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Obama and the coal industry???
TheRealVille Wrote:Well, 68% percent of America approves of the job he is doing. Kentucky, a democrat state, voted against him. Don't expect him to go out of his way to help Kentucky. Maybe we should have thought of this at poll time.

Nuff said.

I was already thinking of this at poll time.:Thumbs:

I agree though, enough said.
TheRealVille Wrote:Well, 68% percent of America approves of the job he is doing. Kentucky, a democrat state, voted against him. Don't expect him to go out of his way to help Kentucky. Maybe we should have thought of this at poll time.

Nuff said.

This post would be lame even if factually correct --- which it ISN'T. You are the least informed person on here.

33% strongly approve
32% strongly disapprove

54% somewhat approve
45% somewhat disapprove

Nearly 100% of blacks approve --- you think this is coincidence or maybe there is some bias? Factor that out and Obama's #s are not good at all for someone so early in their presidency...
A little something else for you RealVille, since you like #s so much:

Less than half (48%) consider Obama excellent or good on energy,
a LARGE majority (58%) think the US is on the wrong track, and a
minority (39%) thinks the country's best days are ahead.

These numbers do not indicate confidence in Obama at all.
jetpilot Wrote:A little something else for you RealVille, since you like #s so much:

Less than half (48%) consider Obama excellent or good on energy,
a LARGE majority (58%) think the US is on the wrong track, and a
minority (39%) thinks the country's best days are ahead.

These numbers do not indicate confidence in Obama at all.
Get off of the conservative sights and get on credible sites. All the TV news reports that he is at 68%.

"Obama Approval Rating Is 68 Percent, New Nationwide Poll Shows"
Listen, vote for who you want, I could care less. I like Obama and am going to give him a chance. After Bush, I will never pull another Republican lever. Don't expect Obama to cater to Kentucky when Kentucky made it plain they weren't for him. You all voted against him. Deal with it, you people brought it on yourselves. I'm making some pretty good money doing all the democrat backed "clean air stuff." Of course, I voted for Obama. Like I said, I'm through on this thread.
One last thing, since I'm a stickler for numbers. It looks like America disagrees with some on this site. Here are several polls, and all have him above 50% approval. Rasmussen,(the one jetpilot posted) still has him at 54%(yesterday) approval, 56%(today) gaining.

Poll Date Sample Approve Disapprove Spread
RCP Average 04/21 - 04/30 -- 61.7 30.9 +30.8
Gallup 04/28 - 04/30 1547 A 65 29 +36
Rasmussen Reports 04/28 - 04/30 1500 LV 54 45 +9
Quinnipiac 04/21 - 04/27 2041 RV 58 30 +28
Diageo/Hotline 04/23 - 04/26 800 RV 62 33 +29
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 04/23 - 04/26 1005 A 61 30 +31
CNN/Opinion Research 04/23 - 04/26 2019 A 63 33 +30
CBS News/NY Times 04/22 - 04/26 973 A 68 23 +45
ABC News/Wash Post 04/21 - 04/24 1072 A 69 26 +43
FOX News 04/22 - 04/23 900 RV 62 29 +33
Marist 04/21 - 04/23 975 RV 55 31 +24

56% in the latest rasmussen poll, jetpilot
Much less than the 68% you were touting...and again, take the 100% approval of blacks out of the equation, and it is even lower. Bush isn't against coal because Ky didn't vote for him. That's crazy. Another thing - if you think NBC and New York Times and "all the TV" are credible, there's nothing I can do to educate you. So long and thanks for all the entertainment.


BTW, Rasmussen is not a conservative site. Last thing you are learning from me. I'm putting you on ignore to save myself a lot of aggravation. Good luck to you.
jetpilot Wrote:Much less than the 68% you were touting...and again, take the 100% approval of blacks out of the equation, and it is even lower. Bush isn't against coal because Ky didn't vote for him. That's crazy. Another thing - if you think NBC and New York Times and "all the TV" are credible, there's nothing I can do to educate you. So long and thanks for all the entertainment.


BTW, Rasmussen is not a conservative site. Last thing you are learning from me. I'm putting you on ignore to save myself a lot of aggravation. Good luck to you.

