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Obama's "National Security Force"

Conservative sight, so don't ignore the quotes because of the site.

Very scary stuff really, makes me think of Hitler's SA storm troopers.

I'm not comfortable at all with another military force in this country that could be stronger than our own current military, which will only have to answer to the President, and not have to be approved by Congress. I actually don't even know if that is allowed by the constitution, but if the Dems have that magic 60, it won't even matter, they are also going to do away with term limits.
Beetle01 Wrote:

Conservative sight, so don't ignore the quotes because of the site.

Very scary stuff really, makes me think of Hitler's SA storm troopers.

I'm not comfortable at all with another military force in this country that could be stronger than our own current military, which will only have to answer to the President, and not have to be approved by Congress. I actually don't even know if that is allowed by the constitution, but if the Dems have that magic 60, it won't even matter, they are also going to do away with term limits.

Comparing Obama to Hitler... desperation births strange children.
thecavemaster Wrote:Comparing Obama to Hitler... desperation births strange children.

I didn't compare Obama to Hitler.

I compared a national security force the the storm troopers.
Because they have the risk of serving the same purpose, not for Obama, but for a President at some time in the future.
Beetle01 Wrote:I didn't compare Obama to Hitler.

I compared a national security force the the storm troopers.
Because they have the risk of serving the same purpose, not for Obama, but for a President at some time in the future.

I paraphrase: "if the Dems get 60, it won't matter." Who leads the Dems? I would think the President. Whose proposal would they most likely be affirming? If not proposing, who would sign it into law? Who commanded the storm forces? How is one not to conclude the comparison suggested if all one has is your words?
Actually Nancy Pelosi, Howard Dean, and Harry Reed lead the Dems, not Obama.

So instead of discussing the subject, your more focused on my comparison to Hitler? Why not stay on subject? I'm sorry a national security force is comparable to only a few other things, Storm troopers, or we could bring up the only other countries in the world who have them are China, North Korea, Cuba, and Venezuela. Of course then you would be focusing on me calling Obama a Communist.
Grasping at straws.
And I guess WND doesn't have an agenda? Rolleyes

Per Wikipedia:

WorldNetDaily, also known as WND, is a socially conservative tabloid news and opinion website, founded in 1997. It is currently in the top 3,064 news sites as listed at Alexa

WorldNetDaily is a for-profit website that provides primarily evangelical-conservative-oriented news and editorials, publishes letters to the editor, maintains forums and conducts a daily poll. Besides providing articles authored by its own staff, the site links to news from other publications. Notable staff includes Aaron Klein - Jerusalem Bureau Chief, Lester Kinsolving - White House Correspondent and Staff Writer Jerome Corsi.
Beetle01 Wrote:Actually Nancy Pelosi, Howard Dean, and Harry Reed lead the Dems, not Obama.

So instead of discussing the subject, your more focused on my comparison to Hitler? Why not stay on subject? I'm sorry a national security force is comparable to only a few other things, Storm troopers, or we could bring up the only other countries in the world who have them are China, North Korea, Cuba, and Venezuela. Of course then you would be focusing on me calling Obama a Communist.

I am not calling you anything, merely pointing out the clear implication of your words. Of course the Nazi storm troopers appearing in the guise of some sort of domestic security force impervious to civil rights and the Constitution would not be a good thing. However, your source is non-reliable.
This is the problem with you liberals. You'd rather argue the website I posted, since I'm sure I can find other sources, but the websites I can visit is limited to what the IT department doesn't block, so rather than discuss actual quotes that Obama has said, not the source. you'll try and distract from the subject, because you don't want to face the truth in that you have all been suckered by the great con artist.
Beetle01 Wrote:This is the problem with you liberals. You'd rather argue the website I posted, since I'm sure I can find other sources, but the websites I can visit is limited to what the IT department doesn't block, so rather than discuss actual quotes that Obama has said, not the source. you'll try and distract from the subject, because you don't want to face the truth in that you have all been suckered by the great con artist.

