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Will the Democrats call this guy Racist?
NEXT Wrote:So let me get this straight, if I am a Southern Gentleman from Dixie, I am a racist according to DW?
Not exactly. Apparently all that is necessary is to live here and admit that you are a white male. :lmao:

I've been here less than a year myself.
Stardust, I made the above post before reading your last post. Please feel free to delete it. I tried to edit it but I was to late. Thanks.
NEXT Wrote:So let me get this straight, if I am a Southern Gentleman from Dixie, I am a racist according to DW?


I was merely hypothesizing that the fact that he refers to the south as Dixie and goes further to say he is "Deep In the Heart" of Dixie. Now can we talk about Metaphors? Have they not banned those very words( From the song Dixie) at Ole Miss because they are seen as inflamatory towards African Americans? Racial insensitivity I think its called.

If you go around boasting "I live in Dixie!" people are going to draw conclusions.
Here is another inspiring speech by Col. West. The thing that really jumps out at me is the absence of a teleprompter when this man speaks. Quite a contrast with our POTUS who cannot seem to go to the bathroom without his teleprompter tagging along. :biggrin:

[YOUTUBE="Col. West Speaking at Lincoln Event Without Teleprompter"]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE]

I was merely hypothesizing that the fact that he refers to the south as Dixie and goes further to say he is "Deep In the Heart" of Dixie. Now can we talk about Metaphors? Have they not banned those very words( From the song Dixie) at Ole Miss because they are seen as inflamatory towards African Americans? Racial insensitivity I think its called.
If you go around boasting "I live in Dixie!" people are going to draw conclusions.[/COLOR]

Living south of the Mason-Dixon line means you probaly live in Dixie. Living in a location far removed from that line deep within whatever region that is referred to generally means in "the heart of" . Thus "Deep in the Heart of Dixie" is applicable in this case. It's moronic overtones such as what you constantly provide on here that generally causes unnecessary controversy to begin with. Moronic statements in this case come from "deep in the heart" of a __________. You can fill in your own blank here, "the most Reverand" DW Jackson. Remember when applying your term please remember to use commom logic. Here are a few examples in a little game we'll call word association. Applesauce comes from what? That would be fruit from "deep in the heart" of an apple. Orange juice comes from what? Of course fruit from "deep in the heart" of an orange. Peanut Butter comes from? That's right, again that would be peanuts. Are you seeing the pattern, and how this little game works?

And then you have those "nuts" that are so screwed up in their minds that they can twist a simple little term of geography around to mean some vile, sick, demented concocted meaning, as well. We also consider those folks to have issues, "deep in their hearts".
thecavemaster Wrote:Death threats on Obama up by 400% from Bush... Ronald Kessler in a book entitled IN THE PRESIDENT'S SECRET SERVICE. That's one... Also, CNN ran a newstory quoting a souce inside the Secret Service that confirms.

Is it just because he is black? Could it be, because of a hatred of his policies?
Mr.Kimball Wrote:Living south of the Mason-Dixon line means you probaly live in Dixie. Living in a location far removed from that line deep within whatever region that is referred to generally means in "the heart of" . Thus "Deep in the Heart of Dixie" is applicable in this case. It's moronic overtones such as what you constantly provide on here that generally causes unnecessary controversy to begin with. Moronic statements in this case come from "deep in the heart" of a __________. You can fill in your own blank here, "the most Reverand" DW Jackson. Remember when applying your term please remember to use commom logic. Here are a few examples in a little game we'll call word association. Applesauce comes from what? That would be fruit from "deep in the heart" of an apple. Orange juice comes from what? Of course fruit from "deep in the heart" of an orange. Peanut Butter comes from? That's right, again that would be peanuts. Are you seeing the pattern, and how this little game works?

And then you have those "nuts" that are so screwed up in their minds that they can twist a simple little term of geography around to mean some vile, sick, demented concocted meaning, as well. We also consider those folks to have issues, "deep in their hearts".

When you refer to the south as Dixie, it harkens back to the days of Jim Crowe and Seperate but Equal.

Not to mention hangings and slavery.

Sorry Mr. Kimball but if you live on the Mason Dixon Line or south of it you live in America. Not Dixie.

Metaphorically speaking if you live "Deep In The Heart of Dixie" to me that would mean you long for the days of seperate but equal.

It doesn't mean I'm stupid or and idiot. I just see the world thru my lens and not yours.
Mr.Kimball Wrote:Is it just because he is black? Could it be, because of a hatred of his policies?
A jump that steep has to be caused my racial hatred.

A lot of people hated Bush! To jump 400%! Come on man!
DevilsWin Wrote:A jump that steep has to be caused my racial hatred.

