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We need more diversity in congress. I'm too lazy to do the research, but I'm willing to bet the majority of members of congress are lawyers by trade. Lawyers are good at skewing/spinning facts to confuse jurors. They are all about winning arguments, right or wrong, right? Is this the type of representatives we need?

It seems to me congress should be made up of teachers, scientists, CEO's, small business owners, construction workers, doctors and well, you get the picture, normal working folks. We need more people that have the weight of the country on their backs representing us.

Democrat or republican, we as "The People" need to pay VERY close to who we elect from now on. Let's get together and diversify our representatives to better represent us.

Lawyers are a great thing when you need one. But do we REALLY need so many of them in congress?
I agree 100%.

“This is a great tradition that we have to live up to. It feels good that we were able to do this for Kentucky.” Brandon Knight

“it was a tough one, but we’re the real blue.” Michael Kidd-Gilchrist

"This is MY state!" Anthony Davis
I also agree 100% with you, SkinnyPig. Not only are the halls of Congress and the White House full of lawyers, they are full of bad lawyers. Many people who plan a career in politics get a law degree, may or may not pass the bar exam, and then spend their lives collecting government checks.

I have nothing against lawyers running for public office but I like to see people with experience in the private sector making (or better yet, repealing) laws, whatever their field of study and experience. People who have done nothing but run for elective office scare me.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:People who have done nothing but run for elective office scare me.
Sadly those are the only people we get to vote for.

“This is a great tradition that we have to live up to. It feels good that we were able to do this for Kentucky.” Brandon Knight

“it was a tough one, but we’re the real blue.” Michael Kidd-Gilchrist

"This is MY state!" Anthony Davis
So why do we keep voting for lawyers???? Those in congress are a result of our actions, not their professions!
Well perhaps you SHOULD do your research...

Congress is in fact extremely diverse. Educationally speaking, members have everything from no college at all, to Doctorates.. Religious views are wider, with representation of over 33 denominations and religious. Including mormons, catholics, buddhists, atheists, muslims, jews, quakers, anglicans, baptists, lutherans, methodists, pentacostal, and 7th day adventists. They're White, Black, Caucasian, hispanic..... gay, straight, barney franks lol. And when it comes to occupation, 204 were in law, 201 in business, 16 doctors, 16 police officials, broadcasters, bank tellers, carpenters, farmers, hotel clerks, toll booth operators, etc.

The fact is, the average everyday american would do horrible in the halls of congress, and BECAUSE they don't have legal backgrounds they'd have a difficult time understanding legislative language, parlimentary procedures, points of order, etc, etc, etc.

I appreciate your belief in more diversity, but diversity isn't whats needed.
real_change Wrote:Well perhaps you SHOULD do your research...

Congress is in fact extremely diverse. Educationally speaking, members have everything from no college at all, to Doctorates.. Religious views are wider, with representation of over 33 denominations and religious. Including mormons, catholics, buddhists, atheists, muslims, jews, quakers, anglicans, baptists, lutherans, methodists, pentacostal, and 7th day adventists. They're White, Black, Caucasian, hispanic..... gay, straight, barney franks lol. And when it comes to occupation, 204 were in law, 201 in business, 16 doctors, 16 police officials, broadcasters, bank tellers, carpenters, farmers, hotel clerks, toll booth operators, etc.

The fact is, the average everyday american would do horrible in the halls of congress, and BECAUSE they don't have legal backgrounds they'd have a difficult time understanding legislative language, parlimentary procedures, points of order, etc, etc, etc.

I appreciate your belief in more diversity, but diversity isn't whats needed.
Well under 1 percent of the people employed in this country are lawyers. By your numbers, 46.9 percent of the people serving in Congress are lawyers - and you think that is evidence of diversity? This country is more than $14 trillion in debt, and you are concerned that if we started electing average Americans to Congress, that they would really screw things up.

Allow me to let you in on a little secret, becoming a lawyer does not automatically make you an above-average American. Some of the most dim-witted, poorest writing Americans that I have ever met are lawyers (as are some of the brightest people who I know).

