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She only fired 6 Times
MARCH 5th, 2009

Last Thursday night around midnight, a woman from Houston , Texas was arrested, jailed, and charged with manslaughter for shooting a man 6 times in the back as he was running away with her purse.
The following Monday morning, the woman was called in front of the Arraignment Judge, sworn in, and asked to explain her actions.
The woman replied, "I was standing at the corner bus stop for about 15 minutes, waiting for the bus to take me home after work.
I am a waitress at a local cafe...
I was there alone, so I had my right hand on my pistol that was in my purse that was hung over my left shoulder.
All of a sudden I was being spun around hard to my left. As I caught my balance, I saw a man running away from me with my purse.
I looked down at my right hand and I saw that my fingers were wrapped tightly around my pistol. The next thing I remember is saying out loud," no way punk!
You’re not stealing my pay check and tips."
I raised my right hand, pointed my pistol-at the man running away from me with my purse, and squeezed the trigger of my pistol 6 times!
When asked by the Judge,
"Why did you shoot the man 6 times?
The woman replied under oath,
"Because, when I pulled the trigger the 7th time, it only went click."
The woman was acquitted of all charges.
She was back at work, at the cafe, the next day!

Now that's Gun Control.....

From an email
She got off WAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY too easy. Sheesh!
^ The attacker did too, should have gotten SEVEN for his troubles!

She should have at least been convicted of something, she said herself that she shot him until it clicked. That proves an intent to kill. According to her own testimony, she was not even knocked down. If the man was alive they would have charged him with theft, not even a battery or assault charge.

I wonder how many shots it took to knock the man down? 1, 2, 3 maybe. Did she ever have to change aim? Once he fell down, did she point at the ground and continue to shoot? I don't care if it is a girly gun, a person would go down after no more than 4 shots. Even if it was momentum that took them down, or the shock of being shot multiple times.

What if she had a gun with a clip instead or a 6 shooter? How many times would she have shot him. She could not use the excuse that she feared for her life because the man was running away! Why didn't she shoot until he fell, call the police, and take her stuff back. Common sense tells you that if he was shot multiple times, and she is standing over him with the gun, he will give it back and leave her alone.

Nope, the woman wanted to be her own judge, jury and executioner. She didn't want to lose her at most $500 so she shot a man that was running away until he died, and showed ZERO remorse for it.

I understand being justified for shooting a few times or whatever it took to get the man down, but that was overkill, no pun intended.

Also, this occurred in Houston. One of the 20 largest cities/metro's in the US. She was at a corner bus stop inside Houston, and just pulled out a gun and shot. Were there women or children around? Did she fire into a crowd? Would she be thought of as a hero if she shot a baby in the process or firing 6 times? Lord knows if someone shoots a baby, they are likely to hang, but shooting this man to death gives her applause.

Dusty, I am not picking on you, I have just seen this story and some of the comments I have heard about it are stomach churning.
Good find SD, haha thanks for sharing.
But I admit, she did get off with a slap on the wrist..
He also kinda deserved it though.
LWC Wrote:^hahaha.

She should have at least been convicted of something, she said herself that she shot him until it clicked. That proves an intent to kill. According to her own testimony, she was not even knocked down. If the man was alive they would have charged him with theft, not even a battery or assault charge.

I wonder how many shots it took to knock the man down? 1, 2, 3 maybe. Did she ever have to change aim? Once he fell down, did she point at the ground and continue to shoot? I don't care if it is a girly gun, a person would go down after no more than 4 shots. Even if it was momentum that took them down, or the shock of being shot multiple times.

What if she had a gun with a clip instead or a 6 shooter? How many times would she have shot him. She could not use the excuse that she feared for her life because the man was running away! Why didn't she shoot until he fell, call the police, and take her stuff back. Common sense tells you that if he was shot multiple times, and she is standing over him with the gun, he will give it back and leave her alone.

Nope, the woman wanted to be her own judge, jury and executioner. She didn't want to lose her at most $500 so she shot a man that was running away until he died, and showed ZERO remorse for it.

I understand being justified for shooting a few times or whatever it took to get the man down, but that was overkill, no pun intended.

