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Same Sex Marriage and Views on Gays
The definition of marriage is not threatened by the recognition of same sex couples, granting them "equal protection under the law." If a certain denomination recognizes these relationships, they can call it "marriage." A civil magistrate could marry them ("civil union"). Other groups could call it an "abomination" and cry out for hail and brimstone. If there is a "god" would he punish 90% of people who are not gay for the 10% who are? If so, I'll keep looking for a "god" who is at least more fair than I am.
of course HE is going to punish them read your bible and not just gays,but anyone who dont line up with HIS WORD,this is supposed to be about sports,there is another place for that kind of ?
I just think is funny how the goverment is trying to change all these laws just to get a vote or 2.
The way I see it is a marriage is and should be between a man and a woman.
Not a man and a man. Or a woman and a woman. It is an abomination in the eyes of GOD. And thats my opinion.
thats not just an opinion but thats the WORD OF GOD..HEBREWS 13:8 says that JESUS CHRIST is the SAME YESTERDAY,TODAY,AND FOREVER..and HE changes not...
For the person who used the word "abomination" you REALLY need to know what you are talking about here. This word comes from the Old Testament and there's a whole list of other things that you are not suppose to do....eat shrimp, eat meat from animals with clovend hooves, eat vegetables grown in the same soil, wear clothes of mixed fabrics, and this list goes on and on and on and on.....thus lies the problem with organized religion, they pick and choose a certain verse, certain word to use at their own descretion instead of taking the whole context of the meaning of the complete Word.

Just as back in the days of slavery, "Christians" used the Bible to say that owning slaves was OK and actually a good thing, but do we believe that today? NO!!!

I am a Christian, and I have studied the Bible in the original Greek and Hebrew and when the Bible was translated back 2000 years ago, the translation really strayed away from the original text....also....did you know that King James, the person who had the Bible translated into English was gay??? Bet you didn't know that, huh?

So, let's not go on a bashing spree here, please, because that is not what the Bible is about...Jesus is about love, loving one another and don't think that you can say "love the person but hate the sin"...that don't cut it either, that's a cop-out!
as long as it stays in California, I dont care.
RavenBoy Wrote:as long as it stays in California, I dont care.

California recently voted to ban gay marriage, overturning the previous decision.

I think it is also still legal in Connecticut and Massachusetts, but I might be wrong on those.

Gay marriage is also legal in Canada, Spain, Netherlands, Norway, and South Africa.
My hangup is over "equal protection under law"...when there'd be nothing "equal" about it.

Why should gay couples be granted the right to file joint tax returns when any other two people living under the same roof (sibling/sibling, parent/sibling, or roommate/roommate) NOT be allowed ??

This isn't "equal protection" in my eyes, rather it's "special treatment". A gay couple should be treated no different than two roommates. Why should the fact the two have sex make a difference in allowing them a path to a legal tax advantage ?


- please notice, I did NOT bring religion into this at ALL
oneijoe Wrote:My hangup is over "equal protection under law"...when there'd be nothing "equal" about it.

Why should gay couples be granted the right to file joint tax returns when any other two people living under the same roof (sibling/sibling, parent/sibling, or roommate/roommate) NOT be allowed ??

This isn't "equal protection" in my eyes, rather it's "special treatment". A gay couple should be treated no different than two roommates. Why should the fact the two have sex make a difference in allowing them a path to a legal tax advantage ?


- please notice, I did NOT bring religion into this at ALL

Interesting....such narrow minded thinking....it just amazes me. I have A LOT of gay friends, that are gay couples, and even witnessed a man dying and the hospital administration would not let his partner of 17 years be by his bedside at his death. He had no other family and this man died alone, he was 48 years old, he died of pancreatic cancer. Until you sat and witness something like this, and if you are any kind of human being with any kind of heart, please do not judge someone and deny them any privledges held by any other loving couple. Even a man and woman, that live together, either one of them would have been able to be by the bedside of their dying partner. Being gay is not about sex, as you have implied. But...this is definitely a topic that can, has, and always will bring about strong debate. We all have very strong opinions on this subject, and the last thing I want to do is be a part of what could turn into an ugly topic. So, please, we can continue to discuss this, but let us keep it civil, not degrading to anyone.....sound fair????? :-)
Opinions are like buttholes everyone has one on this topic
thecavemaster Wrote:The definition of marriage is not threatened by the recognition of same sex couples, granting them "equal protection under the law." If a certain denomination recognizes these relationships, they can call it "marriage." A civil magistrate could marry them ("civil union"). Other groups could call it an "abomination" and cry out for hail and brimstone. If there is a "god" would he punish 90% of people who are not gay for the 10% who are? If so, I'll keep looking for a "god" who is at least more fair than I am.

