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Favorite Reagan Quotes
Here is why I'm known as the great communicator. As I once said though, "I'm not a great communicator... I just communicate GREAT things."

"Republicans look at everyday as the 4th of July... Democrats, as its April 15th"

"I'm not going to make age an issue in this election. I'm not going to exploit, for political gain.. my opponents, youth and inexperience."

"Before I refuse to take your questions, I have an opening statement."

"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it down to our kids in their bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on, for them to do the same."

"Government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it. "

"I have wondered at times what the Ten Commandments would have looked like if Moses had run them through the US Congress. "

"It's silly talking about how many years we will have to spend in the jungles of Vietnam when we could pave the whole country and put parking stripes on it and still be home by Christmas."

"Thomas Jefferson once said, 'We should never judge a president by his age, only by his works.' And ever since he told me that, I stopped worrying."

"Welfare's purpose should be to eliminate, as far as possible, the need for its own existence. "
"Facts are stupid things." –at the 1988 Republican National Convention, attempting to quote John Adams, who said, "Facts are stubborn things"
Chuck Taylor Wrote:"Facts are stupid things." –at the 1988 Republican National Convention, attempting to quote John Adams, who said, "Facts are stubborn things"

Actually, I wasn't trying to quote John Adams... I meant it... "Facts are stupid". Smile

My personal favorite though...

"A recession is when your neighbor loses his job. A depression is when you loses YOURs.. and a recovery is when, Jimmy Carter loses his."

"Nancy...have you asked your astrologer yet whether or not I should meet with Gorbachev?"
thecavemaster Wrote:"Nancy...have you asked your astrologer yet whether or not I should meet with Gorbachev?"

Nancy was the first to be afflicted with senile dimensia. I felt so bad for her. And at some point I was afflicted with the same.

Although the quote you mentioned, was never said by these lips.

Nancy should have stuck with her affair with Sinatra. And I should have been the one to "Just Say No".
While I was just kidding, I am surprised to learn that someone who is not Ronald Reagan knows whether or not this quote was uttered. Were you hiding under the bed?
thecavemaster Wrote:While I was just kidding, I am surprised to learn that someone who is not Ronald Reagan knows whether or not this quote was uttered. Were you hiding under the bed?

I can say definitively that it wasn't. You don't need to know where I was during those moments, as it is classified information. Smile Smile
Ronald Regan believed in astrology. Look it up. Ronald Reagan consulted Nancy on occasion in this regard. Look it up. Ronald Reagan liked to talk to fellow Tinsel Town gal Dionne Warwick on the Psychic Friends Network. Don't look it up...
thecavemaster Wrote:Ronald Regan believed in astrology. Look it up. Ronald Reagan consulted Nancy on occasion in this regard. Look it up. Ronald Reagan liked to talk to fellow Tinsel Town gal Dionne Warwick on the Psychic Friends Network. Don't look it up...

I can find you site after site dealing with "my" belief in it....

I can also give you a video of me saying, absolutely not with a heartfelt explanation of what really was going on.

Who cares though. :confused: To this day, I wake up to my horoscope. If thats astrology, then sure.

Never affected my decisions or my life, and never will.
Back on topic though...

"honey, I forgot to duck..." (after being shot)

"I hope all of you all are republicans..." (to the Dr's after being shot lol)
ronald_reagan Wrote:I can find you site after site dealing with "my" belief in it....

I can also give you a video of me saying, absolutely not with a heartfelt explanation of what really was going on.

Who cares though. :confused: To this day, I wake up to my horoscope. If thats astrology, then sure.

Never affected my decisions or my life, and never will.

I am pretty sure that RR would not admit to the American public the extent to which "what was really going on." "The fault, dear Brutus, is not in the stars, but in ourselves that we are underlings."
thecavemaster Wrote:I am pretty sure that RR would not admit to the American public the extent to which "what was really going on." "The fault, dear Brutus, is not in the stars, but in ourselves that we are underlings."



as I said, back on topic...

"I'm pleased to announce that I've signed legislation banning the Soviet Union forever. Bombing begains in 5 minutes." (didn't knwo the mic was on before a major address)
My favorite Reagan quote would be, "I don't recall".
DevilsWin Wrote:My favorite Reagan quote would be, "I don't recall".

Didn't the clintons make that one famous though? by using it over 250 times during the WhiteWater investigation?

I used to have the list of the 'i don't remembers and don't recalls' when they were under oath... but it was like 4 or 5 hundred times they couldn't remember lol

I have an excuse, well so did they.. mine was medical, there's was psychological. Big Grin
ronald_reagan Wrote:Didn't the clintons make that one famous though? by using it over 250 times during the WhiteWater investigation?

I used to have the list of the 'i don't remembers and don't recalls' when they were under oath... but it was like 4 or 5 hundred times they couldn't remember lol

I have an excuse, well so did they.. mine was medical, there's was psychological. Big Grin
This is a "What's your favorite Reagan Quote" thread.

If you want to talk about Bill Clinton's quotes, fee free to start another thread but this is a Ronald Reagan quote thread.

Additionally this is not a "Let's Debate Whether Your Reagan Quote is Valid" thread.

So, allow me to post my favorite Reagan quote and refrain from any type of character analysis if you don't mind.
DevilsWin Wrote:This is a "What's your favorite Reagan Quote" thread.

If you want to talk about Bill Clinton's quotes, fee free to start another thread but this is a Ronald Reagan quote thread.

