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South Carolina 38, Kentucky 23
Final from Columbia.

Any thoughts? I'll give mine later in this thread.

More Cowbell Wrote:Final from Columbia.

Any thoughts? I'll give mine later in this thread.

It's hard to be surprised about the game. South Carolina was favored all week. We haven't beat them since 1999, Spurrier is now 15-0 against us, and it was on the road in a very hostile environment.

Our defense was lost in the first half, but stepped up better in the 2nd half.

Woodson played pretty poorly but he was getting rushed hard all night. Our running game was absolutely awesome though.

South Carolina's defense is better than everybody thinks though. Their secondary is the best in the SEC if not one of the best in the country, and their freshman QB showed great poise. He didn't play great, but he didn't do anything stupid.

A loss sucks, but to be honest we never really were the 8th best team in the country.

I think if we played USC 10 times on a neutral site, we'd beat them 5. Just went the other way tonight, and Woodson was off.

On to next week.......
Kentucky played well enough to win, but costly turnovers on the road against a team good enough to capitalize will get you beat no matter who ya are. Hopefull Uk will bounce back strong and show everyone around the country they aint no fluke like some think they are.
Turnovers, turnovers ,turnovers.

UK had more yards, more first downs, and more clock time, but still lost. No one is really to blame, UK just had a bad overall game, bad decisions and plays by a lot of key players.

I have to give credit to SC pass defense, they played great, they definitely looked like the #1 pass defense in the country, Woodson really had no chances at any plays downfield.

I hope UK can give a better performance next Saturday, if not it could get ugly quick.
Well, after watching us play Louisville, Arkansas, and now South Carolina, I can honestly say that Carolina was the worst of the three teams. So how do we beat the other two and lose tonight? One word: TURNOVERS

As was mentioned above, we outgained Carolina in total yards and first downs. We also outgained them in rush yards by a sizable margin. And I sat there watching this game in disbelief, wondering how in the world we weren't leading. But in the end, I came to the conclusion that South Carolina didn't beat the Cats, UK beat themselves. The mistakes were just ridiculous all night.

Woodson, in particular, had a very poor game from a leadership standpoint. He is a senior, and is supposed to know better than to make bad decisions. But there he was, throwing the pick in the red zone late in the second quarter. And there he was having a complete brain cramp throwing the backwards pass that was returned for a TD in the second. And he and Little combined to fumble the handoff and lose a sure-fire TD at the end of the third. Now, I know he was pressured all night, and his O-line has to shoulder some of the blame, but Woodson also needs to make better decisions. That INT in the second quarter never should've been thrown up, and on that play in the third he simply should've taken the sack. Just mental mistakes like you would expect from a freshman, not a senior Heisman candidate.

I believe that if the turnover margin was even, rather than a minus-3 for the Cats, the outcome would've been a lot different. Sadly, at least 3 of the 4 turnovers could've been avoided with better focus and decision-making. Kinda reminds me of the way the old Kentucky used to lose games they could've won.

My final problem is with the play-calling. When you're facing a team with the top pass defense but a poor run defense, why in the world do you end up throwing 40 passes and only rushing 38 times. I felt all night that the rushing yards were there for the taking, especially in the second half, but Joker Phillips kept putting the ball in the air. If we had kept the ball on the ground, we could've controlled the clock better and likely finished off some of those drives with TD's instead of FG's.

Oh well. I guess my rant's over, time to start thinking about LSU...

Kentucky should have won this game tonight.Turnovers and Woodson's worst game of the year.This game was a surprise to me.The best team lost and now everyone knows woodson is not that good under a big rush.He cant move at all.His nfl career is not a lock.
I have one problem with Woodson, and that is he sometimes holds the ball too long. Yes, he was pressured, and yes, the #1 pass defense did not allow the receivers to get open down the field, but there are times you just have to get rid of the ball. And with the exception of the 3rd quarter, our defense was horrible. They play solid for 2 downs and then come 3rd down, they decide to take a play off. It's just frustrating to see a team with the talent and potential that this UK team has to play so poorly and with a lack of leadership. Losses are going to come, that's a given. To really see how good a team is, we have to see how they handle adversity. This is loss #1, so let's see how they handle it and come back with LSU and FLA at home. This will be a true test to just how good this team is.
One thing I can say about this team is it has finally put fans in the right mindset. For the first time in a long time a loss actually hurt and made me mad to the point i was throwing pillows and kicking staplers lol. This senoir class shouldn't hang their heads no matter how the rest of the season turns out because they have out life back into Kentucky Football.
Coach_Owens87 Wrote:Turnovers, turnovers ,turnovers.

