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What's The Deal With Pat Tillman?
I've reads parts of some articles and seen some brief coverage on TV about some controversy regarding Pat Tillman's death. Can anyone tell me what exactly is going on?

The only thing I've been able to gather is that some incorrect information was given or withheld.
Someone either in the Pentagon(Rumsfeld) or the White House(Cheney) gave an explicit directive to the eyewitnesses to lie about the circumstances of his death.

PT was killed by fratricide which in laymans terms is friendly fire. Instead the government told people involved to say not only to the press but also to PT's family that PT was killed by Taliban/Al Qiada terrorists in a heated battle.

Eyewitnesses remember hearing a US military drone airplane flying over head, which probably got the whole thing on video, but the military denies that such a tape exists.

His family appeared before Congress today along with Jessica Lynch to expose the government attempts to re-write history to sell a war that was receiving strong criticism from their opponents.
he was killed by friendly fire and they said to tell everyone he was trying to help another squad that got ambushed i am not sure why they tried to covered it up.
DevilsWin Wrote:Someone either in the Pentagon(Rumsfeld) or the White House(Cheney) gave an explicit directive to the eyewitnesses to lie about the circumstances of his death.
Not true. Information was withheld on the ground only hours after his death. Soldiers that were there when he died were told not to tell his brother (who was only a few miles ahead) how he died. Not a chance that anything from Washington could have made it out there that quickly.

Try to blame it on the White House if you want but not a chance they could have withheld information that quickly.
Beef Wrote:Not true. Information was withheld on the ground only hours after his death. Soldiers that were there when he died were told not to tell his brother (who was only a few miles ahead) how he died. Not a chance that anything from Washington could have made it out there that quickly.

Try to blame it on the White House if you want but not a chance they could have withheld information that quickly.

You don't know much about modern warfare do ya Beef?

Central Command probably saw the whole thing on video.
Beef Wrote:Not true. Information was withheld on the ground only hours after his death. Soldiers that were there when he died were told not to tell his brother (who was only a few miles ahead) how he died. Not a chance that anything from Washington could have made it out there that quickly.

Try to blame it on the White House if you want but not a chance they could have withheld information that quickly.
Just curious Beef, but what would it take for you to believe that the current administration is not being straight with the American people?
DevilsWin Wrote:Just curious Beef, but what would it take for you to believe that the current administration is not being straight with the American people?

A new pair of flip-flops.
ComfortEagle Wrote:A new pair of flip-flops.

2 John Kerry's coming up! Flip- Flop. LOL
Tillman's uniform was burned just hours after his death. What were they trying to hide?
Tillmans memorial service was nationally televised. No way was the administration going to let bad publicity discourage opinions on their war.
Just hours after he died the army cut off all phones and internet connections at the afhgan site. One high ranking officer was told to burn Tillmans uniform. For someone not hiding something thats very suspicious actions. The information was leaked from the small ring of soldiers who knew the truth and finally reached Tillmans family about 5 weeks after his death. Two weeks his memorial service where the nation was told he was killed in a fire fight.

A good article on this can be fount at

It shows how the army locked down the information.
ComeFlyWithMe Wrote:Tillman's uniform was burned just hours after his death. What were they trying to hide?

That does raise questions. Why did they burn his jersey?
ComfortEagle Wrote:That does raise questions. Why did they burn his jersey?
His Jersey?!?!?!?!?!?! Get a grip man! His military uniform!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm not saying that there wasn't an effort to hide something. I'm just saying that I doubt that it came from Chaney of Rumsfeld. High ranking officers probably, but not directly from the top. Yes there was a cover-up. I will not deny that.
Beef Wrote:I'm not saying that there wasn't an effort to hide something. I'm just saying that I doubt that it came from Chaney of Rumsfeld. High ranking officers probably, but not directly from the top. Yes there was a cover-up. I will not deny that.

I doubt matters such as that which are of vital interest to out national security would be left to some White House Aide or Department of Defense under secretary.

But then again if you listened to the Attorney General last week he wasn't running his department either. With this bunch of fools in control anything is possible.
"The day after Tillman died, Spc. Jade Lane lay in a hospital bed in Afghanistan, recovering from gunshot wounds inflicted by the same fellow Rangers who had shot at Tillman. Amid his shock and grief, Lane noticed guards were posted on him. The news media were sniffing around, and Lane’s superiors "did not want anyone talking to us," he said."

I'd really like to know more info on this as well CE. What they don't realize is that more publicity is happening because of their cover-up than what it would have been if he was killed by accident.

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