Poll: What Republican Would You Vote For In 2012?
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Mitt Romney
Mike Huckabee
Donald Trump
Sarah Palin
Rand Paul?
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What Republican Would You Vote For In 2012?
Can a mod get a poll goin on this one.

I know this site and state for that matter is mostly Republican, so who will you vote for in 2012?
Likely candidates....
Mitt Romney
Mike Huckabee
Donald Trump
Sarah Palin
Rand Paul?

I know some of these might not run, however out of these choices, one will be our presidential runner in the fall.
Personally i like Huckabee and im not alone as some polls show him ahead right now.
Now i know polls dont mean much as trump is also up there and Romney has slipped all the way to the bottom, but who would you vote for?
I like Huckabee. But Trump and Romney intrigue me because we need someone who can handle the biggest financial mess ever. And I concede knowing no a lot about anything haha.
Any of the above in a general election against the worst president in US history but I hope to see some names on the primary ballot that are not listed above. Out of those listed, my preference would be Romney. Huckabee would be a very modest improvement at best over Obama, IMO. I don't trust him and I don't like him. I like what I have seen of Rand Paul but I would like to see somebody with a little more experience run.

I would prefer Mitch Daniels. Haley Barbour, Mike Pence, or Paul Ryan over any of the names listed. I think Pence is potentially the Republican's best candidate.
I have watched Donald Trump a couple times on the Today show and he impressed me with how I think he could handle the financial end of it. I don't think he would be pressured by special interest groups and I really think he would be his own man. It's a long road and I'm sure everyone will be paying close attention to what each candidate has to say. My first reaction was laughter at the thought of Trump running but after listening to him I thought, "Man, he just might have some great ideas".
Panther Thunder Wrote:I like Huckabee. But Trump and Romney intrigue me because we need someone who can handle the biggest financial mess ever. And I concede knowing no a lot about anything haha.

Same here lol
Pence does seem to be a pretty good choice.
Trump scares me because while he might be great at the financial end of this, what will he do when it comes to the war side of things because with the way the middle east is, i dont see it getting any better anytime soon.
I def wont be jumping on any Palin bandwagon although she might be the finest thing to ever run if she does lol.
Rand Paul is a toss up, i dont think he will run, i do see him running in the next election though.
Of that list, Mitt Romney is the only republican I would even consider. I don't know a great deal about politics, but he seems far and away smarter than any of the rest.
Romney seems a little slimy to me. Could just be that he was always beside Huckabee ("the moral guy") and Paul (The "aww-shucks" guy). I agree with the financial part, but moderates that do not like the Obama-care tend to shy away from him because of the Massachusetts health care system. I am sure they are different, but that will either help him or hurt him. One way or the other, it will definitely be a factor.

Huckabee has some different ideas that a lot of people like but they alienating to a mass audience. For example, Flat/Fair tax. A lot of people got behind him because of that idea, also a lot of support didn't come because of it. Also, many people didn't buy into the "'preacher-guy' The White House will not corrupt me" message.

Trump could be great on the financial side and would win in a LANDSLIDE if he made it to the November election, but he has a lot of questions to answer about defense, social issues, etc...

Sarah Palin has built up a nice head of steam, but I have the same question with her as I do with Huckabee: Did the mass media coverage hurt their chances or help them?

I will close with this. I don't care if they are Republican Party, Democrat Party, Tea Party, or block party, as long as they fix the mess in Washington DC. It is sad to say that I am willing to compromise a little to get the war and finances fixed. This will be a vote that will probably cause me some heartache. First vote of any kind to do it.
If people in this country were better informed and better educated (which are entirely different matters), it would not matter who the Republicans ran in 2012, Obama would lose. For example, Obama promised during the 2008 campaign to cut the annual budget deficit in half by the end of his term Instead, the budget deficit has already quadrupled. In other words, he promised a 50 percent decrease but he has delivered a budget deficit that is eight times as large as the one he promised. Furthermore, his party refused to pass a budget for 2011, despite controlling the Senate, House of Representatives, and White House.

Obama promised that unemployment would remain under 8 percent if his American Recovery and Reinvestment Act became law. Not only did the unemployment rate not remain under 8 percent as Obama promised, it quickly soared to 10 percent.

If Barack Obama gets reelected with his record, then every American should hang his or her head in shame.

I would literally vote to select an American citizen by lottery to be our next president rather than give this clown four more years to destroy our economy. At least we would have a president who might realize that he or she was totally unqualified and unprepared for the office and they might be humble enough to be willing to learn on the job. Obama's combination of willful ignorance, disdain for traditional American values, and arrogance is a dangerous combination.
LWC Wrote:Romney seems a little slimy to me. Could just be that he was always beside Huckabee ("the moral guy") and Paul (The "aww-shucks" guy). I agree with the financial part, but moderates that do not like the Obama-care tend to shy away from him because of the Massachusetts health care system. I am sure they are different, but that will either help him or hurt him. One way or the other, it will definitely be a factor.

