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Bob Smith named new LCC Wrestling Coach
Its listed as vacant on KHSAA's site, but not listed as an opening.
any word on what they are going to do?
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Anything guys? Its go time.
nope still nothing. people dont care about wrestling around here obviously.

im going to try an talk to Mr. Ozz Jackson tuesday at school and see whats up. ill inform everybody tuesday night about what he says if i get the chance to talk with him.
Yeah i assumed that would happen sooner or later. The first year of the program i remember everyone over there was excited about wrestling. They put a lot of money in the program, and I thought it was going to be the one school around here that supported it.
Seems like it has really fell to the back burner. Anyway, let us know how it goes if you get to talk to him.
yes i was at lcc's first wrestling match ever when i was in 7th grade. i was in love with the sport from then on. what i dont understand is i know we have had at least 3 or 4 people put in for the job they just havent hired anyone.
wrestler_119 Wrote:yes i was at lcc's first wrestling match ever when i was in 7th grade. i was in love with the sport from then on. what i dont understand is i know we have had at least 3 or 4 people put in for the job they just havent hired anyone.

Maybe they will decide this week.
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i hope so. practice starts thursday and the coaches have to go to a rules clinic wensday.
what is the school's problem anyway?
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Yeah they are a few different dates they are having the rules clinic. But i think they are all towards Louisville after this one in Lexington on Wednesday. Rules clinic is also a great place to set schedules. A lot of coaches invite schools to tournaments, and agree to come to home meets in trade during this clinic.
and so far we have only 2 meets with wayne county for a schedule.

we have alot of intrest from the students this year for wrestling too. i have people almost on a daily basis asking me when wrestling starts and whos the coach and telling me they are coming out for the team.
That is good to know. OJ and the rest of the board, and the site based decision making really dropped the ball on this, and there is no excuse why there isn't a coach. I am tired of hearing that they couldn't find no one. They have had since the graduation last year. They have had all summer, and two months of a school year to get a coach. They have no desire for this sport and to me it is a shame. You young men have worked so hard getting to state, and to me it is a distrust that they do not have a coach in place to prepare you for this season. There is a lot of stuff you could have in the off season, open mat, and for camps that you could have do to get ready for this season. I wish you guys the best, and I know that you and the other wrestlers are leaders, and whatever happens, you will lead this team, and teach the young kids on this sport that we have been so successful at.
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thank you cougarpride. it really means alot to me and the rest of the wrestling team that people like you still care about the low-buget sports at lcc. i can assue you that no matter whose the coach as long as we have a team we will work as hard or harder then any other sport on the hill. thanks again for all your support.
Thats a no doubter. No matter what school, your leaders and hard workers are going to be found in the wrestling room.
Have you been working some with some new ones during the off season? Just wondering what all you and the team done on your own. Did you learn any new moves that will help you this year?
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iv done everything i possibly could do without a coach.

i ran the better half of 6 miles almost everyday on the highway over the summer and still do now when i dont have cross country practice.

i did countless sit ups, push ups, and crunches.

iv been dieting all summer to make sure i can make it back to 119 again this year.

iv bought wrestling books that have hundreds of pages full of wrestlings moves.

i tried to go to camps but transportation was always a problem and without teamates willing to go with you its hard.

i also tried to get in touch with pcc coach to see if i could wrestle with them over the summer but could not get the number.
You have access to me now, anytime. Hopefully you guys will know something this week. We used to travel to LCC for practice back in the day when we put 6-7 wrestlers on the mat. I see no reason not to return the favor if need be this year.
that would be great! im sure we will be doing that this season if we have program.
I hope that today they will decide on a coach. I really don't know why they let it get this bad.
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Good luck lcc
talked to ozz today and he said they should be gettin a coach hired in the next day or two. so i guess we'll see what happens.
Hopefully that wasn't a level. But sounds like good news.
Good Luck 119, if I had a vote you would def be captain of this team.
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thanx cougarpride. your posts on here have helped out alot.
Why is that? Is AC and OJ reading these post, because it is there fault you don't have a coach. Why don't you be the coach? Smile Coach Smith! Sounds pretty good to me.
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me too man. id love to be the coach if i was only 21. lol
So do you know the roster yet on who all is coming out other than football?
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only ones i know for sure are:

103- Justin Gross (2nd place in region last year as a freshmen)

112- Joel Murtaugh (has amazing tenichque and has been lifting weights all summer)

119- Tyler Smith

125- Caleb Short (unless he drops to 112 cause hes weighing about 117 right now)

189- Dustin Collins (Plays football and has cut down from about 220. Should do well in region)
215- Elmer Hammonds (Could have went to state easily last year but suffered from an injury)
275- Roy Short ( Guys a man beast. A little small for HWT but should do well this season)

there is about 5 or 6 more people in weight classes 103-119 that arent varsity so this isnt everybody that will be in the wrestling room, just the starting line up. the gap from 130 to 171 is only there because I do not know for sure if the guys that wrestled there last year are coming back and the guys that told me there were going to come out this year will come threw or not. if so we will have a full line up and many JV guys. i look for about 25 people to be wrestling at the end of the season which is the most we have had since iv wrestled.
Here is who I would love to see come out and wrestle this year, and there weight is almost identical to what you are missing.

1)Keastan Hall is just a freshman at 145, and really don't have to loose a lot of weight, so he could be listed at 130,1135,140, or 145.
2)Jesse Rose is lised at 163, and all he has to loose is 15 pounds to be 145.
3)Drew Bentley is also another with power and speed. Don't know if he is playing basketball or not. He is 163, and really could see action at 160 if he is interested.
4)Travis Stevens is listed as 167, and could go 160, or 171.
5)Greg Collins is listed at 157 and could go either way.

There is a bunch more that could be given a spot, but don't know what they are going to do if they play basketball. I also don't know who all is coming out from soccer. Don't know there weight, but like that people want to come out. Keep in mind this is just my opinion, and I hope that some of these men who aren't playing basketball consider going out for the team. I also thought there was a 109 weight class also.
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all those people would be excellent wrestlers. greg collins acctually wrestled with us some my freshmen year and was very good.

just not many people want to go out for wrestling. its not a big sport around here, but i think thats starting to chance.

and no there is no 109 weight class. there might have been about 10 years ago because they changed the weight classes a little bit a few years ago.

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