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Pikeville 45 Mullins 30
Final from Mullins
Congrats Pikeville
Was this game close at any point or was it a blowout and the subs made it respectable?
it was 18-0 in the 1st Mullins made a game of it by halftime being down by 10, but the starters wasnt in the game in the 2nd, in the 3rd Pikeville just never let them get close i think it was cut to 7 at one time but it was Mullins defense that let them let them down, they had the size to handle Pikeville but the D wasnt there in the 4th Pikeville kept getting inside at will. Really was a sloppy game.
Also, Mullins shot 4-12 from the f/t line, Mullins had chances, but they let them slip away. Good win for Pikeville, Mullins has to play team ball and tough defense to compete, they didn't do that last night.
Congrats Pikeville... continue to work Mullins!
Go Pikeville!!
i predicted mullins would win by at least 20. this really surprised me! but congrats pikeville.
Mullins does need to work on there delfense and get the ball inside more and not settleing for the 3.....jw what was the score of pikeville and jc game Friday?
Bball fan 23 Wrote:Mullins does need to work on there delfense and get the ball inside more and not settleing for the 3.....jw what was the score of pikeville and jc game Friday?
I was there, but can't remember the final. Pikeville won by at least 10-15 points though. Johns Creek player hurt his hand slapping the backboard in an attempt to block a layup, hope the young man is okay.
Final was 39-23 Pikeville.
Final was 39-23 Pikeville.
I heard it was teddy smith and he broke his hand?
teddy smith didnt break his hand he probaby just dislocated his thumb.
I too heard it was Teddy Smith, does anyone knowhow bad he is hurt, and exactly what happened?
It was dislocated thumb....its not been confirmed if he will be back this season...

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