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Man charged with murder in beating death of 3-year-old
LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) - A Louisville man is charged with murder
in the beating death of his girlfriend's 3-year-old child.
Police say they were called to an apartment Sunday evening and
found the boy unconscious. He was rushed to the hospital where
emergency room personnel initially revived him, but he later died.
Shively Police Chief Kevin Higdon told WLKY-TV that the boy had
several bruises and marks on his body and officers believe
36-year-old Larry Webster is responsible for the injuries.
Webster was set to be arraigned Monday on the charge, according
to court officials. He will be represented by the public defender's
office, but officials there said his case has not yet been
this guy needs to be taken out and beaten to death for killing an innocent 3-Year Old. I hate people who's like this
^ He will when he gets to prison!
Agreed but unfortunately this happens all to often.

A friend of mines sister entrusted her infant daughter to someone that she had fairly recently met online and her daughter later died due to shaken baby syndrome.
^ What became of the individual? Unfortunately, there is NO justice that can be given on this earth that will suffice. Hopefully in the next life, there is justice given that meets the extent of this!
Stardust Wrote:^ What became of the individual? Unfortunately, there is NO justice that can be given on this earth that will suffice. Hopefully in the next life, there is justice given that meets the extent of this!

Haven't heard much as of late but he was going to trial a while back. Hope they throw him under the jail. He's not worthy of spending time with the common criminals.
Not worth the tax payer dollars to provide him with a lawyer and trial, should just drag this guy behind the court house and shoot his ass.
Sad. He should meet the same fate.

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