A lot of people hated Bush! To jump 400%! Come on man!
I wasn't impling anything. I was simply asking caveman what his opinion was.
DevilsWin Wrote:When you refer to the south as Dixie, it harkens back to the days of Jim Crowe and Seperate but Equal.

Not to mention hangings and slavery.

Sorry Mr. Kimball but if you live on the Mason Dixon Line or south of it you live in America. Not Dixie.

Metaphorically speaking if you live "Deep In The Heart of Dixie" to me that would mean you long for the days of seperate but equal.

It doesn't mean I'm stupid or and idiot. I just see the world thru my lens and not yours.

Not one word of any of that even even remotely enters my mind when I hear those words. To me all it means is a geographic location. Evidence that it must be you and your sick way of thinking that has a problem.

By the way, I'm gonna go on record that I am completely sick and tired of your racist connotations and accusations on every thing that comes up on here.
Oh and by the way, I failed to properly address you properly with the respect that you deserve in my previous post. My apologies for that, "the most Reverand" DW Jackson.
thecavemaster Wrote:Death threats on Obama up by 400% from Bush... Ronald Kessler in a book entitled IN THE PRESIDENT'S SECRET SERVICE. That's one... Also, CNN ran a newstory quoting a souce inside the Secret Service that confirms.
No, death threats are not up 400% but I am not surprised that CNN is helping perpetrate this lie.

The Secret Service refuted that lie more than a month ago. However, Obama supporters are still spreading the bogus number because it fits so well into their vision of a racist America.

If you follow the link below, there is a video in which the US Secret Service Director refutes the bogus 400% number.

I believe that Fox News Channel covered this story last month. I suspect that CNN and MSNBC may have had more important stories to cover.

Quote:[INDENT]Secret Service: Threat level against Obama no greater than under Bush, Clinton

Bit of a bombshell at this morning's Homeland Security Committee hearing:

U.S. Secret Service Director Mark Sullivan dismissed published reports that the level of death threats against President Obama are four times greater than typical threat levels against recent presidents — claiming the current volume of threats is comparable to that under George W. Bush and Bill Clinton.

"It's not [a] 400 percent [increase]," Sullivan said during a heated exchange with Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-D.C.), who suggested the service needed additional agents to protect the first African-American president.[/INDENT]
As I understand it, and for Hoot's sake I will research it further, the death threat ratio spiked early into Obama's presidency, has receded somewhat, but still remains much higher than any President in recent history. But, for Hoot's sake, I'll look it up again. What I won't do is take the word of a network that is watched 16 to 1 by folks who find Glen Beck a Renaissance man of enlightenment. That I won't do.
thecavemaster Wrote:As I understand it, and for Hoot's sake I will research it further, the death threat ratio spiked early into Obama's presidency, has receded somewhat, but still remains much higher than any President in recent history. But, for Hoot's sake, I'll look it up again. What I won't do is take the word of a network that is watched 16 to 1 by folks who find Glen Beck a Renaissance man of enlightenment. That I won't do.
:lmao: I gave you a link to a video of the US Director of the Secret Service correcting the record. Your response shows that you paid no attention to the information that I provided. The link was to the Politico website, which is not considered a conservative website. If anything, Politico leans a little to the left. Fox News Channel had nothing to do with my post but your absurd comments make for a nice segue into my next point.

Fox News Channel is the most trusted news network in the US. Where do you get the bogus "facts" that you posted above, the Daily Kos? MSNBC, perhaps? :biggrin:

Note that the following national survey of 1,151 registered voters was taken by PPP on January 18th and 19th. Maybe you should give Fox another look. Whatever source you are using is letting you down in a big way.

Quote:[INDENT]Fox leads for trust

Americans do not trust the major tv news operations in the country- except for Fox News.

Our newest survey looking at perceptions of ABC News, CBS News, CNN, Fox News, and NBC News finds Fox as the only one that more people say they trust than distrust. 49% say they trust it to 37% who do not.

CNN does next best at a 39/41 spread, followed by NBC at 35/44, CBS at 32/46, and ABC at 31/46.

Predictably there is a lot of political polarization in which outlets people trust. 74% of Republicans trust Fox News, but no more than 23% trust any of the other four sources. We already knew that conservatives don't trust the mainstream media but this data is a good prism into just how deep that distrust runs.

For Democrats the numbers are a complete opposite- a majority trust all of ABC, CBS, CNN, and NBC while only 30% have faith in Fox News. Continuing the trend in our polling over the last few months that independents hate everything, a plurality of them distrust all five outlets we looked at.[/INDENT]
Hoot Gibson Wrote::lmao: I gave you a link to a video of the US Director of the Secret Service correcting the record. Your response shows that you paid no attention to the information that I provided. The link was to the Politico website, which is not considered a conservative website. If anything, Politico leans a little to the left. Fox News Channel had nothing to do with my post but your absurd comments make for a nice segue into my next point.

