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Supreme Court upholds Obama's Healthcare plan
Bob Seger Wrote:TRT, I hate to say it, but I am a firm believer that no human is not above being bought and paid for, regardless of whatever status they may attain. There is an endless array of how it can be obtained. Blackmail, promised positions to kin, retaliation to kin, financial, etc., etc., etc. The possibilities could just go on and on forever. Sometimes there is just no other reasonable explanation for unexplainable actions. In the case of the most recent appointees, payback is an obvious rationale. As for others, the imagination can only run wild.

I considered that possibility as I was trying to wrap my head around Roberts chinless betrayal of himself as a man and champion of the truth. He basically handed the football back to the QB. Right now those on Capital Hill are waiting to see how America reacts this fall. If we see the sweeping rejection of liberalism we saw in the elections of 2010. I believe politicians will finally be convinced as to the true beliefs of mainstream America.

Unfortunately, politicians are not a particularly grounded lot. They are barometers of public opinion rather than leaders of integrity and moral conviction. There are a few notable exceptions, such as Allen West, Eric Cantor and Paul Ryan. It's a shame because public opinion is often swayed by what they see on the news, and we all know the media are suffering from dellusions of grandeur and are on a mission to save mankind. Therefore, only those that test what they hear are not maunipulated into a political clique by what they hear.

The intended function of the Supreme Court as a co-equally powerful branch of government, depends on the personal integrity of the justices. If they are politically motivated they should be unfit to serve. If that were true in this case we wouldn't have had the highest judge among men show cowardice in the face of valor. Our politicians have perpetrated this miscarriage of justice on us all, by trying to manipulate decisions of the high court by seeding it with their own political philosophical soul mates. The law is not political. It is intended to remain pure and seperated from political considerations. Otherwise, the law will mutate into an extension of the demcratic or the republican political party. In this way, if we allow it, liberalism could control the direction of this nation irrespective of the law.

In the same way the race card causes men to shrink back with their tail between their legs anytime it is played, the absurd fancies of social justice will stalk the political landscape of this nation like the grim reaper. Man will at last have surrendered himself on the altar of Baal, worshipping the created (man) rather than the Creator. America will lose her resolve to remain the world leader she is called to be. Favoring a ludacris faith in the 'brotherhood of man' to rise above his bent for personal destruction by his own self generated renaissance, ala Émile Coué de la Châtaigneraie. A turn of the century French psychologist and pharmacist who introduced a popular method of psychotherapy and self-improvement based on optimistic autosuggestion. You know, the once popular saying and now go-to operative of the extreme leftist, "Every day, in every way, I'm getting better and better"

In the mind of the liberal zealot. It is encumbered on the federal govenment of the United States to deliver Americans from every possible inconvenience, life may lay at one's doorstep. If one chooses not to work, the government promises the option of "retirement at the moment of birth". As is seen regularly these days, some folks get 'cradle to grave' entitlements. And, even then, one must point out that taxpayers actually pay for their entrance into this world at the hospital of birth, and interment upon death. Thereby reducing the noble visions of self government by the founding fathers of our free republic, and our representative form of governance, to a kind of universal insurance agency or policy, which guarantees citizens equality of results, in lieu of equality of opportunity.

Plutarch warned, “The real destroyer of the liberties of the people is he who spreads among them bounties, donations, and benefits.”
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Supreme Court upholds Obama's Healthcare plan - by TheRealThing - 06-29-2012, 01:33 PM

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