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Marijauna legalized?
DevilsWin Wrote:You know nothing about it besides what you read or heard.

In fact you'd be better suited to discuss something like figure 4 leg locks than Marinol Dusty.

:lmao: I have forgotten more than you will ever know :Thumbs:
DevilsWin Wrote:What is this, 1940?

"Reefer Madness" :yikes:

Yeah, really...jeez.

Maybe you guys should try tokin' before judging...
Stardust Wrote::lmao: I have forgotten more than you will ever know :Thumbs:
Whatever old timer......:yawn:
never too old to be smarter than...
How many of you that are against legalizing marijuana or at least decrininalizing it have actually ever used marijuana? From my experiences with it compared to those of alcohol, i would have to say marijuana is 100 times safer than alcohol.
TheGuyYouLoveToHate Wrote:How many of you that are against legalizing marijuana or at least decrininalizing it have actually ever used marijuana? From my experiences with it compared to those of alcohol, i would have to say marijuana is 100 times safer than alcohol.

Tried it yes. User of it no. Support it No. Legalize it No.
Stardust Wrote:Tried it yes. User of it no. Support it No. Legalize it No.

What was so horrible from your experience that it has turned you against it? Did you get the munchies and eat to much? I do not use marijuna on a regular basis, i only use it every now and then, like at a party or when i go to Ohio and visit my pothead cousin. I think they should go ahead and decriminalize it, we are just wasting money trying to stop it.
TheGuyYouLoveToHate Wrote:What was so horrible from your experience that it has turned you against it? Did you get the munchies and eat to much? I do not use marijuna on a regular basis, i only use it every now and then, like at a party or when i go to Ohio and visit my pothead cousin. I think they should go ahead and decriminalize it, we are just wasting money trying to stop it.

Look, I never have tried Cocaine, but I don't think I need to try it to be against it. I have never used Meth, and I don't need to in oreder to be against it. I have never done Heroine, nor do I need to to be against it.....I guess you get my point.

I'm assuming you are obviously not a parent. Thus, you have no worries about your child being under the influence, in which could put them behind the wheel of a vehicle and kill someone else or themself.

If the drug was legalized, I'm sure it would be a required age of 21, which probably makes it still illegal for 90% of those who are posting on here for it's legalization.:please:
Stardust Wrote:Look, I never have tried Cocaine, but I don't think I need to try it to be against it. I have never used Meth, and I don't need to in oreder to be against it. I have never done Heroine, nor do I need to to be against it.....I guess you get my point.

I'm assuming you are obviously not a parent. Thus, you have no worries about your child being under the influence, in which could put them behind the wheel of a vehicle and kill someone else or themself.

If the drug was legalized, I'm sure it would be a required age of 21, which probably makes it still illegal for 90% of those who are posting on here for it's legalization.:please:

No i am not a parent, but if i was i would much rather have my kids smoking pot and driving, then drinking and driving. I would prefer they did neither though. I am for the decriminalization of the use of marijuana and the personal growing of it. Also you would not have to worry about overdosing on marijuana or getting alcohol poisoning. What is so bad about marijuana that people do not like it? If alcohol and tobacco products are legal, so should marijuana.
Stardust Wrote:Tried it yes. User of it no. Support it No. Legalize it No.
What did it do to you and how old were you?

Can you describe your experience?
DevilsWin Wrote:What did it do to you and how old were you?

Can you describe your experience?

Did nothing that made it a bad experience or a good experience. I was over the age of 21 before I ever tried it due to the fear of getting drug tested in HS & college and losing athletic elligibility. So this was defintely after I had finished my education. Tried it with friends, and for me did nothing notably different but a foul taste and typical cough for those who first smoke anything. Still associated with those friends, but would never participate again. Seeing their mellow state certainly influenced me to never ride in a vehicle with them.
Stardust Wrote:Did nothing that made it a bad experience or a good experience. I was over the age of 21 before I ever tried it due to the fear of getting drug tested in HS & college and losing athletic elligibility. So this was defintely after I had finished my education. Tried it with friends, and for me did nothing notably different but a foul taste and typical cough for those who first smoke anything. Still associated with those friends, but would never participate again. Seeing their mellow state certainly influenced me to never ride in a vehicle with them.

So what is so horrible about marijuana that you are against it? Only thing i really got from all that was you would not ride in a vehicle with them because they were mellow after smoking pot. I guess you would not ride with a friend who you have seen get drunk before also.
TheGuyYouLoveToHate Wrote:So what is so horrible about marijuana that you are against it? Only thing i really got from all that was you would not ride in a vehicle with them because they were mellow after smoking pot. I guess you would not ride with a friend who you have seen get drunk before also.

