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Jenkins Scrimmage August 9th
I just wanna know what ppl thought of Jenkins against East Ridge?
I think that Jenkins is going to be alright...but they need to do more on offense...but their D is going to be good......I really like their backfeild!
But on the other note I don't think East Ridge is any good at all!!!
Good luck this season Cavs.
I think both teams have the potential to have good seasons.
ER just needs to get the right players in the right positions and put in some more offense, possibly a wishbone with some mis-direction and play action.
ER defense looked very good last night!
Jimmy Dugan Wrote:I think both teams have the potential to have good seasons.
ER just needs to get the right players in the right positions and put in some more offense, possibly a wishbone with some mis-direction and play action.
that might work but im sure neither team showed what they had thursday. i think both teams only lines up in 2 differnt formations
maybe so, some players are out of position for ER too, especially on the line and the reciever.
Jimmy Dugan Wrote:maybe so, some players are out of position for ER too, especially on the line and the reciever.
it sound like u kno ER pretty good. why didnt they throw to #80 more that kid was huge. what players are out of postion?
East Ridge lost miserably to Jenkins
actually the score was 2-1. And I couldn't tell you why they don't throw to #80 more. Bryan Casey, freshmen standout, needs to start reciever over Daniel Kelly. Austin Cox should be moved to the center position and have K.West take Cox tackle position. They also need to run a wishbone with some mis-direction and play action with travis bartley, tommy bingham, brad branham, and caleb epling switching up in the backfield. This is a VERY talented backfield but they don't have the plays or linemen to back them up.
And to clear things up, I am not a player nor a parent for any East Ridge player, merely a fan who knows more about the ER, SV, and PCC programs.
jenkins will have a good season this year i do belive due to the fact they are working very hard to improve in areas there not strong in..go cavs!!
they need to do sumthin cuz if not there gunna have a long season. and the score was not 2-1. jonhathon taylor had 2 td's by himself puckett had one. mattew jonson caught a TD. And stephen stephens caught interception with a clear field ahead. no guarntee he would have scored but they was a good chance.
All-American Lineman Wrote:East Ridge lost miserably to Jenkins
i agree
Keep in mind that 1 or 2 of those TD's came against ER's jv.
Jimmy Dugan Wrote:Keep in mind that 1 or 2 of those TD's came against ER's jv.

It was only one TD that ER's JV defense let Jenkins Varsity offense score.
The Sandman Wrote:it sound like u kno ER pretty good. why didnt they throw to #80 more that kid was huge. what players are out of postion?
He cant catch...Well he couldnt on the two films I saw of them.
TarHeel_Fan15 Wrote:He cant catch...Well he couldnt on the two films I saw of them.
well thats a pretty good reason lol
Jenkins had two INTs that was going to be TDs as well
and they scored way more than 2 times and it was Jv vs. Jv too
who was a scrimmage game. And not a thing more than that. Neither coach showed everything in their teams' playbook because there were scouts from other teams at the game. So there was no winning or losing in this game. Both teams will be fine, and both teams need to put this behind them and keep working on the season to come. Jenkins and East Ridge both are going to have their hands full this season with their respective schedules, so this scrimmage was nothing more than another practice. Nothing realistic for either team as no "gameday" situations were present. Im a Cavalier and all, but I believe both teams will be OK..
Are you all kidding?
I mean personally I think Jenkins killed East Ridge...there were a few problems for both teams but Jenkins came out winning at least 5 Td's to 1!
I heard that a player from East Ridge even said they were humiliated because they got beat by a 1A school.

I say go Cavs!!!

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