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A King on the Draw
I'm the King of the Holler, it's a beautiful life
Just me and my kids and my wonderful wife
See, my Daddy was King and my Granddaddy too
And my young'uns will all know what they're supposed to do

You start when you're little, complaining and faking
Act like you're crazy and your back won't stop aching
Fight with your teachers and wetting your britches
When the doctor's called in you can start with the twitches

By the time you're 18, you're certifiably insane
With a chronic back problem no doctor can tame
Then you gather your records and prepare your charade
And head down to the building where Kings can be made

When the judge calls your name, start with the twitching
Limp to the bench, when he talks, start to flinching
Tell him the story you've rehearsed your whole life
About the pain and the demons, the struggle and strife
Then hand him the records and wait for the call
If all goes as planned, you'll be a King on the draw

Now comes the fun, checks come in the mail
I'm the King of the holler in my own fairy tale
I get food stamps for free, and I'll trade them for beer
We'll party all night, we don't work around here

This chronic back problem is sure getting bad
I need me some Xanax and more Loratab
My doctor don't care, he just bills Medicaid
He knows when he sees me he's going to get paid
So he writes me some scripts, and Uncle Sam buys them all
D*** life is good as a King on the draw
Sadly, this is so true in many ways.
Old School Wrote:Sadly, this is so true in many ways.

Way too true.
It will never change.
Lol, pretty accurate
It always amazed me that some people whose chronic back problems kept them from working were avid squirrel hunters who had no problems climbing the steepest hills.
Good one! Is this from a song or did you write this yourself?
DevilsWin Wrote:Good one! Is this from a song or did you write this yourself?

For some reason, I expected outrage from you on this.

I'll bet ole cavemaster wont let me down, though.Confusedhh:
Change the title of it to Eastern Kentucky, USA and then you'll have a show on ABC!
Wow, Explains Eastern Kentucky No Doubt
Mr.Kimball Wrote:For some reason, I expected outrage from you on this.

I'll bet ole cavemaster wont let me down, though.Confusedhh:

Years ago, I did some volunteer work for Christian Appalachian Project. Father Beiting told a story about a little boy sitting in a rocking chair on a front porch in Martin County. He said to the little boy, "Son, what is it you want to do when you grow up?" The little boy said, "I want to rock." Father Beiting didn't quite understand... he thought maybe a rock quarry was nearby or something. He came to understand the little boy meant he wanted to sit there and rock.... I believe in workfare, Mr. Kimball. I think the "something for little of nothing" idea is destructive of life and potential. I am for a gradual, systematic, compassionate complete overhaul of the way we provide social safety nets. I just don't want to get in the spirit of holding disgust for people in my heart (This is not to be interpreted like I think you do.).
thecavemaster Wrote:Years ago, I did some volunteer work for Christian Appalachian Project. Father Beiting told a story about a little boy sitting in a rocking chair on a front porch in Martin County. He said to the little boy, "Son, what is it you want to do when you grow up?" The little boy said, "I want to rock." Father Beiting didn't quite understand... he thought maybe a rock quarry was nearby or something. He came to understand the little boy meant he wanted to sit there and rock.... I believe in workfare, Mr. Kimball. I think the "something for little of nothing" idea is destructive of life and potential. I am for a gradual, systematic, compassionate complete overhaul of the way we provide social safety nets. I just don't want to get in the spirit of holding disgust for people in my heart (This is not to be interpreted like I think you do.).

Very good post cavemaster. I can respect that!!!
Mr.Kimball Wrote:For some reason, I expected outrage from you on this.

I'll bet ole cavemaster wont let me down, though.Confusedhh:
Sorry to disappoint.

Apparently you don't know me as well as you thought.

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