Huckabee has some different ideas that a lot of people like but they alienating to a mass audience. For example, Flat/Fair tax. A lot of people got behind him because of that idea, also a lot of support didn't come because of it. Also, many people didn't buy into the "'preacher-guy' The White House will not corrupt me" message.

Trump could be great on the financial side and would win in a LANDSLIDE if he made it to the November election, but he has a lot of questions to answer about defense, social issues, etc...

Sarah Palin has built up a nice head of steam, but I have the same question with her as I do with Huckabee: Did the mass media coverage hurt their chances or help them?

I will close with this. I don't care if they are Republican Party, Democrat Party, Tea Party, or block party, as long as they fix the mess in Washington DC. It is sad to say that I am willing to compromise a little to get the war and finances fixed. This will be a vote that will probably cause me some heartache. First vote of any kind to do it.
Do you really think that he had a chance on this issue considering 53% in this country dont pay any taxes to begin with. Why would the majority even consider voting for a guy that would make them start paying their fair share.

I doubt that you'll see any candidate carry many votes in the inner cities and in other portions of the impoverished areas of the country that advocate this agenda because that would potentially put those voters whom are currently riding on the "gravy train" lifestyles at risk. It's politicians like Carl D. Perkins and Robert C. Byrd that have done more harm than good to eastern Kentucky and West Virginia.
Bob Seger Wrote:Do you really think that he had a chance on this issue considering 53% in this country dont pay any taxes to begin with. Why would the majority even consider voting for a guy that would make them start paying their fair share.

I doubt that you'll see any candidate carry many votes in the inner cities and in other portions of the impoverished areas of the country that advocate this agenda because that would potentially put those voters whom are currently riding on the "gravy train" lifestyles at risk. It's politicians like Carl D. Perkins and Robert C. Byrd that have done more harm than good to eastern Kentucky and West Virginia.

I am agreeing with you that Flat/Fair Tax may never get popular support. That is why I said he didn't get votes because of it.
LWC Wrote:I am agreeing with you that Flat/Fair Tax may never get popular support. That is why I said he didn't get votes because of it.
Supporting the Fair Tax didn't do Huckabee much good because most fiscal conservatives do not believe Huckabee is one of them. He has a record of a tax and spender who has been soft on illegal immigration, crime, and other hot button conservative issues and his convenient conservative conversion just in time for a presidential run was less than convincing to many of us. I think Huckabee makes a fine TV political talk show host but I hope that he decides not to run for president again.

BTW, you may know this but many people do not. The Fair Tax and the Flat Tax are two very different proposals to overhaul our tax system. The flat tax is a concept of simplifying the tax code by creating a single tax bracket where everybody would pay the same federal income tax rate. This system has most notably been championed by former Congressman **** Armey and Steve Forbes.

The Fair Tax is a proposal to eliminate the federal income tax entirely and replace it with a consumption (sales) tax system, in which everybody would receive a check from the federal government sufficient to pay their monthly tax bill on life's essentials (housing and food) but pay a fairly high sales tax on every retail purchase. The idea is to eliminate the expenses associated with complying with the current complex tax code while initially generating the same tax revenues.

The Fair Tax's most notable proponent's are former Georgia Congressman John Linder and libertarian talk show host Neal Boortz. Huckabee's decision to support the Fair Tax came just in time for his presidential run and IMO, was a ploy to divert attention away from his history of raising taxers during his days as Arkansas governor.

My main problem with Huckabee is what I consider his dishonest attacks on Romney in 2008. He played the role of Juan McCain's hatchet man by staying in the race well after he had any chance of winning for the purpose of splitting the conservative vote in the South to make it easier for McCain to clinch the nomination over Romney.

I know that Romney was not a conservative Republican governor but he has the excuse of being the former governor of Massachusetts. Huckabee was a southern governor and could have been a conservative but opted against it. As RV said, Romney is the smartest Republican listed in this poll and I believe that he is a more plausible conservative convert than the Huxter.
Thanks Hoot, I didn't know which of the two he supported, but I knew they were different. Thanks for explaining them.
Is there any truth to many of the Newt Gingrich rumors? Is he Republican or Democrat? He certainly has the name recognition to make a run.
Shady Grady Wrote:I have watched Donald Trump a couple times on the Today show and he impressed me with how I think he could handle the financial end of it. I don't think he would be pressured by special interest groups and I really think he would be his own man. It's a long road and I'm sure everyone will be paying close attention to what each candidate has to say. My first reaction was laughter at the thought of Trump running but after listening to him I thought, "Man, he just might have some great ideas".

How well has he done with his own finances? How many times has he filed bankruptsy?
TheRealVille Wrote:How well has he done with his own finances? How many times has he filed bankruptsy?

Those are fair questions, my wife and I talked about this the other night. I think that he exploited the system in each filing, which tells me he is pretty smart. He also does not like to pay "those tax lawyers millions of dollars" (quote from him on Hannity). Therefore, I believe he would change the tax code, the question is would it be for the better.

