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Even Conservatives Think Republicans Are Sabotaging the Economy to Hurt Obama
Quote:Asked, "Do you think the Republicans are intentionally stalling efforts to jumpstart the economy to insure that Barack Obama is not re-elected?" a poll found that 34 percent of Florida conservatives said yes. Conspiracy, political posturing, savvy strategy-- call it what you want, but the Suffolk University poll gives evidence that the theory is not just a partisan position. As Peter Scorsch, from SaintPetersBlog points out, it's the Republican answers that surprised:
...49 percent said they believe that the Republicans are intentionally hindering efforts to boost the economy so that President Barack Obama will not be reelected. Thirty-nine percent disagreed. As expected, most registered Democrats (70 percent) agreed that Republicans are intentionally hindering the economy and hurting Obama, but independents (52 percent) and even some Republicans (24 percent) also agreed.
Kevin Drum from Mother Jones expands on the point:
What's interesting isn't just that half of all voters think the answer is yes, it's the breakdown: a quarter of all Republicans and a third of all conservatives also think the answer is yes. In other words, this isn't just a liberal conspiracy theory. Even a lot of conservatives recognize what's going on. I wouldn't make too much of a single state poll, but those numbers are high enough that they might represent a glimmering recognition of something that's only been Beltway chatter up to now.
Drumm's figures on conservative answers were gleaned from the poll's breakdown of the numbers. But it's also worth nothing that there weren't any followup questions if (perceived) Republican subterfuge would sway a vote. You know, questions like "Is this going to change your vote?" or "Doesn't that just make you really depressed and mad that they'd harm American jobs just for political gain?" or "Is this a brilliant strategy?"
TheRealVille Wrote:
So explain your latest conspiracy theory, RV. I thought Republicans running corporations are the greediest people in the world. Are you saying that these greedy people are passing up a chance to make money by expanding their businesses because they hate Obama and want to embarrass him in November 2012? That doesn't make much sense. Let's hear your explanation of how Republicans are sabotaging the economy for political reasons.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:So explain your latest conspiracy theory, RV. I thought Republicans running corporations are the greediest people in the world. Are you saying that these greedy people are passing up a chance to make money by expanding their businesses because they hate Obama and want to embarrass him in November 2012? That doesn't make much sense. Let's hear your explanation of how Republicans are sabotaging the economy for political reasons.
Post please, where I said the bolded part. Like Dusty says, I just posted the link, do with it what you will. You explain the poll that republicans say this thing about sabotage, and quit chasing rabbits.
You know they are trying to sabotage Obama at all costs, McConnell has said as much.
I don't really blame them. Nobody can honestly say that Pres Obama has been a great President, or even fulfilled hardly any of his campaign promises. They look at Pres Obama being reelected like it'd be the end of the world...I don't look at it like that, but I won't be voting for the President.
TheRealVille Wrote:Post please, where I said the bolded part. Like Dusty says, I just posted the link, do with it what you will. You explain the poll that republicans say this thing about sabotage, and quit chasing rabbits.
You have repeatedly cast Republicans as greedy anti-union corporate tools. I am not golng to waste my time assembling a montage of your posts. They are here for all to see.

So, if you disagree with the point of your own OP, just say so - but nobody will believe you.
TheRealVille Wrote:You know they are trying to sabotage Obama at all costs, McConnell has said as much.
McConnell has never said that Republicans are sabotaging the economy. Obama is a socialist. He does not need any help wrecking the economy.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:McConnell has never said that Republicans are sabotaging the economy. Obama is a socialist. He does not need any help wrecking the economy.
McConnell said that his number one priority wasn't jobs for Americans, his number one priority was to defeat Obama.

From the article Hoot: It is self explanatory, the conservatives polled thought Republicans were hindering efforts to help the economy, so as to cause Obama to lose the election.

Quote:Asked, "Do you think the Republicans are intentionally stalling efforts to jumpstart the economy to insure that Barack Obama is not re-elected?" a poll found that 34 percent of Florida conservatives said yes. Conspiracy, political posturing, savvy strategy-- call it what you want, but the Suffolk University poll gives evidence that the theory is not just a partisan position. As Peter Scorsch, from SaintPetersBlog points out, it's the Republican answers that surprised:
...49 percent said they believe that the Republicans are intentionally hindering efforts to boost the economy so that President Barack Obama will not be reelected. Thirty-nine percent disagreed. As expected, most registered Democrats (70 percent) agreed that Republicans are intentionally hindering the economy and hurting Obama, but independents (52 percent) and even some Republicans (24 percent) also agreed.
Well, I don't really think Republicans are trying to sabotage our country, if so, shoot them. But, both sides sure don't care to use anything and everything against the other. All the ridiculousness from both make me not want to watch anything about it on the news, but I have to anyway.

Ahh, it'll get better soon enough.
your wasting your time trying to talk to the


i believe he been cuckled by a democratConfusedinglepar
^Again liberal leaning folks demonstrate they will believe anything bad about republicans. You just cannot put 2 and 2 together can you? Can't figure out that when Harry Reid won't allow legislation from the House to be brought up in the Senate such as, cut cap and balance, it's the DEMOCRATS holding everything up not republicans. Can't figure out the DEMOCRATS tabled legislation dealing with the budget crisis and brought our country to the very brink of government shut down, not the republicans. Can't figure out the liberal DEMOCRATS are willing to run our country into a ditch in the name of the delusional green agenda? Can't figure out the fictitious global warming scam is propped up by contrived data and propagated by liberal poster boy, the ever absurd Al Gore? :please: Can't figure out the riots in Wisconsin and the Occupy faux protestors are bused in by an unholy union of liberal and union activists? By the way the only possible outcome of these staged protests is anarchy. You want to talk about people willing to destroy in whole or in part, the USA? You might want to check with the rabid left wingers.

How about the stated economic policy of the Nancy Pelosiesque sociopaths who, thinking themselves to be inerrant, believe the way to prosperity is if one has 100 dollars, go ahead and spend 1 million dollars, the resultant flood of money will inundate all in a river of financial well being. I can't imagine rational Americans believing any of it but, they do. Here's one republican voting, registered democrat, that does not believe one word of it.

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