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Modern Warfare 3 Countdown!!!
MisterPerfect Wrote:^Sucks for you Ballers!! lol

Tell me about it.. It will only be a matter of time though before I get it Wink
I love BF3, I just can't get into MW3 multiplayer and I really want to...don't know why.
I've heard a lot of talk about BF3.
If you need any assistance or want to report a problem feel free to PM me and we will get it taken care of!  Thank you for choosing to be apart of the BGR community!
I've heard really good things about MW3 and BF3.
Never played BF3 but I am absolutely going nuts wanting to play MW3.
^Don't get your hopes up to high. haha J/k it's amazing!!
If you need any assistance or want to report a problem feel free to PM me and we will get it taken care of!  Thank you for choosing to be apart of the BGR community!
Yeah, it's a good game. Both are great...BF3 was just something different and I love the teamwork. I thought it couldn't get much more realistic than MW3, but BF3 kills it in that category. Not many people look for a ton of realisticness like I do, but the weapons and infantry tactics are just awesome. You even have to compensate for bullet drop..I love it.
Ballers, don't feel bad. About a week ago my ps3 got the YLOD (yellow light of death) and I haven't been able to play it at all!! Its tearing me apart because I don't want to send it back just yet because...
1. MW3 disk is still stuck in the ps3
2. I can't get my data off my hard drive and I don't feel like losing everything I have on there. I'd cry if I lost some stuff on there considering how much time I put into it.
^^^Can't you just take it apart and get the game that way?

I recommend you get a new, or used, PS3 Slim..they are so damn great. But, if you want all your stuff off your jacked up PS3, you'll have to get it fixed.
I got somebody who is in the long, slow process of fixing it so it'll work for another 1 week up to 1 year. If I sent it to Sony, they wouldn't bother fixing it. They would send me a refurbished one and maybe if I'm lucky, my game. Either way it'll work long enough so I can get all my saved files and my MW3 disk then after that, I'm selling that sucker and buying a slim!
Btw, I got this ps3 on July 29, 2008, and for it to work that long was just amazing!
thedealer12 Wrote:^
I got somebody who is in the long, slow process of fixing it so it'll work for another 1 week up to 1 year. If I sent it to Sony, they wouldn't bother fixing it. They would send me a refurbished one and maybe if I'm lucky, my game. Either way it'll work long enough so I can get all my saved files and my MW3 disk then after that, I'm selling that sucker and buying a slim!
Btw, I got this ps3 on July 29, 2008, and for it to work that long was just amazing!

Yeah, mine worked from July 2007 to June 2011. Loved it. But what are you going to put your files from the old one on? The only way to transfer downloaded games and anything else downloaded is by the PS3 to PS3 hookup.
You all do any Quick-scoping?
If you need any assistance or want to report a problem feel free to PM me and we will get it taken care of!  Thank you for choosing to be apart of the BGR community!
MisterPerfect Wrote:You all do any Quick-scoping?

I do a little quick-scoping. It's super difficult on PC and the theater recording doesn't record things correctly on PC because it lags a lot more.
^XBOX, it's super easy man.
If you need any assistance or want to report a problem feel free to PM me and we will get it taken care of!  Thank you for choosing to be apart of the BGR community!
I used to no-scope on Call of Duty 4.. Got a vid on my Facebook.

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