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Best Toothpaste
I know it is random, but I am in a random mood.

What is your favorite toothpaste? Crest, Colgate, Aquafresh, Rembrandt, Store-brand (Wal-Mart, K-Mart, etc...), or another, and why?
Crest FTW!
Crest for sure
Crest Pro Health for me. It has a good strong flavor and my breath feels fresh after using it.
Sorry, I forgot AIM.
Crest Pro Health
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I hate to get into these toothpaste debates. Three things you never debate: Toothpaste, Religion and Politics, but I'll go out on a limb here and say Colgate.
No such thing as good toothpaste. All toothpaste taste like, well, toothpaste - BLAH!
I'm a Colgate kinda guy.
I'll use anything. I just reach into the medicine cabinet and grab the first tube I see which I think there are four different brands in there right now. Like Stardust said, its all toothpaste, but Aim is my preference.
I use Colgate... or whatever mom buys lol..
To be honest...
I like Crest...
but I'm the same as Ballers.
I just use whatever his mom buys Wink
Well sure glad this isn't about what kind of shaving cream I use, because Zaga would be speechless!
Ballers Wrote:^WOW...
Well sure glad this isn't about what kind of shaving cream I use, because Zaga would be speechless!

I'm a man.
I use water!
When I shave lol
Crest Pro Health is good but I hate the new tubes. It is difficult to get all of the toothpaste out.
Crest is the best!!!

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