The evidence suggests that the lawyers that Americans are voting into Congress and into the White House are not the most gifted people that our law schools churn out every year.

Based on your lofty opinion of those who manage to graduate law school (some graduates are not bright enough to ever pass their bar exam), my guess is that you either: 1) you are a lawyer yourself, 2) you have never spent much time watching real lawyers work, or 3) you base your opinions of lawyers on old episodes of the Paper Chase TV show. For whatever reason, you are wildly overstating the competence of the members of Congress. Few of our elected representatives are exceptional in any meaningful way.
real_change Wrote:Well perhaps you SHOULD do your research...

Congress is in fact extremely diverse. Educationally speaking, members have everything from no college at all, to Doctorates.. Religious views are wider, with representation of over 33 denominations and religious. Including mormons, catholics, buddhists, atheists, muslims, jews, quakers, anglicans, baptists, lutherans, methodists, pentacostal, and 7th day adventists. They're White, Black, Caucasian, hispanic..... gay, straight, barney franks lol. And when it comes to occupation, 204 were in law, 201 in business, 16 doctors, 16 police officials, broadcasters, bank tellers, carpenters, farmers, hotel clerks, toll booth operators, etc.

The fact is, the average everyday american would do horrible in the halls of congress, and BECAUSE they don't have legal backgrounds they'd have a difficult time understanding legislative language, parlimentary procedures, points of order, etc, etc, etc.

I appreciate your belief in more diversity, but diversity isn't whats needed.
In my opinion there is no need for hard to understand legislative language. Lawyers make it hard to understand for various reasons. Parliamentary procedures, although tricky, can be absorbed by most " average everyday Americans". I guess it's a matter of opinion real_change, for my money, I'll take 204 "average everyday Americans" over 204 lawyers any day.
It sounds like some of you want to extend quota systems to congress. I'm sure that would work with the same results as quota systems in other areas. Truly a disaster that, while it may look good on paper, doesn't work in real life. But at least when we provided for the proportional quota of welfare recipients in congress, we would remove them from the welfare rolls for a while.
I have always believed that in a society like ours, we get the government that we deserve. That is why I oppose term limits for Congress. Right now, it appears that Americans deserve a pretty inefficient, ineffective, and misguided federal government.

As for quotas, I could live with a government where socialists, radical Muslims, and felons are severely under represented but setting quotas to achieve that objective would do serious damage to damage to one of our two major political parties. :biggrin:
Lawyers, everyday Americans, diversity or quotas...We need statesmen in congress. The majority of the ones we have now are not getting it done. We put them there, now it's time to get em out. A good cleansing on both sides of the aisle is in order.
SKINNYPIG Wrote:Lawyers, everyday Americans, diversity or quotas...We need statesmen in congress. The majority of the ones we have now are not getting it done. We put them there, now it's time to get em out. A good cleansing on both sides of the aisle is in order.

you can't be serious?

you are though?

you'd literally kick out a highly educated constitutional lawyer in favor of a piggly wiggly manager and expect better results?

God help us. Please.
To be honest, I'd ditch Mitch for a Piggly Wiggly cashier.
SKINNYPIG Wrote:To be honest, I'd ditch Mitch for a Piggly Wiggly cashier.

just curious... what is that senate minority leader mcconnell has done that you find sooo repulsive?

Is it his lowering of your taxes, or perhaps was it the increases in the military budget for MY body armor and equipment that i needed and used during my 12 month tour to defend YOUR FREEDOM to say the things i would oppose unto my very death? Or perhaps its his defense of unborn children and the lives of thoses that can't speak for themselves that irk you? Or is it his staunch opposition against legalizing ILLEGAL immigrants! ?? I bet its none of the above though... and instead, its one of the following! ---