Additionally this is not a "Let's Debate Whether Your Reagan Quote is Valid" thread.

So, allow me to post my favorite Reagan quote and refrain from any type of character analysis if you don't mind.

Ever heard of 'author's intent'? I would assume not. However I've been wrong before.

My intent is to keep it on Reagan quotes. But when a quote is made, that another made famous, I would assume that its perfectly acceptable to make sure that the correct personality is credited with making it famous.

In this case, it was simply, the clintons did so.

If you are serious though, I'll gladly start a thread dealing with the Clinton's and their quotes, in more depth than what can be provided here while still protecting the spirit of the thread.

You're hopeless...................
This "Agree with me or You're Wrong"! type of attitude isn't doing you me or anyone else any good except to feed your small Ego. Good luck with that by the way because I'm not going to fool with you any longer. It's sad really.
DevilsWin Wrote:This "Agree with me or You're Wrong"! type of attitude isn't doing you me or anyone else any good except to feed your small Ego. Good luck with that by the way because I'm not going to fool with you any longer.

you asked for it to be in a new thread...

I offered.

And thanks. :Clap:

And I don't recall the 'agree with me, or you're wrong' attitude?

I just call people out when they post inaccurate material. Thats all. And when someone wants to make it personal, I usually just give up on it.

Anyways... Rolleyes

Why are you so harsh?

I've refrained from posting until now. But I can't hold back any longer. Its a shame that you have a personal vendetta, as it seems.

We need to be more civalized and nicer to one another. I think ronald_reagan has nice points. but you should be more respectful.
ronald_reagan Wrote:you asked for it to be in a new thread...

I offered.

And thanks. :Clap:

And I don't recall the 'agree with me, or you're wrong' attitude?

I just call people out when they post inaccurate material. Thats all. And when someone wants to make it personal, I usually just give up on it.

Anyways... Rolleyes

You mean you call people out when you THINK they post inaccurate material. The gap between what one knows and what one imagines often makes for a quantum leap.
thecavemaster Wrote:You mean you call people out when you THINK they post inaccurate material. The gap between what one knows and what one imagines often makes for a quantum leap.

I back my stuff up with sources.

So yes. When I think people post inaccurate material, I do this thing called research. If you want to learn how, I can host a session on it.
Research, of course, is an objective endeavor. I wouldn't call what you do research. You vagabond through material to your own liking and quote it. All the same, I'll skip your "session." Prooftexting ain't MY gig.
thecavemaster Wrote:Research, of course, is an objective endeavor. I wouldn't call what you do research. You vagabond through material to your own liking and quote it. All the same, I'll skip your "session." Prooftexting ain't MY gig.

I'm the most thoughtful person you'll never meet. I give all ideas their fair shake, and then I draw up a conclusion that makes the most sense with the evidence presented. If you think I'm stubborn, then you don't know me in the least. (Obviously)

I've went from nearly a New Deal democrat, to a conservative Pat B., and now a Ron Paul Lib.....

I've transformed my views throughout my 'history' and will do so again in the future, based on continued learning and research. Politics is about whats best for the country, and when you think you definitively 'know' what is, its dangerous. Its an ongoing process.

I've learned things from most everyone on here...... Its nice actually.
Thoughtful and humble...quite a combination.
"Government programs are like rabbits, you start out with a couple and before you know it theve reproduced and spread out of control"

And of course the immortal
"There you go again"
HAIL PIKEVILLE! Wrote:"Government programs are like rabbits, you start out with a couple and before you know it theve reproduced and spread out of control"

And of course the immortal
"There you go again"

There you go again!!!

I forgot all about that one!

Do you remember when "I" said... "I'm paying for this Microphone!!!"
"Let's play that Bruce Springsteen song when I accept the nomination at the convention. What is it? 'Born in the USA'? Yeah, that's a good patriotic song."
thecavemaster Wrote:"Let's play that Bruce Springsteen song when I accept the nomination at the convention. What is it? 'Born in the USA'? Yeah, that's a good patriotic song."

I thought that was John Kerry's theme song? :confused:
This is an actual Regan request...until told that "Born in the USA" is a type of protest song. Good ol' RR...always on top of things. ` Affable guy, even likeable... pulling the rug from underneath organized labor, defying Congress and pretending amnesia... He was a good actor, which is what one must be to fool a naive and foolish and uniformed public who thinks freedom means going to the mall and buying boats and attending churches to learn about a Person who was a revolutionary and honored the poor with promises of blessing.
thecavemaster Wrote:This is an actual Regan request...until told that "Born in the USA" is a type of protest song. Good ol' RR...always on top of things. ` Affable guy, even likeable... pulling the rug from underneath organized labor, defying Congress and pretending amnesia... He was a good actor, which is what one must be to fool a naive and foolish and uniformed public who thinks freedom means going to the mall and buying boats and attending churches to learn about a Person who was a revolutionary and honored the poor with promises of blessing.
I try to usually stay out of this forum, but your post seem too always (no matter the subject) bring up God, and religion and a slack remark toward them. I accually agree with the first of your post and have no problem with it. But you seem to have a real problem with "Christians". Why is that? It is your right to choose whether or not you believe in Christ, I will not try to tear you down for that, but your fellow Americans expect the same in return. From reading your post you have a real problem with religion. I do not consider myself naive or foolish but well informed of the Word of God. I will pray for you.

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