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Who Dey? Bengals/Ravens
I think they just wanted to give the punter a kick to feel involved!
Bengals need to keep the ravens - nevermind, INT Bengals.

I was going to say the Bengals need to hold the Ravens since Baltimore gets the ball to start the 3rd.

Now lets see if the Bengals can put more points up
Ravens 3 1st downs, bengals 16
Ravens 39 yards, Bengals 229
Time of possession: Ravens 6:44, Bengals 21:11
Looks like I was wrong big time in that the opposing team comes in and plays the best in the AFC. Still a lot of time to go in this game. The Ravens can score points fast on defense and special teams, so this game is not over.
HELLA punt!!
Ravens D is starting to pick up the pressure. Two straight stuffs of the Bengals after they put the graphic up that said the Bengals had scored on 10 straight possessions.
Great punt, downing at the 1, give me a Safety
Here is where the Bengals worrible time management on offense hurt them by having no timeouts
Great half for the Bengals.
Big key for the Bengals D to not give up anything in this opening drive of the 2nd half
Pick it Johnny J!
Wow, what an INT. Scarry thing is, the Bengals have their back to the endzone. Honestly, this play may be in the Ravens favor.
Nothings in the Ravens favor today.
What a great job by Leonard. That was a huge first down pick-up where the Bengals are at on the field
That's a shame. I thought Henry's break was bad, compound fracture, he broke both bones in the arm. Out for the season
Great punt coverage!
****, not a huge loss but still a significant one.
Great, Keith Rivers out too
I want to see a replay of that. Ravens were pretty adament it was a fumble
Ravens have shut down the Bengals O since the first quarter
What sick catch by Chad
No catch, this will be overturned.
4th stright punt by the Bengals
Did you see Chad with the money in his hand...
I was trying to figure out what the dollar was for.
Now this is getting scarry. They Bengals offense is doing nothing. 17 points is not much for a defense like Baltimore to overcome
Should have been a pick for teh Bengals. Big 3rd and 10, let's get another stop
Where was teh weakside end on that play. Thank gawd for the Hold on the Ravens

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