This is a completely rediculous statement. I would not get in a vehicle with someone under the influence. I don't care what it is they are under the influence. If they are on the road, and that would include anyone on here that posts for it's support, and is caught using an illegal substance, alcohol, or any other drug that sit's themselves behind the wheel of a vehicle, knowing that I have freinds and family on the road at the same time, I hope the book is thrown at them. Just a completely ignorant comment.
Stardust Wrote:This is a completely rediculous statement. I would not get in a vehicle with someone under the influence. I don't care what it is they are under the influence. If they are on the road, and that would include anyone on here that posts for it's support, and is caught using an illegal substance, alcohol, or any other drug that sit's themselves behind the wheel of a vehicle, knowing that I have freinds and family on the road at the same time, I hope the book is thrown at them. Just a completely ignorant comment.

You made it sound like you would never ride in a car with your friends again because they have smoked pot before. So i was just saying i guess you would never ride in a car with a friends who have drank alcohol before. I am in no way shape or form in support of people driving drunk or high-whether it is marijuana or pills. If someone is driving under the influence i hope they get caught and thrown in the slammer.
TheGuyYouLoveToHate Wrote:You made it sound like you would never ride in a car with your friends again because they have smoked pot before. So i was just saying i guess you would never ride in a car with a friends who have drank alcohol before. I am in no way shape or form in support of people driving drunk or high-whether it is marijuana or pills. If someone is driving under the influence i hope they get caught and thrown in the slammer.

My apologies, I misunderstood.

I am not saying that I look down on anyone who does smoke pot, partake in illegal drugs, or anything else for that matter. If that is their choice so be it. I am no judge or jury, thus I have no place to pass judgement on one's choices. However those choices put someone in danger, different subject. I do and still will, be close to others who do not support my feelings on the legality or use of any thing that I do not support.
To get back on track here, i am still for the decriminalization of marijuana and personal growing of it. From my personal experiences i do not see what is so bad about marijuana. The only effects i have ever seen on people becoming mellow or extremely happy and hungry. For those of you concerned with people going out high and driving, I'm sure they would implement a law against driving high, just like drunk driving and driving while high on pills. I say go marijuana.
Th real problem here that has to be addressed first is a clear distinction between Marijuanna Hemp and Marijuanna grown for medicinal and recreational purposes.
Right now the government classifies them as the same thing. Kentucky was once the leading supplier of Industrial Hemp.

Our State is broken and so are our farmers now that tobacco has been taxed out the ying yang. That revenue could do a world of good for our beloved Bluegrass!
TheGuyYouLoveToHate Wrote:To get back on track here, i am still for the decriminalization of marijuana and personal growing of it. From my personal experiences i do not see what is so bad about marijuana. The only effects i have ever seen on people becoming mellow or extremely happy and hungry. For those of you concerned with people going out high and driving, I'm sure they would implement a law against driving high, just like drunk driving and driving while high on pills. I say go marijuana.

Yeah, like that has really stopped the thosands of DUI related traffic deaths that happen in this country every year. Sheesh, what a statement.:zzz:
Mr.Kimball Wrote:Yeah, like that has really stopped the thosands of DUI related traffic deaths that happen in this country every year. Sheesh, what a statement.:zzz:
The contention that legalization would increase among drivers is just as good a statement.:Thumbs:
First things first....the doctor that suggested marijuana to your dad had to suggest it and not prescribe it considering Kentucky can not prescribe medical marijuana. People have the right obtain a Medical Marijuana License in the state but may not fill there scripts in the state.

Secondly driving high has been proven almost 95% of the time the driver is more aware and drives better then he/she would if they were 100% sober...hard to believe? well believe it, scientifically proven.

I support legalization of marijuana, not because i smoke it cause i dont due to my job and testing...but because its more safe then alcohol. If i had kids would i let them smoke currently? no, becuase its illegal andi wouldnt want them to get in trouble. If it was legal? yes buti would expect them to be smart about the use of it.

its a changing world people marijuana is goign to be legalized, sooner or later you all just going to have to get it throught your heads :ChairHit:
BigD Wrote:First things first....the doctor that suggested marijuana to your dad had to suggest it and not prescribe it considering Kentucky can not prescribe medical marijuana. People have the right obtain a Medical Marijuana License in the state but may not fill there scripts in the state.

Secondly driving high has been proven almost 95% of the time the driver is more aware and drives better then he/she would if they were 100% sober...hard to believe? well believe it, scientifically proven.

