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TOP PG in the NBA
I say Derrick Rose and Chris Paul
You gotta give Chauncey Billups props. He turned the Nuggets into a number 2 seed in the west. The last few years they haven't been any better than a 5 or 6 seed. He's a real team player.
Chris Paul or Chauncey Billups.
This is my top 5:

1.Chris Paul
2.Tony Parker
3.Deron Williams
4.Rajon Rondo
5.Chauncey Billups/Derrick Rose
UkFan23 Wrote:This is my top 5:

1.Chris Paul
2.Tony Parker
3.Deron Williams
4.Rajon Rondo
5.Chauncey Billups/Derrick Rose

I forgot to mention Rajon and Tony. Rajon is pretty much averaging a triple-double ain't he?
Chris Paul
Deron Williams
Tony Parker
Rajon Rondo
Chauncey Billups
Derrick Rose
Chris Paul... I like Deron William's game.
1. Chris Paul
2. Tony Parker
3. Deron Williams
4. Derrick Rose
5. Jason Kidd
1. Chris Paul
2. Deron Williams
3. Tony Parker (as bad as I hate him)
4. Rajon Rondo
5. Chauncey Billups

You could also throw Gilbert Arenas in there when he is healthy, and Rose also.
Between CP3 and Deron/ And Rajon is close behind them.
Chris Paul
well as of right now there all playing amazing,

but im taking my man

Rajon Rondo and his average triple double
Chris Paul, chauncy billups, tony parker, and deron williams all 2nds

charles barkley on tnt said rondo was playing the best on tnt last night so im going with him
Top 5
Chris Paul
Derrick Rose
Tony Parker
Deron Williams
Rajon Rondo
Chris Paul
Rajon Rondo
Deron Williams
Chauncey Billups
Derek Rose
Chris Paul is hands down the best point guard in the game.

But the hottest point guard right now, by far is Rajon Rondo.
1. Chris Paul
2. Deron Williams
3. Rajon Rondo
4. Derek Rose
5. Mo Willams

For the postseason the best so far is Rondo though!!!
In this order

Chris Paul
Steve Nash
Tony Parker
Chauncey Billups
Deron Williams
Jason Kidd

I hate to tell all of you but therese no way derrick rose if better than any of these players. And no way Steve nash isnt in the top 3 pgs in the league he was just back to back mvp two seasons ago
Saints52 Wrote:In this order

Chris Paul
Steve Nash
Tony Parker
Chauncey Billups
Deron Williams
Jason Kidd

I hate to tell all of you but therese no way derrick rose if better than any of these players. And no way Steve nash isnt in the top 3 pgs in the league he was just back to back mvp two seasons ago

yea that was 2 seasons ago, just like 4 seasons ago Allen iverson was averaging 30 points a game, nash seems to let age catch up with him, hes still in the elite probally above deron williams, derek rose abd jason kidd, but chris paul, tony parker , chauncy billups and Rajon Rondo are clearly better this year,
Wildcatk23 Wrote:yea that was 2 seasons ago, just like 4 seasons ago Allen iverson was averaging 30 points a game, nash seems to let age catch up with him, hes still in the elite probally above deron williams, derek rose abd jason kidd, but chris paul, tony parker , chauncy billups and Rajon Rondo are clearly better this year,

Rose just won rookie f the is he not in the top.....among all the rookies he was rookie of the year
look what billups has done with denver
beasy_bo Wrote:1.paul
look what billups has done with denver

Where do you put Derrick Rose at
theVILLE Wrote:Rose just won rookie f the is he not in the top.....among all the rookies he was rookie of the year
That really has no weight when comparing him to the PGs in the NBA. Yea he was the best rookie. Good job. Durant was last year but you gonna say he is one of the best forwards in the leauge?

Rose is going to be one of the best. He has he talent for sure. Right now there are five that are better than him. Paul, Parker, Williams, Billips, and Rondo. I wouldn't have Rondo that high if he hadn't stepped up when Garnett went down. He has been tough since then.

Give Rose time and he will be an All Star.
Amun-Ra Wrote:That really has no weight when comparing him to the PGs in the NBA. Yea he was the best rookie. Good job. Durant was last year but you gonna say he is one of the best forwards in the leauge?

Rose is going to be one of the best. He has he talent for sure. Right now there are five that are better than him. Paul, Parker, Williams, Billips, and Rondo. I wouldn't have Rondo that high if he hadn't stepped up when Garnett went down. He has been tough since then.

Give Rose time and he will be an All Star.

Ok I may take that as long as PAUL is there at the top...but I think that Williams is better than parker
theVILLE Wrote:Ok I may take that as long as PAUL is there at the top...but I think that Williams is better than parker
Oh I didn't have em ranked in order. I think Williams is good but till he leads his team to a championship I would have Parker above him. Paul is the best in the leauge that's for sure.
1. CP3
2. Billups
3. Rondo
4. Fisher
5. Williams
Guys, if Rondo wouldn't have went to Kentucky, no one would have him rated as a top 5 point guard. I think Rondo is a very good player, but look at it this way. He has Ray Allen, Paul Pierce, Kevin Garnett all 3 on his team. Allen and KG are definitely Hall of Famers and Pierce might be eventually. How can you not play well with that team? Everyone is so worried about those 3, you get plenty of looks. And those 3 are unreal on offense, so it isn't too hard for him to get assists. To say he is a top 5 PG in the whole NBA is an insult to the great PG's in the NBA right now. He is possibly top 10, but not top 5. Yes so far in the playoffs he has been great, but that has been only a few games. In game 7, he only had 7 pts, 11 assists. Don't get me wrong, those are good stats, but you people are acting like he is the next Magic Johnson or something, just because he came from Kentucky. These point guards are all better than Rondo. (in order)

Chris Paul
Deron Williams
Tony Parker
Jason Kidd
Steve Nash
Chauncey Billups
Devin Harris
Jameer Nelson

I would have Rondo at the 9th spot and Mo Williams rounding out the top 10.
hokiefan29 Wrote:Guys, if Rondo wouldn't have went to Kentucky, no one would have him rated as a top 5 point guard. I think Rondo is a very good player, but look at it this way. He has Ray Allen, Paul Pierce, Kevin Garnett all 3 on his team. Allen and KG are definitely Hall of Famers and Pierce might be eventually. How can you not play well with that team? Everyone is so worried about those 3, you get plenty of looks. And those 3 are unreal on offense, so it isn't too hard for him to get assists. To say he is a top 5 PG in the whole NBA is an insult to the great PG's in the NBA right now. He is possibly top 10, but not top 5. Yes so far in the playoffs he has been great, but that has been only a few games. In game 7, he only had 7 pts, 11 assists. Don't get me wrong, those are good stats, but you people are acting like he is the next Magic Johnson or something, just because he came from Kentucky. These point guards are all better than Rondo. (in order)

Chris Paul
Deron Williams
Tony Parker
Jason Kidd
Steve Nash
Chauncey Billups
Devin Harris
Jameer Nelson

I would have Rondo at the 9th spot and Mo Williams rounding out the top 10.
Man KG hasn't played in over a month so Rondo has had to step up and he has. He has played great in the playoffs so far. So he didnt have a great game 7 statically but he played great D and controlled the offense. You could put him on any team in the league and he would stand out as a good PG.
As bad as I hate to admit it, Chris Paul is probably the best PG right now. However you have to look at Rondo, averaging a triple double in the playoffs isn't a task to be over looked. He is really stepping up when his team needs him due to the lack of KG. Also you have to give Tony Parker credit, he has improved a lot this year. He lead the NBA in points in the paint, and that in itself is impressive of a point guard.

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