Of course sometimes the innocent suffer with the guilty. What brought AIDS into being? Not the straight people. But, alone the line, the innocent have also suffered. I just hope God doesn't punish all of us for you questioning whether he exists. All you have to do is pay attention to realize that in everything that happens, sometimes the innocent suffer because of things brought on by others. God once destroyed a complete city because of it. Do you think he approves? Get real, man. Homosexuality is wrong, no way around it. And I don't want my tax dollars supporting such a perverted lifestyle.
Shady Grady Wrote:Of course sometimes the innocent suffer with the guilty. What brought AIDS into being? Not the straight people. But, alone the line, the innocent have also suffered. I just hope God doesn't punish all of us for you questioning whether he exists. All you have to do is pay attention to realize that in everything that happens, sometimes the innocent suffer because of things brought on by others. God once destroyed a complete city because of it. Do you think he approves? Get real, man. Homosexuality is wrong, no way around it. And I don't want my tax dollars supporting such a perverted lifestyle.

If you think that AIDS was generated by homosexuals (which is what it sounds like you are implying) then you are seriously misguided.
WOW....so much for being civil and not degrading!!!!W

Well, first of all, the city you were referring to was not destroyed because of homosexuality, as stated in the New Testament, it was destroyed due to the people not being hospitable to strangers!!!!!!
ComfortEagle Wrote:If you think that AIDS was generated by homosexuals then you are seriously misguided.

Thank you Comfort....you are exactly right! And it saddens me so much that people actually believe this.
cheerdad Wrote:Interesting....such narrow minded thinking....it just amazes me. I have A LOT of gay friends, that are gay couples, and even witnessed a man dying and the hospital administration would not let his partner of 17 years be by his bedside at his death. He had no other family and this man died alone, he was 48 years old, he died of pancreatic cancer. Until you sat and witness something like this, and if you are any kind of human being with any kind of heart, please do not judge someone and deny them any privledges held by any other loving couple. Even a man and woman, that live together, either one of them would have been able to be by the bedside of their dying partner. Being gay is not about sex, as you have implied. But...this is definitely a topic that can, has, and always will bring about strong debate. We all have very strong opinions on this subject, and the last thing I want to do is be a part of what could turn into an ugly topic. So, please, we can continue to discuss this, but let us keep it civil, not degrading to anyone.....sound fair????? :-)

For the narrow minded people i wanted to type this...This is on a T-shirt my kid wears....It says..Are you narrow minded? Matthew7:13-14 Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.
Eagle_Fan442 Wrote:For the narrow minded people i wanted to type this...This is on a T-shirt my kid wears....It says..Are you narrow minded? Matthew7:13-14 Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

There was a road, it led back and forth from a city to a country home. A young man in the city lived wild, wild, wild. A father in the country watched the road, in love, love, love. If there is a "jesus," he said "god" is that father. "yahweh" of the old book; Paul of the new book... "jesus" does not have to match up to them now: they must match up to him. So, though the child be wondering in what the father think wickedness, still he watches the road, hopes all the good he can, and does not hate or heap abuse upon the child. Please don't lecture us on your "religion" when you don't know the spirit of it yourselves.
To my understanding, culture wars and political division and the ACLU, no matter what they do or don't do, do not excuse the "christian" from showing the spirit of the father on the road in love, love, love. Am I mistaken?
cheerdad Wrote:Interesting....such narrow minded thinking....it just amazes me. I have A LOT of gay friends, that are gay couples, and even witnessed a man dying and the hospital administration would not let his partner of 17 years be by his bedside at his death. He had no other family and this man died alone, he was 48 years old, he died of pancreatic cancer. Until you sat and witness something like this, and if you are any kind of human being with any kind of heart, please do not judge someone and deny them any privledges held by any other loving couple. Even a man and woman, that live together, either one of them would have been able to be by the bedside of their dying partner. Being gay is not about sex, as you have implied. But...this is definitely a topic that can, has, and always will bring about strong debate. We all have very strong opinions on this subject, and the last thing I want to do is be a part of what could turn into an ugly topic. So, please, we can continue to discuss this, but let us keep it civil, not degrading to anyone.....sound fair????? :-)

My friend, YOU are the one that has made this personal. I'm NOT narrow-minded, and I don't appreciate your intimation that I am because I don't agree with your viewpoint. FWIW, the gay friends I have respect my outlook on this. It's the religion-oriented argument against gays they disagree with wholeheartedly.

