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Racism: Alive and well in Louisiana
Some people say America is past its racist history. I think not.
LA. is like a totally different country. I have worked with tons of Cajuns, they are an odd lot.
To be fair to LA., every state in the union probably has these types of justices. I'm sure KY probably does.
This is not necessarily a case of racism. Many people, both black and white, are opposed to interracial marriages because of concern for the children. I would not have refused to marry anybody who had a legal right to marry if I was in his position, but if he honestly described his reason for refusing to marry the couple, then his decision was not racist.

However, the guy's comment about allowing his many black friends to use his bathroom might indicate that the guy is a racist, assuming the reporter quoted him accurately. I always think that it sounds pretty creepy when people brag about how many black, Muslim, or gay friends that they have. True friends do not need to be sorted and labeled.

The fact that our president is at least 50% white indicates that life for the children of mixed race couples is not nearly as tough as it used to be.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:This is not necessarily a case of racism. Many people, both black and white, are opposed to interracial marriages because of concern for the children. I would not have refused to marry anybody who had a legal right to marry if I was in his position, but if he honestly described his reason for refusing to marry the couple, then his decision was not racist.
However, the guy's comment about allowing his many black friends to use his bathroom might indicate that the guy is a racist, assuming the reporter quoted him accurately. I always think that it sounds pretty creepy when people brag about how many black, Muslim, or gay friends that they have. True friends do not need to be sorted and labeled.

The fact that our president is at least 50% white indicates that life for the children of mixed race couples is not nearly as tough as it used to be.
Did he overstep his bounds? What was his legel reason?
Quote:"A justice of the peace is legally obligated to serve the public, all of the public," Quigley said. "Racial discrimination has been a violation of Louisiana and U.S. law for decades. No public official has the right to pick and choose which laws they are going to follow."
TheRealVille Wrote:Did he overstep his bounds? What was his legel reason?
I have no idea. I doubt that a Justice of the Peace is required to marry any couple who knocks on his door and his refusal did not prevent the couple from getting married. I suspect that there was more to his decision than concern for the potential children, but too many people are too quick to label people who they do not even know racists.
How can you deny racism when the reason given for this inaction was the very definition of racism?

When did the truth become relative and open to interpretation?
DevilsWin Wrote:How can you deny racism when the reason given for this inaction was the very definition of racism?

When did the truth become relative and open to interpretation?
Because opposing mixed race marriages out of concern for how society sometimes treats the children produced by those marriages is not the "very definition of racisim." The "very definition of racism" is:

[INDENT]A belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.[/INDENT]

Most or all racists oppose mixed marriages but it is possible, particularly in the case of older Americans, to oppose mixed race marriages and truly believe that all men and women are created equal and should be judged on their own merits regardless of race.

It is very possible and not uncommon for people who oppose mixed race marriages out of concern for the children born of those marriages to not hold racist views, live in integrated neighborhoods, and have many friends belonging to races other than their own.

People holding this view are have become less common as society has grown more accepting of mixed race children but they still exist, particularly among older people who remember their own childhood experiences witnessing racial prejudice and outright racism.

As I said, in this particular case, the guy's comment about allowing his black friends to use his bathroom smacks more of racism than his refusal to conduct marriage ceremonies for mixed race couples does, IMO.
I like how one old timer judge in Louisiana means that America is still a racist nation in DWs eyes.

Who cares, this is such a non story.
I seriously couldn't care less about this story.

If this was the worst thing that was going on in this nation, it'd be a much better place.
How is making a predetermined judgment based purely on race not racist?

Discussing racism with you guys is like talking WMDs with Tariq Aziz.
Beetle01 Wrote:I like how one old timer judge in Louisiana means that America is still a racist nation in DWs eyes.

Who cares, this is such a non story.

I don't think everyone in America is a racist.

I do think most righty conservatives like to dismiss racial bias, hatred and discrimination as a thing of the past but it isn't.

It seems to have sparked your interest enough for you to add your 2 cents.
DevilsWin Wrote:How is making a predetermined judgment based purely on race not racist?

Discussing racism with you guys is like talking WMDs with Tariq Aziz.

Wow, you really sat that up rather nicely.