Also, this occurred in Houston. One of the 20 largest cities/metro's in the US. She was at a corner bus stop inside Houston, and just pulled out a gun and shot. Were there women or children around? Did she fire into a crowd? Would she be thought of as a hero if she shot a baby in the process or firing 6 times? Lord knows if someone shoots a baby, they are likely to hang, but shooting this man to death gives her applause.

Dusty, I am not picking on you, I have just seen this story and some of the comments I have heard about it are stomach churning.

Almost the same thing happened in this area a few months ago. A Guy was robbed at walmart and when the guy turned around after having him at knife point. The man who had just been robbed puts a bullet in the back of his skull.

What if the guy didn't get hit till the 6th shot?
What if he gets away and her and her children starve?
What if he robs someone else and it continues until all the strippers families starve to death?
^ Bottom-line, he's not robbing any other waitress of her money! I guess I could sit back and say that I wouldn't want this to happen to my own son - Why might you ask? Because I would have wanted to shoot him myself!!!
Good find. Like someone said, now that's gun control.
Don't blame her a bit. I think I would've shot him too.

Wonder what caliber it was, lol.

Hey Wildcat, you have a link or something to that same thing happening around home? I'm curious.
Don't blame her a bit. I think I would've shot him too.

Wonder what caliber it was, lol.

Hey Wildcat, you have a link or something to that same thing happening around home? I'm curious.
LWC Wrote:^hahaha.

She should have at least been convicted of something, she said herself that she shot him until it clicked. That proves an intent to kill. According to her own testimony, she was not even knocked down. If the man was alive they would have charged him with theft, not even a battery or assault charge.

I wonder how many shots it took to knock the man down? 1, 2, 3 maybe. Did she ever have to change aim? Once he fell down, did she point at the ground and continue to shoot? I don't care if it is a girly gun, a person would go down after no more than 4 shots. Even if it was momentum that took them down, or the shock of being shot multiple times.

What if she had a gun with a clip instead or a 6 shooter? How many times would she have shot him. She could not use the excuse that she feared for her life because the man was running away! Why didn't she shoot until he fell, call the police, and take her stuff back. Common sense tells you that if he was shot multiple times, and she is standing over him with the gun, he will give it back and leave her alone.

Nope, the woman wanted to be her own judge, jury and executioner. She didn't want to lose her at most $500 so she shot a man that was running away until he died, and showed ZERO remorse for it.

I understand being justified for shooting a few times or whatever it took to get the man down, but that was overkill, no pun intended.

Also, this occurred in Houston. One of the 20 largest cities/metro's in the US. She was at a corner bus stop inside Houston, and just pulled out a gun and shot. Were there women or children around? Did she fire into a crowd? Would she be thought of as a hero if she shot a baby in the process or firing 6 times? Lord knows if someone shoots a baby, they are likely to hang, but shooting this man to death gives her applause.

Dusty, I am not picking on you, I have just seen this story and some of the comments I have heard about it are stomach churning.

This is whats wrong with America.

I think if someone steals something off of you, you should have the right to shoot them dead. Period.
I know for a fact if i had a pistol in one hand and my wallet in another and some thug came and grabbed my wallet and took off running i wouldnt have to shoot him 6 times, id shoot him in the head.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:This is whats wrong with America.

I think if someone steals something off of you, you should have the right to shoot them dead. Period.
I know for a fact if i had a pistol in one hand and my wallet in another and some thug came and grabbed my wallet and took off running i wouldnt have to shoot him 6 times, id shoot him in the head.

I'm not completely sure that I agree with you. Vengeance yes, but just put them on life-support!
LWC Wrote:^hahaha.

She should have at least been convicted of something, she said herself that she shot him until it clicked. That proves an intent to kill. According to her own testimony, she was not even knocked down. If the man was alive they would have charged him with theft, not even a battery or assault charge.

I wonder how many shots it took to knock the man down? 1, 2, 3 maybe. Did she ever have to change aim? Once he fell down, did she point at the ground and continue to shoot? I don't care if it is a girly gun, a person would go down after no more than 4 shots. Even if it was momentum that took them down, or the shock of being shot multiple times.

What if she had a gun with a clip instead or a 6 shooter? How many times would she have shot him. She could not use the excuse that she feared for her life because the man was running away! Why didn't she shoot until he fell, call the police, and take her stuff back. Common sense tells you that if he was shot multiple times, and she is standing over him with the gun, he will give it back and leave her alone.

