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USC MLB Lamar Dawson, Boyle Co product
Lamar Dawson. Boyle County, KY product. Sophomore at USC. Starting MLB wearing the famous No. 55 on the #3 ranked pre-season USC Trojans. Top 10 LB in college football in 2012. Is a BEAST!

I just got done playing with him and USC on NCAA Football 13, and he absolutely dominated. I'm proud of this manchild, and proud of the way he represents Kentucky in SoCal!
Yes, great to see this kid from Kentucky making a big impact at such a big school.
Great to hear that he is living up to the potential!
This is awesome, best of luck to him. Way to represent KY!
Wish he would have played for Kentucky...but in all honesty he probably wouldn't be near as good had he done so lol. All the best to this great young man.
Im glad the kid was smart enough to go to a premeir college and not end up wasting his career away at UK.
Can you imagine how much attention Micah Johnson would have gotten had he attended USC?
You don't get attention on 3rd string.
Download the NCAA Football 13 demo dudes and play the USC game...he's the starting MLB for them. I couldn't believe how good he already is in the game, lol. Hopefully he can dominate this season.

I just thought it was cool, and I'm proud of the kid doing it big out in SoCal.
He was crazy good at Boyle and is on a trek that likely will take him to the NFL. Amazing. Congrats.

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