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Global Warming- Fact or Myth?
More and more credible sources are speaking out on the validity of global warming fears. My contention has always been that it is a myth and unsubstantiated. And this, in the same manner one cannot substantiate that marine iguanas on the Galapagos Islands once lived beneath the waves merely because they have the unique ability among iguanas, to feed on submerged algea growing on the rocks at high tide. The whole global warming theory is based on equally tenuous footing scientifically. Owing, for the most part, to a dubious series of speculations associated with CO2 concentrations in the various strata of drilled ice cores.

Fifty top scientists, astronauts, and engineers who have worked for NASA are attacking the space agency’s stance that manmade carbon dioxide is responsible for global climate change.

Seven Apollo astronauts and the deputy director of the space shuttle program are among the experts — with more than 1,000 years of combined professional experience — who have signed a letter to NASA Administrator Charles Bolden.

The letter begins: “We, the undersigned, respectfully request that NASA and the Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) refrain from including unproven remarks in public releases and websites. We believe the claims by NASA and GISS that manmade carbon dioxide is having a catastrophic impact on global climate change are not substantiated, especially when considering thousands of years of empirical data.

“With hundreds of well-known climate scientists and tens of thousands of other scientists publicly declaring their disbelief in the catastrophic forecasts, coming particularly from the GISS leadership, it is clear that the science is NOT settled.

“The unbridled advocacy of CO2 being the major cause of climate change is unbecoming of NASA’s history of making an objective assessment of all available scientific data prior to making decisions or public statements.”

The signees charge NASA with advocating an “extreme position” on climate change “prior to a thorough study of the possible overwhelming impact of natural climate drivers.”

They conclude: “At risk is damage to the exemplary reputation of NASA, NASA’s current or former scientists and employees, and even the reputation of science itself.”
Global warming is a fact...but so is global cooling. There is no evidence that human activities are causing a one-way change in the earth's climate. The sun heats up and the sun cools down and the planet Earth follows its lead.
One of NASA's leader's James Hansen has long been a global warming activist, and believes it is man's fault. It appears that several former members of his staff are now stepping up and admitting that they have been using unproven data to scare the public into believing that global warming is man made.
Well considering i love driving my diesel truck and burning what ever i can get ahold of i think that answers the question.
Complete bull shit. Great way to sale "green" overpriced crap though.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Global warming is a fact...but so is global cooling. There is no evidence that human activities are causing a one-way change in the earth's climate. The sun heats up and the sun cools down and the planet Earth follows its lead.

The weather cycles. I think it is safe to say this fluxuation in temperatures, building up and shrinking of polar ice etc. is normal, and indicates a healthy weather pattern. "Especially when considering thousands of years of empirical data."
^ Agreed, I've made comment every time this comes up about how the polar cap shrinks in one location, but thickens in others. We hear all the time about ocean waters increasing off the Eastern coast, but nothing said about the cooling waters around Africa.

Where we sit today was once covered in water, and I'm not talking about the biblical flood! The land masses have changed throughout history, thus has the climate.

If man is to be blamed for the warming affects, who is to be blamed for the cooling! I'd love someone to answer that!
Stardust Wrote:^ Agreed, I've made comment every time this comes up about how the polar cap shrinks in one location, but thickens in others. We hear all the time about ocean waters increasing off the Eastern coast, but nothing said about the cooling waters around Africa.

Where we sit today was once covered in water, and I'm not talking about the biblical flood! The land masses have changed throughout history, thus has the climate.

If man is to be blamed for the warming affects, who is to be blamed for the cooling! I'd love someone to answer that!

But if you used logic to answer those questions Dusty, how could ex-(democratic) politians run a massive scam campaign and make billions of dollars feeding off the stupidity of their liberal idiot followers? These are no doubt some of those many jobs that our fearless leader can lay claim to creating during his awe inspiring tenure up to this point.
Bob Seger Wrote:But if you used logic to answer those questions Dusty, how could ex-(democratic) politians run a massive scam campaign and make billions of dollars feeding off the stupidity of their liberal idiot followers? These are no doubt some of those many jobs that our fearless leader can lay claim to creating during his awe inspiring tenure up to this point.

Thank God for Democratic ingenuity, otherwise we never would have had the internet....
Stardust Wrote:Thank God for Democratic ingenuity, otherwise we never would have had the internet....

Yep, we'll all be forever indebted to the "wonder boy".:biggrin:
Warning: Video contains Language some may find offensive.

Best take on it I have heard, from George Carlin:

[YOUTUBE="George Carlin on Global Warming"]BB0aFPXr4n4[/YOUTUBE]
Polution I believe in, Global warming I don't.
I don't believe in it.
It ranks up their with the Tooth Fairy and Santa.
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:It ranks up their with the Tooth Fairy and Santa.

and sources that guarantee where college basketball recruits are goingConfusednicker:

Let see the single largest green house gas is water. Is the EPA going to start to regulate that?
Plants convert Carbon Dioxide into food though photosynthesis. Why isn't there an incredible plant explosion taking place?
Why aren't the "experts" using the scientific method when studying this theory? Using a small data set to explain a issue. The earth has been around for billions of years yet these experts want to use only the last 100+ years of temperature and weather to prove their theory?
nky Wrote:Let see the single largest green house gas is water. Is the EPA going to start to regulate that?
Plants convert Carbon Dioxide into food though photosynthesis. Why isn't there an incredible plant explosion taking place?
Why aren't the "experts" using the scientific method when studying this theory? Using a small data set to explain a issue. The earth has been around for billions of years yet these experts want to use only the last 100+ years of temperature and weather to prove their theory?

And just look at how many idiots there are that live in the United States. So many bought into this garbage hook, line, and sinker that they were able to put a guy in the White House to administer the propaganda. It all goes to show that the American public is stupid enough to follow just about any Pied Piper anywhere he wants to lead them if they are simply just told everything that they want to hear.
Interesting . . . I was curious about how the "debate" on this thread might evolve.
Stardust Wrote:and sources that guarantee where college basketball recruits are goingConfusednicker:


lol where do you think i get my info from?
More evidence refuting warming concerns;

Study: Polar Bear Population ‘Not in Crisis’
Climate change doomsayers have for years claimed that declining polar bear populations in the Arctic are a consequence of manmade global warming.

But a new study has found that the bear population in part of Canada is larger than many scientists thought and might actually be growing.

In 2004, Environment Canada researchers concluded that the number of bears along the western shore of Hudson Bay had dropped 22 percent since 1984, to 935 bears, and they estimated that by 2011, a continuing decrease would bring the number down to 610.

The Hudson Bay region is considered a bellwether for how polar bears are faring elsewhere in the Arctic, according to Canadian newspaper The Globe and Mail.

The decrease, the scientists asserted, was due to warming temperatures that melt ice faster and ruin the bears’ ability to hunt.

“That sparked worldwide concern about the future of the bears and prompted the Canadian and American governments to introduce legislation to protect them,” The Globe and Mail reported.

The World Wildlife Fund even stated in 2008: "If current warming trends continue unabated, scientists believe that polar bears will be vulnerable to extinction within the next century."

But a survey released on April 4 by the Government of Nunavut — a federal territory of Canada — shows that the number of bears is now 1,013 and could be higher.

“The bear population is not in crisis as people believed,” said Drikus Gissing, Nunavut’s director of wildlife management. “There is no doom and gloom.”

He added that the media in Canada have led people to believe that polar bears are endangered, but “they are not.”

He estimated that there are about 25,000 polar bears in Canada’s Arctic region, and “that’s likely the highest [number] there has ever been.”
Nunavut, which is the size of Western Europe, is home to only about 32,000 people.

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