The KKK used to pull a quote from noah in the ot to justify the servitude and inferiority of "the dark skinned races." Quotes without context make bad religion, make bad politics. You actually think Obama or Pelosi or Reid seek to overthrow the Constitution and impose some sort of facist tint to America? And I need psychiatric medication?
Beetle01 Wrote:This is the problem with you liberals. You'd rather argue the website I posted, since I'm sure I can find other sources, but the websites I can visit is limited to what the IT department doesn't block, so rather than discuss actual quotes that Obama has said, not the source. you'll try and distract from the subject, because you don't want to face the truth in that you have all been suckered by the great con artist.

I can turn that very same statement back around at you.

Anytime we post anything from CNN or anywhere else, you scream that it's "liberal media bias."

"Us liberals" have simply learned to use the same tactics of the conservatives.
thecavemaster Wrote:The KKK used to pull a quote from noah in the ot to justify the servitude and inferiority of "the dark skinned races." Quotes without context make bad religion, make bad politics. You actually think Obama or Pelosi or Reid seek to overthrow the Constitution and impose some sort of facist tint to America? And I need psychiatric medication?

I most definetly think they wish to rewrite our constitution. Just as Obama has stated 10000 times that he is going to take us in a new direction, a new purpose. We already have a direction and a purpose, it is clearly outlined in the Declaration of Independence.
Beetle01 Wrote:I most definetly think they wish to rewrite our constitution. Just as Obama has stated 10000 times that he is going to take us in a new direction, a new purpose. We already have a direction and a purpose, it is clearly outlined in the Declaration of Independence.

You listen to too much Sean Hannity.
ComfortEagle Wrote:I can turn that very same statement back around at you.

Anytime we post anything from CNN or anywhere else, you scream that it's "liberal media bias."

"Us liberals" have simply learned to use the same tactics of the conservatives.

Not true, and since I am the main conservative that posts here regularly, along with More Cowbell. I only call out huffingtonpost when it is cited. Because they construe facts. This is not construing facts, it is discussing direct quotes from the mouth of Obamacon.
Also I will add, that site is from a conservative perspective. I don't mind seeing things from liberal perspectives and will discuss them. However, you all constantly fail to ever discuss the subject and only wish to distract from them.
Beetle01 Wrote:Not true, and since I am the main conservative that posts here regularly, along with More Cowbell. I only call out huffingtonpost when it is cited. Because they construe facts. This is not construing facts, it is discussing direct quotes from the mouth of Obamacon.

"We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded."

I have no idea, how in your mind, you got Hitler and storm troopers out of that quote.

You can be strong and powerful without using guns.

If you haven't noticed from the McCain camp. beetle, scare tactics by making associations such as this, are not working and driving more people away from McCain and towards Obama.
I don't listen to Hannity, I despise him.

I mentioned Hitler's storm troopers because that's about the only other time in history a group such as this has existed. Other than in Communist countries.

Of course how else are they going to take all our guns away without a larger armed force to do it for them, whem the military can't and won't.

They won't get my AK-47 I can promise ya that.
National security begins with the civilians at home.

"Because the future of our nation depends on the soldier at Fort Carson, but is also depends on the teacher in East LA, the nurse in Appalachia, the after-school worker in New Orleans..."
Beetle01 Wrote:I don't listen to Hannity, I despise him.

I mentioned Hitler's storm troopers because that's about the only other time in history a group such as this has existed. Other than in Communist countries.

Of course how else are they going to take all our guns away without a larger armed force to do it for them, whem the military can't and won't.

They won't get my AK-47 I can promise ya that.

A group such as what? How can you even jump to that conclusion? Your fear blinds you.

Just because it is a "national security" force does not mean that force has to be armed.
ComfortEagle Wrote:National security begins with the civilians at home.