-Mitch favoring welfare services provided by charities....
-Sen McConnell's unimaginatively strong support the coal industry and his rallying against the EPA's restrictive regulation that slows growth and costs billions!
-Or is it Mitch's votes for allowing YOU to take control of your future and retirement, instead of handing money over to the federal government and expect them to do a good job for you. ??
-Would a piggly wiggly manager have better understanding of legal speak, rules of parliament, points of order, etc or a better grasp on writing legislation, or understanding what is actually going down..... than a former assistant attorney general appointed by President Ford, a former judge executive of jefferson county ky, or senatorial experience for nearly 30 years! You'd be willing to turn that ALL DOWN for a business manager that has managed at best, a payroll of less than half a million dollars??? And give that same guy the authority to manage 3.5 trillion dollars? Come on man. I don't like mcconnell either, but i'm not willing to give up experience for what appears to be... a dog and pony show.
SKINNYPIG Wrote:To be honest, I'd ditch Mitch for a Piggly Wiggly cashier.

you'd seriously give up billions in tax $$'s to get rid of mitch?? haha. you got to be kidding me. this is the 2nd most powerful man in the upper chamber of gentleman, the senate of the United States. he's the leader of the minority party, and a minority party thats just 2 seats shy of being the majority (or 1 seat and the presidency). He's the most influential man in congress today! Look at the list of committee's he co-chairs!

Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry
Subcommittee on Rural Revitalization, Conservation, Forestry, and Credit
Subcommittee on Domestic and Foreign Marketing, Inspection, and Plant and Animal Health
Subcommittee on Hunger, Nutrition and Family Farms
Committee on Appropriations
Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies
Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies
Subcommittee on Defense
Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development
Subcommittee on Military Construction and Veterans' Affairs, and Related Agencies
Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs
Committee on Rules and Administration
Select Committee on Intelligence (Ex officio)

This is a powerful man who can bring great changes to the entire world.... yet you'd trade him out for a grocery store manager for the sake of diversity?
real_change Wrote:you'd seriously give up billions in tax $$'s to get rid of mitch?? haha. you got to be kidding me. this is the 2nd most powerful man in the upper chamber of gentleman, the senate of the United States. he's the leader of the minority party, and a minority party thats just 2 seats shy of being the majority (or 1 seat and the presidency). He's the most influential man in congress today! Look at the list of committee's he co-chairs!

Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry
Subcommittee on Rural Revitalization, Conservation, Forestry, and Credit
Subcommittee on Domestic and Foreign Marketing, Inspection, and Plant and Animal Health
Subcommittee on Hunger, Nutrition and Family Farms
Committee on Appropriations
Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies
Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies
Subcommittee on Defense
Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development
Subcommittee on Military Construction and Veterans' Affairs, and Related Agencies
Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs
Committee on Rules and Administration
Select Committee on Intelligence (Ex officio)

This is a powerful man who can bring great changes to the entire world.... yet you'd trade him out for a grocery store manager for the sake of diversity?
*If you have served this country in the military I want to give you a big THANK YOU right now. I appreciate your service more than you will ever know.

I don't know about your taxes, but mine have certainly not been lowered by Mitch or anyone else. Just because someone defends Unborn children or those that cannot speak for themselves does not mean they can't "irk" me in the way they lead.

Mitch has staunchly opposed, strongly supported, rallied, voted, written legislation, "managed" 3.5 trillion dollars, committee this, subcommittee that and has gotten his ass kicked by Harry Reid and Barack Obama over and over and over.

A number of Piggly Wiggly cashiers could cast the very same votes with the same results. He's been around too long. He is part of the establishment that has allowed this country to begin to sink over the past several years. He has seen behind the Washington curtain and he likes what he sees.

Powerful? His position may be powerful, but he has been as useless as teats on a boar hog against those I oppose.

