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Manchin,Tomblin,Rahall To Skip Democratic National Convention
Ah, the love just continues to grow for the man who RV says is creating all those mining jobs in West Virginia.TongueirateSho
It seems that Manchin, Tomblin and Rahall can't get far enough away from ole Barry.:Clap:
All I know, is I hear an ad on 101.9 Logan, WV., coal company wanting to hire strip and deep miners.
Old School Wrote:It seems that Manchin, Tomblin and Rahall can't get far enough away from ole Barry.:Clap:

So far I've been very impressed with Manchin. I knew there had to be some democrats with some conscience left.
TheRealThing Wrote:So far I've been very impressed with Manchin. I knew there had to be some democrats with some conscience left.
I have not been impressed with Manchin at all. Other than where the coal industry has been concerned, he has been a very reliable vote for Obama and the liberal Democrats. He distanced himself from Obama when he ran for the Senate.

The only reason that Manchin is not going to the convention is that Obama's poll numbers have dropped sharply and 41 percent of West Virginians voted for a felon over Obama in the Democratic primary. Manchin is a political opportunist taking advantage of an opportunity at some free, favorable publicity.

When he runs for reelection, you can bet that Manchin will run as a conservative Democrat again and divert attention from his liberal voting record by emphasizing irrelevant things like refusing to attend the convention. He is not fooling me, but unfortunately he will probably fool enough West Virginians to win a second term. It is a shame, because Manchin seems to be a personable guy who could do some good if he really stood on principle as often as he claims to stand on principle.
^Didn't know it was all an act. I've been hearing he is pro-life and doesn't support ObamaCare.
'Rats jumping off of a sinking ship are still 'Rats.

The West Virginians who have no plans to go the the DNC Convention are just the canaries in the coal mine. Democrats will be fleeing Obama's shadow in droves. The latest ones are Pennsylvania's Rep. Mark Critz and Rep. Jim Matheson of Utah. Obama is going down hard in November and he will be dragging down a large number of incumbent Democrats with him.
Old School Wrote:It seems that Manchin, Tomblin and Rahall can't get far enough away from ole Barry.:Clap:

if they really don't believe in their national leaders, they need to change parties. the democrats are going to keep voting and supporting the national democrat party and the united mine workers will still give money To obama. just seems stupid to me. THEY GOT NO BALLS
the other guy Wrote:if they really don't believe in their national leaders, they need to change parties. the democrats are going to keep voting and supporting the national democrat party and the united mine workers will still give money To obama. just seems stupid to me. THEY GOT NO BALLS

Obama lost Wva. which is heavily democratic, back in 2008 he campaigned against coal and McCain won by a large margin. Then back in May a convicted felon won 40% of the vote in the democratic pesidental primary election.

Tomblin won the last governors race by 7,000 votes, and since Obama is not well liked in Wva., I think Tomblin is doing the right thing by avoiding any association with Obama. Manchin also avoided association with Obama in his last election for the senate, as for Rahall well he is just another politican that walks a thin line and will do/say whatever is best for him.
Old School Wrote:Obama lost Wva. which is heavily democratic, back in 2008 he campaigned against coal and McCain won by a large margin. Then back in May a convicted felon won 40% of the vote in the democratic pesidental primary election.

Tomblin won the last governors race by 7,000 votes, and since Obama is not well liked in Wva., I think Tomblin is doing the right thing by avoiding any association with Obama. Manchin also avoided association with Obama in his last election for the senate, as for Rahall well he is just another politican that walks a thin line and will do/say whatever is best for him.

As long as remains democratic they will continue to elect people like rockefeller. It's just like the local politicians here in Floyd co in 2008 they ran a full page ad in the local paper. support the democrat ticket vote straight democrat.[B] now Greg stumbo sends out a letter wanting people to show support coal by attending these EPA meetings. Well the local democrats asked for Obama now he theirs.[/B]
The Democratic convention would be a good time for Duke Power to make their switch from coal to solar or wind or which ever green energy Obama is backing that month.

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