Nope, the woman wanted to be her own judge, jury and executioner. She didn't want to lose her at most $500 so she shot a man that was running away until he died, and showed ZERO remorse for it.

I understand being justified for shooting a few times or whatever it took to get the man down, but that was overkill, no pun intended.

Also, this occurred in Houston. One of the 20 largest cities/metro's in the US. She was at a corner bus stop inside Houston, and just pulled out a gun and shot. Were there women or children around? Did she fire into a crowd? Would she be thought of as a hero if she shot a baby in the process or firing 6 times? Lord knows if someone shoots a baby, they are likely to hang, but shooting this man to death gives her applause.

Dusty, I am not picking on you, I have just seen this story and some of the comments I have heard about it are stomach churning.
We are allowed by law to defend life and property, LWC.
LWC Wrote:^hahaha.

She should have at least been convicted of something, she said herself that she shot him until it clicked. That proves an intent to kill. According to her own testimony, she was not even knocked down. If the man was alive they would have charged him with theft, not even a battery or assault charge.

I wonder how many shots it took to knock the man down? 1, 2, 3 maybe. Did she ever have to change aim? Once he fell down, did she point at the ground and continue to shoot? I don't care if it is a girly gun, a person would go down after no more than 4 shots. Even if it was momentum that took them down, or the shock of being shot multiple times.

What if she had a gun with a clip instead or a 6 shooter? How many times would she have shot him. She could not use the excuse that she feared for her life because the man was running away! Why didn't she shoot until he fell, call the police, and take her stuff back. Common sense tells you that if he was shot multiple times, and she is standing over him with the gun, he will give it back and leave her alone.

Nope, the woman wanted to be her own judge, jury and executioner. She didn't want to lose her at most $500 so she shot a man that was running away until he died, and showed ZERO remorse for it.

I understand being justified for shooting a few times or whatever it took to get the man down, but that was overkill, no pun intended.

Also, this occurred in Houston. One of the 20 largest cities/metro's in the US. She was at a corner bus stop inside Houston, and just pulled out a gun and shot. Were there women or children around? Did she fire into a crowd? Would she be thought of as a hero if she shot a baby in the process or firing 6 times? Lord knows if someone shoots a baby, they are likely to hang, but shooting this man to death gives her applause.

Dusty, I am not picking on you, I have just seen this story and some of the comments I have heard about it are stomach churning.

I'm really not sure what this means, but I posted it to stir up conversation. It obviously has!
Stardust Wrote:I'm not completely sure that I agree with you. Vengeance yes, but just put them on life-support!

Shoot to kill
I think they should of given her a medal.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:This is whats wrong with America.

I think if someone steals something off of you, you should have the right to shoot them dead. Period.
I know for a fact if i had a pistol in one hand and my wallet in another and some thug came and grabbed my wallet and took off running i wouldnt have to shoot him 6 times, id shoot him in the head.

I agree...the attitudes most Americans have about defending yourself, your family, and your property these days are ridiculous.

I don't know what people don't understand. If you knowingly try to hurt my family, steal from me, or hurt myself, I am going to seriously jack you up and/or end your life. The fear of this, and laws, is what keeps people from doing these types of things. If bad people knew they could screw with you or break in your house and steal from you, and all they'd get was a hug and you smiling, trying to give your stuff to them, they'd be all up in your shat even more so.

Let's all just apologize to bad people for being bad because of their childhood or whatever else, give dem all hugs, and let them take what they want from us! If they happen to shoot us, ahh well, so be it, at least we died doing something good! Hugs for everyone!!! Yay!

^I never called for flowers and hugs, I just said at some point, stop shooting. How many shots does it take to get the point across?

From how I read the article she hit him 6 times, how many times did she hit him. If it was once or twice, ah well.

Are people really going to say that it was good that she got off free? I agree that we have the right to defend our stuff but come on. She fired until it clicked, there was no intention for her to ever stop shooting.

What about my theory of the crowd? I guarantee that if she hit a child in the process, everyone would be asking for the death penalty for her. Am I wrong?

My deal is this, she showed no remorse for his death, and NEVER tried to stop shooting. She deserves at least a night in jail and a conviction on her record.
LWC Wrote:^I never called for flowers and hugs, I just said at some point, stop shooting. How many shots does it take to get the point across?

From how I read the article she hit him 6 times, how many times did she hit him. If it was once or twice, ah well.

