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Supreme Court upholds Obama's Healthcare plan
zaga_fan Wrote:Everyone isn't required to have auto-insurance...
only people that drive.

There are a lot of benefits to this...
but the fact that everyone has to have it is ridiculous.

Having to buy insurance to drive is one thing.
Having to buy insurance because you are alive is completely different.

It gets worse. The same people who didn't buy insurance will still not be buying insurance. The only difference will be that they will now have the benefit of state and or federally funded health services which, when compared with folks that are deemed 'rich' enough to pay for their own health insurance and services, will be more than a match. One must keep the tenets of social justice in mind when trying to get to the real truth in these matters. All ObamaCare accomplished is to get creative financing for the poor to have health services which by definition will rival the so-called cadillac policies such as BlueCross/BlueShield. A sort of homogenizing of medial care from top to bottom. Unless one is truly rich and can afford the best health care, from here on out you can kiss off such notions as having your own doctor. It will be very similar to going to the Center for Pro Bono, to get legal help. Maybe you'll get good advice and maybe not. One way or another, they will no longer be working for you. It will be more like dealing with some government worker and trying to get a social security number or paying your taxes.

So, the real truth here as it seems to me is that everybody, whether you actually pay an insurance premium or not, will go to cattlecall when you get sick. Not much different than the ER is now, only from now on, not only will your health care providers be medical folks, their boss will be Uncle Sam, can you spell s-l-o-w? The divide this creates between the middle class and the rich, which Obama professes to want to bring down, will be vast. Top flight health care for the rich, cattlecall for anyone depending on, or having to go through the health insurance system. It will be a nightmare on EVERY street, not just Elm.

Maybe there are some things that need to be addressed in the health industry. At least chaos is not one our problems, yet. The only way to stave off the breakdown of the world's premier medical system is to vote out Obama.
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Supreme Court upholds Obama's Healthcare plan - by TheRealThing - 06-29-2012, 09:38 PM

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