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Giants GM hopes Scott Cousins never plays another game
After a brutal collision at the plate a little over a week ago that put Buster Posey out for the season Giants GM Brian Sabean had this to say

Said Sabean, in reference to Posey not acknowledging voicemails Cousins left for him:
[INDENT]"Why not be hard-nosed? If I never hear from Cousins again or he never plays another game in the big leagues, I think we'll all be happy. ... (Cousins) chose to be a hero in my mind, and if that's his flash of fame, that's as good as it's going to get, pal. We'll have a long memory. You can't be that out-and-out overly aggressive. I'll put it as politically as I can state it: There's no love lost and there shouldn't be."

So what does everyone think?
while i do find it unfortunate that posey is out for the season, and the injury could shorten his career, you cant blame cousins for doing something that probably happens every 3-4 games played in baseball. the catcher blocks the plate, with the intent of keeping the run from making it to base, and the runner, hitting the catcher to make it to the plate. you dont see any other position players blocking their base to keep runners from advancing with out the ball. you are taught that when you are running home you aim for the catcher because he is blocking the plate. that is your point of reference. sometimes you dont see the plate until you are extremely close so it is hard to use it as a reference. if you want to stop home plate collisions and injuries... keep the catchers from blocking the plate.

as far as specifically this situation i do think posey allowed enough room that cousin could have slid by, but we have to remember what runners are taught. run through the catcher to get to the plate.

if the MLB wants to make a rule to prevent this then make it illegal for catchers to block the plate. BTW i played catcher and was taught all these things. it is part of the game, if you dont want to be trucked dont block the plate.

this reminds me of what i tell my children all of the time. "its all fun and games until someone gets hurt and starts crying" this is where MLB is at right now.
99% of the people who play baseball never play on the level where it is legal to hit the catcher. So im not sure how anyone is taught to run through the catcher blocking the plate.
Cousins has received death threats from this. From Angry Fans I'm assuming. But it's not his fault when he calls to apologize to the guy and the guy won't even pick up or call him back
Dude just needs to shush, that play was 100% clean.

It's like they always say in baseball.

"Don't stand in the tracks, when the train is coming through"
Part of the game. THEY NEED TO TEACH CATCHERS HOW TO MAKE A CLEAN TAG AND NOT BLOCK THE PLATE. I don't think Joey Votto would block first base and not let a runner get to first on a hit. No one likes to see an injury but the outcome sometimes is not the fault of a runner. A bunch of people were mad at Pete Rose for the All Star smash on Ray Fosse however the Reds fans didn't seem to mind. You can't change the rule because there is no rule.
While I love Pete Rose, what he did to Fosse was uncalled for. It was the ALL Star Game, he was the only one playing like it was the World Series.
As for Posey, his injury was his own fault. Look at his posture when he goes to block the plate. If he had been in a better position, he could have avoided injury.

“This is a great tradition that we have to live up to. It feels good that we were able to do this for Kentucky.” Brandon Knight

“it was a tough one, but we’re the real blue.” Michael Kidd-Gilchrist

"This is MY state!" Anthony Davis
Anyone know who Fosse had dinner with and whos house he stayed in the night before the all star game?
That just showed how much of a competitor that Pete Rose was though. He played every pitch of every game with every ounce of his effort. I feel like players of the game today have gotten much softer than how things used to be. Bob Gibson, one of the greatest pitchers to every step on a mound was feared back in his prime. He wasn't afraid to buzz one up under somebody's chin and it was just accepted as a part of the game. Nowadays, if somebody throws up under someone's chin its considered dirty and a fine is likely to follow. The game has changed so much since the glory days.

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