Are people really going to say that it was good that she got off free? I agree that we have the right to defend our stuff but come on. She fired until it clicked, there was no intention for her to ever stop shooting.

What about my theory of the crowd? I guarantee that if she hit a child in the process, everyone would be asking for the death penalty for her. Am I wrong?

My deal is this, she showed no remorse for his death, and NEVER tried to stop shooting. She deserves at least a night in jail and a conviction on her record.

The last one!
^ (sorry, this was a response to LWC's post) Disagree. I disagree with everything you posted. I respect you LWC, but I do not agree with this post. She should not have had to spend one second even worrying about being put in prison or jail, intent to kill or not. She was a woman, being robbed by a man, no doubt a check drawing, drug addict, worthless piece of garbage that steals everything he owns and banks from people that actually work for a living. No big loss here. She did herself and the country a favor by putting him in his grave. If this guy pulled this stunt on me, I would have done the same thing. You dont shoot to stop, you shoot to kill. I would say her adrenaline was full throttle too, and that would have probably added to it. But this woman deserves no conviction, no jail time, and not one minutes loss of sleep. If the rest of this country would adopt her attitude, and the legal system would use common sense for once (like these guys) then all of this stealing and crime bullshit would slow down.
TidesHoss32 Wrote:^ (sorry, this was a response to LWC's post) Disagree. I disagree with everything you posted. I respect you LWC, but I do not agree with this post. She should not have had to spend one second even worrying about being put in prison or jail, intent to kill or not. She was a woman, being robbed by a man, no doubt a check drawing, drug addict, worthless piece of garbage that steals everything he owns and banks from people that actually work for a living. No big loss here. She did herself and the country a favor by putting him in his grave. If this guy pulled this stunt on me, I would have done the same thing. You dont shoot to stop, you shoot to kill. I would say her adrenaline was full throttle too, and that would have probably added to it. But this woman deserves no conviction, no jail time, and not one minutes loss of sleep. If the rest of this country would adopt her attitude, and the legal system would use common sense for once (like these guys) then all of this stealing and crime bullshit would slow down.

Nailed it.
I was taught if you pull a gun, you better be prepared to use it. They are not for show.

I agree with the rest of the gun waving fun loving crowd. The man got his justice served quick like he would of 100 years ago. No sitting in a prison watching tv, eating 3 hot meals a day. You sir, no longer belong in society.
Stardust Wrote:I'm not completely sure that I agree with you. Vengeance yes, but just put them on life-support!
That opens the door for the perp to sue the socks off of you after they get out of the hospital.
It makes you wonder, how would people today act if the law was still followed like it was in the old days?
What would people think about getting publicly hanged for murder?
Ive always been an eye for an eye type of person and one who studied history in college.
How many people would steal if they knew it meant getting there hand cut off intsead of a week in jail and two years probation?
How many people would run from the police/military if they knew it meant getting there feet cut off?
I know what i decribed is harsh and inhumane, but i have a hard time believing that the crime reate wouldnt drop if that was the case
LWC Wrote:^I never called for flowers and hugs, I just said at some point, stop shooting. How many shots does it take to get the point across?

From how I read the article she hit him 6 times, how many times did she hit him. If it was once or twice, ah well.

Are people really going to say that it was good that she got off free? I agree that we have the right to defend our stuff but come on. She fired until it clicked, there was no intention for her to ever stop shooting.

What about my theory of the crowd? I guarantee that if she hit a child in the process, everyone would be asking for the death penalty for her. Am I wrong?

My deal is this, she showed no remorse for his death, and NEVER tried to stop shooting. She deserves at least a night in jail and a conviction on her record.

I wasn't necessarily talking to you bro, lol.

And you go out and get in a gunfight with someone that's trying to hurt you, and tell me how easy it is to stop shooting. If she says she thought to stop shooting or thought about anything else in those 8 or so seconds, she's lying.

Why should she show remorse for his death? I've never been sad that anyone trying to hurt me has been killed...why would she?
Great story
She needed a pistol with a clip!!!!

“Relax, all right? Don’t try to strike everybody out. Strikeouts are boring! Besides that, they’re fascist. Throw some ground balls – it’s more democratic.”

Crash Davis
Fun debate to see here, but unfortunately it was for nothing. This story, like any email story is false.

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