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All new coaches at Belfry Middle School
Belfry Middle School will have all new coaches this year in all sports, due to teachers being moved around by the BOE.

Football - losing a good coach in Deskins, hearing Keith May is getting the job. Will he keep the Assistant Coaches already there?

Girls B-Ball - with Keith moving to football he will not be able to coach, hearing Dave Copley will be coaching this - which to me is a great move because he is almost as good as Keith.

Boys B-Ball - Varney, well who REALLY CARES what he is doing, hearing Eric Rash GREAT athlete from Williamson WVa. who is a winner in everything he has done and been very, very, successful on the midget league and all-star level, and Dave Copley will be getting this job.

Volleyball - they are losing a GREAT COACH in Misty Riddle, who will the replacement be?

All in all this will be good for BMS, aside from the volleyball, you are getting equal or better coaches in every sport. I think we will finally see a County title in boys basketball.
girls b-ball coach will be Courtney Mercer,If Keith gets the football team,that would be great,good coach.As far as David Copley,I think we can do bettter than that,Where is Riddle going,would be a big loss for BMS,AND if Keith wanted boys b-ball then we might see a county champion,just my opinion.
I heard that C. Mercer would be placed back at PCC this school year and she would continue to help with the girls program there.
are you sure that coach deskins will not be back as the football coach for 8th grade?what about 7thin coach howard?or 6th coach williamson?cause i was told by a very good source coach deskins would be back for sure...please let me know about the others to if you knowabout them..
if that basketball coach is the one who coached the wildcats basketball and redskins football how do you call that good coaching when you got a stacked team,i hope that not the one.
Where would Deskins be going? I knew him very well and played basketball under him at Pike Central. Mercer told me no way would she ever coach any where except for Pike Central.
thepharmacist Wrote:I heard that C. Mercer would be placed back at PCC this school year and she would continue to help with the girls program there.

You are right C. Mercer is back at Pike Central , she is already has been with the girls she got to go to the AAU camp with them , she is really happy and so are the girls:letsparty
JUST_SAY_IT Wrote:You are right C. Mercer is back at Pike Central , she is already has been with the girls she got to go to the AAU camp with them , she is really happy and so are the girls:letsparty
this is great news
I spoke with Bobby last week, he is still at BMS.
BMS Football Mom#36 Wrote:I spoke with Bobby last week, he is still at BMS.

We will see, I'm betting he is gone, too many parents do not want him there.

I'll give him one thing though, from what some school admins. in the area has told me and my colleagues, he turned 2 mediocre seasons at Belfry Middle into almost getting 3 high school jobs and still talking to one right now. He is slick though, he doesn't actually turn in a resume', he uses his Dad and a few others to "talk" to the schools, that way he he doesn't officially get turned downSmile
Blackflag, it is a little strange how concerned you are with Bobby Varney. I am pretty sure the thread was about Belfry Middle School, not the personal life of Bobby.

You are obviously a fan of Belfry, which is great, but you should remember that there are students that read this stuff. I do not know whether Bobby will be there or not but if he is, his players need to respect and listen to what he says. With people like you influencing their opinions it makes it hard to put together a TEAM.
Coach Deskins is going to be an assistant at BHS for Coach Haywood
At the parent meeting last night, I asked Coach May about Boy's Basketball. Bobby is the coach for BMS. Since Keith May is the AD, I'm betting that he would know. But whomever coaches all sports at BMS let's get behind them and support them. After all it's for our kids.
also at the meeting coach may said there would not be any belfry v/s russell games now,he said that come down from the big coach..i was looking forward to those games,does anyone know why he wouldn't want them to play?
Chances are that the schedule has already been completed, I know from my previous years as a coach it is always a smart move to fill out your opponents before the season begins!
That's right, it is for the kids and they need to be supported. Bobby will do a fine job if he is back, he devotes his time to coaching and mentoring these kids which is more than I can say for most.
So when does the practice season for Middle Schools begin? Will the heat and humidity alter anyone's schedule?
Another question, I am reading that BMS has all new Coaches, why is that? It seems they have been very successful their firs two years of consolidation. Were these people forced out, asked to leave, or did they want to leave? Also my daughter tells me there are several new teachers at the middle school, again what happened? I know that the volleyball coach, Mrs. Riddle did an excellent job, and the PE teacher, I cant think of his name, but I heard he did an excellent job as well. Just trying to find out some info
I'm not really sure who is taking Riddle's place as the Volleyball coach but whoever it is has some big shoes to fill....She was a great coach!!!

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