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YOU GOT TO SEE THIS WEBSITE!! laugh1.gif laugh1.gif :)

Be advised it has some strong language before you enter.. But these videos are hilarious.. I laughed so hard I cried.. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
OMG that shit is funny! The best one is the M and M
haha that was halarious im going to check some more of them out...
that was some funny $h!t
i really liked the bench press one...hell i liked them all!
They were so funny
Guess I need to wait till I get to a computer that has sound.
I watched those when the site first came out.... I was sitting here laughing my butt off. I literally laughed until i cried. i watched them at school last year in Computer Applications.... The teacher watched them with us and laughed till she cried too.
These are not funny..they are terribly irritating...he is not even imitating a tourette's person correctly... :lol:
BlueGrassGirl Wrote:These are not funny..they are terribly irritating...he is not even imitating a tourette's person correctly... :lol:

You got no sense of humor!! Do you??? those were great..
I do so...I can show you some REAL Big Grin
BlueGrassGirl Wrote:I do so...I can show you some REAL Big Grin

I see it everyday..Smile
Guys.. this stuff needs to be kept off the computer lol..
haha i agree with CTD on that one...keep in ya pants QQ (total joke, just felt like saying it lol)
but i laughed soo hard on those clips, they were great!
crazytaxidriver Wrote:Guys.. this stuff needs to be kept off the computer lol..

Smile :o

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