I would estimate that probably 75-80% of Americans wouldn't marry someone of another race. This is a guess, maybe its closer to 50-60%. And they make that decision based only on race. So does that make the vast majority of Americans racist for 'making a predetermined judgement' based purely on race? What about groups that only defend one group or another, say the NAACP? (which, in the interest of fairness, was starting by White men). Or how about hiring and acceptance practices of the government or colleges? When all other things are nearly equal, race is the sole factor at times. Racism exists. The KKK is a great example of this. I'm as devout of a conservative (fiscally) as possible, (but once again, in the interest of being fair, I'm actually an original liberal... classical liberalism), and I admit daily that racism is real, and happens often. Its a freakin shame that it does, but its true. I've met die hard democrats in the past few years that would have voted for Hitler if he had a "D" beside of his name, especially from Pike and Floyd County, and then completely turned on Obama when the election came because of his race. And he's only half black. I'd be tempted to say that had he been a genuine *****, they would have voted for Pablo Escobar had they had the chance.

As it has been noted, I along with others are in the military, and we have as great of a variety of races and cultures as any group that exists in the entire world. We have nearly every nation represented, and every background... but yet, even with the great strides we've made to put our past behind us, almost daily we hear racist remarks and hate speech. It sickens me.

However, with that being said. I will give an example of how I'm "racist" at times, based on your definition. We play pick-up basketball on a weekly basis.. and when I play with guys I don't know, and find myself picking the players for my team.. I'd almost always pick the black man over the white. And I almost always win because of it. I make a predetermined judgement based soley on race. But hey, it works nicely. :biggrin:
DevilsWin Wrote:How is making a predetermined judgment based purely on race not racist?

Discussing racism with you guys is like talking WMDs with Tariq Aziz.

And while we're at it, the analogy you used made little sense. As Tariq Aziz told the truth about WMD. They had none.

You could have said Rick Santorum or Bill Clinton, who both declared on numerous occassion, flat out lies about the Iraqi WMD program. With or without knowledge. It was incorrect. And I'm assuming that you're saying that those who deny Racism are incorrect. Tariq Aziz was the opposite of what you should have said.
congressman Wrote:And while we're at it, the analogy you used made little sense. As Tariq Aziz told the truth about WMD. They had none.

You could have said Rick Santorum or Bill Clinton, who both declared on numerous occassion, flat out lies about the Iraqi WMD program. With or without knowledge. It was incorrect. And I'm assuming that you're saying that those who deny Racism are incorrect. Tariq Aziz was the opposite of what you should have said.

Tariq Aziz didn't know anything about WMDs he just did as he was told. He was a joke, and the point was, he didn't know the truth. If you showed him he still couldn't see it. Besides that, you are narrowing your timeline to the period that best suits your argument. Fact is Aziz served at the pleasure of Saddam, and long before 9/11 there were US weapons inspectors working for the UN in Iraq destroying WMDs. They had them. But by 9/11 they were all destroyed.

But that's another subject entirely.
DevilsWin Wrote:Tariq Aziz didn't know anything about WMDs he just did as he was told. He was a joke, and the point was, he didn't know the truth. If you showed him he still couldn't see it. Besides that, you are narrowing your timeline to the period that best suits your argument. Fact is Aziz served at the pleasure of Saddam, and long before 9/11 there were US weapons inspectors working for the UN in Iraq destroying WMDs. They had them. But by 9/11 they were all destroyed.

But that's another subject entirely.

Well, its still not a correct analogy. Regardless of what Tariq knew, he still told what WAS the truth. They had no weapons at the time of the invasion in 2003. He stated clearly that they didn't have them, regardless of his actual knowledge. Unlike Clinton who after 9/11, as well as Kerry, and others stated that Iraq had weapons. And when you mention weapons inspectors, you leave out the key parts of deception, and being kicked out by Iraq. But as you said, yes.. this is an entirely seperate topic, and i'll stay on point as long as you do. If you'd like to continue to agree that Tariq Aziz said there were no weapons after 9/11, then we can keep doing that as well. Maybe we can throw in some "Scott Ritter" and Al-Barardei, or even a hint of Downing Street memos, and if we're lucky.. We can finish it off with "CurveBall"...

Thank God though that Iraq only had a small amount of WMD when we invaded, I'm nearly positive they'd all be in the hands of terrorists at this moment.. which would only make my job that much more dangerous here in Baghdad.
DevilsWin Wrote:Tariq Aziz didn't know anything about WMDs he just did as he was told. He was a joke, and the point was, he didn't know the truth. If you showed him he still couldn't see it. Besides that, you are narrowing your timeline to the period that best suits your argument. Fact is Aziz served at the pleasure of Saddam, and long before 9/11 there were US weapons inspectors working for the UN in Iraq destroying WMDs. They had them. But by 9/11 they were all destroyed.

