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God's Existence
Homer Simpson Wrote:I was talking about the fact that some one said evolution has been proven and creatisim is a hypothesis

Evolution can be proven.

Creationism isn't science it's never been and never will be. that's why the scientific community doesn't accept it.
thecavemaster Wrote:Have you ever thought if "god" was real, then why would something tell you he/she wasn't? Do you really think such a question resolves anything?

i can't find any logic in that statement
Homer Simpson Wrote:Santa Clause was created on CHRISTmas to bring peoples mind of of Jesus
The Easter bunny was created to get peoples mind of Jesus
my point exactly

Santa Clause was created as a marketing scheme

and Easter has pagan origins

Here is a link to a website that explains it:
Ye athe scientific community also says alot of stuff the scientific community created nuclear bombs the scientific community is responsible for cancer IF ITS NOT OF GOD ITS OF THE DEVIL..that what i believe i have no answers if you want answers read the Bible.. try preying and doing God's willl insted of your own see how that works out for you
Im only am man i know as much as any one about this, I have felt uplifting Joy and Happiness from the Lord.. God is Love and without God you cant love..
I do know this easter is the day Jesus reserrected on and Good friday was the day he was crucified
Homer Simpson Wrote:Im only am man i know as much as any one about this, I have felt uplifting Joy and Happiness from the Lord.. God is Love and without God you cant love..

Homer Simpson Wrote:I do know this easter is the day Jesus reserrected on and Good friday was the day he was crucified

Homer Simpson Wrote:I do know this easter is the day Jesus reserrected on and Good friday was the day he was crucified

Thanks for completely ignoring everything i said Big Grin
Kentucky_Liberal Wrote:Thanks for completely ignoring everything i said Big Grin
I dont understand what your wanting me to tell you buddy
Homer Simpson Wrote:Ye athe scientific community also says alot of stuff the scientific community created nuclear bombs the scientific community is responsible for cancer IF ITS NOT OF GOD ITS OF THE DEVIL..that what i believe i have no answers if you want answers read the Bible.. try preying and doing God's willl insted of your own see how that works out for you

Science is not evil. if not for science we would not have chicken pox vaccines nor polio vaccines or gardasil or any other vaccine. it has also helped us learn more about diseases. Yeah Science has had it's faults like with making the nuclear bomb. but religion has had it's bad effects too like the Salem witch trials,Crusades,Spanish Inquisition, Imperialism and just all out war because one group thinks different from the other group
Kentucky_Liberal Wrote:Science is not evil. if not for science we would not have chicken pox vaccines nor polio vaccines or gardasil or any other vaccine. it has also helped us learn more about diseases. Yeah Science has had it's faults like with making the nuclear bomb. but religion has had it's bad effects too like the Salem witch trials,Crusades,Spanish Inquisition, Imperialism and just all out war because one group thinks different from the other group
All things done by man not by God
Homer Simpson Wrote:All things done by man not by God

but with guidance from god or the bible
The Bible teaches Love atleast the one I read.. Jesus said turn the other cheek..
What people dont understand is alot of religions through history where spread by the sword.. Christianity is spread by Love.. The Bible was wriiten by men Aniotned by God.. Preachers Preach Anointed by God people get confused .. read what it says.. before you come to conclusions.. its all about not judging and Love.. The koran teaches hate the reason arabs attack jews is because Abraham was promised a son by God Abraham went and had his son by his hand made insted of his wife Sara.. The Child God promised Abraham was suppost to be Sara's child who was also a Jew. Abraham disobeyed God .. Then an angel came and told Sara this and Sara said she was to old to concieve a child .. But God who is more powerful than man Told the to have a child and Abraham and his wife had a son and named him Isacc.. Ishmeal and his mother the hand made went off and islamic people came about but Ishmeal wasnt the kid God promised and they are convinced he was so islam are jealous that in a sense and want to kill off the jews and that is prophacie.... thats how that war came about between the jews and islam.....its also prophacy that the jews will be hated by all people because they crucified jesus who died so me and u could be forgivin for our sins and SAVED from a devils ****..The war was created by mans will and not Gods.. everyone has free will and you can make any thing your god its what u put first in yourlife.. For me and mine we will serve the Lord the God Almighty
Kentucky_Liberal Wrote:Evolution can be proven.

Creationism isn't science it's never been and never will be. that's why the scientific community doesn't accept it.

I don't believe that either is provable!! At least in terms of saying man evolved from a lesser species. It has NOT been proven! Science has its uses and some of it is based on fact. But scientists sometimes make more of things than they can prove with their theories! So lets not get too carried away with this statement.

IMO: I see a lot of evidence of creationism. If you want to believe that you evolved from an ape, be my guest! You may have! j/k But I know for a fact that it hasn't been proven!
EKY Sportster Wrote:I don't believe that either is provable!! At least in terms of saying man evolved from a lesser species. It has NOT been proven! Science has its uses and some of it is based on fact. But scientists sometimes make more of things than they can prove with their theories! So lets not get too carried away with this statement.

IMO: I see a lot of evidence of creationism. If you want to believe that you evolved from an ape, be my guest! You may have! j/k But I know for a fact that it hasn't been proven!
What evidence do you speak of EKY Sportster?

Please share your wisdom.
You have to pick your religion.

To me, it is all about Faith. Faith is spritual. Spiritual can be veiwed as religious.

There are those who beleive in Creationism, and those who believe in Evlolution. There is no concrete scientific proof of either of the two options. Thus, the beleiver of either of these two options must have faith that that option is the truth. That faith becomes their religion.
Stardust Wrote:You have to pick your religion.

