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No new ice loss
Panic button pushing glaciologists and other global warming advocates faced with the COLD hard evidence continue to declare the sky is falling.

LINK---provided below

What say you?
TheRealThing Wrote:Panic button pushing glaciologists and other global warming advocates faced with the COLD hard evidence continue to declare the sky is falling.


What say you?
How much has been lost at the poles? BTW, from your article, the scientists conducting the study still say that glaciers are melting, and dumping meltwater into the oceans at the rate of 423-629 bn tonnes each year.
I'll fix your link for you.
Quote:However, the scientist who led the new work is clear that while greater uncertainty has been discovered in Asia's highest mountains, the melting of ice caps and glaciers around the world remains a serious concern.

"Our results and those of everyone else show we are losing a huge amount of water into the oceans every year," said Prof John Wahr of the University of Colorado. "People should be just as worried about the melting of the world's ice as they were before."


He added: "The new data does not mean that concerns about climate change are overblown in any way. It means there is a much larger uncertainty in high mountain Asia than we thought. Taken globally all the observations of the Earth's ice – permafrost, Arctic sea ice, snow cover and glaciers – are going in the same direction."
I've been battling this with members for the 4 years I have been here. There has been measurements that have shown polar ice thickness decreases over a ten year period. That is what we hear about from the "Al Gore's" of the world.


What we don't hear about as publicly are the ice thickness increases in other polar regions.

We hear about average temperature increases in Alaska year-over-year.


We don't hear about temperature decreses year-over-year on the Samoa Islands.

It's called Gravitational Axis. Our world does not spin straight on the same axis. It moves, thus what was closest to the Sun 50 years ago, has moved slightly further away from the Sun since!

It was nice for Gore's Carbon Footprint energy credit business, but a Hoax none-the-less
RV I guess you went on to read this paragraph---

The scientists are careful to point out that lower-altitude glaciers in the Asian mountain ranges – sometimes dubbed the "third pole" – are definitely melting. Satellite images and reports confirm this. But over the study period from 2003-10 enough ice was added to the peaks to compensate.

At any rate, unless the "third pole" is on a different planet one would neccessarily have to assume global warming would affect this area too. If the poles are melting according to the wild eyed alarmists wouldn't the Himalayas be in trouble too?
TheRealThing Wrote:RV I guess you went on to read this paragraph---

The scientists are careful to point out that lower-altitude glaciers in the Asian mountain ranges – sometimes dubbed the "third pole" – are definitely melting. Satellite images and reports confirm this. But over the study period from 2003-10 enough ice was added to the peaks to compensate.

At any rate, unless the "third pole" is on a different planet one would neccessarily have to assume global warming would affect this area too. If the poles are melting according to the wild eyed alarmists wouldn't the Himalayas be in trouble too?
Are the Himalayas at a higher altitude? I can't debate global warming because I don't know much about it. I do know that scientists say 10,000 feet of ice shelf go into the oceans each year, and that the oceans are rising. Most scientists say that by the year 2100 the oceans will have risen by about 2-5 feet.
"Global Warming"- One of the best marketing ideas ever to increase sales of "Green" items.

Its almost as real as the tooth fairy, bugs bunny, and santa clause. Although Santa holds a higher real for me than does global warming.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:"Global Warming"- One of the best marketing ideas ever to increase sales of "Green" items.

Its almost as real as the tooth fairy, bugs bunny, and santa clause. Although Santa holds a higher real for me than does global warming.
Let's hear what knowledge you have that you can share with the rest of us, that might not know the facts that bring you to know it isn't real.
^ I know what you're saying. We could sit around and give our own opinions about this issue but, experts ideas are the best. The thing is, the scientists that have propagated the theory of global warming are so far out on the limb their reputations as legitimate scientists and their livelihoods are in jeopardy. A relatively steady stream of evidence contradicting the notion of global warming has been giving the nature freaks fits, of late. The avalanche of credible information refuting the claims of the environmental dooms dayers gained global attention in 2009 when email leaks revealed the manipulation of data to support their claims of imminent catastrophic climate change. The link below gives some more informed conclusions taking a lot of the evidence to date into consideration. You will notice I provided a source from Great Brittan neither liberal or conservative.


Earth's climate cycle's. The ebb and flow of temperature, along with snow and rainfall isn't something which may be characterized as constants. I would compare the climactic "hockey stick" to Darwin's marine iquanas. Man standing there observing the wonder of Creation and, in trying understand it all, comes to some false conclusions based on a premise. And, that premise, is rooted mostly in speculation, albeit in the case of some of these scientists, educated speculation.
TheRealVille Wrote:Let's hear what knowledge you have that you can share with the rest of us, that might not know the facts that bring you to know it isn't real.