Your particular example has absolutely NOTHING to do with the subject we're discussing. Your story highlights a biased hospital administration, nothing more. It had nothing to do with "legal rights" of the gay couple. I had an uncle pass away a few yrs. ago and there was never a problem with his close friend (a man) to be by his side through his last days.

My "point" is...a gay "couple" should IMO be entitled to no more than two lifelong friends or live-together family members. "Marriage", OTOH, is primarily intended to be a social/legal construct to allow two otherwise unrelated adults certain protections in the event children are involved in the relationship of the adults.

And yes, my objection to gay marriage would disappear if the intent of the union were that - rearing a family. However, in today's world that isn't seen as tenable for whatever reason. THAT I don't defend - I think a gay/lesbian couple could be good parents, or at the very least, better parents than an orphanage.
cheerdad Wrote:WOW....so much for being civil and not degrading!!!!W

Well, first of all, the city you were referring to was not destroyed because of homosexuality, as stated in the New Testament, it was destroyed due to the people not being hospitable to strangers!!!!!!

And just where in the bible is that found? It was destroyed because of their wickedness. Some of you need to get real. Homosexuality is wicked, pure and simple. If you say otherwise, you are kidding yourself. Go ahead and make yourself feel better by saying it is okay. This liberal, immoral issues are going to ruin this country. And by the way, all those who are protesting in california need to go home and realize the people voted that way. Accept it and go on. Just like states who vote down gambling, the people have spoken.
Shady Grady Wrote:And just where in the bible is that found? It was destroyed because of their wickedness. Some of you need to get real. Homosexuality is wicked, pure and simple. If you say otherwise, you are kidding yourself. Go ahead and make yourself feel better by saying it is okay. This liberal, immoral issues are going to ruin this country. And by the way, all those who are protesting in california need to go home and realize the people voted that way. Accept it and go on. Just like states who vote down gambling, the people have spoken.

Gay people have not destroyed anything, close minded people like you have.. It is so sad that poeple have nothing better to do with there time than to sit and worry and think about gay people..Gays are the same as you , they work, eat, drive, shop, breath, everything straight people do, they only diffrence is at the end of the day they go home to the same sex...Something that I have learned is that some people with the biggest hatred towards gays are some that are second guessing who they are!
I don't think I ever said I hate gay people. I hate what they do. Now, I know that AIDS didn't start from gays, but tell me what type of people are the most common carriers? You say gays are like the rest of us? Well, let me ask you, if you came up on an accident of a person you knew to be gay, would you jump right in and do things which would put you in contact with their blood? Would you want a gay person handling needles at the hospital without gloves? Deep down, every one of you would hesitate to act in an emergency the same toward a gay as a straight person. Sugar coat it any way you want, homosexuality is against human nature. Even dogs don't do that. Male dogs hump on females. God didn't create two men or two women. He created a man and a woman.
Shady Grady Wrote:Well, let me ask you, if you came up on an accident of a person you knew to be gay, would you jump right in and do things which would put you in contact with their blood? Would you want a gay person handling needles at the hospital without gloves? Deep down, every one of you would hesitate to act in an emergency the same toward a gay as a straight person. Sugar coat it any way you want, homosexuality is against human nature. Even dogs don't do that. Male dogs hump on females.

Since you ARE asking, no, I would not hesitate for one second to help a gay person over a straight one. I'm sorry but I don't know anyone that WOULD. Do you think all people have AIDS or something? Like do you think that you automatically contract it when you declare your sexuality or you are born with it if you are born gay? Seriously, that is the most off the wall thing that I have EVER heard. No one in my entire life has posed that question before. I would jump right in, blood and all, to help them as I would ANYONE else. You don't think that gays work in hospitals and work the exact same as heterosexual nurses and doctors? Do you ever know the difference?

If it was against human nature then people would not be born that way. Obviously it is a natural thing to do by human nature because it's not a mental question or a choice.

And yes, dogs hump dogs of the same sex. Sorry that you've never seen it with your own two eyes apparently but it happens all of the time. Glad you are up on your birds and your bees and know all of the facts of the world, but you might want to check before you speak.

Shady Grady Wrote:And just where in the bible is that found? It was destroyed because of their wickedness. Some of you need to get real. Homosexuality is wicked, pure and simple. If you say otherwise, you are kidding yourself. Go ahead and make yourself feel better by saying it is okay. This liberal, immoral issues are going to ruin this country. And by the way, all those who are protesting in california need to go home and realize the people voted that way. Accept it and go on. Just like states who vote down gambling, the people have spoken.