But that's another subject entirely.

What timeline would that be? 1991-2003? The entire length of anyone's time period typically when talking about Iraq. thats the entire length of anyone's story, unless you wanna go back to the installation of Saddam, or the Iran-Iraqi war of the 80's. But sure, I can talk about that to. Where do we start?

I think we all missed your point, or you misunderstood the time frame as only pre 9/11, when in fact, i was talkin about Tariq Aziz's post 9/11 comments, Clintons pre-9/11 comments, and Rick Santorums comments from BOTH time periods. So there's no narrow or backdated talk involve. I had it all covered so it'd be easier for you understand. Still didn't work though.
Louisiana JOP says, "Well, Bo Duke, you're pretty stupid. You're Daddy was stupid. That girl you wanna marry, well, she's stupid, and so's her Maw. For fear of the idiot children y'all might produce, I ain't gonna do it." The trouble with Congressman is that he doesn't think through the come out places of his ideas. This is America, for chrissake. You want to be a JOP? "I'm worried for the kids they might have" ain't gonna cut it.
This racist has resigned. Unfortunately, this junk isn't confined to LA. I've run into it in the north, south, east and west and from all sorts of demographics.
Since we are on the subject of racism and hate, Ill list what types of people I dont like.

I dont like thugs, gang members, especially Mexican ones, black people who always wear those African clothes and talk about how the White man is holding them down, politicians, hippies, anone associated with PETA, ACORN or a host of other liberal wussy groups. I dont like Europeans who think we should be more like them, I dont like Communists, I dont like cavemaster, I dont like fans of Ohio St, USC, Tenn, Fla. I dont like Duke, ESPN analysts Mark May, Dicky V, or that one guy who used to coach ND. I dont like pople on welfare who dont try to better their lives, I dont like my 5th grade Social Studies teacher. I dont like people from Michigan or New York, and definitely California. I dont like Scientologists, I dont like illegal immigrants, I dont like people who think illegal immigrants are ok. I dont like liberals. I dont like interracial marriages.

Above all else, I hate with a passion, and if it wasnt for my religion I would have no problem putting a bullet in the head of every white trash hillbilly redneck loser who drive their crapp cars with no insurance like they bought their license at Wal Mart.

Im a racist though because Im conservative.

However, I think Ive just dont what Ive been told my whole life, everyone gets an equal oppurtunity, so Im an equal oppurtunity hater.
Beetle01 Wrote:Since we are on the subject of racism and hate, Ill list what types of people I dont like.

I dont like thugs, gang members, especially Mexican ones, black people who always wear those African clothes and talk about how the White man is holding them down, politicians, hippies, anone associated with PETA, ACORN or a host of other liberal wussy groups. I dont like Europeans who think we should be more like them, I dont like Communists, I dont like cavemaster, I dont like fans of Ohio St, USC, Tenn, Fla. I dont like Duke, ESPN analysts Mark May, Dicky V, or that one guy who used to coach ND. I dont like pople on welfare who dont try to better their lives, I dont like my 5th grade Social Studies teacher. I dont like people from Michigan or New York, and definitely California. I dont like Scientologists, I dont like illegal immigrants, I dont like people who think illegal immigrants are ok. I dont like liberals. I dont like interracial marriages.

Above all else, I hate with a passion, and if it wasnt for my religion I would have no problem putting a bullet in the head of every white trash hillbilly redneck loser who drive their crapp cars with no insurance like they bought their license at Wal Mart.

Im a racist though because Im conservative.

However, I think Ive just dont what Ive been told my whole life, everyone gets an equal oppurtunity, so Im an equal oppurtunity hater.
You might want to recheck your "religion", your candle is pretty dim.
Who cares. So what he doesnt want to marry the couple. he didnt say that they couldnt get married. he just said he wouldnt do the ceremony.
Well, I think we've identified some local candidates to replace this gentleman.
dbcooper Wrote:Well, I think we've identified some local candidates to replace this gentleman.
Racism is alive and well in KY also.
Racism is alive and well everywhere in this world and no race/gender is exempt from it. Get over it. Its not ever going to go away no matter what anyone does.

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