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Kony 2012
Please watch this in full

Joseph Kony
Joseph Kony claimed to be a distant cousin of Alice Lakwena’s and the natural successor to lead the Holy Spirit Movement. Soon after Joseph Kony assumed management of the group, he changed the name to the Lord’s Resistance Army, or LRA. Joseph Kony wasn’t able to maintain the group's number or regional support, so he started stealing food and abducting children to fill the ranks of his army. Subsequently, he lost any remaining regional support. What had started out as a rebel movement to end the oppression of the north became an oppression of the north in itself.

Joseph Kony’s tactics were—and remain—brutal. He often forced children to kill their parents or siblings with machetes or blunt tools. He abducted girls to be sex slaves for his officers. He brainwashed and indoctrinated the children with his lies and manipulated them with his claim of spiritual powers.

At the height of the conflict in Uganda, children “night commuted.” That is, every evening they would walk miles from their homes to the city centers. There, hundreds of children would sleep in school houses, churches, or bus depots to avoid abduction by the LRA.

Kony and the LRA abducted more than 30,000 children in northern Uganda.

Here is KONY 2012 official website

It's crazy that this has been going on for so long and I am just now finding out about it! This is really sad to hear and I really hope that they're able to take this guy down this year!
Make him famous!
We have Army special operations in Uganda and wherever else the LRA and Joesph Kony think they can hind...our boys will get Kony soon enough.

Not many Americans know about Pres Obama sending a few hundred Special Operations troops to Africa to hunt this guy down...he'll be captured, and sooner rather than later I think.
vundy33 Wrote:We have Army special operations in Uganda and wherever else the LRA and Joesph Kony think they can hind...our boys will get Kony soon enough.

Not many Americans know about Pres Obama sending a few hundred Special Operations troops to Africa to hunt this guy down...he'll be captured, and sooner rather than later I think.

I hope this is true and I hope someone puts a bullet in his head. There is no reason to train special forces just for them to sit on American soil. They need to be sent to places like this and make a difference.
He's going down.
If you need any assistance or want to report a problem feel free to PM me and we will get it taken care of!  Thank you for choosing to be apart of the BGR community!
MOre attention on my facebook is over this instead of the tornado victims.
Its just another flavor of the week....just like the occupy whatever movement, the laws on the internet that flared up for a few days. Nothing more, its been going on for years, and this hipsters couldnt have gave less of a f***. BTW, the UN reported there are 58 groups in 13 countries that recruit child soldiers to include Afghanistan, Burundi, Central African Republic, Congo, Burma, Nepal, Somalia, Sudan, Chad, Colombia, Philippines, Sri Lanka and Uganda. Yes, even the Ugandan national military (Ugandan People's Defense Force) recruits child soldiers. Just saying.
Well said.
For anyone paying attention to this, this is becoming on of the biggest scams ever.
lol, only 30% of the money makes it overseas then who knows what.
They had these guys on CNN and drilled them.
They sure have deep pockets now.
It never ceases to amaze me how naive people are with their money.
Guess which country has some great oil reserves? Thats right, Uganda. These guys pockets are getting lined from more than one direction.
I may be way of base here but it is my understanding that Kony has been doing this for 26 years and Invisible Childeren first got involved in 2005. So 7 years later after our government is involved and from what I have read Kony isn't even in Uganda anymore, a video is made bringing attention to him?

Not sure I understand why now?
^ Oil, Oil, Oil. Its propaganda to get the US citizens behind going into the country.
what exactly is this anyway?

Guy in Uganda abducts children, turns them into child soldiers.
Has been doing so for 25+ years.
Some "activists" make a video about him, with outdated info.
Everyone is ready to invade Uganda to catch the guy.
example of Facebook Activism
NothingTrivial Wrote:Cliffnotes.

Guy in Uganda abducts children, turns them into child soldiers.
Has been doing so for 25+ years.
Some "activists" make a video about him, with outdated info.
Everyone is ready to invade Uganda to catch the guy.

A person (from what I have read) isn't even in Uganda anymore. He has been chased to the outlying cities and keeps harrassing them.

Has he done horrible things? Yes
Should he finally be stopped? Yes

IMO, the timing just seems odd.
The problem with helping him is either we give up money and resources to train people in that country (We know how that has worked out in the past) or we send soldiers in to capture him. Either way we are sending mixed signals, because the Ugandand recruits child soldiers as well. What do we do?
NothingTrivial Wrote:The problem with helping him is either we give up money and resources to train people in that country (We know how that has worked out in the past) or we send soldiers in to capture him. Either way we are sending mixed signals, because the Ugandand recruits child soldiers as well. What do we do?

We send Chuck Norris.......problem solved...
This guy has been harder to find than Bin Laden. We haven't had as many resources on him and the LRA as we have on OBL, but still, Africa is not as easy a place to hide as the Middle-East/Central Asia.

Like I mentioned before, we have the best troops in the world, U.S. Special Operations after this guy, and have been for quite a while. We're getting closer and closer from what I've heard and read..I think we'll have him dead by Christmas. Hopefully for sure.
NothingTrivial Wrote:The problem with helping him is either we give up money and resources to train people in that country (We know how that has worked out in the past) or we send soldiers in to capture him. Either way we are sending mixed signals, because the Ugandand recruits child soldiers as well. What do we do?

We're doing both. Those same Spec Operations are training Ugandan forces, along with other countries in the region, along with Marine Corps MEU's that rotate in and out of Djibouti.

It's "legal" in their country. The kids they recruit are within the age they's bullshit, but not much we can do besides deal with it, or set an age limit on the Ugandan troops we take along with us on missions relating to the LRA.
So the guy that made the video was caught masturbating in public and vandalizing vehicles. He's committed for psychiatric evaluation now.
What, really?

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