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Wrestlemania 27 Results
World Heavyweight Championship

Edge © defeats Alberto Del Rio

WWE Championship

The Miz © defeats John Cena - Thanks To The Rock

No Holds Barred

The Undertaker defeats Triple H - Taker 19-0 @ Wrestlemania

8-Man Tag Team Match

Big Show, Kane, Santino Marella, Kofi Kingston defeats The Corre

Mixed Tag Team Match

John Morrison, Trish Stratus, Snooki defeats Dolph Ziggler & Lay-Cool

Over The Top Battle Royal

Winner - The Great Khali

Michael Cole defeats Jerry "The King" Lawler - RAW GM Reversal Call Awarding Michael Cole The Winner After Jerry Lawler had Already Won, Reversal Call was made after Stone Cold Interfered, But nothing Was Called After Jack Swagger Interfered

Cody Rhodes defeats Rey Mysterio

Randy Orton defeats CM Punk
Miz takes the padding off of one of the turnbuckles. Cena rolls Miz up for a nearfall but the ref was distracted by the turnbuckle situation still. Back on their feet, Cena and Miz slug it out near the exposed turnbuckle. Cena slaps the STF onto Miz out of nowhere. Miz is struggling to get to the ropes to break the hold. He finally does. Thanks to Alex Riley, Cena is blasted into the exposed turnbuckle bolt. Miz immediately follows up with the Skull Crushing Finale for a nearfall. Cena kicks out at two. A small "Yabba Dabba" chant breaks out. The ref is bumped during a second Skull Crushing Finale attempt. Cena reverses and hits the FU on Miz. He tries a pin but the ref is still down. Alex Riley hits Cena in the face with a metal briefcase. Immediately after, Miz covers Cena and the ref is revived for the count. Cena still kicks out at two. Riley is back up on the apron distracting the ref. Miz has the metal briefcase again. Cena ducks and Miz nails Riley off the apron with the briefcase. Cena immediately after hits an FU for a pinfall attempt. Miz kicks out at two. Crowd bought into that false-finish big time. Miz rolls to the floor to recover. Cena follows him out and hits a huge running clothesline on Miz, knocking him over the barricade and into the crowd. They are double counted out. The Rock comes out and says there's no way WrestleMania ends like that. He demands the match be restarted. Now it's no count out, no time limit, no DQ, no doubt about it, no crying to your mama. He does a few more catchphrases and the match resumes. Cena goes to work on Miz. He throws him back in the ring. Out of nowhere, The Rock hits a Rock Bottom on Cena and walks off. Miz crawls over and pins Cena for the 1-2-3. Miz retains the WWE title thanks to The Rock.

The Rock stays right outside the ring a few steps up the aisle. Rock is staring down The Miz. Miz finally stops and sees him and his music stops. Rock runs back into the ring and proceeds to layeth the smacketh down on the awesome one! Rock hits the People's Elbow now. Rock's music hits and that's probably gonna do it in Atlanta.

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