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Makeup of United States Supreme Court
How many Protestants presently serve on the USSC?

It may surprise many to learn that the answer to that question is "none".

The present court is made up of three Jewish justices and six Catholic justices.

The three Jewish members, all extremely liberal, are Ginsburg, Breyer, and Kagan. Ginsberg and Breyer were appointed by Clinton and Kagan by Obama.

The six Catholic members are conservatives Scalia, Thomas, Roberts (Chief Justice) , and Alito; middle of the road to conservative leaning Kennedy; and the ultra liberal Sotomayor. Some have referred to Sotomayor as a "Cafeteria Catholic".

Five of the six Catholic justices were appointed by Republican presidents. Sotomayor was, of course, appointed by Obama.

In my mind, the most dangerous possible outcome of an Obama reelection is that he may well have the chance to replace one or more of the five conservative to conservative leaning justices with one of his select wild eyed liberals.

Nothing would be more disasterous to the future of the country and its lawful citizens than a liberal majority on the USSC.
Exhibit A:

The USSC just issued a 5-3 decision upholding the Arizona law that allows the state to revoke the license of any business hiring illegal aliens. The federal law prohibits the state from punishing violating businesses except in the area of licensing. I would think that it is a stretch to find the Arizona law unconstitutional in light of the language of the applicable federal law.

Nonetheless, three liberal justices (Ginsberg, Breyer, and Sotomayor) did so. Kagan, an obvious fourth vote, recused herself. The four conservatives and Kennedy made up the majority.

If Obama is given the chance to "tinker" with the Court, the decision would have been another assault on the right of states to regulate their business activities as guaranteed by the Tenth Amendment.

This is just another example of why a second Obama term would be so dangerous to the Republic.
^ Totally agree. Here is the problem. The liberal left is always "tinkering" with the minds of the electorate. Right now, as the direct result of the liberal lies dems have told them via the media, the seniors believe the republicans will take away their social security & medicare if they get control of the senate and the presidency. And the entiltilement recipiants will 98% sure vote against any GOP presidential candidate because of fear of losing their entitlements.

The dems have invested tremendous effort into shaping their image of republicans into the minds of voters in America. Discredit your opponent at every opportunity , is the democratic mantra. When a voter doesn't know who to believe anymore they will always vote for the lesser of two evils. So if you're on the government dole you do what you have to and vote for the one who is telling you they won't cut you off. Exactly like being in a sinking ship, there's a hole in the hull but for right now you bail like there ain't no tomorrow. Ironically one of these fine mornings that will be true. So, voting the threat out and the cure in will be a challenge.
Who's going to retire? The conservatives are young by Supreme Court standards.
BillyB Wrote:Who's going to retire? The conservatives are young by Supreme Court standards.

I think it is a safe bet that none of the five who are conservative or who lean conservative would ever retire while Obama in president. Justices, both liberal and conservative, have sizeable egos. They don't want to be replaced by someone who will try to reverse everything that they fought for while on the court.

It was certainly no coincidence that Souter and Stevens waited for a liberal president before stepping down. The result was that they were replaced by two much younger justices who are as liberal or more liberal than Souter and Stevens.

Scalia was 75 in March. Thomas will be 63 in June. Alito was 61 in April. Roberts was 56 in January. Kennedy will be 75 in July.

The worry is not that any of them will retire but that health issues may arise.
God help us if we get any more like Sotomayor and Kagan and you can bet that an Obama not facing reelection will be completely unrestrained in radicalizing the federal courts.
Truth Wrote:How many Protestants presently serve on the USSC?

It may surprise many to learn that the answer to that question is "none".

The present court is made up of three Jewish justices and six Catholic justices.

The three Jewish members, all extremely liberal, are Ginsburg, Breyer, and Kagan. Ginsberg and Breyer were appointed by Clinton and Kagan by Obama.

The six Catholic members are conservatives Scalia, Thomas, Roberts (Chief Justice) , and Alito; middle of the road to conservative leaning Kennedy; and the ultra liberal Sotomayor. Some have referred to Sotomayor as a "Cafeteria Catholic".

Five of the six Catholic justices were appointed by Republican presidents. Sotomayor was, of course, appointed by Obama.

In my mind, the most dangerous possible outcome of an Obama reelection is that he may well have the chance to replace one or more of the five conservative to conservative leaning justices with one of his select wild eyed liberals.

Nothing would be more disasterous to the future of the country and its lawful citizens than a liberal majority on the USSC.

I was unaware that the supreme court is actually a body of elders... guiding our nation?

i don't care if all 9 justices were satanic cult members, members of al-qaeda, or even soviet spies.... if the constitution is what they follow, faithfully interpret, and work for and under.... They have my support.
real_change Wrote:I was unaware that the supreme court is actually a body of elders... guiding our nation?

i don't care if all 9 justices were satanic cult members, members of al-qaeda, or even soviet spies.... if the constitution is what they follow, faithfully interpret, and work for and under.... They have my support.

Your lack of knowledge of the process is alarming. The United States Constitution is a document that is interpreted by those in a position to interpret it- Federal Courts. It is a loose document open to abuse. In the end, it says whatever five of the nine justices say that it says. Thus, it is open to a wide range of interpretations based upon the philosophy of the majority. Justices are not computers. They have their own personal prejudices and political beliefs, they remember who put them on the Court, and they are aware of the underlying reasons behind their nomination and confirmation.

The Court is not a "body of elders". It is much more powerful that that and, keep in mind, their tenure is for life.
Truth Wrote:they remember who put them on the Court, and they are aware of the underlying reasons behind their nomination and confirmation.

Like Kennedy?
A right leaning court ruled on Roe vs Wade. 7 of the 9 Justices that ruled on R vs W, were appointed by Republican Presidents.

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