on duty, and the radio was wild with panic, my mother was at the office so I called her and asked what was going on, she said that Dad had been shot. I went numb....the ambulance was in route to the ER with him and I arrived just befor they did...I had realized how grave it was as I had seen the ER team at these kinds of situations...after they told us he had passed, I hardly remember anything that happened and really cared less about everything. As time passed, I realized that my family needed more from me than just an uncaring butthole. I realized that my father would be very disappointed with my actions, so I tried to do much better. I know your pains very well...we miss them as much as ever. People say that time heels all wounds, but we both know, that these wounds will never heel, we just live on our wonderful memories and it makes us realize that even at their worst, we loved them deeply.
Here is to you my friend.:thumpsup: TongueoliceLig TongueoliceLig
The Guru Wrote:I was going on duty, and the radio was wild with panic, my mother was at the office so I called her and asked what was going on, she said that Dad had been shot. I went numb....the ambulance was in route to the ER with him and I arrived just befor they did...I had realized how grave it was as I had seen the ER team at these kinds of situations...after they told us he had passed, I hardly remember anything that happened and really cared less about everything. As time passed, I realized that my family needed more from me than just an uncaring butthole. I realized that my father would be very disappointed with my actions, so I tried to do much better. I know your pains very well...we miss them as much as ever. People say that time heels all wounds, but we both know, that these wounds will never heel, we just live on our wonderful memories and it makes us realize that even at their worst, we loved them deeply.
Here is to you my friend.:thumpsup: TongueoliceLig TongueoliceLig

Your post touched my heart. I am so thankful that I still have my father. I hate to even think about the day that he moves on from this world. I never understood how much my parents loved me until I became a parent. I guess this is somewhat of the same experience and coming to the same understanding. May God continue to touch you and your family. It sounds as if both of you had great fathers. I remember the 4 spankings that my father gave me. The number is low because I didn't want anymore of them and learned very fast.
Welcome to the best site in town! If you need anything, just let me know.
The show YES,DEAR was on today and it was about spanking their kid. Ill never watch that show again. They were on there saying it caused mental damage and saying it was completly wrong. What a Joke.
Arbys Man Wrote:The show YES,DEAR was on today and it was about spanking their kid. Ill never watch that show again. They were on there saying it caused mental damage and saying it was completly wrong. What a Joke.
Arby I heard Billy Grahmn say that pychologists said when you whip a child it warps their personality.Billy said when I got into trouble dad warped me too but not my personality.
Old school Dawg Wrote:Arby I heard Billy Grahmn say that pychologists said when you whip a child it warps their personality.Billy said when I got into trouble dad warped me too but not my personality.
It might warp their mind to be normal and respect others lol
Midee1 Wrote:I have. I do and I will continue if the need arises.
best thing i have heard in a while
Amun-Ra Wrote:best thing i have heard in a while

and one of mine is 19 and he knows better to this day.
BelfryJustice Wrote:Your post touched my heart. I am so thankful that I still have my father. I hate to even think about the day that he moves on from this world. I never understood how much my parents loved me until I became a parent. I guess this is somewhat of the same experience and coming to the same understanding. May God continue to touch you and your family. It sounds as if both of you had great fathers. I remember the 4 spankings that my father gave me. The number is low because I didn't want anymore of them and learned very fast.
I can talk about him openly now with ease and laugh about alot of funny things dad did.For a long time after it happened I could only cry.If someone come up to me at work and would say somethink like Im sure sorry about your dad I would just break down.I appreciated all the nice things said but I still broke down.I did learn by this how important it is to go to the funeral home when someone you know dies, or one of their family members.
I definitely agree with whipping a child!! After working at a daycare...that's what those kids need! They need some kind of punishment. It's ridiculous!! What happened to paddles in schools?!!
[B]Go Lady Vols! [/B]
Well I definitely know the difference in beating and whipping. I have had both, but not very much. I was always a pretty good kid and never got into any trouble. My dad is the one that beat, well i should say punched me in the face a few times for being out late and forgetting to check in so my mom would know where i was. It didnt really bother me, considering i was laughing at him while he was punching me, i guess that means one of two things, either hes a puss and he cant punch very hard or I just was as tough as he is and can take a punch from anyone. Ill have to go with the latter, cause my dad is a crazy sob when he wants to be. Anyway, I dont see anything wrong with whipping a kid, as long as u do it the right way. As for the person that said time outs and grounding are considerable options, i beg to differ my friend. That doesnt help a damn thing, they just keep on doing what they do, they could care less about that type of punishment. Especially when most kids have the skills to talk their way out of it.
My dad would punch me but only if I hit my sister. I got a lot of whippings when I was younger
Doc Holliday Wrote:My Father was a plain man, and told you how it was.
If was spanked at school, I got the switch when I came home.

My Dad, had very simple rules with very simple punishments, he got to the point. If an adult told on me I was guilty, he never ever said "My boy wouldn't do that," He simply said It wont happen again, and It didn't. He let me know the rules and he let me know the reaction that would follow if I broke them.

If he were here today I would tell him how much I loved him and how much I respected him for molding me into who I am today.

I completely agree. Sounds like my mom, in a sense. We don't get along but I do thank her for making me the person I am. I respect her for that, even though we don't see eye to eye on most things.

I was whipped with belts, hands, switches, anything. I want my kids to be raised the way I was brought up. I think I turned out to be a good person...and I'm not a spoiled little brat.
[B]Go Lady Vols! [/B]
Great post Cali. My mom and I have talked and we know that we go head to head on a lot of things because we are so much alike. I actually talked to her over lunch one day and thanked her for a lot of stuff that she had done or not allowed in order for me to be the person that I am today. I am ten times the person that my sister will EVER be. My parents let her by with so much more, never disciplined her like I was, and because of that she is turning out to be horrible in school, a bad person as much as a 12 year old can be, and will probably not have the future that I am working towards.

Arbys Man Wrote:Of course whipping your child will make you feel bad. Some Parents would rather not feel bad for whipping there child and let them grow up getting away with everything and getting what they want. Thats just going to hurt them later through life.

Arbys Man Wrote:Well as of right now it still hurt me more than him lol Smile

I ran from my mother twice when i was young the after the first time i wasnt smart enough to not do it again. She waited till i went to sleep both times eased the covers off and let me tell you it will FREAK you out getting woke up with a belt . I have see her whip my brothers and them married with children for sassing her and then smack me for laughing at them ...BTW she turns 73 Saturday and still wont put up with a smart aleck kid
I respect you and your brothers for having the respect for you mom to know that she still takes no crap.

i never got a whipping i did not deserve.
i think its right to
-STATS- Wrote:I agree with ya 100%, this is how I was rasied as well but I will never go to far with my kids. If they do deserve it then yeah they will get it, but I will not beat my kid senseless fir no apparent reason.

I agree with you.

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