My knowledge on the subject is very little, but i do have some.
In talking with REAL people, not politicians or fake "experts" i had college professors, all three biologist by profession that have went into great detail about global warming. There consensus-fake as hell. One, who is nationally known for his biological work with insects and the migration of insects due to weather change summed it up with this: "If anything, there completely wrong. Were closer to hitting another Ice Age than we ever thought about being to global warming."

As TRT said, we could go on for hours and hours about this subject, and quite frankly, i dont want to. You could post and article and i could post an article and it wouldnt solve anything.
So until then, if you do in fact believe in global warming, go ahead and recycle and ride a bicycle while i take my big dodge cummins and run it up the road burning every fume i can, and not think twice every time i run a dozer and remove some "precious mountain".
To date governments and countries across the globe have spent trillions in pursuit of alternate or renewable energy sources. The real losses of invested dollars for research and implimentation as the result of all this urgency to put away the use of fossil fuels on which we now depend, is equal to the amount of money invested so far. In short the nations of this world might as well have put the money spent so far on a drone space shuttle and blasted it into outer space.

Mankind is engaged in depriving himself of the most plentiful energy resources known to exist and for what? Some hockey puck(s) have used a hockey stick as a model, to fabricate a fantasy doomsday scenario based on the wildest of conjectures. And, due to the lack of true supporting scientific evidence, have neccessarily resorted to falsifying or manipulating data to create a body of psuedo work. The whole global warming controversy is nothing more complex than a well written book or glorified movie script. I can only imagine how the United States being laughed to scorn by the Soviets, the Arab World, and anybody else capable of rational thought of this world as a result of our willingness to abdicate the throne of global supremacy for this pipe dream called global warming.

And yet, this hoax has very nearly been able to bring the greatest nation in history, to it's knees. Man has spent the first, ever how many thousands of years it has been since he got here, making progress and advancing real science only to bow at the feet of charlatans just as he is about to grasp the brass ring.

The practice of falsifying evidence is nothing new in the scientific community. Off the top of my head I can name two incidences of fraud by early anthropologists willing to put forth faked discoveries and forged fossil finds to support the theory of evolution.

First example-- Piltdown Man;

Piltdown was an archaeological site in England where in 1908 and 1912 human, ape and other mammal fossils were found together. In 1913 at a nearby site an ape's jaw was found with a canine tooth worn down like a human's. The general community of British paleoanthropologists came to accept the idea that the fossil remains belonged to a single creature that had a human cranium and an ape's jaw. In 1953, Piltdown 'man' was exposed as a forgery. The skull was modern and the teeth on the ape's jaw had been filed down. The following is a list of the Piltdown hoax's probable collaborators;

Charles Dawson, an amateur archaeologist who brought in the first cranial fragments from Piltdown;

Tielhard de Chardin, theologian and scientist who accompanied Dawson and Arthur Smith Woodward (Keeper of Geology at the British Museum [Natural History] in 1912) to Piltdown on expeditions where they discovered the mandible;

W. J. Sollas, a professor of geology at Oxford;

Grafton Elliot Smith, who wrote a paper on the find in 1913;

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, the creator of Sherlock Holmes; and

Martin A. C. Hinton, a curator of zoology at the time of the Piltdown hoax. A trunk with Hinton's initials on it was found in an attic of London's Natural History Museum. The trunk contained bones stained and carved in the same way as the Piltdown fossils.

The second example-- Java Man;

"Pithecanthropus erectus"" was the name first given to the Homo erectus specimen, also known as Java Man, by its discoverer Eugene Dubois. The word "pithecanthropos" was derived from Greek roots and means ape man.

It is interesting to note that the find was not a complete specimen, as many are led to beleive, but consisted merely of a skullcap, a femur, and three teeth. A 342 page report written shortly after the finding has thrown much doubt upon the validity of this particular specimen. Despite this, the "Java man" is still found in many textbooks today.

Java Man was supposedly dug up by Eugene Dubois in 1893. Dubois was disgraced to some extent when some years after his Java Man find he was forced to admit he had also found human skulls at the same geologic level and in the same general area and, most have since refuted the validity of his find.

The point is there will always be a more than ample number of scientists willing to soil their scientific virtue for fame, fortune and the fact that men, even great men and geniuses, will lie. If we are going to throw every advancement in the field of energy into the toilet, along with all the machines that make modern life gloriously exciting and satisfying, I for one, would at least like to demand that the science behind the supreme sacrifice this notion of total change really represents, be verified. If not, we might as well all become voodoo worshipers and follow the advise of witch doctors. Cause to me, it looks like most folks will believe anything.

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