He would push baby ducks in the pond to go behind closed doors and make a slimy deal. I can't wait to cast one against him.
^Common Skinny, you saw how tough it was on Speaker Boehner for example, during the debt ceiling bloodbath. Mitch has to take a lot of torpedos for the team to get the best deal possible against people who don't play fair. Keep in mind, he has the good of the republic as his compass. While his foes are ideological zealots, suffering from delusions of grandeur, who have learned to play the wolf in sheep's clothing to perfection. They played fast and loose enough with your and my financial well being to get us a downgrade and, at one point stock market loses as a result of the ensuing chaos were at 3 trillion. If our 401 k's, pensions etc. have to be flushed along with most of what we know as America, in order that they stay in control and get their way, so be it. Like I said, for them it's better to rule in Hell than serve in Heaven.
TheRealThing Wrote:^Common Skinny, you saw how tough it was on Speaker Boehner for example, during the debt ceiling bloodbath. Mitch has to take a lot of torpedos for the team to get the best deal possible against people who don't play fair. Keep in mind, he has the good of the republic as his compass. While his foes are ideological zealots, suffering from delusions of grandeur, who have learned to play the wolf in sheep's clothing to perfection. They played fast and loose enough with your and my financial well being to get us a downgrade and, at one point stock market loses as a result of the ensuing chaos were at 3 trillion. If our 401 k's, pensions etc. have to be flushed along with most of what we know as America, in order that they stay in control and get their way, so be it. Like I said, for them it's better to rule in Hell than serve in Heaven.
I hate to admit it, but Boehner had me fooled for a while. In his own words he said "I've got my neck stuck out a mile here". Those that can vote for him ought to take advantage of his long neck and chop his head off (figuratively speaking of course) the next time he runs. I can't help but believe that 90% of our members of congress have their re-election and power status way ahead of standing up for what's right.

I must admit I've been choked by the smoke and confused by the mirrors in the past. No longer my friend. No longer.
SKINNYPIG Wrote:*If you have served this country in the military I want to give you a big THANK YOU right now. I appreciate your service more than you will ever know.

I don't know about your taxes, but mine have certainly not been lowered by Mitch or anyone else. Just because someone defends Unborn children or those that cannot speak for themselves does not mean they can't "irk" me in the way they lead.

Mitch has staunchly opposed, strongly supported, rallied, voted, written legislation, "managed" 3.5 trillion dollars, committee this, subcommittee that and has gotten his ass kicked by Harry Reid and Barack Obama over and over and over.

A number of Piggly Wiggly cashiers could cast the very same votes with the same results. He's been around too long. He is part of the establishment that has allowed this country to begin to sink over the past several years. He has seen behind the Washington curtain and he likes what he sees.

Powerful? His position may be powerful, but he has been as useless as teats on a boar hog against those I oppose.

He would push baby ducks in the pond to go behind closed doors and make a slimy deal. I can't wait to cast one against him.

Well, if you actually pay taxes, then Mitch did help get them lowered multiple times. Do your research. I'm tired of doing it for you.
real_change Wrote:Well, if you actually pay taxes, then Mitch did help get them lowered multiple times. Do your research. I'm tired of doing it for you.
Trust me, I pay taxes. My wife and I have over 20k deducted and over the past four or five years have been writing a check to the IRS. Research or not, I'm not paying less taxes my friend. Don't get yourself tired doing research for me real_change. I don't need it.

Now if I were stuck in a job where my hard work didn't get me any promotions or I didn't work even harder keeping my small business increasing what it brings in, my taxes might go down. The harder I work, the more money I make, the more taxes I pay. My net profit gains are not exceeding my tax increases. Sorry, I'm not ready to give Mitch a hug just yet.
SKINNYPIG Wrote:Trust me, I pay taxes. My wife and I have over 20k deducted and over the past four or five years have been writing a check to the IRS. Research or not, I'm not paying less taxes my friend. Don't get yourself tired doing research for me real_change. I don't need it.

Now if I were stuck in a job where my hard work didn't get me any promotions or I didn't work even harder keeping my small business increasing what it brings in, my taxes might go down. The harder I work, the more money I make, the more taxes I pay. My net profit gains are not exceeding my tax increases. Sorry, I'm not ready to give Mitch a hug just yet.

you need a new accountant. or tax lawyer.

if you own a small business, you pay your taxes at a personal income tax level. every tax rate went down in 2001/2003 with the bush tax cuts that mcconnell helped ram through congress. child tax credits increased along with standard deductions, depreciation, investment, etc.

i believe you are talking about your tax dollar amount rising. this is understandable if you make more money. however, marginal tax rates dropped in 2001/2003. obviously a buisness making 50k, and one making 50 million have a different tax amount. but regardless, the burden dropped.

if yours didn't, please explain.
SKINNYPIG Wrote:My net profit gains are not exceeding my tax increases. Sorry, I'm not ready to give Mitch a hug just yet.

