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Donations For Kyndra (Photo included)-SURGERY UPDATE!!
As you all know someone close to phs1986 was in a terrible accident and it had touched a few of us here at BGR. So me and phs1986 have decided to start a donation to either give to the family or get this little girl something really nice for Christmas. I am making the first donation of 15$ to the cause. Any donations what so ever will be greatly appreciated. If you dont have a credit card or paypal please contact me and ill give you a mailing address to mail the donation.

Ty in advance.

For some reason i cant get the code to work..... so im giving a link that u can follow.

If an administrator could contact me telling my why the donation code wont work pls let me know.

15$ have been donated by me so far. It wont show in widget because i am the widget owner it gives me this message: You are logging into the account of the seller for this purchase. Please change your login information and try again.

I have put in a message for an admin to try to help you. Wish I knew about how to do code.
Ok, My Donation Went Through. Come On guys. Lets get this girl something nice.
PM me the address and I'll send a money order.

I know money is tight with alot of people right now, including me, I got layed off from work 2 months ago. But I'd be glad to make a donation.
Notre Dame Football…GO IRISH
Can you try and set one up through PayPal? For whatever reason, the code for that one doesn't work on here. I've tried multiple codes.
Nevermind, PayPal won't work either.
ComfortEagle Wrote:Can you try and set one up through PayPal? For whatever reason, the code for that one doesn't work on here. I've tried multiple codes.

thanks for trying. if u put it in the test area it works.
Thank you all very much for your kind hearts!!! When everyone has completed what they want to contribute, YOU all decide what you want me to do with it!! Either give it to her parents for things she is going to need while in the hospital OR what you want me to purchase for her for Christmas for the BGR "kind" hearted Kyndra prayer club!!! Smile I'm going to look thru my pictures and see if I can find one of her and post it for you all!! Smile

If you need assistance feel free to e-mail me at:
Raised $45 so far. This is great guys. There also many people getting my mailing address. If you need it let me know.
I'm amazed!!!

Wildcat...I'll contact you via PM in the morning... Had to take me a phenegran (gettin kinda queasy stomach'ed)... Smile

If you need assistance feel free to e-mail me at:
phs1986 Wrote:I'm amazed!!!

Wildcat...I'll contact you via PM in the morning... Had to take me a phenegran (gettin kinda queasy stomach'ed)... Smile

Alright. ill be deer hunting early but home around noon.
I know there are more people on BGR with a little money to spare for this little girl. If everybody gives a dollar or two, all you have to skip is a coffee at a convenient store. Let's make it a good Christmas for the girl and her family.
I just donated.
If you don't care, pm me the address to send the check to.
TheRealVille Wrote:I know there are more people on BGR with a little money to spare for this little girl. If everybody gives a dollar or two, all you have to skip is a coffee at a convenient store. Let's make it a good Christmas for the girl and her family.


My Mother donated as well. Smile, along with a few people chipping in at work
Okay... update on Kyndra...

She did have surgery this morning but after they started they found she was still too swollen to have the plates put in. They did get a lot of infection out and cleaned her wound extensively (sp?) so that the swelling will go down now. She is going to have the first of her initial surgeries on (as of right now) Tuesday. The plastic surgery has been postponed until she gets this other one out of the way. For what it's worth to those who are touched by this, I got a kick out of her wanting a "Happy Meal" after she got out of recovery today. She said she was ready to eat!! LOL.... Her strength is amazing and her innocence to the amount of time and medical treatment she is going to have to endure really touches me. I've always heard that seeing things thru the eyes of a child makes everything much less abstract.... I really think what is going on here is amazing and when all is in, you all take a vote and let me know in which direction you want me to go with the donations.... Thank you all once again from the entire family!!!

If you need assistance feel free to e-mail me at:
i'll donate $10 when i get off from work!!
Could I get an address from somebody to send a moneyorder too?
I posted the flash banner for members to make contributions on the home page. My wife and I also sent a donation via paypal. We will be praying for her recovery.
I also added the chip in flash donation banner to wildcats post.
You have no idea how much this means to me!! You all are amazing!!! Smile

If you need assistance feel free to e-mail me at:

If you need assistance feel free to e-mail me at:
thanks a bunch torQQue
I will ask for donations at work tomorrow. If everyone else could ask around their workplaces as well you may raise a little more. Any little bit will help. I'll be donating in a couple of days even if I can't raise any money from work.
Should we extend the date till Friday? As of right now I think wildcatk has it set to end on the 17th which is Tuesday. I didn't work Thursday OR Friday, as my own child was in the hospital, but I do know they have sent things from work to her already from there. Not sure if they are going to do a "money run" this week or not but I'll find out tomorrow. Whatever you all think in order to have enough time to get it all in. I initally told wildcatk about 5 days but it's your all's choice... I'm just thankful for everything that is being done for her!!! Smile

If you need assistance feel free to e-mail me at:
phs1986 Wrote:Should we extend the date till Friday? As of right now I think wildcatk has it set to end on the 17th which is Tuesday. I didn't work Thursday OR Friday, as my own child was in the hospital, but I do know they have sent things from work to her already from there. Not sure if they are going to do a "money run" this week or not but I'll find out tomorrow. Whatever you all think in order to have enough time to get it all in. I initally told wildcatk about 5 days but it's your all's choice... I'm just thankful for everything that is being done for her!!! Smile

Ill extend ti to friday, and then i will have to wait a few days to recieve the money from paypal.
No prob... However or whatever you need to do sweetie!!

If you need assistance feel free to e-mail me at:

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