"Because the future of our nation depends on the soldier at Fort Carson, but is also depends on the teacher in East LA, the nurse in Appalachia, the after-school worker in New Orleans..."


I agree 100%, and I think anyone would. What does this statement have to do with a national security force?

Obama has also stated he will require lol, this is kinda funny. 2 year Mandatory service in a volunteer force after HS.

Another Hitler reference, the SA was made up of the very young and impressionable.
I'm sure this force will consist of and Education Corps, increasing the Peace Corps, Energy Corps, Enviroment Corps, here a corps there a corps.

Also, I'm sure there will be a peacekeeping corps. Initially proposed as for secuirty after natural disasters, or riot control, or enforcing gun bans and other such things, so as not to overhwhelm the FBI, ATF, and DEA.
Beetle01 Wrote:and....???

I agree 100%, and I think anyone would. What does this statement have to do with a national security force?

Obama has also stated he will require lol, this is kinda funny. 2 year Mandatory service in a volunteer force after HS.

Another Hitler reference, the SA was made up of the very young and impressionable.

He has not. He has said that kids can volunteer when they get out of high school and that money they earn from VOLUNTEER work will go towards college.

I'm done with this discussion. Conservatives have become so desperate that they have to try and compare Obama with Hitler, how sad.

Again, Obama never said, "hey guys I'm making a new SA and everyone will join up for two years and we're going to take away your guns."

But apparently you are so scared that Obama will be President, and so blinded by this fear that all you can do is make ridiculous unfounded assumptions.

It truly makes me uneasy of what the conservative reaction will be on election day after Obama is elected.
You know Beetle, I feel the same way about the Department of Homeland Security.

Where was your outrage when this HUGE Department was created with the intent on Spying on Americans.
Beetle01 Wrote:Also I will add, that site is from a conservative perspective. I don't mind seeing things from liberal perspectives and will discuss them. However, you all constantly fail to ever discuss the subject and only wish to distract from them.

This is a definite "need to believe" statement. You, in line of logic anyway, compare Obama et al. to Hitler. This point is addressed. You suggest this is a "failure to discuss." Point of order: a statement of disagreement is not a failure to discuss. When evidence is offered to refute your views, you resort to "you're changing the subject" rhetoric. We are not unaware of your devices.
Beetle01 Wrote:I'm sure this force will consist of and Education Corps, increasing the Peace Corps, Energy Corps, Enviroment Corps, here a corps there a corps.

Also, I'm sure there will be a peacekeeping corps. Initially proposed as for secuirty after natural disasters, or riot control, or enforcing gun bans and other such things, so as not to overhwhelm the FBI, ATF, and DEA.

What if blue men from a red planet storm the cabinets, grab the guns, take all things purchased at Victoria's Secret and burn the Constitution? What then?
thecavemaster Wrote:The KKK used to pull a quote from noah in the ot to justify the servitude and inferiority of "the dark skinned races." Quotes without context make bad religion, make bad politics. You actually think Obama or Pelosi or Reid seek to overthrow the Constitution and impose some sort of facist tint to America? And I need psychiatric medication?

God just shut up...who cares. He compared a NSF with Hitler's Storm Troopers, simple as that.
DevilsWin Wrote:You know Beetle, I feel the same way about the Department of Homeland Security.

Where was your outrage when this HUGE Department was created with the intent on Spying on Americans.

I'm sure the government created that HUGE department just to see what we are talking about on the phone...why do liberals always think the government is out to get them? Always whining about something...suck it up.
vundy33 Wrote:God just shut up...who cares. He compared a NSF with Hitler's Storm Troopers, simple as that.

No, I won't shut up. Sorry.
vundy33 Wrote:I'm sure the government created that HUGE department just to see what we are talking about on the phone...why do liberals always think the government is out to get them? Always whining about something...suck it up.

Why would you assume you're some sort of real man because you favor the Patriot Act?

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