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Intersting Video

Thoughts anyone?
Very well done. Reading between the lines...if Obama succeeds, then America fails.
I don’t think Democrats want America to fail any more than Republicans do
garathnormanmtts Wrote:I don’t think Democrats want America to fail any more than Republicans do

Really? Why does Obama hang out with the likes of special presidential advisor and self-confessed insurrectionist Bill Ayers, and openly communistic former Green Jobs Czar, Van Jones? Why did Obama say "America uses 67% of the world's energy and it cannot continue"? Why are energy prices through the roof? What was it that Obama said on the campaign trail? "under my plan, electricity costs would necessarily skyrocket".You need to get with program. These guys want to see a 'world order' in which, the USA is merely a member, not a leader. I didn't see one thing in the video that was off even a little bit.
TheRealThing Wrote:Really? Why does Obama hang out with the likes of special presidential advisor and self-confessed insurrectionist Bill Ayers, and openly communistic former Green Jobs Czar, Van Jones? Why did Obama say "America uses 67% of the world's energy and it cannot continue"? Why are energy prices through the roof? What was it that Obama said on the campaign trail? "under my plan, electricity costs would necessarily skyrocket".You need to get with program. These guys want to see a 'world order' in which, the USA is merely a member, not a leader. I didn't see one thing in the video that was off even a little bit.

Wildcatk23 Wrote::biglmao:

As I have mentioned in another thread very recently, your best and most often used tactic (other than the race card) is to call somebody a name or laugh at them, strictly schoolyard. You answer it then 23, why does he hang out with them and in what way does the current state of energy affairs in any way differ from the content of the video? And, try to lay off the jester routine, your country's well being is at stake.
TheRealThing Wrote:As I have mentioned in another thread very recently, your best and most often used tactic (other than the race card) is to call somebody a name or laugh at them, strictly schoolyard. You answer it then 23, why does he hang out with them and in what way does the current state of energy affairs in any way differ from the content of the video? And, try to lay off the jester routine, your country's well being is at stake.

LOL....Come now, he just got his learner's permit last week, TRT. What would you expect? When you dont have the first clue as to what you are talking about and are just dying to act like a big boy in these threads, what else could he type? He tried the other route and tried to act intelligent in these conversations and you saw how that turned out.Confusednicker:
Bob Seger Wrote:LOL....Come now, he just got his learner's permit last week, TRT. What would you expect? When you dont have the first clue as to what you are talking about and are just dying to act like a big boy in these threads, what else could he type? He tried the other route and tried to act intelligent in these conversations and you saw how that turned out.Confusednicker:

Oh---:thatsfunn I didn' realize he was still in driver's ed. Another dem keeping it typically superficial and demonstrating my point. :biggrin:
Call somebody a name or laugh at them? Interesting. IM not for sure what thread your referring to unless it was the one where u said slavery was not that bad. And the race card? I dont believe i have ever, ever played the race card.
garathnormanmtts Wrote:I don’t think Democrats want America to fail any more than Republicans do
Then they will not be making the same mistake twice when they vote in November.
Hoot Gibson Wrote:Then they will not be making the same mistake twice when they vote in November.

I for one will be Voting for Romney . YEs you can Quote that Smile
Wildcatk23 Wrote:I for one will be Voting for Romney . YEs you can Quote that Smile

Welcome to the 'light', I'm proud of you. How blue do you think we'd all turn waiting for RealVille to 'Like' your post?:biggrin:

What I was saying was that the Liberal strategy, being short on substance and long on bias, is one of name calling and belittling those on the right, and their nuclear option is the race card. I did include you as a liberal. If I offended you I appologize, however, the fact that you would be offended gives me hope that you are moderating toward the center and perhaps true patriotism. You still didn't offer a rebuff to my statements about Obama's 'close the the vest' advisors. In what way have I failed to understand the obvious?
I am by all means still a Liberal. Democrat. Whatever you want to call it. But the laws the Administration have put on coal is killing eastern kentucky. It truly is. anyone that denies it is blind. 400 layoffs in martin county friday i believe? And 1000s of more already.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:I am by all means still a Liberal. Democrat. Whatever you want to call it. But the laws the Administration have put on coal is killing eastern kentucky. It truly is. anyone that denies it is blind. 400 layoffs in martin county friday i believe? And 1000s of more already.