this can't be true. i'm sorry. but the fact is, unless you're paying 100% of your income/profit in taxes... then your profit HAS to exceed your tax increases.
real_change Wrote:this can't be true. i'm sorry. but the fact is, unless you're paying 100% of your income/profit in taxes... then your profit HAS to exceed your tax increases.
I'm also sorry, but the fact is I have no lies to tell and you have no idea what my net profit or tax increases have been over the past three years. Sometimes in our lives we get in a spot (tax wise) where you wonder why you try to make more money. Is there any possibility that I'm there? Ditch'em all!
SKINNYPIG Wrote:I'm also sorry, but the fact is I have no lies to tell and you have no idea what my net profit or tax increases have been over the past three years. Sometimes in our lives we get in a spot (tax wise) where you wonder why you try to make more money. Is there any possibility that I'm there? Ditch'em all!

Please enlighten me then.

What tax increases have occurred? why do you not pay the lowered rates under the 2001/2003 cuts?
real_change Wrote:Please enlighten me then.

What tax increases have occurred? why do you not pay the lowered rates under the 2001/2003 cuts?
Without giving too much of my personal information to you...Have you ever eased into another tax bracket based on you and your wife's gross income and then at the same time your small business finally makes a little money, all the while two of your three kids become self sufficient and are no longer a tax credit? FOR THE LAST TIME, I AM PAYING MORE TAXES THAN EVER BEFORE IN MY LIFE...NOT LESS. I HAVE NOTHING TO THANK MITCH, BUSH OR ANY OTHER POLITICIAN FOR. I take that back, I'M THANKFUL THEY DON'T TAKE EVERY DAMN CENT I MAKE!
SKINNYPIG Wrote:Without giving too much of my personal information to you...Have you ever eased into another tax bracket based on you and your wife's gross income and then at the same time your small business finally makes a little money, all the while two of your three kids become self sufficient and are no longer a tax credit? FOR THE LAST TIME, I AM PAYING MORE TAXES THAN EVER BEFORE IN MY LIFE...NOT LESS. I HAVE NOTHING TO THANK MITCH, BUSH OR ANY OTHER POLITICIAN FOR. I take that back, I'M THANKFUL THEY DON'T TAKE EVERY DAMN CENT I MAKE!

this is foolish. it repeats my point.

making MORE money is ALWAYS gonna lead to more taxes. HOWEVER, the bush tax cuts LOWERED those rates. If they were not in place, you'd be paying more. You are really struggling to grasp this idea.
real_change Wrote:this is foolish. it repeats my point.

making MORE money is ALWAYS gonna lead to more taxes. HOWEVER, the bush tax cuts LOWERED those rates. If they were not in place, you'd be paying more. You are really struggling to grasp this idea.
Not struggling at all. Again, I'm thankful they're not taking every penny I make.
SKINNYPIG Wrote:Not struggling at all. Again, I'm thankful they're not taking every penny I make.

trust me, you are struggling. believing that making more money is a 'tax increase' is like saying that making less is a tax cut.

creeping into a higher bracket doesn't significantly increase taxes, as you pay the higher % ONLY on the $'s you earn in that range, and nothing changes in regards to your previous income.

so why didn't you get the tax cuts of 2001/2003? the stimulus checks? the investment incentives? could you be warren buffet'ing me, and paying voluntarily more because you're awesome like that? hahaha
SKINNYPIG Wrote:Not struggling at all. Again, I'm thankful they're not taking every penny I make.

you SHOULD be thankful. prior to mitch helping you out, you paid more. :Thumbs:
real_change Wrote:trust me, you are struggling. believing that making more money is a 'tax increase' is like saying that making less is a tax cut.

creeping into a higher bracket doesn't significantly increase taxes, as you pay the higher % ONLY on the $'s you earn in that range, and nothing changes in regards to your previous income.

so why didn't you get the tax cuts of 2001/2003? the stimulus checks? the investment incentives? could you be warren buffet'ing me, and paying voluntarily more because you're awesome like that? hahaha
Well, I am awesome!

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