Um...obviously meant Obama there...:dontthink
TheRealVille Wrote:Listen, vote for who you want, I could care less. I like Obama and am going to give him a chance. After Bush, I will never pull another Republican lever. Don't expect Obama to cater to Kentucky when Kentucky made it plain they weren't for him. You all voted against him. Deal with it, you people brought it on yourselves. I'm making some pretty good money doing all the democrat backed "clean air stuff." Of course, I voted for Obama. Like I said, I'm through on this thread.

So you are saying Obama has the right to try to "screw" Kentucky just because the majority of the state didn't vote for him?

That is just foolish.
TheRealVille Wrote:Listen, vote for who you want, I could care less. I like Obama and am going to give him a chance. After Bush, I will never pull another Republican lever. Don't expect Obama to cater to Kentucky when Kentucky made it plain they weren't for him. You all voted against him. Deal with it, you people brought it on yourselves. I'm making some pretty good money doing all the democrat backed "clean air stuff." Of course, I voted for Obama. Like I said, I'm through on this thread.

So you think that Obama holds a grudge against every state he did not win? Are you serious?
Ill just be honest, only reason I voted for Obama is that he wasnt a republican. I thought why not give the other side of the pillow a try.
C.Clair Wrote:Ill just be honest, only reason I voted for Obama is that he wasnt a republican. I thought why not give the other side of the pillow a try.
Well........If you're gonna be honest, now I guess I have to also, that is the only reason I voted for Obama. I wanted anyone that wasn't republican. I started out just yankin' theses guys chains, then they started name calling because I didn't agree with them. I'm really no big Obama fan, I'm a "anybody that's not a republican" fan. I am a democrat, but I voted for republicans alot, until Bush. Bush caused me to go "yellowdog". Obama has inherited a mess, he will be judged nationwide by how the economy goes and if he can fix said mess. He might possibly be a one term President, because I don't think anybody can quickly fix this mess, and America will drop him because of it. Honestly, I think Hillary could have done a better job, I just couldn't vote for her in November, she wasn't on the ticket then. :biggrin:
TheRealVille Wrote:Well........If you're gonna be honest, now I guess I have to also, that is the only reason I voted for Obama. I wanted anyone that wasn't republican. I started out just yankin' theses guys chains, then they started name calling because I didn't agree with them. I'm really no big Obama fan, I'm a "anybody that's not a republican" fan. I am a democrat, but I voted for republicans alot, until Bush. Bush caused me to go "yellowdog". Obama has inherited a mess, he will be judged nationwide by how the economy goes and if he can fix said mess. He might possibly be a one term President, because I don't think anybody can quickly fix this mess, and America will drop him because of it. Honestly, I think Hillary could have done a better job, I just couldn't vote for her in November, she wasn't on the ticket then. :biggrin:

Thank the good Lord for that. We would be in even worse shape now.
TheRealVille Wrote:Well........If you're gonna be honest, now I guess I have to also, that is the only reason I voted for Obama. I wanted anyone that wasn't republican. I started out just yankin' theses guys chains, then they started name calling because I didn't agree with them. I'm really no big Obama fan, I'm a "anybody that's not a republican" fan. I am a democrat, but I voted for republicans alot, until Bush. Bush caused me to go "yellowdog". Obama has inherited a mess, he will be judged nationwide by how the economy goes and if he can fix said mess. He might possibly be a one term President, because I don't think anybody can quickly fix this mess, and America will drop him because of it. Honestly, I think Hillary could have done a better job, I just couldn't vote for her in November, she wasn't on the ticket then. :biggrin:

You are whats wrong with our political system today. Thats how George W. got into office in the first place. As long as people vote based on affiliations only than we will always have less than qualified people in office.
Matman Wrote:You are whats wrong with our political system today. Thats how George W. got into office in the first place. As long as people vote based on affiliations only than we will always have less than qualified people in office.

Research and see who is sponsoring the bill to make it harder to mountaintop mine. Republicans. All they want is proof that the coal companies aren't putting junk in the streams, which I am for.
TheRealVille Wrote:Research and see who is sponsoring the bill to make it harder to mountaintop mine. Republicans. All they want is proof that the coal companies aren't putting junk in the streams, which I am for.

Republicans? This bill is sponsored by Benjiman Cardin a democrat from Maryland and Lamar Alexander a republican from Tenn.

As far as making it harder to mountaintop mine.....try making it impossible to mine coal period! If approved this bill will ban valley fills entirely, and what some people can't understand is that it is not just mountaintop mining that uses valley fills. Other forms of surface mining such as contour and area methods also utilize valley fills this ban on valley fills would elimate these methods of mining.