Second, I like his responses in reguards to China. He is the only one that seems to think China is a threat. I happen to agree to him, even though, he would be going against free trade principles.

Third, remember "Its the economy, stupid" motto for the dems in the 90's, Republicans could add credit with a business man.

Fourth, his ideas on Iraq resenant with many americans.

I don't see him getting the nomination. He is not a traditional blue blood. But, four years could be interesting to see what he could have done.
Anyone ever reflect back on Ross Perot and wonder "what if"?
Bob Seger Wrote:Anyone ever reflect back on Ross Perot and wonder "what if"?
I have. He would have screwed this country into the ground.
TheRealVille Wrote:How well has he done with his own finances? How many times has he filed bankruptsy?
Better than Barack Obama has done with this country's finances. AFAIK, Trump filed bankruptcy to restructure and repay his companies' debts. I am no Trump fan, but surely you cannot believe that Trump would do a worse job with the economy than Obama.

Trump has had his share of financial troubles over the years but he has certainly managed to turn his fortunes around. The country needs somebody to clean up the huge economic mess that Obama has created. Maybe Trump is not the right guy for the job but he could not botch things up any worse than Obama has. Nobody could.

Trump has actually created jobs with his own money. To my knowledge, Obama has not created a single job with his money and each of the jobs that he has created with our money have cost us a fortune.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Better than Barack Obama has done with this country's finances. AFAIK, Trump filed bankruptcy to restructure and repay his companies' debts. I am no Trump fan, but surely you cannot believe that Trump would do a worse job with the economy than Obama.

Trump has had his share of financial troubles over the years but he has certainly managed to turn his fortunes around. The country needs somebody to clean up the huge economic mess that Obama has created. Maybe Trump is not the right guy for the job but he could not botch things up any worse than Obama has. Nobody could.

Trump has actually created jobs with his own money. To my knowledge, Obama has not created a single job with his money and each of the jobs that he has created with our money have cost us a fortune.
Obama got handed a huge economic mess. Let's be real Hoot. I'm by no means an Obama fan, but..........
TheRealVille Wrote:Obama got handed a huge economic mess. Let's be real Hoot. I'm by no means an Obama fan, but..........
Obama has tripled the annual budget deficit and he and the Democrats didn't even manage to pass a budget bill for 2011 while they controlled the House, Senate, and White House. As you said, let's be real...the time to blame Bush for Obama's incompetence has passed.
TheRealVille Wrote:I have. He would have screwed this country into the ground.

What leads you to say that? He was certainly not a smooth talking polititian , buy he understood business.

Have you ever been responsible for a bottom line yourself RV ?
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Better than Barack Obama has done with this country's finances. AFAIK, Trump filed bankruptcy to restructure and repay his companies' debts. I am no Trump fan, but surely you cannot believe that Trump would do a worse job with the economy than Obama.

Trump has had his share of financial troubles over the years but he has certainly managed to turn his fortunes around. The country needs somebody to clean up the huge economic mess that Obama has created. Maybe Trump is not the right guy for the job but he could not botch things up any worse than Obama has. Nobody could.

Trump has actually created jobs with his own money. To my knowledge, Obama has not created a single job with his money and each of the jobs that he has created with our money have cost us a fortune.

How can someone create a job when they have gone through their entire life and never had one for themselves. Key word here is Never.
LWC Wrote:Is there any truth to many of the Newt Gingrich rumors? Is he Republican or Democrat? He certainly has the name recognition to make a run.
He is a former Republican Speaker of the House.
Bob Seger Wrote:How can someone create a job when they have gone through their entire life and never had one for themselves. Key word here is Never.
I hate to correct you, Bob, but Obama did once work in the private sector - for a year or less. He described that period of his life in one of his books as being like "working behind enemy lines."
Hoot Gibson Wrote:I hate to correct you, Bob, but Obama did once work in the private sector - for a year or less. He described that period of his life in one of his books as being like "working behind enemy lines."

lol...I didn't know that Hoot. Well now that certainly puts in him in a whole different light. Wow!!! Really!!! Almost an entire year??? Come oooon!!!
Personally I would like to see Jan Brewer on someone's ticket.
None of them.

I would vote for Hillary Clinton over any of them. Thats saying something there.
none of the above
If that's the best the republicans have to offer President Obama will be a two term president
Mitt Romney- to much baggage to overcome from being Governor of Massachusetts- How do you explain Massachusetts Care or raising taxes?

Mike Huckabee- Of the group he's the "best" I guess but his TV show on Fox may be an albatross for him

Donald Trump- he's playing to the fringes and has no hope of being "hired"- way to many skeletons in his closet or construction site

Sarah Palin- she's run her course and is experiencing media fatigue

Rand Paul/ Ron Paul- oh I hope not, I don't think the national media will overlook Rand like the Kentucky media did.

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