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Cain upsets Perry as winner of Florida straw poll
Cain won 37% of the 2,657 votes cast in the straw poll conducted at Presidency 5, a three-day convention sponsored by the Republican Party of Florida that brought thousands of party activists to Orlando.

Perry's campaign had courted Presidency 5 delegates for weeks and printed up glossy fliers that were distributed throughout the convention hall in Orlando, but the Texas governor captured just 410 votes, or 15.4% of the vote.

Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney finished third with 14%.
He was followed by former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum (10.9%), Texas Rep. Ron Paul (10.4%), former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (8.4%), former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman (2.26%) and Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann (1.5%).
Herman Cain maybe getting some traction now. He had a good week.

learn more about him at
I think that the straw vote was an invitation to Sarah Palin to enter the race. I think that Herman Cain reflects the conservative values of the GOP and is properly focusing on the economy and inexcusable budget deficits better than anybody else in the race - but I doubt that many of those who voted for him believe that he will be at the top of the Republican ticket.

I hope that I am wrong - I would love to see Cain's campaign catch fire. Maybe the moderators of the next debate will give him a few more shots at answering questions.
Herman Cain is awesome. I love hearing his answers because he is not a career politician. He says what he thinks and is being genuine. Unfortunately, that will probably be his downfall as well. But it is refreshing to hear real answers instead of the usual, carefully worded, politically pleasing to as many people as possible answers.
Panther Thunder Wrote:Herman Cain is awesome. I love hearing his answers because he is not a career politician. He says what he thinks and is being genuine. Unfortunately, that will probably be his downfall as well. But it is refreshing to hear real answers instead of the usual, carefully worded, politically pleasing to as many people as possible answers.
Unfortunately, if Herman Cain's campaign picks up steam and begins attracting more campaign money, the "experts" will pressure him to use some of the money to pay for focus groups and polling. As a radio talk show host for the past several years, Cain has already spoken his mind on every important political issue and there is no reason for him to stop now. We can expect that if Obama and the media begin taking him seriously, we will be treated to many short audio clips taken out of context. No Republican running against Obama will escape being smeared by the left as an extremist.
Panther Thunder Wrote:Herman Cain is awesome. I love hearing his answers because he is not a career politician. He says what he thinks and is being genuine. Unfortunately, that will probably be his downfall as well. But it is refreshing to hear real answers instead of the usual, carefully worded, politically pleasing to as many people as possible answers.

You are wise way beyond your years PT.
I'd say this is the first of many victories for Cain
I hope so. I am so tired of politicians and lawyers running this country. Run 'em all out of office, then set term limits. That will castrate the lobbyist and force senators and representatives to do their job instead of posturing for the next election
God forbid any of these idiots or the democrats get back into office again. This country is in hell with a hand basket. Good grief!

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