Well with you asking that question, evidentally you do not know the Bible as well as you think you do!!!!! So, it appears to me that you need to do some more studying so go and look it up!!!!! It may do you some good!!!
Gay in my eyes is wrong. And you Liberals will probably try and bash but that is my opinion and I stick to it plain and simple. And I agree 100% with Shady Grady.
Who cares!!! If they want to go stick something into something, let them do it! Its like taking there religion away. If they come into my store holding hands what am i going to do kick them out? Its like saying you hate African Americans! And no i am not gay!
Shady Grady Wrote:I don't think I ever said I hate gay people. I hate what they do. Now, I know that AIDS didn't start from gays, but tell me what type of people are the most common carriers? You say gays are like the rest of us? Well, let me ask you, if you came up on an accident of a person you knew to be gay, would you jump right in and do things which would put you in contact with their blood? Would you want a gay person handling needles at the hospital without gloves? Deep down, every one of you would hesitate to act in an emergency the same toward a gay as a straight person. Sugar coat it any way you want, homosexuality is against human nature. Even dogs don't do that. Male dogs hump on females. God didn't create two men or two women. He created a man and a woman.

And again, you have spoken about something that you do NOT know nothing about. The most common carriers are straight men on drugs, using and sharing needles. And YES, without hesitation, I would help anyone who is in need....gay, straight, black, white, brown...it wouldn't matter, a human being is a human being and may God have mercy on your soul if you would ever come upon someone and you did not help them!! I have been in every kind of emergency situation you could think of since I use to work in a hospital, manage an ambulance service, came upon car wrecks, etc., and don't you dare pre-judge me in saying that I "would hesitate to act in an emergency the same toward a gay as a straight person."

You know, I set here and I think, people have the right to have their own opinions and that is all well and good, no matter what is said in here is it going to change your mind, and you are definitely not going to change my mind, but I do hope and pray that some day you will see that gay people are just like you....yes YOU.....and I say this because, some gay people have the same attitude toward straight people as you have towards them, just because of this attitude. Two wrongs don't make a right, but it's true. One day, and it may not be in our lifetime, but gay people will be accepted whether you like it or not. And you know....GOD will be very happy that His people FINALLY showed HIS love for other human beings.
Shady Grady Wrote:I don't think I ever said I hate gay people. I hate what they do. Now, I know that AIDS didn't start from gays, but tell me what type of people are the most common carriers? You say gays are like the rest of us? Well, let me ask you, if you came up on an accident of a person you knew to be gay, would you jump right in and do things which would put you in contact with their blood? Would you want a gay person handling needles at the hospital without gloves? Deep down, every one of you would hesitate to act in an emergency the same toward a gay as a straight person. Sugar coat it any way you want, homosexuality is against human nature. Even dogs don't do that. Male dogs hump on females. God didn't create two men or two women. He created a man and a woman.

Actually it is a proven statistic that up untill the turn of the century it was drug addicts who were the most common carriers not homosexuals. When stating your place on that you must also take into concideration that the spread of AIDS withing the homosexual community increases due to non-protected sex, because honestly they have no chance of becoming pregnant which is the most common reason for the use of condoms also known as a form of "Birth Control". Also another proven statistic is that AIDS carriers with in the homosexual community have dropped extensivley in the past few years nearly having the same number of heterosexuals. I also would never hesitate to help a homosexual who is dieing in their own pool of blood. I would also never care for a homosexual to handle a needle in a hospital. Heck if I was scared of that then I would be scared of many people who work in hospitals because there are probley more drug addicts who work in a hospital, who have just as high a risk of having AIDS. Your arguments are very one sided stop being such a dualistic thinker. Look at the gray areas and not just the black and white areas. To make an argument you must be willing to look at both sides. Which your statements it looks as if you haven't nor are you willing to.
cheerdad Wrote:Well with you asking that question, evidentally you do not know the Bible as well as you think you do!!!!! So, it appears to me that you need to do some more studying so go and look it up!!!!! It may do you some good!!!

Help me out know it all. Where is it found? I can't find where Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed because people were not hospitable. If it is in there, I want to see it. What I have read is that Abraham begged God to spare the cities is there were just a few righteous people. None could be found, except for Lot's family. So please give me book, chapter and verse for that.
The problem is that men sugarcoat things. "Gays" were once referred to as *****. Someone who is odd. Again, show me where God created two men or two women. He created a man a woman. Prove me wrong on that one. Homosexuality is an abomination in the sight of God. Show me in the bible in all the history that is written where any of God's people were married to someone of the same sex. Never. Those who had wives, husbands, or concubines (in the old testament) were of the opposite sex. It is a sin against God, and if you don't believe that, well, you can choose to be wrong if you want to.
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