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Person BELOW me
Here at BGR we've always had a topic running about the person above me. It is usually just random facts based on a person's username or profile. You never really get to know your fellow members.

My idea is to ask a question and the next person to post in the thread can answer it and post their own. I think that it would be a great way of getting to know each other. Please try to come up with some unique and interesting questions and have fun!

If you had to listen to one song on loop for 12 hours, which song would it be?

May sounds weird but, Forever - Chris Brown.

If you were driving down the road and a cat & dog jumped out in front of you, which would you hit?
If I HAD to hit one then the cat. A dog could do some serious damage...and I'm probably more a dog girl anyway, haha.

If you had to pick the WORST celebrity to drive cross-country with, which would it be?
Think about being annoying, helping drive, directions, food, all factors involved.

thetribe Wrote:If I HAD to hit one then the cat. A dog could do some serious damage...and I'm probably more a dog girl anyway, haha.

If you had to pick the WORST celebrity to drive cross-country with, which would it be?
Think about being annoying, helping drive, directions, food, all factors involved.

Paris Hilton I would probley kill her after about 5 miles.

If you could be soda what type would you be and why?
An RC Cola, because no one would drink me.... lol.

Which super hero would you like to be?
A new one, with mindreading powers. lol

Least favorite color?

Tennessee Orange.

Whats your favorite television show?
North Carolina blue.

Who would you rather be stuck in a elevator with Ron Artest or Mike Tyson?
Ron Artest.

Who would you rather not get into a fight (you have to choose one or the other), Kimbo Slice or Chuck Liddell?
Kimbo Slice.

Would you rather lick a dead rat or lick a hobo who's been living under a bridge and hasn't showered in years?
Never met a homeless person.

Which reality t.v. show would you rather be on. Big Brother or Survivor?
^I'm pretty sure that's not an answer to my question.
^ Dead Rat, good eatin! LOL

If you were at a UK game what would you rather watch, the ghetto booty cheering Norfolk St. band or the actual game?
Since I was actually put in this situation Saturday night I'll choose the NSU band... they were awesome!

If a family member passed away and your team was at their first state championship game ever and both were on the same night, which would you attend?
Even though I know any family member of mine would want me to play in the game, no way would I not be there for my family during a death!

Would you rather be blind or deaf and why?
Deaf so that you still can see everything in the world but you couldnt hear it.

Which do you like better a ford or chevy?

If you could choose one thing to bring with you on an island what would it be?
^ A hot chick, duh!

If you could go to one major championship event, which would it be?
BCS National Championship Game

If you could build a MLB team around in player who would it be and why?
Cliff Lee Because he cant be beat right now.

Would you rather be JoePa or Bobby Bowden? lol.
Bobby Bowden, good weather in Florida. lol. Smile

If you had the choice to cure cancer or to play a professional sport, which would you do and why?
Cure cancer because it kills so many people.

What is your fav. cereal?
Captain Crunch

If you had to chooes between marrying Angelina Jolie or Jessica Alba? Who would it be?
Jessica Alba

Who do you think will win the super bowl this year?
ComfortEagle Wrote:^I'm pretty sure that's not an answer to my question.

Well your question had something to do with have you ever met a homeless person and they asked you for spare change, but you said you didn't have any?
bluegrassballa Wrote:Well your question had something to do with have you ever met a homeless person and they asked you for spare change, but you said you didn't have any?

I'm pretty sure it doesn't if you go back and read it, but nonetheless, off-topic...on with the game.
NIKE2010 Wrote:Jessica Alba

Who do you think will win the super bowl this year?

Dallas Cowboys.

What are you currently watching on TV?
Monday Night Football

Cheeseburger or Pizza? Why?
Pizza!!! Cause there is "nothin" any better than a hot pizza with extra cheese..... LOL

Reading books or watching movies.... Which do you prefer?

If you need assistance feel free to e-mail me at:
Pizza...Nothing like it..Plus it almost has a part of every food group in it, LMAO!

Not ever watch T.V. again or have a one night stand with Eva Mendez, lol?

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