Have I not been saying that the economy is in the tanks over and over and over again around here? Have I not not told you that things were going to get to disasterous porportions around here with this current administration? Yet all the while you and RV would argue till you were blue in the face, with everything in you, and post all your stupid and phoney little leftist graphs and charts spouting off about how great things were moving right along? " The private sector is doing just fine, huh?" Something must have really hit close to home for you to finally wake up. At least you were man enough to finally admit it, and for that I'll give you credit.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:I am by all means still a Liberal. Democrat. Whatever you want to call it. But the laws the Administration have put on coal is killing eastern kentucky. It truly is. anyone that denies it is blind. 400 layoffs in martin county friday i believe? And 1000s of more already.

You have started to see with your own eyes. It's called a man that thinks for himself, accept no substitute! Where's RealVille at? According to him they're hiring like there's no tomorrow.
TheRealThing Wrote:You have started to see with your own eyes. It's called a man that thinks for himself, accept no substitute! Where's RealVille at? According to him they're hiring like there's no tomorrow.
They are, in WV. Yea, WC23, think with your own head, you might see that layoffs are because of other reasons. Like natural gas being dirt cheap right now, and a lower demand for coal. I have no doubt that permits are harder for some companies to get coal, but some of my coal buddies say their companies have no problem getting permits. Maybe it might be because they protect the environment more?
TheRealVille Wrote:They are, in WV. Yea, WC23, think with your own head, you might see that layoffs are because of other reasons. Like natural gas being dirt cheap right now, and a lower demand for coal. I have no doubt that permits are harder for some companies to get coal, but some of my coal buddies say their companies have no problem getting permits. Maybe it might be because they protect the environment more?

lol......ah, to the bitter end.:biggrin:
I'm a Dumocrat voting Republican this time.
TheRealVille Wrote:They are, in WV. Yea, WC23, think with your own head, you might see that layoffs are because of other reasons. Like natural gas being dirt cheap right now, and a lower demand for coal. I have no doubt that permits are harder for some companies to get coal, but some of my coal buddies say their companies have no problem getting permits. Maybe it might be because they protect the environment more?

NOT what you said in earlier posts. You were arguing that Obama's policies and stimulus were working and jobs were on the increase in the mines.
Benchwarmer Wrote:I'm a Dumocrat voting Republican this time.

Probably will be the wakeup call the Dems need right now. Maybe then they will come up with a candidate more like Clinton and their stock will go up significantly.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:I am by all means still a Liberal. Democrat. Whatever you want to call it. But the laws the Administration have put on coal is killing eastern kentucky. It truly is. anyone that denies it is blind. 400 layoffs in martin county friday i believe? And 1000s of more already.

With regard to the layoffs in the coal fields specifically. They are due, in no small way, to Obama's war on the coal industry. There is no shortage of sources confirming his intent to end the use of coal as a viable fuel option, for American and foriegn industry. This to me is an unanswerable paradox among liberals and democrats in general. How is it that you all can doggedly support politicians that are removing folks ability to provide for their families by shutting down the coal industry? The heck of it is, it's all based on efforts to live up to the green agenda. The voodoo science fabricated to support global warming. HELLO, IT'S A HOAX! I've already outlined my amazement with the democrats maintaining steady numbers in their voting base in spite of the glaring duality of their stated platform. Which, is to say they support the 'working man', while in the next breath they say "belly up to the bar all you non-workers, vote for us and we'll totally support you for life."

It takes every last dime we can muster as a nation to fall 40% short of being able to even fund the welfare demands, services of which, range from food and lodging to health care and cell phones. Oh, and let's not leave out a totally free education for the poor at the university of their choice. The 40% has to be borrowed from China and others. Nobody can explain how the things I have just mentioned are morally acceptable. It would be one thing if our state of affairs were like they were in the 70's thru the 90's, when we were at least close to funding entitlements. Well, guess what, we're not even close anymore.
TheRealThing Wrote:[/B]

NOT what you said in earlier posts. You were arguing that Obama's policies and stimulus were working and jobs were on the increase in the mines.
They are, at least in the Logan area, according to Logan radio hiring ads. Maybe some of the KY guys can quit guarding their women and go to Logan, like I have.
TheRealVille Wrote:They are, at least in the Logan area, according to Logan radio hiring ads. Maybe some of the KY guys can quit guarding their women and go to Logan, like I have.