UK had more yards, more first downs, and more clock time, but still lost. No one is really to blame, UK just had a bad overall game, bad decisions and plays by a lot of key players.

I have to give credit to SC pass defense, they played great, they definitely looked like the #1 pass defense in the country, Woodson really had no chances at any plays downfield.

I hope UK can give a better performance next Saturday, if not it could get ugly quick.

Agreed!! Take this as a learning experience, cut down on the miscues and turnovers, and we'll be alright. If we keep making these mistakes then these next two weeks are going to be very, VERY long.
Turnovers and penalties killed us tonight.
I definately don't think it was the defenses fault! Look how the UK offense pinned the D from stupid mistakes and also, the D scored twice. Woodson may have screwed any chance at winning the Heisman last night unless he pulls off a major upset of LSU or Florida. Some very costly mistakes a couple of times last night! I thought Little played GREAT!
I thought on several occasions, Woodsen had a big seam in the middle of the field where he could have run for ten to fifteen yards had he made that choice. I understand that mobile quarterbacks sometimes don't hang in the pocket long enough, but Woodsen sometimes needs to take the yards with his feet if the defese gives it to him. I think all talk of a possible trip to the Heisman ceremony may have gone out the window. Woodsen looked like very average in the face of good pressure.
Spurrier 15 UK 0.
HAIL PIKEVILLE! Wrote:Turnovers and penalties killed us tonight.
When was the last time an SEC team celebrated the way SC did last night after beating a UK team? Beating UK used to mean absolutely nothing. Last night it meant everything to the COCKS!

Turnovers killed UK.
There is plenty of blame to go around. Fumbles. Special Teams mistakes, Interceptions. We kicked their buts but SC got the win.
The pressure of winning all these big games may have taken its's toll last night.

I say Coach Brooks regroups with a few extra days to prepare for the next game and UK will compete for the rest of the season. No need to get all wound up yet.
What a heartbreaker the drought in ky is not only hurting the farms but also our football team all uk needed was one rainy practice not even a game to be ready for this one.
Hated to see 'em loose such a crucial momentum game!! Turnovers and Picks hurt us bad, I think that hit woodson took mave have shaken him up a lil bit! What do you guys think they'll be ranked come saturday?
UK shot themselve's in the foot. They outplayed SC but allowed stupid turnovers to kill them. Don't win the game for the opponent, make them earn it!
In a rematch I think UK wins between these two.
5-1 with the next three at home....I would take this in any year even if LSU and Florida are two of them!!!
Not much to say here, Woodson had a very off game. I think the pressure somewhat got to him, but IMO UK was the much better team. I still question some of the play calls on both sides of the ball. Our front 4 played awesome the whole game, but you can't expect them to keep that up without some other help. Tamme, Burton, and Little, with the exception of the muffed punt, all had great games. Burton is proving himself to be one of the best receivers in the nation. A loss is never a good thing, but I think it will help the prepare better for next week.
blackcat Wrote:Not much to say here, Woodson had a very off game. I think the pressure somewhat got to him, but IMO UK was the much better team. I still question some of the play calls on both sides of the ball. Our front 4 played awesome the whole game, but you can't expect them to keep that up without some other help. Tamme, Burton, and Little, with the exception of the muffed punt, all had great games. Burton is proving himself to be one of the best receivers in the nation. A loss is never a good thing, but I think it will help the prepare better for next week.
Nice post, blackcat. Wink
Mistakes and turnovers killed UK. Lets take a look at 3 mistakes that are almost never made by this UK team: 1 - Woodson's int. - its somewhat understandable because he had a guy in his face and tried to rush his read of the coverage and read it wrong - should have thorwn it away. Result: + 7 pts for UK, - 7 from SC. 2 - the stupid lateral fumble play. Just don't do things like that; take a sack. Result: - 7 from SC. 3 - dropped handoff on the 4 yd. line. Basic handoff play, have had trouble with it all year (see arkansas safety). Make the handoff, wanlk into endzone. Result: - 3 (fg), + 7 for UK. If these mistakes aren't made, the score is 27-24 UK.

This loss made me really mad because IMO it was our chance to establish ourselves and actually make a lasting football program. We choked and looked bad. Now our best chance to make a lasting program is to really step it up, make some upsets and finish 10-2 and (hopefully, if SC loses another game) SEC east champs and maybe a BCS game.
I think alot of mental mistakes coust UK the game. SC's Norwood was everywhere and there defense it a whole lot better than I expected. Little had another 100+ yard game but Woodson couldn't do anything with all the pressure he was under. The defense looked good all night to me. They made a couple of mistakes but played good. Congrats SC!
I think turnovers killed Kentucky......

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