Fox News Channel is the most trusted news network in the US. Where do you get the bogus "facts" that you posted above, the Daily Kos? MSNBC, perhaps? :biggrin:

Note that the following national survey of 1,151 registered voters was taken by PPP on January 18th and 19th. Maybe you should give Fox another look. Whatever source you are using is letting you down in a big way.
Ronald Kessler is an author who formerly worked as a journalist for the Washington Post.
thecavemaster Wrote:As I understand it, and for Hoot's sake I will research it further, the death threat ratio spiked early into Obama's presidency, has receded somewhat, but still remains much higher than any President in recent history. But, for Hoot's sake, I'll look it up again. What I won't do is take the word of a network that is watched 16 to 1 by folks who find Glen Beck a Renaissance man of enlightenment. That I won't do.

Hey Batman, I trusted you were giving me legitimate information before. I just never in my wildest imagination thought that you would mislead me with falsehoods.
Hoot Gibson Wrote::lmao: I gave you a link to a video of the US Director of the Secret Service correcting the record. Your response shows that you paid no attention to the information that I provided. The link was to the Politico website, which is not considered a conservative website. If anything, Politico leans a little to the left. Fox News Channel had nothing to do with my post but your absurd comments make for a nice segue into my next point.

Fox News Channel is the most trusted news network in the US. Where do you get the bogus "facts" that you posted above, the Daily Kos? MSNBC, perhaps? :biggrin:

Note that the following national survey of 1,151 registered voters was taken by PPP on January 18th and 19th. Maybe you should give Fox another look. Whatever source you are using is letting you down in a big way.

Where's the faith Hoot? You know that batman will shortly come forth with an "unspun" retraction and a sincere apology for posting false information telling us "Sorry guys, I was wrooo......Uh, I was wroooo,...uh, er, ah, I mean to say I was wrooooo....... :biggrin:
Mr.Kimball Wrote:Ronald Kessler is an author who formerly worked as a journalist for the Washington Post.
My guess is that if Sullivan's testimony about the threats against Obama had been misleading, Obama would have already thrown him under the bus. Kessler apparently got some bad inside information and was trying to use it to lay the blame for security breeches on the Secret Service. Another possibility is Sullivan lied under oath when he testified in the House hearing, but again - if that was the case Barack Obama (or Michelle) would have canned him.

I doubt that the Secret Service has any problem getting more funding when it is needed and they would be fools not to ask for it if they believed that it was necessary.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:My guess is that if Sullivan's testimony about the threats against Obama had been misleading, Obama would have already thrown him under the bus. Kessler apparently got some bad inside information and was trying to use it to lay the blame for security breeches on the Secret Service. Another possibility is Sullivan lied under oath when he testified in the House hearing, but again - if that was the case Barack Obama (or Michelle) would have canned him.

I doubt that the Secret Service has any problem getting more funding when it is needed and they would be fools not to ask for it if they believed that it was necessary.

So, let me get this straight. In light of this revelation of a fradulent report from our dear friend batman (and then whole heartedly backed up by the Rev. DW), are we able to assume that the citizens of the United States of America are not racialy biased in regard to Barack Hussein Obama as opposed to any other president that has been in office? Is that the bottom line assumption? Am I getting this right Hoot?
Mr.Kimball Wrote:So, let me get this straight. In light of this revelation of a fradulent report from our dear friend batman (and then whole heartedly backed up by the Rev. DW), are we able to assume that the citizens of the United States of America are not racialy biased in regard to Barack Hussein Obama as opposed to any other president that has been in office? Is that the bottom line assumption? Am I getting this right Hoot?
That's the way I see it, Mr. Kimball. If America is full of racists, then millions of them must have had a change of heart since they voted to elect Obama just a little over a year ago.

I see no other way to reconcile the fact that Obama won a landslide election in 2008 and now in early 2010, the only reason that most people oppose his policies is racism. You gotta love liberal logic. What will they think of next? :biggrin:
DevilsWin Wrote:NO!

I was merely hypothesizing that the fact that he refers to the south as Dixie and goes further to say he is "Deep In the Heart" of Dixie. Now can we talk about Metaphors? Have they not banned those very words( From the song Dixie) at Ole Miss because they are seen as inflamatory towards African Americans? Racial insensitivity I think its called.