Many say that underground mining is an acceptable form of mining, but what they don't realize is that they also use valley fills to store excess overburden from the face-up area, then on a much larger scale are the slurry impoundments which are normally much larger than valley fills found on surface mines.

Some coal companies have conducted reserves studies on their properties without using valley fills and have found that their reserves are about 75% to 85% less than originally estimated.
Old School Wrote:Republicans? This bill is sponsored by Benjiman Cardin a democrat from Maryland and Lamar Alexander a republican from Tenn.

As far as making it harder to mountaintop mine.....try making it impossible to mine coal period! If approved this bill will ban valley fills entirely, and what some people can't understand is that it is not just mountaintop mining that uses valley fills. Other forms of surface mining such as contour and area methods also utilize valley fills this ban on valley fills would elimate these methods of mining.

Many say that underground mining is an acceptable form of mining, but what they don't realize is that they also use valley fills to store excess overburden from the face-up area, then on a much larger scale are the slurry impoundments which are normally much larger than valley fills found on surface mines.

Some coal companies have conducted reserves studies on their properties without using valley fills and have found that their reserves are about 75% to 85% less than originally estimated.
If it harms the enviroment, they need to figure out how to clean it up.
TheRealVille Wrote:If it harms the enviroment, they need to figure out how to clean it up.

If that's all you know about it, then it would be best to not post on this thread. If you were involved with the coal industry, had a family member in the coal industry, or even knew anything about the coal industry then your whole outlook would be completely different.
TheRealVille Wrote:If it harms the enviroment, they need to figure out how to clean it up.

"If" is the big word here, some say mining harms the enviroment and then there are others who say that it doesn't. Since surface mining, highway construction and property development are all very similar, should we not allow these to continue. Since highway construction and property development be regulated the same as coal mining and obey the same rules?

There are scientist that say cow and moose flatulence harms the enviroment, and others that say they don't. So should we kill all the cows and moose or do we just give them rolaids?

Environmentalist say automobiles and planes cause harm to the enviroment. So does that mean that we need to stop using them too?

Environmentalist say that plowing ground for farming harms the enviroment. So should we stop growing crops?
outdoorsman43 Wrote:If that's all you know about it, then it would be best to not post on this thread. If you were involved with the coal industry, had a family member in the coal industry, or even knew anything about the coal industry then your whole outlook would be completely different.

I agree 100%!!!!!!
outdoorsman43 Wrote:If that's all you know about it, then it would be best to not post on this thread. If you were involved with the coal industry, had a family member in the coal industry, or even knew anything about the coal industry then your whole outlook would be completely different.

You hit the nail on the head. If he knew anything he would be different.:Thumbs:
Old School Wrote:"If" is the big word here, some say mining harms the environment and then there are others who say that it doesn't. Since surface mining, highway construction and property development are all very similar, should we not allow these to continue. Since highway construction and property development be regulated the same as coal mining and obey the same rules?

There are scientist that say cow and moose flatulence harms the environment, and others that say they don't. So should we kill all the cows and moose or do we just give them rolaids?

Environmentalist say automobiles and planes cause harm to the environment. So does that mean that we need to stop using them too?

Environmentalist say that plowing ground for farming harms the environment. So should we stop growing crops?

LOL, I think we ought kill all the cows, moose, out law cars and planes, and stop growing crops, h*LL lets outlaw anything that "harms the environment", they will change their tune, to fast to talk about!!! I love it when people talk about things they know nothing about, they make me sick!!!!! BTW GREAT POST OLD SCHOOL!!!:Thumbs:
jetpilot Wrote:100 day success??? Only 34% of whites think the country is headed in the right direction. And he is for cap-and-trade, a huge tax increase, not just new technology. Get your facts straight.

What "huge" tax increase? And I haven't seen that poll about the whites, maybe you need get your facts straight.
jetpilot Wrote:You hit the nail on the head. If he knew anything he would be different.:Thumbs:

If you can get somebody to run for President that is for your way of life, coal, and for my way of life, union, let me know. Until then, I will vote for people friendly to my profession.
TheRealVille Wrote:If you can get somebody to run for President that is for your way of life, coal, and for my way of life, union, let me know. Until then, I will vote for people friendly to my profession.

What do you do exactly?
NEXT Wrote:What do you do exactly?

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