I support legalization of marijuana, not because i smoke it cause i dont due to my job and testing...but because its more safe then alcohol. If i had kids would i let them smoke currently? no, becuase its illegal andi wouldnt want them to get in trouble. If it was legal? yes buti would expect them to be smart about the use of it.

its a changing world people marijuana is goign to be legalized, sooner or later you all just going to have to get it throught your heads :ChairHit:

Please site your sources when referring to case studies so that we can all see the study.
[quote=BigD]Marijuana License in the state but may not fill there scripts in the state.

Secondly driving high has been proven almost 95% of the time the driver is more aware and drives better then he/she would if they were 100% sober...hard to believe? well believe it, scientifically proven.


Posted by ToxDoc on 24 Apr 08 03:19 PM EDT
There is an enormous scientific literature demonstrating the effects of marijuana use on driving. People high on THC (the most active ingredient in marijuana) make errors in lane position, speed, time and distance estimates and respond poorer to emergency situations than drivers who are not intoxicated from smoking marijuana. Effects dissipate significantly after 2-3 hours. Those are simply the facts. You can find more information at the NHTSA website or in Medical Consequences of Alcohol and Drug Abuse, Taylor and Francis Publishing, 2008.
Stardust Wrote:[quote=BigD]Marijuana License in the state but may not fill there scripts in the state.

Secondly driving high has been proven almost 95% of the time the driver is more aware and drives better then he/she would if they were 100% sober...hard to believe? well believe it, scientifically proven.


Posted by ToxDoc on 24 Apr 08 03:19 PM EDT
There is an enormous scientific literature demonstrating the effects of marijuana use on driving. People high on THC (the most active ingredient in marijuana) make errors in lane position, speed, time and distance estimates and respond poorer to emergency situations than drivers who are not intoxicated from smoking marijuana. Effects dissipate significantly after 2-3 hours. Those are simply the facts. You can find more information at the NHTSA website or in Medical Consequences of Alcohol and Drug Abuse, Taylor and Francis Publishing, 2008.

Alcohol and marijuana are both going to impare you while driving if you have been using them, plain and simple. They can pass laws to lock people up if they drive high on marijuana, just like they do with alcohol.
Don't want nothing to do with marijuana. I am totally against it.
TheGuyYouLoveToHate Wrote:[quote=Stardust]

Alcohol and marijuana are both going to impare you while driving if you have been using them, plain and simple. They can pass laws to lock people up if they drive high on marijuana, just like they do with alcohol.

Wasn't my point. The comment was made that scientific proof showed the Marijuana improved driving. What I was showing was that it does not.
Stardust Wrote:[quote=TheGuyYouLoveToHate]

Wasn't my point. The comment was made that scientific proof showed the Marijuana improved driving. What I was showing was that it does not.

Yes and you were right. I was just saying that there both going to impare you while driving, i really dont know why i quoted you when i wrote it lol.
TheGuyYouLoveToHate Wrote:[quote=Stardust]

Yes and you were right. I was just saying that there both going to impare you while driving, i really dont know why i quoted you when i wrote it lol.

How can you justify the legalization of marijauna by the phrase, It's safer than alcohol. Marijauna is a gateway drug. I work at a rehab, about 100%
of addicts first drug they ever tried was marijauna. It does lead to other things. I have never tried it, or do I ever plan to. Due to society though I do think it will be legalized some day. Do I agree, No. Do I think we should do it to inprove the economy no.
By the way, Kentucky is highly known for dealings in presriction pain killers, many people sell them and make all kinds of money. Maybe we should just start selling oxycotin off the shelves of your local walmart, we can even provide needles with them Im sure that would get the economy in EKY booming!!!!!!!!!
I don't think marijuana should be legalized. Of course though, people are going to do it no matter what. Maybe it'd take the fun out of it for some because they wouldn't get the thrill of doing something illegal?
Notorious Wrote:How can you justify the legalization of marijauna by the phrase, It's safer than alcohol. Marijauna is a gateway drug. I work at a rehab, about 100%
of addicts first drug they ever tried was marijauna. It does lead to other things. I have never tried it, or do I ever plan to. Due to society though I do think it will be legalized some day. Do I agree, No. Do I think we should do it to inprove the economy no.
By the way, Kentucky is highly known for dealings in presriction pain killers, many people sell them and make all kinds of money. Maybe we should just start selling oxycotin off the shelves of your local walmart, we can even provide needles with them Im sure that would get the economy in EKY booming!!!!!!!!!
How many of your patients are there for having a marijuana addiction?

Of those(if there are any) what is the average age?

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