If you go around boasting "I live in Dixie!" people are going to draw conclusions.
Seriously, you need to stop tossing the race card around. It is a cowardly thing to do anonymously and defamation of another's character is an actionable offense. I responded to Stardust's request and it is time for you to do the same. You have had plenty of time to do the honorable thing.
If an apology were owed, which it's not, I would have given it. Of course, even though I continually say I don't know where you particular Flirty Party fellas inward hearts are in the whole race issue, you continually avoid this basic fact: much of the stuff about "Obama rock star" etc. (in that vein and spirit) are awfully close to the old White Sheeted Supremacist "uppity ******" routine. You guys are neo-con in worldview; I don't know your actual racial views, so I'll just assume you oppose Obama because he doesn't share your worldview.
thecavemaster Wrote:If an apology were owed, which it's not, I would have given it. Of course, even though I continually say I don't know where you particular Flirty Party fellas inward hearts are in the whole race issue, you continually avoid this basic fact: much of the stuff about "Obama rock star" etc. (in that vein and spirit) are awfully close to the old White Sheeted Supremacist "uppity ******" routine. You guys are neo-con in worldview; I don't know your actual racial views, so I'll just assume you oppose Obama because he doesn't share your worldview.
That's strange. I responded to a DevilsWin post and you delivered his response. Did you use the wrong log in or are you just authorized to post on DW's behalf?
Eileen Sullivan, Associated Press.... among others... is this how we want to play, then? Right Wing Flirty Party you tube posters? Ray Stevens, noted man of political integrity and savvy, suggests Paul Revere to rise from dead? Even though he's not sure what the light in yon window might mean?
thecavemaster Wrote:Eileen Sullivan, Associated Press.... among others... is this how we want to play, then? Right Wing Flirty Party you tube posters? Ray Stevens, noted man of political integrity and savvy, suggests Paul Revere to rise from dead? Even though he's not sure what the light in yon window might mean?
Again, in English please. What does this post mean?

And while you're translating, do you mind explaining the origin of the "Right Wing Flirty Party" references? I have never seen anybody but you use the phrase, so it seems nonsensical to me when I read it. Maybe if I understood the context it would make some sense.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Again, in English please. What does this post mean?

And while you're translating, do you mind explaining the origin of the "Right Wing Flirty Party" references? I have never seen anybody but you use the phrase, so it seems nonsensical to me when I read it. Maybe if I understood the context it would make some sense.

A lot of posters on here live and breathe and have their being in eastern Kentucky. "Whoa, there, boy, ol' black Mao in the White House now... I don't like his policies." It's like a big ol' RIght Wing Flirty Party, you know, all smiley cartoons and hugs and kisses and winks 'twixt and 'tween you fine and merry gentlemen.
Tax havens for the super rich: exotic islands and Swiss bank accounts... creative and perfectly legal ways to avoid that evil, evil progressive taxation... "yessir, yessir, they's all kinds of wickedness in this here world, only the uber rich get to call it "good business practices" and people like ol' Hoot and Kemba join up with 'em, cause they've done good, and while they ain't no uber rich, they's a lot better than the folks in that line using that stamp card... but pay me no never mind... they wouldn't trade places with them, what with the best thing in their lives a big screen and used Cadillac. You guys are just so daggoned predictable. Who do you think you're revolting against? If you only believe what a corporately controlled media tells you, ya Rube?
thecavemaster Wrote:A lot of posters on here live and breathe and have their being in eastern Kentucky. "Whoa, there, boy, ol' black Mao in the White House now... I don't like his policies." It's like a big ol' RIght Wing Flirty Party, you know, all smiley cartoons and hugs and kisses and winks 'twixt and 'tween you fine and merry gentlemen.
I already suspected the phrase was gibberish. Now I understand that the gibberish is meant as a childish insult. Thanks! :Thumbs:
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I already suspected the phrase was gibberish. Now I understand that the gibberish is meant as a childish insult. Thanks! :Thumbs:

Ah, Hoot, you and Kemba are so cute together. Gibberish? Look it up, Hoot. Look it up. I would think a person of your tremendous political savvy, what with all the blogging you've done, and told us you've done, would see that Right Wing Flirty Party is perfect for what often goes on in these threads.
thecavemaster Wrote:If an apology were owed, which it's not, I would have given it. Of course, even though I continually say I don't know where you particular Flirty Party fellas inward hearts are in the whole race issue, you continually avoid this basic fact: much of the stuff about "Obama rock star" etc. (in that vein and spirit) are awfully close to the old White Sheeted Supremacist "uppity ******" routine. You guys are neo-con in worldview; I don't know your actual racial views, so I'll just assume you oppose Obama because he doesn't share your worldview.
Enough of the crap.

I think we all knew an apology was not going to come regardless. Aint your style. Did you post incorrect information or not?

Also one more question, does Col. West fit the afore mentioned profile? He doesn't, only due to the fact he is black. Correct?

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