I work in Logan everyday . And I talk to a lot of people in my field. Numerous coal companies are giving severance pays and longer vacations because they have coal stacked mountains high.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:I work in Logan everyday . And I talk to a lot of people in my field. Numerous coal companies are giving severance pays and longer vacations because they have coal stacked mountains high.
You must not listen to 101.9 in Logan. I hear the ads every morning. Vote how you want, but don't blame it all on Obama. A lot, but not all, of coal companies have shot themselves in the foot, and now look for someone to blame. Coal companies that don't protect the environment, and natural gas, and lower demand for coal are 3 major reasons for coal layoffs. But, 90% of the coal miners are republican, and they won't tell you the whole truth about it. If you want a job in coal in WV, listen to the radio, be qualified, and you can get hired. I'll get you the number in the morning, if you want it. I bolded a crucial part of your post. Think about it.
TheRealVille Wrote:You must not listen to 101.9 in Logan. I hear the ads every morning. Vote how you want, but don't blame it all on Obama. A lot, but not all, of coal companies have shot themselves in the foot, and now look for someone to blame. Coal companies that don't protect the environment, and natural gas, and lower demand for coal are 3 major reasons for coal layoffs. But, 90% of the coal miners are republican, and they won't tell you the whole truth about it. If you want a job in coal in WV, listen to the radio, be qualified, and you can get hired. I'll get you the number in the morning, if you want it.

I'm a David and Jill on 96.5 in the morning kind of guy.

You can't be qualified if u can't find a job to get trained.
Wildcatk23 Wrote:I'm a David and Jill on 96.5 in the morning kind of guy.

You can't be qualified if u can't find a job to get trained.
The point was, there are coal jobs in the Logan area. Again, think about what you have been told, coal piles stacked " mountains" high. Coal isn't selling right now.
TheRealVille Wrote:The point was, there are coal jobs in the Logan area. Again, think about what you have been told, coal piles stacked " mountains" high. Coal isn't selling right now.

Does it not have something to do with all the regulations on burning coal?
Wildcatk23 Wrote:Does it not have something to do with all the regulations on burning coal?
No. Coal companies are putting coal scrubbers on just about every unit, but gas is so cheap right now, electric companies are using gas, as most have gas units also. If gas goes up, they will go back to burning coal, that is cleaned with those scrubbers. I build gas units, as well as coal scrubbers. These guys here will only tell you things that promote the republican agenda. I work for Apogee coal as we speak, building "filter" plants to clean up the selenium that is going into the creek. Selenium is a known cancer causer, and several other illnesses, in larger amounts caused by mining, but you won't hear that from the republican cheerleaders here.
With as many mines as there are in West Virginia laying off in the hundereds and with the amount of mines being shut down , I find it hard to phathom that anybody right in the heart of the decimated area is getting on the radio begging for miners because they are booming. I would say it has more to do with replacing all the dope heads they have working for them with someone else that can pass a drug test. That is a major obstacle to overcome by the way. With as many miners as there are in the Logan vicinity being laid off, it would seem to me that they would be lined up at the door wanting jobs. Why would anybody have to advertise, unless for the reason I stated? All sounds a little fishy to me. I'm like Wildcat, I am very familiar with what goes on in Logan and all of the southern West Virginia area because I do a substantial amount of business over there, and it all stinks over there too RV, just like it does here. You're not going to convince me otherwise, because I know otherwise. Those people are hurting and hurting bad. I deal with it every single day.
TheRealVille Wrote:No. Coal companies are putting coal scrubbers on just about every unit, but gas is so cheap right now, electric companies are using gas, as most have gas units also. If gas goes up, they will go back to burning coal, that is cleaned with those scrubbers. I build gas units, as well as coal scrubbers. These guys here will only tell you things that promote the republican agenda. I work for Apogee coal as we speak, building "filter" plants to clean up the selenium that is going into the creek. Selenium is a known cancer causer, and several other illnesses, in larger amounts caused by mining, but you won't hear that from the republican cheerleaders here.

Again, this is not what you have been saying. Your argument for closing down coal fired plants under the Obama administration was in support of clean air standards. Now you're admitting to one of my main points which, of course, is that technology exists in the form of scrubbers that clean up the emissions from coal fired plants. Thusly, rendering the whole argument moot.

In fact, the over regulation and impossible epa standards that keep on changing just when America's energy industry has all but met every dictate issued, is the real problem. But, it demonstrates that given a little time our technological advances in cleaning up all manner of emissions are and will be sufficient to guarantee a stable and healthy environment. Don't let him lead you astray 23, the Obama administration is at war with the coal industry.

Why would coal mining communities have a problem with Obama? Because he’s using environmental regulation to attack a major source of jobs and electricity, just as he said he would. In 2008, Obama said his plans would force electricity prices to “necessarily skyrocket.” He also made it clear, “If somebody wants to build a coal plant, they can -- it’s just that it will bankrupt them.”

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