To me, it is all about Faith. Faith is spritual. Spiritual can be veiwed as religious.

There are those who beleive in Creationism, and those who believe in Evlolution. There is no concrete scientific proof of either of the two options. Thus, the beleiver of either of these two options must have faith that that option is the truth. That faith becomes their religion.

I don't believe in evolution i accept it. Because a better explanation could come forth
Homer Simpson Wrote:The Bible teaches Love atleast the one I read.. Jesus said turn the other cheek..

is that why the OT god killed hordes of people?

But Jesus was peaceful
By the way happy 200th birthday to Abraham Lincoln and Charles Darwin Big Grin
DevilsWin Wrote:What evidence do you speak of EKY Sportster?

Please share your wisdom.

I could list hundreds of items, but some examples are the precise tilt of the earth that makes it life sustaining, how birds fly, how the air is just perfect to our intake, how a blade of grass is so perfectly formed, snowflakes, the stars, and so on and so on. Of course you may not see it and that is perfectly fine. Just think how everything in existence just happens to be so perfectly precise and well balanced. What are the odds of this all coming into existence from the so called big bang theory and then everything just evolving to the precise point that we now find it? You have to make a decision one way or the other, hope to see you on the right side come Judgment Day!

Remember this though: Although I believe with 100% certainty that God exists and that therefore there will be a Judgment Day, what do I lose if I am wrong? However, for those who reject God, you stand to lose everything and the consequences are eternal. So choose to believe what you wish. Just think long and hard about it!
Kentucky_Liberal Wrote:is that why the OT god killed hordes of people?

But Jesus was peaceful

Just who did the OT God kill that didn't deserve it according to the law of the OT??

Even under the NT, no one is worthy to stand before God. We can only do so through Jesus Christ who God sent to save us from ourselves.
Kentucky_Liberal Wrote:By the way happy 200th birthday to Abraham Lincoln and Charles Darwin Big Grin

By the way, happy eternal Birthday God!
the bible says he destroyed sodem and gamora
That dont change nothan he is still almighty God and if God destroyes you ur know ur wrong
i heard this from my pastor, he said this to an atheist, "lets say your right and when we die, we lay in the ground as our bodies turn to dust, or lets say im right and when we die we are judged, i will live eternally in heaven and as for you its your choice, you can believe that Christ died on the cross and saved us from our sins or you can keep on believing that there is no God. Your choice." or something close to this
this doesnt mean that we should believe that we should believe in God just out of fear of going to ****, but we should believe because we love the Lord and we want to serve him for the rest of our lives on this earth, whatever his will and then one day go to heaven to praise him for all eternity.
fanatic11 Wrote:i heard this from my pastor, he said this to an atheist, "lets say your right and when we die, we lay in the ground as our bodies turn to dust, or lets say im right and when we die we are judged, i will live eternally in heaven and as for you its your choice, you can believe that Christ died on the cross and saved us from our sins or you can keep on believing that there is no God. Your choice." or something close to this
this doesnt mean that we should believe that we should believe in God just out of fear of going to ****, but we should believe because we love the Lord and we want to serve him for the rest of our lives on this earth, whatever his will and then one day go to heaven to praise him for all eternity.

nice post
thank you
EKY Sportster Wrote:I could list hundreds of items, but some examples are the precise tilt of the earth that makes it life sustaining, how birds fly, how the air is just perfect to our intake, how a blade of grass is so perfectly formed, snowflakes, the stars, and so on and so on. Of course you may not see it and that is perfectly fine. Just think how everything in existence just happens to be so perfectly precise and well balanced. What are the odds of this all coming into existence from the so called big bang theory and then everything just evolving to the precise point that we now find it? You have to make a decision one way or the other, hope to see you on the right side come Judgment Day!

Remember this though: Although I believe with 100% certainty that God exists and that therefore there will be a Judgment Day, what do I lose if I am wrong? However, for those who reject God, you stand to lose everything and the consequences are eternal. So choose to believe what you wish. Just think long and hard about it!
Pascal's wager- if you live your life like God does exist and there turns out to be no God, what do you lose? If you live your like there is a God and there turns out to be a God, you spend eternity paying for it.

It's on the last slide of my PowerPoint deal about my life.

thecavemaster Wrote:Have you ever thought if "god" was real, then why would something tell you he/she wasn't? Do you really think such a question resolves anything?
Because we were given free will to question things and make judgements on what's real, as well as free minds to to consider the possibilities of our existence and wonder how things came to be.
fanatic11 Wrote:i heard this from my pastor, he said this to an atheist, "lets say your right and when we die, we lay in the ground as our bodies turn to dust, or lets say im right and when we die we are judged, i will live eternally in heaven and as for you its your choice, you can believe that Christ died on the cross and saved us from our sins or you can keep on believing that there is no God. Your choice." or something close to this
this doesnt mean that we should believe that we should believe in God just out of fear of going to ****, but we should believe because we love the Lord and we want to serve him for the rest of our lives on this earth, whatever his will and then one day go to heaven to praise him for all eternity.

That's also Pascal's Wager, see above
QB Challenge Champion, Just Pitching Champion, Midi Golf Champion- My Greatest Accomplishments in Life
Kentucky_Liberal Wrote:Santa Clause was created as a marketing scheme

and Easter has pagan origins

Here is a link to a website that explains it:

I'm soo glad I was brought up knowing GOD and not in your situation. I will still be praying for you though.
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